The Dishonored: Rise of an Emperor

by Deathwatch 456

A Father's Wrath

When John existed the portal he found himself...somewhere. He could see a horizon, but he stood on nothing. Like an invisible platform or something. Although this place looks a little familiar.

After a few seconds John saw someone drop down from….somewhere. A tall reddish man, spikey white hair, glowing white eyes, and six Huge arms that looked like they were made of metal. He looked around before seeing John, and got very angry. Probably thought he was an enemy.

The man charged at John with incredible speeds that John could barely follow. Luckily John had put up a shield a second before the man moved. Although the man basically tore right through it and slammed a fist into John's face. Which hurt a lot! John was sent flying and rolled a few times. When John was able to correct himself he saw the man close and about to punch again. Only with the three fist on his left this time.

“Wait wait wait!?” John shouted. “I'm not your enemy! I don't even know where I am?!”

The man stopped before looked at John. “Who are you?” Dang. He could feel the anger in his voice!

“My name is John. John Corvo. I'm here looking for someone. Who are you?” John asked

The man lowered his fist before saying. “Asura. I'm here for my daughter, and to destroy the bastard that took her!”

“I'll help if I can. I'm on your side. So who took her?” John asked.

A pillar of light appeared in the distance as if to answer John. A tall multi armed man that looked like a religious God from John's home. He couldn't remember the religion or name though. “Well done Destructor. You have exceeded my expectations. I praise you.” He said before floating over to Asura. His power...was incredible. “You are indeed he one to inherit this world. Gaea...must be led by one of its own.” He said gesturing towards Asura. Ok so he is apparently the manipulative type for his own goals. “Now that you have become a perfect being. I may now leave this world, and save others in need of my guidance.” Ok so a god that's completely full of himself thinking others can't survive with his guidance. And a strong one at that.

He held out of one of his hands as a golden orb appears and floats towards Asura. “Come...and join your daughter. “

A girl in strange robes, probably royalty or something, appears from the orb. She looks around and see Asura and smiles. “Father!” She rushes towards him and hugs him. With him hugging back. The god looks and John and raises an eyebrow. “And what have we here? A resident of the Void, and a heir at that. This is a surprise, but not one to worry about.” Was he calling John weak? He was wasn't he. “You don't possess the power to currently threaten a being such as I.”

He looks towards Asura and his daughter before kneeling down and holding out a hand. “I, Chakravartin, am counting on you. Redeemer.”

Asura looked at him with at him with an angry look. He then looked at his daughter who smiled at him. He looked back at Chakravartin less angry then before. Then..Asura smiled at him. Was...he actually going to-

Asura suddenly slugged Chakravartin in the face with his upper left arm with a pissed off look. “I refuse!”

Chakravartin stumbled back a few feet before kneeling down while holding his jaw. “How dare you defy me!”

John smirked at this. It's nice to see arrogant gods get knocked down a peg or two.

Asura then held a fist at him. “I will destroy you and your so-called world!”

“That is unlikely!”

“Father!” The girl said. Need to know her name.

Chakravartin stood up and sent a wave of energy at them. “Get back here!”

John jumped in the way and formed a shield with Void to block it. It held till Chakravartin sent even more power destroying the shield and sending both John and Asura flying. John saw the girl get covered in another golden orb before Chakravartin absorbed the orb. Asura got back up and gave an angry shout. John followed and went full powered demon. The form his rage took. He was covered in dark purple spiked armor covered in void runes that increased speed, defense, and strength. Very strong claws and large wings.

Chakravartin sent a wave of pressure that pushed them both back. They charged at him as he sent glowing orbs at them that tracked and sent energy beams as well. “I may have overestimated you.” Chakravartin said.

“Shut your face!!” Asure yelled rushing towards him only to get pushed back even further. John went in trying to punch him only for him to block it with his staff before knocking him back.

“I hope you don't disappoint me any further.” He said. John is really starting to hate this guy.

“SHUT UP!!” Both John and Asura yelled. John used Wormhole to make a portal to him that both Asura and himself took appearing in front of Chakravartin. Asura landed a few strong blows with John landing some as well.

“Hahaha. Good. Very Good.” Chakravartin laughed as he sent them back again .

“You won't be laughing for much longer!” Asura yelled. He got to him before John, but before he could attack he barely dodged a strike to his head from his staff. It struck the ground and appeared to have broken it. When it broke Asura and John were blinded by a bright light. When it subsided John saw they were somewhere else. He saw multiple pillars with what looked like faces on them going down...into a dark cloud that had who knows what behind them. Josh saw Asura falling and saw….a golden giant statue of Chakravartin in the distance. Asura angled himself to fall towards it. John took off after him.

“If you will not inherit this world…” Chakravartin said before summoning multiple orbs around him. “Return to nothing!” He sent them at both of them.

Asura destroyed the ones coming at him with his own blast while John dodged the ones coming for him. Asura and John then let loose their own blast.

Chakravartin created orbs that shot lasers at them as they dodge while returning fire. The orbs then combined into a massive orb that came at them quickly. John used a singularity orb, or black hole, to absorb the blast while Asura pummeled Chakravartin more and more. Asura then in a burst of power went straight for Chakravartin and smashed his fist into him. Then, like he was just a glass panel. He broke and Asura and John found themselves back to the area before. Chakravartin in the distance without an injury.

The battle continues with John and Asura trying to get close to land blows with Chakravartin constantly pushing them back and sending out blast to stop them. This continues for a few minutes. Then Asura surrounded himself in another burst of power and charged right at Chakravartin and slammed his three right fist into his face before he could react. As he stumbled back John landed a punch as well with all he got pushing him back even further. Chakravartin stumbled back bending over. He started to shake with angry before letting out a loud yell while power flows out of him. He then threw both staffs quickly at John which broke John's demon form down to half demon and entered a slug fest with Asura.

They traded blow for blow as the punches continued. Looked to be at a stalemate. Then Asura's fist started to break, no get destroyed as they collided with Chakravartin’s fist. Although Chakravartin's fist were getting cracked Asura was starting to loose. As he fourth fist was destroyed Chakravartin smiled arrogantly. Asura didn't give up. He charged his right fist with more power before slamming a powerful uppercut into Chakravartin sending up. Then Asura rained in more blows while saying. “A world that needs to be manipulated deserves to come to an end!” Before slamming one more powerful punch that made Chakravartin cough out sending him flying. Before he hit the ground John kicked him higher into the air before creating hundreds, no thousands of weapons around him and brought his hands together sending them all at Chakravartin.

“A god that feels that the suffering of countless life's justify his petty goals doesn't deserve to exist!” John yelled as Chakravartin was pummeled from all around him by the weapons John sent at him. John then formed ten Opticor energy cannons and blasted them all into Chakravartin's gut sending him towards the ground.

Chakravartin shakily got up before looking at them. His anger grew and grew before letting out a yell as he floated high off the ground. “Arrogant Destructor. Foolish Void heir. I shall erase your very existence!” He then covered himself in a orb of power that was pulling everything towards it. John and Asura stood their ground as they withstood the pull.

Suddenly the orb disappeared. But as the shaking of the realm they were in started to lessen it struck back much stronger as a black orb with a white center appeared. Soon the entire orb became white and grew. John could see a figure in the orb before it revealed itself.

John and Asura stared wide eyed as they saw Chakravartin's new form. Chakravartin lowered himself down. As he touched the floor...the whole realm changed to a grayish realm with black dots floating around. Chakravartin was mostly silver with only two arms this time. Eyes red with his lower pitch black skull showing. He smiled at them. His power...what is he!?

Asura shook off the shock from before and powered up more then before. He charged at him with John following. Both charged up their strike and swung at him. Only for him to causally block both with just one finger each.

“Weak. Very weak.” A light started appearing on both fingers John and Asura couldn't move. “Die!” Pain. That was what John could best describe what he felt. He and Asura were sent flying back and started rolling on the ground. Asura was able to correct himself and grabbed John's arm to stop him. Josh was back to his base form while Asura's arms were what was probably his normal arms. Golden metal covering half of them. John and Asura were covered in wounds. Chakravartin was basically at full health. John was starting to wonder if they could do this when Asura put his foot down and powered up. John saw this and followed. He powered himself up with Void and Psychopath.

Chakravartin floated up a bit and crossed his arms. “You shall not...defy me!”

The battle continues with John and Asura doing the best they can. Chakravartin was very quick and had power attacks that really hurt. Asura went for a punch only for Chakravartin to stop time and quickly move to a different spot. Although he wasn't expecting John to slam a Void and Psychopath fist into him. “Going to have to try better than that. Stopping time doesn't work on me.” John yelled. Bend Time was so useful. Although Chakravartin didn't Sean to mind the punch and kicked John away.

As John recovered he sees Chakravartin summon many swords made from his power. “The suffering this world has seen-” He then flicked his finger at John as the swords came at very high speeds. John was barely able to avoid getting hit. They left barely any room to breathe. As he dodged the last one he sees Chakravartin floating off the ground with his legs crossed and a giant orb above him created from his finger. “ -was all to choose my heir!” He then sent to blast at John. John decided to take a page from Asura's book and jumped at the blast and started punching it. Asura jumped in as well as they both destroyed the blast and charged at Chakravartin. He uppercutted John and kicked Asura away in two different directions.

This almost one sided fight continued till Chakravartin grabbed Asura and through him into John sending them both towards the ground. John could barely move at this point. Chakravartin...was so strong.

Asura...didn't give up though. “I'm not done yet…” He said as he struggled to get up. “I'm not finished!!” He yelled as he stood back up. John was amazed he could still keep going. He remembers that Chakravartin has Asura's daughter. John then thinks of what would he do if it was Gilda or Roseluck that Chakravartin had. It made him furious. A black Void started to cover John as his Psychopath charged as well.

“Neither am I!!” John yelled.

John and Asura charged the God to continue the battle. Both giving it all they got. John and Asura landed more and more blows with Chakravartin taking each without flinching. Asura then charged up one big punch and slammed it into Chakravartin's gut. Although Chakravartin just smiled at the futile attempt.

Asure, fist still glowing a fiery red, didn't stop. He poured more and more power into his fist. Making it sink into Chakravartin a little. Asura took a step forward, and the glow brightened as the power increased. Pushing Chakravartin back a bit. Stunned. Chakravartin tried to push Asura off him, but Asura pushed on. Taking another step increasing the power even more. He let out a loud yell as more and more power from his wrath charged his punch. John, not wanting to be left out, charged his own punch and slammed it into Chakravartin's face. The combination of the two blows sending him flying. John's punch managed to crash his face. While Asura's became an explosion that pushed Chakravartin back. The blast/beam causing multiple crash in his torso. As it subsidies Chakravartin took a few shaky steps back.

“What?!” He couldn't believe that they managed to hurt him. “Impossible!” He yelled at them

Asura stomped towards Chakravartin with John right behind him. “This ends now!”

Chakravartin charged with Asura intercepting with a strong right. Chakravartin responded with his own powerful right. John kicked him off Asura and proceeded to slam a left only for Chakravartin to dodge and punch John in the gut a few time and kicking him up. John recovered and grabbed Chakravartin leg and slammed him into the ground.

He moved aside to doge a stomp from Asura before kicking his legs out from under him and tackling him. Asura counters and slams him into the ground and got on top of him. “ I understand it all now!” He said before slamming one fist after another into him.

“The true reason for my wrath!” He said before repeating the process. Chakravartin then slugged Asura and processed to reverse their positions. He then did to Asura what he was previously doing to him.

“You are not worthy!” He said slamming more fist into Asura. John then kicked him away before slamming in some more fist into Chakravartin.

“You don't even deserve to exist!” John yelled as he continues to attack Chakravartin. The god then grabbed one of John's arms and slammed him down. Before he could attack though Asura grabbed him by the face and started to squeeze his hand hard.

“I could not stand it!” Asura said. Chakravartin kneed him and proceeded to kick him, but Asura recovers and grabbed his leg. Pulling him into a strong blow that sends him back.

Chakravartin charged back and slammed his fist into Asura's face, but Asura slammed his forehead into hit. The force caused many cracks to form on his arm as he stumbled back in pain. “N-no!”

“There is always some fool. That WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD!” Asura yelled before slamming a fist into Chakravartin sending him flying back towards the ground. Struggling to get up. “Always forcing others to do..what they cannot do for themselves!”

Chakravartin tries to get up but stumbled down. “How can so powerful…?” Chakravartin asked himself before Asura uppercutted him making him flip through the air a few times before hitting the ground. “I am...the only...g-god…” He says struggling to get up.

Chakravartin then starts powering up more and more before charging head first towards Asura and slammed his fist into Asura. Causing a massive wave of his energy to fly away. Asura...wasn't sent flying though. He stopped himself before grabbing Chakravartin's arm. His grip got tighter and tighter as Asura started to glow more and more. “That's why…” He said as he broke Chakravartin's arm. “I pray to no one!” He said as he held his right arm back and a massive amount of power charged before he slammed it into Chakravartin's gut. Chakravartin's eyes widening in pain. “Nor will I be prayed to!” Asura said before slamming his other fist into Chakravartin's chin sending him up. “But...above all else…”

Asura gripped his right fist as he charged more and more power into it. “I will never...forgive you…” He then reared back and yelled out the rest of his threat. “-for making my daughter cry!!!” He slammed his fist into his face sending him fly a dozen meters back. As he was in the air a familiar orb came out of him and bounced away. Before expanding until it was as big as before and released Asura's daughter.

Chakravartin stood up looking shock at what was happening. “This is not my destiny…”

Asura charged in for one last punch. “This is your end!”

When his daughter suddenly ran in front of him trying to stop him. Asura stopped almost a foot away from her. “If you kill him. All the Mantra will be lost! Without Mantra you cannot survive-” Was Mantra what their power was? Then getting rid of it would end Asura, but Asura just smiled.

“But-” he then speed past her saying. “-you will still live.”

He charged right at Chakravartin reading one last punch with John sending his own power to help as Asura's daughter yelled at him. Asura slammed his fist one last time into him. The power behind that punch...broke off over half of Chakravartin's face.

Chakravartin gave off a cry of agony as his power went out of control as it tore him apart. Before he vanished. Haven been destroyed.

John relaxed as Asura and his daughter were next to each other with her crying. Asura started to glow as sparkles came off him. Signaling that he was dying. His daughter cried more that her father was dying right before her and she couldn't stop it. Asura told her not to cry, and that his wrath….was finally gone. His eyes no longer glowing. Showing his red eyes.

Only...for something to grabbed his daughter and pull her away. John and Asura looked to see...Max. “Nice job going against Chakravartin. He isn't the strongest, but not weak either. Sorry, but I need John to have his berserker. So you can't die yet.” Max flicked his wrist and Asura's chest opened up revealing a reactor of some kind. “Place his mark on his reactor so he can survive with Void. He’ll have to relearn his forms from his six armed form to his Destructor form.”

John wanted to argue, but knew Asura didn't have a lot of time. He placed his Void arm on the reactor and the mark appeared. As the mark appeared Asura's form stabilized. He looked at Max in rage. “Give Mithra back. Give me back my Daughter!” His rage cloaking him in Void.

“You'll get her back. When you defeat my Berserker. In do time. Till we meet again. John.” Max said before disappearing with Mithra.

John couldn't believe it. Asura just got his daughter back, just saved her, only for her to be taking again. “Asura. I promise. We will get her back. For now. Come with me. I'll need your help against him.” John asked.

Asura looked at him before nodding. “That guy...was far more powerful then Chakravartin, and he's still getting stronger. I….won't be able to save her myself. Let's go.”

John nods before using void to open a portal. He can only hope Aqua and Sans are having better luck. Although John did have one question. What was that power he used during the fight and…

...why did it feel like it wasn't his?

“So he has his berserker?” A female voice said.

“Yes. Now for the last two to be acquired.” Max said.

“Whoever they are his Mage will never stand a chance against my magic.” A male voice said.

“Now now my Mage. Don't get cocky. That killed more than you will believe.” Max said. “Now. Let's see how they fair.”