//------------------------------// // Chapter 10 -When The Light Begins To Burn // Story: The Thestral With The Golden Halo // by DougtheLoremaster //------------------------------// "Are you telling me you did that for-" Chrysalis froze in midsentence. Sombra looked at her perplexed as he too became still as a statue. Starshine, breathing heavily, had used the last reserves of her magic to cast a spell to freeze time. She needed a rest; the use of her magic had caused her to become exhausted. She was on the precipice of collapsing from the fatigue of maintaining the projections. Starshine headed back home, leaving both Chrysalis and Sombra frozen in time. She needed Hazel and while she was it, maybe get some answers. Starshine staggered into the bedroom, at the point of collapse from exhaustion. Hazel watched as her partner fell to the cold cobblestone, her body limp and still. In a panic Hazel dropped her feather duster and rushed to Starshine's side. Gingerly scooping her up in her hooves, the Queen of the Thestrals carried her marefriend to their bed smiling sweetly. It would seem she still has not mastered her energy output, poor dear. After tucking her in, hazel shook her head with a frown upon her muzzle. How is it this one mare out of the hundreds if not thousands of ponies I have seduced...seems to matter to me? With the feeling of days of recovery, Starshine awoke to the warm tongue of hazel roaming across her neck. "mmmmm, ohh that feels so wonderful, love." With those words Hazel found herself pinned to the mattress as a hungry look appeared in Starshine's eyes. "You really do push all the right buttons don't you?" Hazel uttered a squeak as Starshine showed her the realm where Faust dwelled. Hours later, Starshine gently caressed Hazel's mane. "That was so wonderful, baby. By the way, how long was I out for?" Hazel panted as she lay her head on Starshine's lap, still engulfed in the whirlwind of their lustful passion. "Th-three days Eq-equestria time, sweetie." Starshine slowly dragged a hoof across Hazel's flank causing her to shudder in excitement. "I see, right on schedule then. Tell me something, because there is a question I need you to answer for me." Hazel moaned as Starshine gripped her flank. "Anything, ask me ohhhhh anything you desire." Starshine's eyes twinkled. Gently caressing her partners flank she halted suddenly as she raised her hoof. "Tell me why is it..." she brought her hoof down with a sound SMACK across Hazel's flank, causing her partner to flinch with a whimper. "You were there messing with Sombra and Chrysalis..." Hazel's mind raced. Oh no, don't tell me she found out about the...damn her that barely hurt! Again another sound spanking landed across Hazel's flank. Once more hazel whimpered like a lost dog. " and yet you failed to tell me when we were discussing my plans for those five. That was very naughty of you..." The only thought in Hazel's mind was why was she holding back? Surely such a strong thestral could hit harder? Once more a firm THWACK of her hoof across the rump of her playmate. Tears welled up in Hazel's eyes. That was more like it! "Wasn't it, dear?" Hazel winced as Starshine's hoof came down once more. "I...I just forgot! It happened thousands of years ago! I promise I was hiding nothing!" Starshine halted in mid-spanking to lick her hoof and gently rub it upon hazel's incredibly sore rump. Hazel moaned in agony and ecstasy as the cool feeling of moisture met with the heated sensation on her backside. "oooooh mmmm..." Starshine's voice was soft and tender. "Tell me then; why did you instigate such an event? Why were you there?" Hazel's tongue lolled to the side as Starshine's hoof slid a little lower on her hindquarters and she found herself being teased relentlessly by her partner. "Ungh...OH..oh that's the spot....mmmm...it was Faust." At once she felt a stinging blow land on her rump once more. "Don't you dare lie to me, Hazy." Hazel felt the tears drip down her muzzle as the blow landed. Yes, make me pay for lying!"ARGH! I-I swear Starshine! Faust told me it was necessary for her daughters to rule in the future! I-I was only doing the assignment she gave me! Ooommmmmnfmmm those hoofs are yours, are like magic." Starshine had once again begun teasing her partner. "Shush and enjoy my magic Hazy, no more words." Why would Faust order such a thing...one question answered...two more arise As starshine thought about it she realized right now she needed some relaxation before dealing with those two again. She wanted to be treated like a queen and her lover was very ready judging by the soft squishing sounds everytime hazel moved. The problems of Tartarus could wait...at least for a few hours, right now was her time. Her horn glowed a crimson red as the lights went out all around them and Hazel was flipped upon her back. Seconds later in the pitch darkness Starshine and Hazel put the sonic rainboom to shame with the hues they saw immersed in lustful euphoria. Many hours later the lights in the candles flickered to life once more, as Starshine's horn glowed a bright crimson. Now fully energized through their passion the young thestral sat in the bed and looked down at her partner who was snoozing away whilst sucking her hoof. Starshine smiled to herself as she watched the scene and draped a warm blanket upon her sleeping marefriend. She is so adorable in that position, and I could watch this scene content forever. Placing a small stuffed dragon within Hazel's grasp, Starshine gingerly gave her a kiss and slid out of bed. I would too, if not for some unfinished business. I need answers, and only one alicorn can give me them. I promise love, I'll be back soon. These were the thoughts of Starshine as she headed for the gates of Tartarus after making sure Chrysalis and Sombra were still frozen by her time spell. It was time to visit the Alpha and Omega. It was time to talk to Faust. Starshine shielded her eyes with her scaly wings as she entered the heavenly realm and appeared before Faust, from which life in the realm of the mortals had begun. The light was blinding, radiating from the heavely queen herself. As the glow surrounding the majestic alicorn faded, Starshine heard the soft voice of Faust address her. "Starshine, why have you come to me, my child and in...That form, nonetheless?" Starshine looked upon her and was engulfed by conflicting emotions. Reverence for what she was and had done and disgust for having been used by such a goody two-shoes. Starshine found herself locked in a mental conflict. She wanted to bow in respect but a voice within told her different. I need to show my love. Don't you dare. Have you forgotten? She used you! Abandoned you...all because of a mistake! Starshine shook her head as she tried to clear it. No. Shut up! She deserves my respect! Would you turn your back on Hazel so easily? After she freed you from that holier-than-thou pompous alicorn? She has done so much for me! You are a thestral of Tartarus what place have you kneeling before one such as that so-called goddess? No, I am an alicorn! Are you? You possess wings of scales not feathers and an insatiable lust for the queen below, are you truly an alicorn anymore? Faust had a look of concern upon her face as she watched Starshine twitching and shaking her head as if in a seizure. "Starshine are you okay? Starshine?" Starshine's eyes hardened in hatred. She couldn't think! She hated Faust, she hated this place! "AAAAARGH!" She screamed in rage, violently shaking her head in confusion. No! she didn't hate anything! This wasn't her! She had to control her emotions! Suddenly a wave of nausea washed over her. At once the world before her eyes began to swim."STARSHINE! My child!" The voice of Faust panicking reached the thestrals ears as her vision dimmed and her head slammed into the ground causing her to black out.