//------------------------------// // Prologue: Broken // Story: Into The Heart of Darkness // by Milliardo5 //------------------------------// She had stayed there for hours. Bitter. Humiliated. Defeated. She didn’t know how Sunset Shimmer could have evaded her, though not that it mattered now. She had been agonizing about the defeat, more so than during the Battle of the Bands. Back then even with their pendants shattered, at least they had something to fall back on—they can still rely on physical attacks. But faced with someone superior, she crumbled. She didn’t know where her companions went off to. Not that she cared anymore. Whether with them or alone, she knew what she had to do, and that was to get even. At all cost. No matter the price she had to pay. She knew that she had to do it. She got up. After hours of being there, she had lost track of time. She knew it’s useless to go on being holed up to where she was now. She had to go somewhere else, some place perhaps far. She went out. It was still dark. Perhaps it was apt, as she knew that what she would do would plunge her. To where, she didn’t know yet. But she will get there, one way or the other. She ran fast, not knowing where to go, nor does she care where it leads her. All she knew was that she had to take action, whatever action. Even if it meant totally dropping into the darkness, much deeper than she was in now. She savored that moment, that time when she falls completely into it. And she thought of getting even on the person who humiliated her. In front of her friends and even those she considered her enemies. It would be a glorious fall, that much she knew. So much that when she rises from it, she would be different. Much different than she was now. Nothing else filled her mind now than revenge. It consumed her, making her delirious. It was a heady feeling for her. It was something that she never felt before, and it was calling out to her, as if inviting her. She followed that call, not heeding where it was taking her. It didn’t matter to her anymore. Not the Rainbooms. Not the Dazzlings. No one but herself. Herself, and that need for revenge. She knew that she will have it, one way or the other. As she made her way across the city, she chuckled to herself. It would be sweet revenge, that much she swore. She kept on going until she stumbled upon a house. She didn’t know what made her go there, but she didn’t take the time to wonder anymore. The house looked foreboding and inviting at the same time. Letting herself into the gate, she crept about. It was a dark night, which matched what she felt then. She hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door. For what seemed like an eternity she waited, until a rather old man opened the door. For a moment they looked at each other, then without a word the man let her in. It might be a new life for her, but she knew that her life wouldn’t be complete until she had exacted her revenge. It was all she could do at that moment. The man led her to a room, and as he left her, she began to indulge once again on her dark fantasies. It was the only thing driving her forward after that loss. The only thing that’s keeping her sane, or what she thought passed for sanity. It was a darkness, something as dark as the night that embraced her earlier. Or perhaps something even darker. All she knew was that she should welcome it. It was a fall like no other that she experienced before, and she delighted in that. She vowed to never go back from where she came from again. Not from her former world, not from the school where she went to. It would be her own life now, not anymore relying on anyone. Or at least almost anyone. The old man might be her ticket, at least for awhile. This was the state that she was in now. Fallen. Bitter. Yet ready to take on the world, and show it what she could do. Maybe it was fate that drew her to the house. . She let out a laugh, one that she had not heard of before. It doesn’t seem like her, yet at the same time sounded so much like her. She had to reflect on that, as she began to grow weary and then sinking into the bed. Her dreams were as dark as her thoughts were, and she relished in them. She knew that she will have her day, and all those who are in her way will pay. They were dreams of revenge, and of triumph over those who humiliated her. There were no celebrations though, no cheering from people. She just could see herself, a dark shadow, over those that she vanquished. In her dreams he triumphed; now she wanted to make that a reality. And so the dark night went on, as she went over those dreams each time. This time she will not hold back, and no one would hold her back. It would be her own hand, her own dark fate. As the night fell away, daylight came into the house. However, inside it was still dark, especially in the room she was in. It was as if a pall had fallen over it, covering the room with a heavy blanket of darkness. It was perfect for her, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. Her mind, her very core was now consumed by the darkness. She didn’t shrink from it, but instead let it even go into her even more. It was like a friend to her, and she knew that she wouldn’t resist it. It was giving her the power that she needed. Daylight was there, but the darkness that she was in was even more prevalent now, more so than ever before.