Pony Traffic.Part 2.

by guradmn

Chapter 3.Another briefing.

Soon after Chief of Detectives William Dodds arrived with DA Jack McCoy and ADA Peter Stone.And All introductions were made.

McCoy reached out and shook wilights hoof and said,Princess Twilight.It's good to see you again.How is Princess Celestia??

Twilight replied,Jack McCoy.It's good to see you again as well.And Celestia is busy as always.I'll let her know you asked about her.

Olivia said,OK.I'll let Sergeant Voight and Princess Twilight Sparkle conduct the briefing and bring us all up to speed.

Voight began,It all began,when my unit raided a suspected crackhouse in Chicago.There we found 6 pony mares locked in the basement.4 were already dead,one died from a beating,the other 3 were starved to death.

Twilight then said,Our joint investigation revealed that the pony mares were being used as sex slaves.The 2 survivors told us that.they were transported into Chicago in a cargo container.And 3 of them were i guess you could say rent to a Frat House for initation.However the pony a earth ppony named Blueberry Muffin,fought back when one of the pledges tried to force anal sex on her.

Voight then said,She kicked this guy so hard in his jewels,they ruptered and became infected,That kid later died at Chicago Med.

Twilight then said,And it was Pinkie-Pie and Detective Hailey Upton who found Mongo.Real name.Frank Whittle.He was arrested at his home.However he was burned alive in his cell at Cook County Jail.By two inmates already going away for life.

Carisi than asked,Why would they torch this guy.If he wasn't gonna talk??

Voight answered,Whoever the shotcaller is was most likely afraid he would talk.However he did talk,to Miss Fluttershy.And he told us about the next shipment coming here to New York,but he didnt know where.

Fin said,Thats alot of territory to cover.I mean we got docks in Manhattan,Brooklyn,Queens.And not to mention New Jersey.

Chief Dodd then said,OK.We'll coordinate with The Port Authority Police.And Homeland Security,as well as The Coast Guard.

Olivia said.OK.Let's get to work.