
by SkyStrike__

Chapter 1: Lighting the Fire

I stare at the mirror in my small shack below the generator. Having just cut my mane down to something that would be acceptable in public, I still had a 5 o clock shadow discoloring my light umber fur with the light and dark red of my mane and tail."Me: What I wouldn't give for a razor." Since I have to cut my beard in such a way, it discolors my face and makes me look like some thug on the streets.

Coming in through the door, is a changeling queen. Her brown mane covered in snow, and her eyes filled with the calm and kind demeanor I know her for. Though it still scared me since the iron lock sounds like gunfire when moved "Firestrike. I know we're married and all, but you could still knock before coming in? That lock is so loud"

Firestrike brushes the snow out of her mane, and replies. "Sorry about that. I just came to tell you there is enough coal loaded into the generator, but we need your help jump starting it."

I sighed and cleaned up my face before saying, "Right, right. You get the others ready, and I'll be right behind you. They've waited long enough for us to start."

Half an hour later, there were 14 unicorns, changelings, and griffin storm mages standing on specially made panels that connected to each other in a large circle around the generator. I was standing on another in the circle and FIrestrike was next to me. Then it started, the 16 panels let out a low, red glow. I felt it crawling up my leg. Then I fired my magic into a port on the generator, and saw the others doing the same. Then I felt warm as the generator lit up and let out a rush of heat.

When the generator let us go; many of us stumbled backwards due to the amount of magic we had to use to start it up. Yet it worked as the generator let out a constant stream of heat and the fire burned in it's heart. After the brief cheer I flew onto a platform at the base of the generator and began giving assignments.

Entry log 002
Day 1 in New Canterlot

We lit the generator today, and what a spectacle it is. I've actually taken off my coat and my fur can finally breathe, but there are a few problems. As I was giving out assignments from the scaffolding, I realized the many distrustful looks between some of the different species that came here. I made the difficult decision of keeping the more disagreeable races assigned to different areas.

Now that we're somewhat stable with building resources I had to look at the problem of feeding a city with a variety of different creatures with many diets. While ponies can indeed eat meat it's become somewhat of a cultural taboo, but it so happens that the generator has just melted snow and uncovered resource rich soil. Soil that can be transferred into the experimental hothouses that use earth pony magic to produce crops at an unreal rate. Though this comes at the cost of using the only steam core I could find before embarking.

The changelings only need to socialize and make friends to satisfy themselves. Some of the griffins have asked me to allow them to form hunting parties to gather what they need. They built the hut and went to helping set up the rings of tents that now surround the generator. By now they likely have left to hunt during the night while any prey is asleep.

In my opinion thins are going rather well all things considered. We aren't freezing our flanks off, nor are we starving. Heat and housing are taken care of, and we're constructing healthcare and research facilities as I'm writing this entry. Hope is high among the creatures of New Canterlot, and I'm hopeful alongside them.