Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

A Manic Monday Pt3

Fluttershy woke up cuddled against Bridget. It wasn't the first time she'd woken up that way, of course, but it was the first time she did it naked in someone else's house. Her first reaction was to panic. This wasn't like her. This isn't like me, Fluttershy thought, No. This isn't like sober me.

The memories came back, and all of them were pleasant. Thunderbolt had never done a single untoward thing to her, not when Fluttershy could remember how obliging and demanding Tree had been of his time.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy also remembered what she was meant to be doing today, moving. "B-B-Bridget? W-We need to move."

The previous night hadn't missed its mark with the (mostly) timber wolf. She opened her eyes and looked at Fluttershy, then leaned onto her a little more. A lick along Fluttershy's blushing cheek was just a bonus.

"We have to meet up with Sunset and Pinkie for lunch and it—" Squirming and struggling, Fluttershy couldn't get out from under Bridget. She looked around the room and spotted a clock on the wall. There was only an hour hand on it, and times weren't actually marked, but she could see it was pointed to what would have been 9. "Oh."

Sitting up—her rump still firmly planted on Fluttershy's legs—Bridget let out a happy growl and leaned forward to lick Fluttershy from her crotch all the way to her chin. When Fluttershy tried to squirm free even more, Bridget licked her again.

"Bridget!" Fluttershy's cry was half protest half arousal. She squirmed more at the third lick, then slumped at the fourth and just let the wolfess have her way. "You're terrible. You know that, right?"

"You, like, want some breakfast? I have this amazing cheese that I—"

In her panic at hearing another person, Fluttershy almost managed to break free. She squealed, but was relieved when Bridget stretched forward and laid down to preserve Fluttershy's modesty. "S-Sorry. Um. Where's my clothes?"

Tree Hugger let out a little sigh. "Your clothes are over on the couch. If you want a robe, I think I have one by the door. But, if you want some toasted special cheese sandwiches, I've got a pile of them started."

The smell coming from the kitchen wafted to Fluttershy—and Bridget too thanks to her proximity. "Th-That does smell really good." She looked to the door and then to the couch and tried to judge distances. "Bridget, can you let me up so we can have breakfa—" When Bridget got up suddenly, Fluttershy rushed to the door to grab and pull on a robe. "Thank you, Bridget."

The robe, when Fluttershy pulled it on, made it around her hips but kept falling open at her chest. Trying three times to pull her robe closed, Fluttershy realized she was defeated by her own bust and just walked into the kitchen with the robe parted down the front.

"Morning," Thunderbolt said, his eyes tracing Fluttershy's form. "You look amazing in that."

The complement was more for what wasn't wearing the robe than what was—Fluttershy knew—but she couldn't stop the little thrill at getting a compliment first thing in the morning. Before makeup, before styling, before even finding her clothes, and she was told she looked good.

Looking back at Thunderbolt, Fluttershy realized that while he didn't wear a stitch of clothing, he wasn't indecent. Only after looking at him for nearly a minute did she realize she was looking at him. "Th-Thanks. Sorry."

"Do you want special cheese, or regular?" Tree Hugger was happy enough to look at her friend in the eyes—the naked body wasn't a sexual object to her outside of sexual situations.

Fluttershy pulled her eyes away from Thunderbolt. "R-R-Reg—" She stopped for a moment. "What's special about the special one?"

Thunderbolt put a slice of the treat in his mouth. He hadn't even thought about the question—special was always better.

"I make the special cheese myself." Tree Hugger turned to her stove and opened the door on the firebox. She tossed another piece of wood in and closed it again.

Fluttershy brightened at the answer. "I'll try it then, but I didn't know you had any livestock. What kind of milk is it?"

Tree Hugger's eyes danced as she turned—naked—and tilted her head down a little. "Like I said. I make it myself."

Trapped in a situation she practically roped herself into, Fluttershy felt all the usual anxiety of walking the line between the normal world and Tree Hugger's combine into something that almost had her hyperventilating.

"Whoa, calm your chakra. You didn't know that, Flutters, just chill. I'm not going to make you eat it." It wasn't hard for Tree to see that her uptight friend was having a panic attack. "Bridget? Can you, like, help here?"

Rushing into the kitchen area, Bridget shoved her head against Fluttershy's hip and under one of the girl's hands. The wolfess knew all too well how Fluttershy could get when anxiety pressed in, so she pushed back with the only thing she had.

Gasping as her anxiety and fear were plunged into the cool waters of wolfish instinct, Fluttershy clenched her hand into Bridget's neck and let out a low, happy growl.

"That is gnarly how she does that. Did you see Fluttershy's chakra just light up?" Turning to Thunderbolt, Tree managed to keep one eye on her other friend.

Thunderbolt nodded then shook his head. "I have no clue about chakra, but she just went from smelling like prey to being more predator than I want to deal with. Can you give her some toast so she doesn't take my arm off?"

The world wasn't a fearful place anymore. Fluttershy's nose worked, and her ears twitched around to follow sounds. Smelling food was the big thing affecting her head, and she leaned toward Tree.

"Like, you're hungry? I've only got—" Tree didn't get any further. Fluttershy reached out a hand and snatched the piece of toast from her plate. While Fluttershy devoured the hot cheese and bread, Tree Hugger reached a hand up to Fluttershy's head and rubbed at it. It wasn't something she did from instinctively dealing with animals, but a gut feeling about what Fluttershy needed.

The touch to her head was startling at first, but when Fluttershy realized it was by the one that gave her food, she relaxed. And relaxed. And relaxed. The hand found one of her ears and a smile creased Fluttershy's lips. "A little to the left."

"You're back with us?" Thunderbolt asked.

Fluttershy finished the last of the grilled cheese and nodded. "Y-Yeah. What happened?"

Tree looked from her plate to Fluttershy's empty hand. "You, like, had a panic attack. Bridget handled it in a most excellent way." While she spoke, Tree Hugger wondered if she was going to have to explain the missing sandwich.

"I ate that—That was your—It tasted pretty good." Fluttershy's voice broke with each new realization, betraying her mental processes. She looked at her hand while Tree kept rubbing one of her ears.

Thunderbolt had glanced from Fluttershy to Bridget. The wolfess was something wild. He nodded slowly, able to give ground on what he assumed were the stakes in the contest of wills—Fluttershy. "She's all yours," he said at last.

Bridget nodded slowly, the wood that had taken over most of her body creaking a little at the movement. She had come to an understanding with Thunderbolt, and it was a relief to her that she didn't have to fight another big predator. Tilting her head up, she nuzzled under Fluttershy's robe to nose at one of her breasts.

The urge to make like Bridget and prove his claim on Tree Hugger was easily shoved to the side. Thunderbolt had learned quickly that she was her own beast and their time together was a mutual decision. Still wanting to show some measure of his feelings, however, he reached into the hot fry-pan and lifted out the two grilled sandwiches within. "These are both specials?"

As close as Tree got to alarm, she quickly realized the heat of the fry-pan didn't affect him at all. "Yeah. They're too hot for anyone but you. When she leaned over and kissed Thunderbolt's cheek in a sign of thanks, she heard him rumble appreciatively. Tree Hugger had been worried about Thunderbolt's motives and flexibility, but he proved to be a most excellent friend. "Righteous, man. You want one of these, Fluttershy?"

"Y-Yes please." Fluttershy was now almost as intrigued as she was hungry. The cheese had tasted really good, but the obvious source of the milk was what had her attention. "Do you—How do you—What do—"

"How did I start the righteous flow? He was cute, shorter than Thunderbolt, and he loved breasts. He loved all breasts, but I think him coming to sell me something got his attention. He looked at me and—like—I could see his chakra were clogged. He needed something.

"The guy didn't even like sex. He would drop by twice a day just to nuzzle and suck at my breasts. It was a righteous infusion of positive karma to help him cleanse like that. It took three weeks before I started to leak. Now? Now I just use a little pump thing twice a day."

Fluttershy was in awe. "You started lactating just from having—letting—someone do that?"

Tree Hugger nodded. "At first. Then I wanted to see how much I could get, so I got a cutting of fenugreek and—" She cut short her explanation when Fluttershy looked confused.

Blinking in surprise at the new word, Fluttershy tried to remember where she'd heard it from.

"It's a totally natural way to increase milk supply. Like, totally ancient." Tree Hugger quite liked the side benefit of the process—her modest breasts were always plump now, if a little more pendulous. "It works."

"What's it taste like?" The words were out of Fluttershy's mouth before she could stop them. Her eyes widened and she quickly lifted both hands to her mouth to cover it—stop it from saying anything else.

Tree didn't have much in the way of modern tech. She had the TV, a computer, and she had a refrigerator. Stepping over to the largest of her solar/battery driven devices, Tree Hugger opened the door and lifted out a small jug of milk. "Grab a cup, man."

Thunderbolt and Fluttershy both reached for the few glasses that were on Tree's cooking bench. Both looked into the other's eyes and blushed.

"I wanna taste too." Thunderbolt hadn't been the intended recipient of the offer, but when he looked at Tree and saw her ever-present smile, he relaxed. "That's okay?"

"Totally. Here you go." Tree poured a quarter cup of milk for each of her guests. "It's good stuff. I keep to a completely natural diet, like, I even ask the plants if it's okay to eat them."

Looking down into her glass, Fluttershy was surprised at how much like milk it looked. Cow's milk, she corrected in her head. The distinction was stupid, or so she wanted to tell herself and believe. Lifting the glass, she drank the milk.

The taste was almost identical to cow's milk. Fluttershy was surprised by an additional sweetness to the milk. She tipped her glass up and drank the rest.

"It's good, right? Like, you add some to your tea and it's already sweetened." Tree put the jug back in the fridge and turned her attention to Thunderbolt. "What're you waiting for, man?"

Thunderbolt shrugged and tipped back his own glass. As a canine he'd not been lucky enough (or unlucky enough) to have milk since his days as a puppy, but this was nothing like that. He made a happy rumble in his throat at how good the milk tasted.

"Now it's my turn to try something new," Tree Hugger said and walked to the center of the room.

Closing her eyes, standing skyclad in the middle of her home, Tree Hugger reached within herself. She found her chakra, one at a time, and remembered the fire that had ignited them when she was surfing Mary Jane's wave.

A smile creased Tree's lips as she thought of all the wonderful things that had happened to her lately, but she focused on what Thunderbolt's fire had done to her.

Fluttershy had been involved in a few of Tree's little rituals. Nothing had ever come of them before except an even more blissed-out than usual hippy, but this was different. She watched as Tree's ears glowed and slid up to the top of her head, and the meditating woman's hair grew even longer than usual—though it was still constrained by dreadlocks.

It was a mix of absolute peace and burning conflict that filled Tree. It was life. She well knew that everything about life was a volatile struggle, but now that struggle was the center of her spiritual self too. "Wicked."

More light flickered around Tree Hugger. Fluttershy watched as a curved and forked horn sprouted from Tree's head and a long tail grew from her rear. With Tree Hugger standing naked, there was nothing to hide the strip of scales that grew down her back to the long, leonine tail.

"Most excellent. How do I look?" Tree didn't need to ask. She could see Fluttershy's amazed expression and Thunderbolt's aroused one. She liked both.



Fluttershy and Thunderbolt broke from their spells and looked at each other, then laughed.