Prank War!

by Ashfur

Not so new in town

Nick, or as he was calling himself for now, Nickel Ingot, was having one of the worst mornings he'd had in ages.  These four hooves were hard to control even with a decent amount of muscle memory built in, so he had to very carefully judge each step he took lest he collapse, fall over, or crash into something.

Still, he perserved, slowly but surely judging each step he took as to not humiliate himself via faceplant in the hallway.  He had to admit this new body came with a fair amount of built-in muscle, clearly designed for taking a beating and moving heavy loads, so it might have been for the best that he had that to back him up if he fell.

That was, at least, until he pushed open the door leading from the royal guest wing to the main hallway that led to the dining hall.  Several guardsmares were staring right at him.

Oh, crud!  He thought to himself.  They are probably gonna ask for identification, and I don't have any!  He froze up for a moment, but then decided to just keep going.  With what he thought were shaky, uncoordinated steps, he walked towards the dining hall.  Maybe Celestia already told them what to expect?  None of them are reacting, so-

“Hello sir, how may I help you?”


Nick responded before he could think, months of dealing with new guards thinking he was lost taking control.  “It's quite alright, miss. I know where I am going,” he replied. Sweet nibletts, was that my voice?  Why is it so deep? Quick, act natural, Nick!  “Thank you, though.  The work you all do for the good of Equestria deserves more appreciation than you get.”  He kept walking, step after careful step, praying that nopony would call him out. Thankfully, none did, and he let out a sigh as as he returned to a slightly faster, yet more sloppy, way of trotting along.

It was a little while before Nick reached the dining hall, having learned a bit more about how to pony correctly on the way.  He had managed go keep his light trot going while becoming far more graceful in his strides. Still, he slowed down as he approached the great door that lead to his precious morning nom noms, he hesitated.  What could possibly await him on the other side of the door?

Nick pushed the door open, and was greeted by the wonderful sounds and smells of the royal dining hall.  Various species of creatures in uniforms of different castle staff positions chowed down on their meals with gusto, but one by one a few ponies stared at him as he cantered over to a chair and sat down.

“Sir, do you need anything?”  One of the maids asked as she walked over.

Ah, crud!  I can't ask for the food I normally get!  I have to make an excuse!  Nick allowed himself a moment to breathe, then replied.  “As much as I would love some food, take your time. I know you're busy, and I don't want to overwork you.”

“Oh, it's no problem, sir.  What can I get you?”

Dang it!  Now I have to think of something.  What do horses eat? “Just some oatmeal, maybe an apple.  And some tea, too. And please, call me Nick...el.  Nickel Ingot. There's no need for formalities.”

“Oh!  O-of course, Nickel.  My apologies.”

Nick let out a sigh of relief as the maid trotted away.  He hated oatmeal, but it was the first thing that came to mind, so he had to take it.  When his food was brought to him, he begrudgingly took up his spoon and had a bite, actually finding that his transformation had altered his tastes.  It was a phenomenal sensation, and he took his time savoring every bite.

“Good morning, peasants!  Where is my breakfast?” Blueblood demanded, trotting over to the table Nickel was at and sat next to him.  “Just look at this terrible service, am I right?” He asked Nickel. “Nobility such as us shouldn't have to be kept waiting.  I'm surprised Auntie Celestia hasn't fired every last one of them.”

Nickel stared slack-jawed at Blueblood.  Wow, what a jerk!  And I thought being in the receiving end of his rants was bad.  Maybe I can use this to teach him some manners, though. “You dorealize you came in unannounced, right?  Nopony could cook that fast, not even you.”

“Hmph!  You're just as annoying as that pesky ape that roams around this castle,” he replied.  “Fine, I'll make you a bet! I'll go make my own breakfast, and if I can't have it done in the five minutes I expect my incompetent staff to have it done by, which I certainly will, I'll give you some of my stocks in a few wealthy businesses!”

“Hm… deal.”

Blueblood nodded and stormed off into the kitchens.  Nick sat and finished off his breakfast, waiting. Five minute passed, then ten, then twenty…

And then Blueblood stomped back out of the kitchen, which was currently on fire, summoned a few papers of stock ownership in his magic, and indignantly tossed them to Nick before trotting off.  Nick spent the next hour helping clean up, until he got called to meet with the sisters…

“And that's been my day so far.  At least I got these,” Nick concluded, holding out the aforementioned stock papers to Celestia.  “Think you can lend me a ha-hoof with these?”

“Certainly, my little pony.”

“Don't you start, too.”