A Christmas to Remember

by TwiPON3

INTERLUDE: Мінск, Беларуская Савецкая Сацыялістычная Рэспубліка

"Are you suffering from severe hypoxia‽‽‽" Seth asked furiously at Sofia, following her to her car.


"Sure, Sunset almost killed herself, but thinking about it, the Rainbooms are the equivalent of, well, idiots!"

"Are you saying I went too far?" she said, unlocking a Zaz 1102.

"YES!" they got in and she started it, then drove to her house.

"Damage is done either way."

The first eight notes of Risen from Ruins played from Seth's pocket, "If that's Autumn, PLEASE dump me off at Pripyat-Chernobyl and speak nothing of this."

Autumn: 何を考えていますか?

"Oh, she's pissed."

"How do you know?"

"This is in Kirin."





"...We. Fucked. Up..."

"Second that, I don't know the protocol here."

"Reach into bin, get my phone, call her, I talk to her."

"Okay," he said, getting and unlocking her phone, dialling Autumn's phone in America, all the while hoping that, by some sliver of luck, they would both live to see the end of the week.

"What the fucking hell is WRONG with you, Sofia!?"

"It's Seth."

"You too!"

"Where are you?"

"On the way to the hospital. The police are trying to start an investigation, but we originally brought up some kind of magic, but our lie isn't holding out like I hoped!"

"You're not gonna kill anyone, right?"

"If you want to stay alive, don't come past East Germany," she said, fire in her voice before Sunset came on the line, "Listen, I know they were bitches and idiots, but REALLY!?"

"Listen, Sunset, if I had been the one in charge, it wouldn't have went past going in their houses last night and screwing with some shit."

"I... I don't even know what to THINK about either of you right now! You're lucky Princess Twilight and Mom are having trouble processing this, otherwise you'd be dead in Tartarus! HOW do you plan to fix this‽" she said, hanging up.

"How close to hotspot should we move?"