Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

A Manic Monday Pt1

Pinkie Pie pronked. She pronked and pronked and pronked. Pronking was what she did. Only when she was absolutely sure that more pronking would lead to a pronkpocalypse did she pronk up to Sunset. "Hiya Sunny!"

"I'm touching you again, aren't I?" Sunset asked.

"How can you tell?" Pinkie Pie asked and pronked around Sunset Shimmer.

"Because you're a pony, my breasts are about two cup sizes bigger than usual, and we're in a literal candy house." Sunset hardly thought she needed to add more, particularly when she felt her breasts grow a little heavier. "Three sizes."


The one thing Pinkie couldn't control, not directly, was Sunset's feelings. Despite everything else, she loved the carefree attitude of Pinkie Pie more than anything. She's more like a pony than I ever was. If something made people happy, Pinkie would do it. The biggest fear of Sunset's relationship with her was that Pinkie was only her girlfriend because it made Sunset happy, but then she went and did something like this.

It wasn't Sunset's fantasy to have bigger boobs, or to have a horse girlfriend—this was the essence of Pinkie Pie, and despite all the groaning Sunset might make about it, she loved seeing Pinkie Pie express herself with such abandon.

Bouncing around Sunset, Pinkie reared up when she was in front of her and pushed.

Windmilling her arms, Sunset fell backwards onto a soft bed of flowers that completely cushioned her fall. "Pinkie? What are you—" She halted as a pony landed on her and a pink snout pushed up between her breasts.

"I think I found a new favorite place." Pinkie Pie couldn't stop giggling. She was flopped on Sunset, and she had her girlfriends breasts (well, slightly upgraded versions thereof) flanking her face. "Can you guess where it is, Sunny?"

"I wonder…" Sunset reached a hand up and started rubbing at one of Pinkie's ears.

"Oooh. I now have an even better favorite place. That feels sooooo good!" It was a struggle for Pinkie to lean into the ear rub and keep her snout nestled in Sunset's cleavage, but that was just one of her growing portfolio of skills she'd mastered.

It was easy to relax in Pinkie Pie's head. Sunset leaned back and let Pinkie nuzzle and lick around her breasts all she wanted. "This is real though, isn't it?"

"What do you mean, Sunny?"

Sunset was usually so self-assured that sometimes, usually when she was dreaming, she had moments like this. "Us, Pinkie. You're not dating me to make me feel good, right?"

"You feel pretty good already, Sunny. The truth is, though, I'm dating you for a whole pile of reasons, and the first two are right here. The list is in order of importance, bee tee dubs." Closing her lips over one of Sunset's nipples, Pinkie sucked it hard, then swapped sides.

Squeezing her eyes closed and curling her toes, Sunset bit her lip not to cry out, but when Pinkie swapped back to the first nipple all bets were off. Opening her mouth wide, Sunset groaned and whimpered under the onslaught of Pinkie's skilled tongue and lips.

Sunset grabbed Pinkie's withers to hold her still while her other hand reached under her lover's tail. "What are the other reasons?"

"Do I get a reward for—" Before she could finish, Pinkie let out a happy whinny as two fingers pressed into her folds. It took a vivid imagination to imagine sex as a pony, and what it would feel like, but Pinkie Pie's mind was up to the task. It felt good.

Drawing her fingers back slowly, Sunset circled them around Pinkie's thick outer lips. "You get a reward." She split her fingers apart and ran one up each side of Pinkie's vulva.

"The next reason is your fire. You're vibrant, Sunny. Birds of a feather and all that. I love being around you and near you and just feeling you be you." Pinkie Pie didn't have long to wait for her reward. The fingers pushed in again and stroked forward and back several times in a way that had her rocking to the motion, then they pulled back.


"More reward for more reasons."

Pinkie snorted. "Now you're just encouraging me to make stuff up. Maybe I could be like Twilight and have huge lists of things to tote around and—" Her words cut off as Sunset's fingers pulled away from her. "Okay! Okay! Alright, Sunny, another reason is you make me feel good. I like playing with you, and I like hearing your happiest sounds. It makes me tingle all over when you moan, and your laughter is almost as good as sex."

"Almost?" Sunset asked as she stroked down the side of Pinkie's vulva.

"Almost," Pinkie Pie said. "Mostly because sex is fun haaa where laughing is just fun haa—" Her words devolved into a moan as her body was invaded again. She stuck her snout between Sunset's breasts and shouted her joy.

"You want to know something, Pinkie?" Sunset asked. She had to wait before Pinkie stopped laughing and moaning before she could continue (and hope for a reply). "I love seeing you this happy. I love hearing all the sounds you make for yourself rather than for my benefit. I get worried sometimes that you're only with me to make me feel happy. I love you for smashing those thoughts to pieces."

Her mind racing at the thoughts presented, Pinkie Pie smiled at the last one to leave Sunset's lips. "Silly Sunny, did you think I wasn't being just as selfish as a pink ponk could be? I went most of junior year without anyone, and when you turned over a whole bunch of new leaves, I saw you blossom into someone I want to be with, and want to be intimate with. I wouldn't do all this with just anyone." Pinkie waved a hoof around, gesturing loosely to the mental realm she'd dragged Sunset into.

"I guess I'm still just a little insecure about being the real me. That anger and—and the other stuff I felt, that wasn't me. It wasn't who I wanted to be, but who I'd made myself in the hope of becoming better." Sunset was running out of self-depreciating words when Pinkie's lips found hers. After the years spent as a human, it felt nice to be kissed by a pony.

Pinkie Pie broke the kiss only for a moment. "You are who you make yourself to be. Every time I see you, Sunny, you're making yourself, the world around you, and me better. Knowing you came from somewhere dark doesn't alter that. Besides, your breasts just got bigger."

The non-sequitur confused Sunset at first, but then she looked down to see where Pinkie was pressed to her chest. Sure enough, her breasts seemed a little larger. "How big do you want them, Pinkie?"

Lifting a hoof up, Pinkie booped Sunset on the nose. "It's not the size that counts, silly, but the size difference." With that said, Pinkie Pie began to shrink. When she reached half her previous pony size, she fit perfectly on Sunset's belly.

"Pinkie! What are you doing?"

"Shrinking!" Pinkie's voice was a little higher than usual, and the smaller she got the higher it would become. She reached a quarter of her size and trotted a circle on Sunset's belly. "But if I'm really tiny, your tiddies are huge!"

Sunset Shimmer had a moment's warning before a Pinkie Pie the size of her palm dove between her breasts. "I thought we were going to have sex?"

Crawling through the cleavage, Pinkie poked her head out and looked up at the huge face of her girlfriend. "Oh? You want an orgasm?"

Sunset was about to say no, about to tell Pinkie that whatever she planned, to think about it first. The moment she managed to open her mouth, however, Pinkie clopped her cute little hooves together. As soon as the sound registered in Sunset's ears, her world fell apart. Something parted her labia and pushed into her. It buzzed, it twitched, and it squirmed.

"See? Now you can have all the orgasms you want and I get the best boobs to sleep between!" Pinkie Pie, however, wasn't going to actually sleep. She rode in Sunset's cleavage as orgasm after orgasm rocked her lover.

The toy was alive inside Sunset. She squirmed and struggled, screamed and begged for more. Pinkie Pie, it seemed, knew all the ways to inflict pleasure, and that toy seemingly used all of them.

Giggling, riding along in Sunset's cleavage, Pinkie Pie couldn't have been happier if she tried.

Sunset Shimmer felt like it was cheating. She woke up and yawned, then tilted her head forward to look down her body. Sure enough, Pinkie Pie was snuggled against her with her snout stuck firmly between Sunset's breasts.

It was cheating, in Sunset's mind, because she felt well rested after being up all night having sex with Pinkie. Yet here she was, muscles relaxed, mind slowly exploring the edges of consciousness, and feeling great about a Monday of all things. "Pinkie?"

"Shh. Having horsey-dream."

Focusing her eyes on the mass of pink attached to her like a limpet, Sunset started to notice things. "You're way ponied up, Pinkie. Like, Rainbow Dash levels of ponied up."

"That's because I want to be. Pony dreams need ponies, silly."

Every time Pinkie spoke it caused Sunset's chest to wobble a little in an interesting (and enjoyable) way. When she'd first come to the world through the mirror, Sunset had barely had breasts at all, and certainly hadn't known the grip they hold on the male mind (and some females). She certainly hadn't thought of them as something she wanted played with, but Pinkie Pie had changed that.

Sunset Shimmer was a changed woman—mare. She liked the attention paid to her breasts, even if it made her groan in disbelief sometimes. "You can change like that at will?"

"What? No, silly. I'd never change because of Will. I change when I want to be a little more horsey, and I like being horsey around you." Pinkie, so close to Sunset's chest, could hear the beating heart within Sunset with her perked ears. She could hear Sunset's heart quicken when she moved her mouth, and decided something extra was in order. "Motorboat time!"

"What?! Pink—!" Groaning in both disbelief and arousal, Sunset arched her back and pushed her chest against Pinkie. Despite the silliness of Pinkie shaking her head vigorously, it felt good.

"Brub-brub-brub-brub…" Pinkie Pie broke from her fun into giggles, then squeezed both Sunset's breasts together again. "Sorry girls, but I need to get ready for a big day of fun. No running off anywhere, you hear? I'm keeping my eyes on you!"

"Pinkie, why don't we shower together?" Sunset asked.

Pinkie Pie's eyes widened like saucers, then she looked down. "You heard that, girls, we're having a Pinkie Pie Shower Party together!"

"We showered together yesterday, Pinkie." Before they'd started dating, Pinkie's antics sometimes seemed overwhelming or even forced. After spending a lot more time with her, however, Sunset not only came to appreciate Pinkie's jokes, but she found they always lifted her spirits.

Gasping with surprise, Pinkie threw her hands to her cheeks in shock. "So we're going to make this daily?"

Laughing, Sunset kissed Pinkie on her cute snout. "We already were. Now come on, I want to spend some time appreciating your breasts for once."

"My girls? You want to play with my girls? Coming!"

"Wait! One thing first, Pinkie, I want to feel your breasts without fur." Sunset cupped one of the organs in question with a hand. "Besides, if you want an easier time washing, you don't want fur. Trust me."

Scrunching up her face, Pinkie Pie shifted and flowed. Her legs turned back to human, her face pulled in, and she let out a sigh. "I feel like I have more energy like that. Or maybe it's just that I can use more. Probably a bit of both. Huh, my boobs are bigger like this."

"Pinkie…" Sunset grabbed one of Pinkie's hands and pulled her toward the stairs. All week they'd made a habit of sneaking upstairs to use the shower naked. Given the hour of the morning only Limestone was usually awake (she woke at dawn every day), but when Sunset opened the door at the top of the stairs she saw a tall man with impressive sideburns look at her from the kitchen table.