Life is A Test 2: Test Harder (Quite A Bit Harder)

by Brony_of_Brody

The Fifth Puzzle (So the Part Where It Goes To Tartarus, Basically)

Having located Graham's hideout, Fluttershy then takes the alarming step if smothering your body in what smells rather oddly like barbeque sauce, and then tying a rope around you, suspended on a wooden rod. She then lifts you into the air and dangles you at the mouth of the cave.

Suddenly, a roar sounds out, and you discover what it is that Fluttershy is so insistent on not going to visit alone.

Graham, as it turns out, is a tyrannosaurus rex.

Well. That explains so much and yet raises so many more questions.



But before you can finish screaming as Fluttershy attempts to slowly coax Graham out of the cave, suddenly you slip out of the ropes and land rather ungracefully on the floor. Unfortunately, your ropes weren't as secure as you'd hoped, and you soon find yourself being chased by a rather hungry and annoyingly fast dinosaur. Both of you quickly leave Fluttershy in the dust.

The chase continues until you reach a lake. By a frankly startling coincidence, you find a small rowing boat by the shore, and not wanting to look a gift pony in the mouth, you jump in and start rowing like the clappers, leaving Graham frustrated at the shore, unable to swim. However, as ill fortune would have it, as you row straight to the middle of the lake, you hear a rumbling sound, and the ceiling is starting to slowly but surely bear down on you. As if your day couldn't get any worse. Shouldn't have thought that, because at that exact moment, you spot what are unmistakably shark fins peppering the surface of the lake. And no, they don't belong to unusually large kippers.

Trapped by the lowering ceiling above, and the sharks in the lake below, death by shark-nibble seems imminent.

However, you've studied such traps under the tutelage of Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle, and so you know that such traps are typically handled by a series of crystals in a runic shape. You look around, and sure enough, you see a series of azure crystals lining the sides of the lake. You have, as per usual, been trapped in a puzzle most fiendish. To retract the trap and raise the ceiling again, the crystals must make contact with water, and so you have to find a way to raise the water level somehow!

Unfortunately, with the way the trap seems to be arranged, all of the crystals must register contact with water at the same time, so you cannot rock the boat to make waves to trick one of the crystals. Unfortunately, you have absolutely nothing else on your boat you CAN use, save your carnivore-attracting saucy body and the oars you rowed with to get here! So using the seeming nothing that you have, how can you raise the water level and avoid death?