//------------------------------// // The new group // Story: The Conversion Bureau: Fleeing the unknown // by The Psychopath //------------------------------// The road was quite bumpy, a bit normal seeing where the jeep was. There were still no roads, and the bumpy rocks on the path didn't help at all with the waiting. All was silent in the vehicle. The wounded unicorn was starting to calm down, while the weakened and brutalized mare remained on her seat, eyes directed towards the floor. Heart and Chocolate remained next to them, but they said nothing. As Gill turned around to see this sad little picture, he turned to face Jonathan, who still had a very serious face. The man thought a bit, before opening a conversation. "Jonathan, what drove you to work for the HLF?" "HLF?" "Isn't the group you were with called the HLF?" "No. Not anymore atleast. We WERE another portion of the organization, but everybody, especially Snowman, started to get pissed by the actions of the PER, and the lack of action against them. So called: 'We can't attack because they'll ponify us.' and so forth." "Then what did you do?" "We became active. Those who were ponified were killed by the others, while the rest of the PER were either killed or captured for torture and interrogation. In the end, we took the name of 'Green Eskimos' seeing as our leader was already called 'Snowman'. We intercepted everything the PER used, but Snowman started to go nuts. He only trusted humans, so he started to kidnap every single pony thinking they were part of that terrorist organization. I tried my best to stop him, but it was too late. When I tried to bandage one victim that the members captured, I was imprisoned. I only joined because I wanted to counter everything that the other organization had planned. Forcing a choice upon someone is wrong. Especially one they can't return from. However, now that you exist, we can create a new organization, one that will hold both ponies and humans, as well as ponification and anti-ponification potion." "What? But how can we even create such a thing?" Heart cried out. "Oh...I have an idea. The stasis chamber still has the necessary equipment for basic serum creation, so we'll be able to create the stuff there, and begin anew. We must first get these two to the hospital." Chocolate proposed. "No. I'm fine. I'm just...weakened is all." the brown mare swiftly replied. "Hmph. My cooking will help you with that." Jonathan laughed. "What do you mean?" "I have my recipes." "Heheh...heh..." The mare started to tremble as she grabbed her head. "N...no...It's happening again...I MUST KILL THE HUMANS FOR PRINCESS CELESTIA!" "WHAT?!" Gill and Jonathan both yelled. The mare jumped on Jonathan and started to try and strangle him. Naturally, she was too weak and tiny compared to the Native-American to manage to do anything but keep him from controlling the jeep properly. Both Gill and Heart jumped on her and tried to pull her down, but it didn't work. The vehicle narrowly missed a steep cliff. That was when the giant got mad and grabbed the mare, only to lock her between his legs while driving. Her struggling soon came to a halt as crying replaced the potion's mind-control. "It's okay. It's not your fault. We'll be at the hospital soon, then Gill can drive us to this facility." The mare nodded with a sniff. It barely took fifteen minutes to reach the city and get to the hospital, where the green unicorn was dropped off by Gill, who immediately ran back into the jeep to take off for the facility. Said place was no longer inhabited by the PER. On the contrary. That place was abandoned, and, somehow, the corpses were gone. Either way, the mare started to go nuts again, so Jonathan grabbed her and held her upside down until they reached th room. Despite his wounds, Chocolate found the equipment and reactivated them. The AI kept taking small samples from Gill, who was getting fedup with the surprise attacks. Heart didn't have much to do, besides holding the crazed mare down. Several hours had passed, and several antidotes were tried. None worked, and she was seeping deeper into a horrid rush of control and subserviance. Jonathan was getting tired of this, and, if a solution wasn't found soon, he would have to do what he did to the pegasus in the base. Yet, Chocolate came with a potion that alternated from red to blue and vice-versa. He injected it into the brown mare, who started to calm down and fall asleep. Little by little, she became a human again. The men didn't pay attention, but when Heart pointed it out, they were staring at a naked woman, and they averted their gazes before becoming red. Chocolate walked by and went to a nearby locker. The uniform in it was orange, and probably wasn't the cleanest thing around, but atleast it would provide a basic covering. The AI extended one of its arms to grab the woman and place her on a desk, where it assisted the unconcious woman with her dressing. Gill started to think about something. "Well...while you do this, I'm gonna have a look around. Let's see if I can find what I'm expecting to see." he said bizarrely. The others shrugged it off, so Gill was free to go. He was surprised at how fast the antidote was made, and how many versions were cranked out too. As Gill walked down the stairs, he was reminded of that damned spot he met those ponies for the first time. Standing and staring at these toppled tables and broken radios, the man spotted a door right behind everything and moved the damaged junk to the side. He attempted to pull the door open, but it didn't work. "Now how am I supposed to tear this down? Hmmm...a grenade? Muahahaha!" Gill thought to himself as he found an abandoned grenade on the floor. The idiot gathered up the junk and fashioned himself a little barrier with pieces of couches and tables. He unpinned the grenade and yelled "GRENADA!" before tossing the explosive ball and covering his ears. A loud explosion followed by the man being crouched by his falling barricade shook the damaged facility, making dust and small bits of rubble fall down. As the man struggled to climb out of his newfound prison, he stared in awe at the contents within the room right in front of him. "Gill, what the hell are you doing!" Jonathan yelled. "Look." "Look at wh...What are we going to do with this?" "You'll see." Gill said from underneath the broken couch. Three months later Today, Snowman had finally destroyed a base of operations of the PER, and he was celebrating with the others. After all, they were outnumbered three-to-one. As everybody hit glasses of champagne together, and boasted about their exploits, the T.V.s all around their own base started to flicker, and, finally, the face of a smiling Jonathan appeared on T.V. . He had both ponies and humans next to him, with Gill standing next to him. They were all in a gray room. "What the hell is that?" one of the soldiers asked out loud. Jonathan began to speak. "Do not be afraid. We aren't here to threaten anybody...or anypony. We have an antidote to the ponification potion, and those who have succumbed to the forced curse of becoming a pony, enforced upon them by the PER, are welcome to come to where we are. The address is just below. For those who WANT to become ponies, this shall be your blessing, as we also have vast supplies of ponification potions. This facility is for all. Those who wish to stay human, and those who wish to become pony. We have perfected the ponification antidote, and it is now perfect. The H.P.A. (Human Pony Alliance) is here for all! We may not have the most original of names, but our purpose is sincere. We are also the enemies of the PER, and the Green Eskimos, who have been terrorizing both humans and ponies for far too long. We will aid those who wish to preserve their humanity, and that includes members of the HLF, so, unless you threaten us, you have nothing to fear. Our facility also comes equipped with basic health equipment, so you can bring your wounded for a temporary but effective treatment before taking them to a proper healthcare. But, who are we to thank for this antidote?" Jonathan stood up and started walking towards Gill. "Is it technology? Is it nature? Well, the answer is 'Yes' to both questions. Thanks to an unforseen incident, our friend here, has the genetic template allowing him to help us produce the antidotes. So, when you come here, thank him, because if he didn't receive that incident, humanity would have become extinct. Ah! Yes. I had forgotten to announce to all. The PER had created an enslavement potion. One of our members, who shall remain anonymous, was the subject of its testing. She was captured by the Green Eskimos and mistreated. Malnourishment, and frequent beatings whenever someone would go to her cell. She would frequently go into a rampage that forced her to kill humans for Celestia. Do we want this?" "NO!" every member in the chamber yelled. "We won't stand this. Also, we know that those groups are targeting us now, so we invite you with open arms. Attack us, and you're attacking the people. We fight, as the people. Ponies and humans have no need to hate eachother, as both sides have ups and downs. Such is what is taught by my people. Light cannot exist without dark, but groups of darkness can overwhelm small pockets of light. We are the amalgation of light, and, therefore, we shall protect the smaller pockets. Have a good day." The T.V.s went back to normal, showing the reporters trying to assess the situation. Snowman was furious, as shown by the hole he managed to create in the cement pillar. "What are we going to do now, Big Boss?" one of the troops asked as he turned towards Snowman. "We prepare to kill them all and take the potion. NO FRATERNIZING WITH THE PONIES!" "NO CORRUPTION!" I ended this in a cliff-hanger so that you readers could imagine the next part yourselves. Use Gill and his new group however you want if you ever make another story. You want him as a tyrant? No problem! You want him and the group to triumh over the PER? No problem! You want the new group to be destroyed? Still no problem. They are there to let your imagination run wild.