The Dishonored: Rise of an Emperor

by Deathwatch 456

Potental and The Monster.

At first after Hollow dropped him through a hole to….somewhere. John saw and felt nothing. Then after a bit….he wished he didn't feel anything at all.

The best way he could describe it….was as if every atom in his body was being slowly ripped into pieces before those pieces are cauterized and ripped again. Although even that description doesn't feel right.

John layed still on the ground. He wasn't able to even blink from the pain. Now that he thinks about. He should start breathing again before lack of oxygen kills him. Although the pain from just breathing almost makes him just stop. You know it's bad when you feel like suffocating is a better death then what the pain will give.

He felt blood on the ground next to him. His blood that is. He feels his muscles and skin ripping from the strain and blood pouring out of him. If this keeps up blood lost will kill him before anything. Some of the injuries from the strain should be nearly crippling, but with magic nowadays if he survives he should be better after some time.

He didn't know how much time has passed since he got here. For all he knows it's been more than a day or even a week. He tried to get up but kept falling down from the pain. At one point he got to his feet but slipped on some blood and fell on the ground hard.

The power Hollow put inside him….was truly something. He is surprised it hasn't killed him yet. “Well….this might be it. I don't really see a way out of this.” John said. He chuckles a bit. Dying during training. Heh. Gilda always said his training would be the death of him. Although he thinks she meant him training to hard that he dies from exhaustion.

He wishes he could see them. Gilda, Roseluck, the other. Everyone. One last time. He is kinda fine with dying. At least his Psychopath won't get out.

“Giving up already?” A familiar Voice said.

surprised he lasted this long given the pain he is facing. Then again this is John we’re talking about.” another voice.

John opened his eye and looked over where the voices came from and saw two figures. Drexel and….John? Wait. That's….something else. Just using his form.

“Dr-Drexel? And...wh-who are yo-you?” John asked.

“Well it's about time you met this guy. After all he has been with you about the same amount of time as I have.” Drexel said. What did that mean?

It's nice to finally meet my host. The name. Is Jar'Mudan. The Previous Emperor of Void.” Jar said.

John's eye widened. “The previous….Emperor of Void?”

“Ya. This old dude is the old Emperor. He is pretty powerful. Although after his fight with Max all these years ago. He became….stuck to our souls. Can't be freed except by his death.” Drexel said.

That's the gist of it. You borrowed a bit of my power when you fought Core last time. About 2% I believe. Surprised you survived that. Although you are a potential candidate for Void Emperor.” Jar said with a shrug. John was still trying to process all this. He was still in a massive pain.

“Still though. I'm surprised your giving up John.” Drexel said.

“I can't see a way out of this. Either because there is no current one, or the pain is blinding me more than I thought. What could I do in this scenario.” John said.

“Keep fighting.” Drexel told him. “You think something like this can actually keep you down? Your stronger than this John. You wouldn't have passed my test if you weren't.”

John coughed up some blood. “This is different Drex. I can't just hit the pain away. I...I can't contain this power.”

Than don't.”

John looked at Jar in confusion. “Wh-what do you mean?”

Jar gave a small smirk. “Most beings make the same mistake with Void. They either try to control it, contain it, get rid of it, or something else. That's not how Void works. It's alive in a sense. Including the Void Hollow gave you.” Jar walked over to John and kneeled closer to John. “John your potential for Void doesn't come from me. You were born with this connection to Void. Unlike Drexel who was born for Light. You John...are something rare. You can definitely pass this test. You just got to think a little.”

Jar got up and walked over to Drexel. Leaving John to think.

“Think he'll actually pass this? That energy is no joke.” Drexel asked.

Not at this rate. He is definitely something, but for him to pass might need….a little help.” Jar'Mudan said before using Void to put John under an illusion.

John was thinking when he started coughing again. His body felt like it was closer and closer to death. He opened his see Equestria?

It was a bloodbath…bodies everywhere from all around him. This….this couldn't be.

John felt something touch when he see Shining Armor missing the right half of his head. “Where we-were you? We needed y-you.”

John gave a small Yelp in fear and scooted away. He bumped into something else. It was Applebloom and her friends.

“W-why Mister? Why did you leave us t-to die?” She said while her friend tried to crawl onto John. John crawled away while shoving them off him.

“This...this wasn't supposed to happen?!” John said. This had to be fake! It had to! He started dragging himself away when he saw something in the distance. It was a tall shadowy figure...with Gilda and Roseluck at its feet.

They looked near dead. Their bodies covered in wounds. Both of Gilda's wings were at awful angles and one of Roseluck’s hoofs was twisted nearly 360 degrees around.

John couldn't breath...were….were they still alive? He couldn't tell. He couldn't even tell if his heart was still beating. It's like everything stopped…...before the figure raised one of its arms. Ready to strike down.

Ready to kill them.

“NO-” John started to yell as he tried to get up. Before multiple tears and wounds appeared on his body. His yell because a roar of pain as he forced himself to stand. “SCREW THIS TEST HOLLOW!! I WON'T FAIL THEM AGAIN!!” John started moving as fast as he could to stop the figure, but it looked like he couldn't get closer at all. He forced himself to move faster and faster despite the stress causing his injuries to worsen. He had to make. He had to save them. He...he can't make it. Not by himself.

“Please. Help me save them. I can't do this by myself.” John pleaded, but not to Jar'Mudan, Hollow, or Drexel. He the Void….and it listened.

The pressure that has been killing John for some time now started to increase more and more, but the pain started to disappear. John felt himself moving faster and faster. He felt wings form on his back and their familiar sensation as he used to to fly at a much faster speed. He was on the figure in less than a tenth of a second before slamming his left fist into its head.

And the illusion shattered.

John found himself standing with his fist out. Looking at a different area of the Dojo. He looked around and saw that...none of the bodies were around.

Was….that a test?

Clapping was heard not far. “Well done. Expected nothing less from you John.

“Think that was a lot too much don't you?”

Nah. Could have made it much worse. Could have had him have a front row seat to ‘something’ using those two as play things but decided against it.

John turned around to see Drexel and Jar'Mudan looking at him. Jar was the one who clapped.

“Drex? Jar? What's going on?” John asked. All this still spinning in his head.

“Simple. Jar put you under an illusion to help you break past this barrier. Your one step closer to your full potential, but there are still many more barriers in the way.” Drexel told him.

He’s right. Your special John. More than you know. Your easily one of the strongest of your friends from Earth. Your Psychopath, massive potential in Void, and many other things are proof of your potential, and it has nothing to do with you being Drexel's reincarnation or with me being stuck to you.” Jar'Mudan told John.

“What do you mean?” John asked. He was confused. What other things did he mean?”

“Not for now. Before we send you back to Hollow-” Drexel said before bringing out two keyblades. Fenrir and Counterpoint. “- it's time I show you how use these properly.”

John nodded before bringing out his Fenrir and Counterpoint. Noticing his right Void arm is now solid from his hand to his elbow. Meaning this test was a success. Now he just has to practice with Drexel till Hollow is done doing….whatever he is doing. ‘For some reason I'm pitying him now.’ John thought about Hollow for some reason.

In Equestria

A few mile away from the Village were a group of ten Guards on a patrol. There were ten as a precaution for something like Tirek or the Heartless. Vanitas was hesitant to let them go, but decided to trust them since they were the top ten of the Royal Guard in his training.

“Was really a good idea to patrol so far from the Village? I mean with someone like Tirek out there it's a little too risky now isn't it?” One Pegasus Guard asked.

“It'll be fine. I'm sure Tirek is just a big push over anyway.” A Unicorn Guard said. An arrogant guard.

“Calm down everypony. We need to keep our senses alert. One wrong move and it's over.” An Earth Pony said. He was obvious the leader, or most cautious.

“Yah yah captain, we'll keep a lookout. Right Cliff?” Another Pegasus guard said. Only to be met with silence. “Cliff?” He looked over to not see the Unicorn Guards that was next to him. “Hey Cliff! Where did you go?” He yelled out a bit. Causing the others to notice that one was missing.

They began looking for the missing guards. When a Unicorn Guard noticed an Earth pony guard was missing. Before he could signal the others a quick scream happened, and another guard disappeared.

“COME BACK OUT AND FIGHT COWARD!!” The arrogant Unicord Guard from before yelled out. Another scream, and only six were left.

“Who is doing this!?” A Unicorn Guard said. Each brought out their starlight keyblade and formed a circle. Each with their backs towards the center of the clearing.

“It's Tirek! It has to be. Damn it! We shouldn't have gone so far from the Village!” The captain said. Two more screams and they suddenly were down to four.

“How is he doing this?!” The last Pegasus Pony Guard panicked. The Captain was looking everywhere trying to find him. He then made a decision.

“You three head back now! I'll try to hold him off!”

“What!?” The Arrogant Unicorn said. “We can take him! I'm not running away like a coward!”

The captain got right in his face. “THAT'S AN ORDER!! HEAD BACK NOW WHILE YOU STILL CAN!”

The other two guards grabbed the Unicorn and dragged him away as fast as they could. Leaving the captain alone.

They trotted as fast as they could with the Unicorn guard angry that he has to run away.

Then they heard a bone chilling scream. The captain’s scream.

The Unicorn stopped. “You two go. I can take him. Get going now!” He said summoning his keyblade and go t ready to fight. The last two guards hesitated, but agreed to go. They left as fast as they could.

“Ok Tirek. Come on out so I can show you a real fight.” The guard said. He was ready for what he thought was his chance to show he was one of the best in the Village.

Then….he heard the screams of the last to guards from behind him….before they were suddenly silenced by two loud snaps. He looked behind with a shocked look. Then two objects fell in front of him.

It was the last two guards….mangled and twisted. He backed away, when he bumped into something.

…..or someone.

He looked up in time to see a large hand grabbing him by his horn before lifting him up. He looked Tirek on the eye….and was frightened. Tirek smirks. “What's the matter? Aren't you going to show a “real” fight?” Tirek then threw the guard against a tree on the other side of the clearing. A loud snap was heard when Tirek threw him and he felt massive pain in his horn. He placed a hoof on his horn. Only to find that it broke off. He looked at Tirek in fear who threw the horn behind him. Tirek then picked up the guard with magic and pulled him close.
“Pathetic.” Tirek then drained the guard of all his magic as well as the magic from his keyblade. Tirek then grabbed the guard by his neck…..and bent it backwards.

Tirek dropped the dead guard on the ground like some common trash before looking in the direction of Everfree Village.

“Soon. I'll have the power I need to attack. Just have to bid my patience and wait.” Tirek said before moving on.

In Everfree Village

A fist slammed down on a table that had a map of what Equestria now looks like. “God Damn it!! I shouldn't have let them go!”

That was Vanitas. The map was magically augmented to show guards on patrol around Equestria. Only when the guards die will the dots for them on the map disappear. Like it did for the patrol Vanitas sent out before.

“You can't blame yourself. We also agreed on sending them out. The fault is as much as ours as your.” Gilda said. No longer looking pregnant. She is a griffin. She finally laid the egg. Now she just has to wait for it to hatch, and hope John is here for it. She won't blame him if he misses it. This training Hollow is giving him is important for everyone.

Celestia looked at the map. “Tirek is becoming a bigger and bigger threat by the day. If only me and my Sister had killed him all those years ago instead of locking him away for eternity. Me and Luna were too soft on many things for to long.” She said. She had looked at records of crimes and felonies in Equestria for the past hundred years and saw a lot of the horrible crimes got light punishments. Those “monsters” basically got a slap on the hoof! How could she have gotten so soft over these years? She and Luna won't be making that mistake any time soon. Not that they’ll execute every criminal for even small crimes, but that they'll look at the crimes more thoroughly and issue the proper punishment no matter how strict.

Wise Gear looked over the map. “If only we had a way to track him with this. We could go after him and finish this before John gets back, or wait till John gets back if Tirek is too strong for us.” He said. Wise Gear had been busy with his work while the others were training. He had made more and better versions of his Clockwork Soldiers. Each with four blades, the size of Minotaurs, and detection spells for 360 degrees coverage of about ten meters. As well as stronger long range elect burst to either stun or kill targets. He has then set at key points in the Village for protection of the citizens. He also has been working on the Gear John left. Although he is sure John will have much better stuff from his training, but it doesn't hurt to improve them.

Vanitas looked at the map where the last guard died. “He is probably still in the area around here.” Vanitas looked at it for a few more seconds before making up his mind. He walked towards the exit and said. “I'm going after him.”

Celestia looked alarmed. “What?! You can't Vanitas! What if Tirek gets you as well? We need all the central members here.” She said.

“I have to stop him now before he gets to powerful! I won't fail.” Vanitas said before heading out the door. The others becoming worried.

Vanitas walked till he was outside and looked at the Village. He has to stop Tirek before he gets here. Vanitas summoned his glider and left. Looking to stop Tirek for good before things get worse.

Outside Everfree Village. Few miles away.

Vanitas made his way towards the area that the guards died. He searched around for any trace of Tirek, but couldn't find any.

“Dang it. Where did he go?” Vanitas said as he looked around. He had his armor and helmet on. Ready for battle. As he searched he saw the corpse of the last guard that died. He looked away from the sight. He has to find him. Now!

Vanitas took a few more steps before his reaction command made him dodge a boulder that almost crushed him. He turns towards the attacker, only to be blasted half a second before he could react and plowed through several trees into a new clearing. He quickly got up and saw the other two guards corpses a couple meters away. He won't even describe their condition. Tirek is much worse than anyone has thought before.

“Well well well. The Commander of the Keyblade forces here. How nice of you to deliver yourself to me.” Tirek said as he entered the clearing. He was almost half as tall as the trees in the area. According to the show. He is currently a bit bigger than he was before the Alicorn magic, and he still hasn't absorbed all of Equestria's magic. “Once your out of the way, and your power is mine. It'll be much easier to get past that stupid barrier for that town. I'll take all the magic in that village and when John gets back. The “Blade of Equestria” will look in horror at his loved ones corpses before I steal his power as well.” Tirek said as he coats himself in magic power.

“You'll have to kill me first, and I'm not dying today!” Vanitas said as he attacked. He used strike raid that nailed Tirek in the chest before he appeared next to his keyblade and slashed at Tireks face.

Tirek tilts his head enough to dodge the attack before grabbing Vanitas with his magic. He then threw Van away and made him plow through three acres of forest while digging a trench half way. Van didn't have much time to think as his reaction common made him dodge a charging Tirek and slam a blast of Darkness on his back.

Tirek though, smirked as he inhaled the darkness. Making himself stronger. Vanitas widened his eyes. ‘It's not just magic he can absorb?! Crap! At this rate I'll lose my magic and be killed.’ Vanitas thought before dodging a few blast of magic before Tirek rushed and slammed Vanitas in the ground with his fist. Smashing his helmet.

Tirek then picked up Van by his neck and held tightly. “Thanks for the meal.” Tirek said viciously before he started to drain Vanitas. Vanitas felt his magic drain fast. He had to get away Now! He felt something on his belt and remembered. A Folding Sword that John made him carry! He will thank him later. Vanitas grabbed the weapon, unfolded it, and stabbed Tirek in his left eye.

Tirek howled in pain as he held the wound. Vanitas quickly summoned his glider and fled. Going as fast as his weakened self could go.

“I'm such a Goddamn Idiot!i should have listened to the others!” Vanitas said. Hating himself for making Tirek even stronger. He doubts the stab would last long. Tirek probably healed it by now. All he can do now. Is return and let everyone know...he failed.

Tirek watched Vanitas fly away before smirking. He took his hand off his eye to show it was fine. “Nice acting if I say so myself. The fools don't realize...but they lost the day The Blade left.”

Vanitas flew into the village. He almost crashed into the ground if Twilight and Trixie hadn't have stopped him.

“Vanitas! What happened?” Trixie asked.

Twilight was worried as well. “Did you...lose?” She asked. Vanitas was basically their best fight at this point...if he lost.

“Tirek can absorb more then just magic. He absorbed my Darkness as well as most of my magic. Tirek is getting stronger and stronger. I don't know what to do?!” Vanitas said.

“Well let's go back inside. I. Sure the others wou-” Trixie started saying. Before she suddenly disappeared. Shocking both Vanitas and Twilight. Twilight tried a tracking spell, but nothing worked. Things were getting worse and worse.

“Dang it John! Hurry Up!” Vanitas yelled out.

John finished training with Drexel a while ago. After he did his X-blade, Honor, appeared. What happened was another story. When John got back he, Aqua, and Sans were standing in front of Hollow.

“I'll keep this breath. We are low on time, and we still have three more members to find. So for this I'll split you three to find them. You all need the training as soon as possible. Especially you John. Your training in Pure Void need to start soon.” Hollow said. They nodded at him.

Hollow snapped his fingers sending them on their way.

Now all he has to do….is wait for the final three Void Kings. The Sorcerer, The Knight, and The Berserker.