//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 - It Was Paved With Good Intentions // Story: The Thestral With The Golden Halo // by DougtheLoremaster //------------------------------// Starshine stared in disbelief. Chrysalis had witnessed her fiancee cheating on her with another mare. Worse still, Starshine had a pretty good idea of who that mare was and it definitely wasn't the real Amore. What possessed her to do something so twisted? Thought Starshine. Knowing she couldn't interfere, Starshine held her tongue about that emerald-eyed 'alicorn' she had gotten to know far too well. Starshine saw the insectoid mare shiver and quake as the scene played out. Silently cursing her partner's outlandish actions, Starshine urged the former ruler to continue. "What happened next?" The Former Hive Queen closed her eyes; she didn't need to see what happened next. That moment had haunted her since that day. Taking a deep breath she began her narration once more as the scene shifted. "I grew enraged with Jealousy and I..." She faltered, the shadowmancer at her side slowly lowered his eyes to the ground as if to find an escape route. Starshine observed the two of them and took note of their actions as she inquired, "You what?" Chrysalis of the Changlings, gasped for breath as she tried to speak.The words simply would not come "I...I ah..I..." Starshine flared her wings and her eyes burned bright with a crimson glow, there was no mercy or pity in her gaze. Stamping her hoof she spoke in a firm voice, one that would accept none other than the truth. "Open your eyes and tell me, Chrysi, what did you do?" Choking on her words, Ex-Queen Chrysalis finally shouted it out as her frustration and anguish reached their peak. With Tears streaming down her muzzle she roared. "I ASSAULTED SOMBRA! I WAS ANGRY AND IN MY RAGE I USED MY MAGIC TO GRAB THE FALLEN GUARD'S SPEAR AND I HURLED IT AT SOMBRA PIERCING HIS ARMOR!" Sombra looked at her incredulous. What is this? This feeling? He thought to himself. The Former Queen continued her rant as her voice grew more and more distressed. "IT WAS ALL MY FAULT! WHY COULDN'T I CONTROL MY TEMPER IF I HAD ONLY..." From beside Starshine, a rough, gravely voice barked. "THAT IS ENOUGH CHRYSALIS!" Starshine took notice of how he had said 'Chrysalis' and not 'bugqueen' like normal. Perhaps these two still had feelings for each other. She smiled to herself. Both of them were eternally fated to walk amongst the living. Both of them were forced to carry their past. Both were forced to feel the one burning emotion they felt at that time. Jealousy and Wrath. Yet, love finds a way around all obstacles, doesn't it? The only question was, could they themselves admit the truth? Feigning annoyance, she turned to Sombra. "Something you wish to say, Shadowboy?" Starshine found herself staring into some very enraged green eyes. Sombra was angry. This is cruel and I'm sorry but I have no choice. She thought to herself. Sombra closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them as he spoke. "Stop this. Did you ever consider we don't want to be forgiven? That-" The thestral warden smiled at him. "We?" Sombra gulped his resolve visibly wavering. "What I meant is she-" The wings of Starshine flared wide, revealing their dazzling scales. "No, you said 'we'. That must mean you too have a secret in regards to that day." The shadowmancer stumbled over his words as he hurriedly rushed out, "N-no! I just felt b-bad for h-her, is all." His heart is in the right place, but lying to me will not save him. How to handle this? Hm. Starshine's thoughts raced. After a moment she folded her wings completely confident as she casually spoke. "Perhaps if you were to give your side of these events, it would give our lovely Chrysi a chance to gather her thoughts." As Starshine pointed her hoof at Chrysalis, Sombra realized he was trapped. The Ex-queen stood shivering and crying, completely broken, she needed the rest and he owed her at least that much. He had no choice. The time had come for the one secret he vowed to eternally keep to himself, to be revealed to the one mare he never wanted to know. Sombra made up his mind, regardless of how it turned out she needs to know the truth of that moment. "Very well, Princess Starshine. I am ready." Starshine smirked as she said teasingly, "Oh I seriously doubt that Mr. Shadows. Few ever are when it comes to me." Before Sombra could retort, her horn began to glow once more and the scenery around them changed to the throne room before Chrysalis arrived. His gravely voice began narrating the scene. "I stood in my throne room, completely unsure of what to do next..." King Sombra stood in the throne room, pacing back and forth muttering to himself incoherently. Every now and then a few words could be understood. "She...I don't...what do I...how to make it special...first...amazing..." An armored guard stood to one side as the Founder and ruler of the Crystal Empire; Amore slowly trotted through the door and started towards where Sombra was pacing. Her voice was melodious, with a tone of sugary sweetness. "You requested my assistance with something, Sombra? Your letter seemed quite urgent." Having known her since childhood, Sombra told her what was on his mind. "I met a mare." Amore's eyes glittered with an emerald hue as she responded with a surprised tone. "Oh, so you finally found a mate? Where is she? Who is she? Come, tell me everything! Spare no details." Sombra stopped his pacing, and his voice was full of uncharacteristic passion. "Her name is Chrysalis, an Alicorn in charge of the kingdom to the west. Her eyes glitter with the brilliance of a thousand emeralds. Her mane, smoother than the finest silks. Her laugh makes even the gloomiest of days shine as though the sun were above beaming down. Her touch as firm as iron, but as delicate as a rose." Amore smiled warmly. "Oh my, it seems you have it bad for her. I am so proud of you! Still I wonder, though, why did you summon me here? What help can I possibly offer or did you just desire to tell me in person?" Sombra shook his head in a frantic motion. "You don't understand, her and I are betrothed!" Amore's eyes went wide. "Oh, I see, yes that would make sense to hire a specialist then. I take it you want help planning the ceremony then?" Sombra nodded with a shaky grin. "Yes, who better to plan the perfect wedding than the Queen of Love herself?"