My Little Punnies

by AstralMouse

28. Animal cleaner

The Manehattan veterinary hospital was the largest in all of Equestria. One pony, a particularly cowardly sort named Bright Hide, worked in the ward that specialized in cleaning animals. They had large stables, pens, and plenty of hoses, washcloths, and soap. The wards were kept separate and were named after different animal sounds. For some reason, his was named after a crow's caw. Animals who did not need immediate care in the Meow Ward would often come to his ward for general bathing or scrubbing before being sent to the kennel or stable where they would be staying.

One crazy day, they had a dairy farmer bring in over a hundred cows from his farm for vaccinations and general checkups. Of course this meant Bright Hide had to clean all of them. They arrived covered head to tail in grime and mud, as if they had all rolled around in a rain-soaked field of mud. And to make matters more difficult, the bovines were all scared, as if they rarely interacted with ponies. Most of them tried to hide in a corner of the stall as he cleaned them.

It wasn't pretty, and it was one of the most demanding days he had ever had while working there, but he had a job to do.

Caw Ward's coward scoured cowered cow herds.