Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

The Bass Line

"You wore it all week?" Derpy asked. She watched as Flash stripped off his clothes to reveal the plastic locked around his penis. Leaning closer, she could see that the little lock Spicy had given her was fastened up.

"It's been great. Every time I think about you it gets tighter around me. I've had to start changing underwear twice a day. Washing it was a little embarrassing at first, but I did some searching online and—It's great!" Right now, at this moment, Flash should have been rock hard. The cage squeezed his shaft from all sides in a grip that wouldn't release.

When Derpy leaned down to his crotch, Flash tensed even further. She didn't unlock him, she twirled the key around a spare finger while she looked over the device keeping his shaft restrained.

"Do you want it off?" Derpy asked.

"O-Only if you want to—to use it. My dick, I mean." The words were naughty, and Flash couldn't believe he could say them and mean them. "B-But can you put it back on when you're done?"

"But what if you want to beat off? Jacking it while thinking about your sexy blonde girlfriend's toned ass." Derpy was crouched before Flash, her face at the same height as his crotch, so she had to lean back and look up his body to meet Flash's eyes. The pose was more synonymous with relief and power for males than the current situation.

Flash smiled his way out of a wince.

Bringing the key up, Derpy touched it to the base of the lock and watched Flash jerk a little. "This was meant as a gag, you know. A silly thing a girl gets her boyfriend to threaten him with and laugh about. You're really into this, though."

"No one is as surprised as I am, babe. It just feels—" Flash stopped short and froze as Derpy slid the key into the lock. Though he held still, his trapped shaft throbbed in excitement. He needed relief so bad, but having all the control of that relief in Derpy's hands made it even better. When she twisted the key, removed the lock, and unhinged the toy's locking mechanism, Flash almost climaxed on the spot.

"Still with me, Flashy? Not going too fast am I?" Derpy could only hear a soft whine from Flash as she pulled the toy back and freed his penis for the first time all week. He was clean, and smelled of fresh soap, but what she loved most was how fast he grew to hardness.

Derpy leaned forward and kissed the tip of Flash's shaft. He tasted vaguely of the buttery soap he used and a little sweat. When a bead of fluid formed at his urethra, she ran her tongue over it. "Hair trigger?"

Flash nodded, not trusting his voice. When Derpy leaned back from him, left him exposed to the cool air, he actually whined.

Two buttons were enough so that Derpy could pull her shirt over her head. She looked at Flash, but his eyes were locked to her chest. "You want the girls out, or just as they are?"

Licking his lips, Flash knew a nod wouldn't be enough here. "I love you in that corset." His eyes traced the leather that supported Derpy's chest. Much as he loved playing with her breasts, when she wore a corset he felt like he was with a goddess.

"Bed, floor, or wall, Flashy?"

"Why are you asking me all the questions?" Flash asked. He advanced on Derpy, closed his hands around her waist, lifted her and set her back on the bed in the middle of the room.

Derpy rolled her eyes, which put most people off, but Flash always smiled at the gesture. He wasn't smiling now—Derpy thought he looked hungry. "Because you fuck like a god when things are exactly as you want them."

"Like a god?" Flash pushed Derpy backwards, grabbed one of her legs and lifted it up. Pressing the gray limb between him and Derpy, he pushed forward. "No other way to treat a goddess."

"Rubber first," Derpy said. "And lube."

It was a herculean effort for Flash to restrain his urges, but he did. He wanted to shove forward and spear Derpy, his goddess in leather, but he'd waited a week, another minute was nothing. "Get up on the bed and on all fours."

Almost purring, Derpy Hooves rolled over and crawled further onto the bed. She looked back to see Flash Sentry pulling a rubber down his dick. She loved watching his shaking fingers smooth it down and spread some lube over the surface. His eyes met hers, and she felt her heart speed up like she was on the starting line for a drag race. "C'mere and fuck me."

A shudder of excitement ran all the way from Flash's toes to his head. He advanced on the bed and reached out for Derpy's hips. She still had her skirt on, but as short as it was it wouldn't be a problem. Bringing his right hand in from her thigh, he stroked up and down her folds—wet already. While he thought of how best to treat his goddess, Flash kept rubbing.

Biting her lip at the stroking, Derpy closed her eyes and let her lust take her where it wished. She felt when Flash made up his mind. He guided her body sideways and to the floor beside the bed. "What are you—?"

Flash silenced Derpy by the simple act of grabbing her waist—just before her hips—and pulling up and against him. He pushed in easily, and felt her legs close behind his back. "You ready?"

The blood was rushing to Derpy's head, and with Flash inside her she would have been ready to agree to almost anything, but asking if she was ready was rhetorical. All Derpy could do was nod, and when Flash let her body slip off of him before pulling her back up, she moaned.

With their dance not quite as simple as normal, Flash had to do all the work to stroke his shaft in and out of Derpy. Each time he wanted to return to his goddess' clutching depths, he had to lift her weight up and to him. For a moment he was thankful to all the times he'd worked on a car, if only because the work had prepared him for energetic sex—then that thought faded in favor of focusing on his performance.

Every time Flash pushed into her, Derpy felt his shaft press and stroke along a very sensitive spot inside her. It was easy to lose focus and let the pleasure overwhelm her, and as Flash brushed her G-spot yet again, Derpy felt a wave of pleasure surge through her. Then again on the next thrust.

Flash felt the tight, squeezing pulses of Derpy's body around him. Having a girlfriend who experienced multiple-orgasms was nothing new for him, but their intensity was. Normally, from what he'd experienced, Derpy's little orgasms were like hiccups to her, but these were the real thing.

Knowing he was giving Derpy the ride of her life helped Flash's male ego encourage his own end. A week without orgasm had left him pent up and aching for this moment, and now it was here he was not disappointed.

Fire seemed to boil up from the depths of Flash's being. He trembled in a mix of pleasure and restraint. Even now his body tried to hold back, to satisfy his deepest fetish of denial, but it was struggling against millions of years of evolution.

The fire grew to an inferno, and Flash gripped Derpy as tight as he could while still wildly pulling her against him. Leaning over her, held in place by her legs curling behind his back, Flash trembled at the intensity of his orgasm.

Even through the condom Derpy could feel the heat of Flash's release. It shoved her body into another cascaded climax. She let loose a long, groaning moan that expressed her excitement and happiness in one.

Spent, Flash felt his body soften in Derpy, and he quickly pulled free of her. The condom was swiftly dealt with, and their ubiquitous cleanup-towel was employed to get himself dry, then tossed away from his lover.

Derpy managed only a weak sigh when Flash set her down to clean up. Rolling to her side, Derpy looked up at a staggering Flash Sentry with her chest heaving. She wanted to tell him how wonderful their coupling had been, but she wasn't ready for words yet. Instead, she took his offered hand and was hauled up to the bed where they both collapsed.

Pulling Derpy against his chest and spooning her, Flash nuzzled against the back of her neck and pressed his nose into her blonde hair. "You're amazing."

"Me? Flash, that was awesome. If that's what locking you away for a week gets, I'm a-okay with it." Reaching one hand back, Derpy ran it along Flash's hip. "But now I owe you one."

Flash was surprised. "You owe me?"

"You did all the work. Why don't you lay back and let me do some?" Derpy tried to turn in his arms, and though he resisted at first, she was able to turn to face him.

Looking at Derpy, Flash couldn't help but dip his eyes down from her face. The corset clung tightly around Derpy's belly and chest, and Flash couldn't stop himself from reaching to her breasts.

"Too many guys focus on a girl's face, you know? I've had guys I've dated stare and stare at my eyes." Derpy tilted her head to watch Flash's hands work at her chest. "But I love it when you focus on other parts of me. Makes me forget about my eyes."

"Your eyes are beautiful." The words tumbled from Flash's lips automatically. "I mean it. Golden circles like the most expensive rings—"

"Flash, you're still playing with my boobs," Derpy said with a giggle.

"I happen to also like your tits. Especially when they're like this." Flash only got a few more squeezing strokes in before Derpy pushed him away. The forcefulness surprised him. Flash looked at Derpy, and watched her roll over and straddle him.

Sitting up straight, Derpy could feel Flash's shaft regaining its vigor and pressing along her butt. "You know what I'm gonna do?" When Flash shook his head, Derpy giggled. "I'm going to suck you off, slurp up all your cum and lick you clean, then I'm going to put your little toy back on and lock it."

Flash's eyes widened and if he wasn't completely hard a moment ago, he was now. He managed a slow nod.

"If you're a good boy, and give me a full meal, I might even buy you a heavier lock to use." The guess had been correct—Derpy smiled as Flash's face revealed a look of innocent desire that overwhelmed her studly boyfriend. "Do you think you can do that?"


Reaching behind her back, Derpy twisted the quick releases on her corset and removed it. "Sorry, but the girls need to come out and play if they're going to get messy."

Much as he loved seeing Derpy wearing her corset, Flash wanted to see her really messy. "I-I can handle that." When Derpy slid backwards, Flash groaned as his shaft squeezed between her butt cheeks and slipped under her. She'd angled her hips so he wouldn't press to her vulva, but he got to feel her body slid along his slick penis from belly button to just between her breasts.

Tilting her head down, Derpy leaned back and slid her legs off the end of the bed and pulled Flash with her to the edge.

Looking down his body, Flash braced his arms behind him and leaned upward to watch as Derpy wrapped one of her hands around the base of his shaft. Her squeeze made him close his eyes in bliss—it reminded him of the grip of the chastity cage.

Derpy giggled at the look of pleasure on Flash's face. Though she'd pretend she didn't want him too aroused too quick, she loved seeing him on edge. "If you cum too soon, I'm gonna want a second go."

But Flash had no hope of not being on a hair trigger. He opened his eyes again in time to see Derpy lowering her mouth down to kiss and then engulf the head of his shaft. She sucked, squeezed, and flicked at him with her tongue. Flash's hands curled into fists and he clenched his eyes closed again. "I can't help it. You're amazing."

Pulling her mouth back just a moment, Derpy said, "You bet I am. Better than all the rest, aren't I?" It did Derpy's ego good to be told she was the best. Flash had been with a literal succubus and a princess, and he preferred her. She needed to reward such loyalty.

Thanks to his week of abstinence (and arousal), Flash was on edge. It also didn't help that he'd just had some of the best sex of his life. When Derpy finally removed her hand and slid her mouth down him, he lost control.

Derpy counted down as Flash unloaded into her mouth. She didn't care that he'd gotten off so quickly, but she wanted her due. Pulling back, she felt the first full rope splatter across her face. "More!" she cried and held her chest up and forward to receive its due.

Flash stared in absolute shock. Riding his orgasm, he could have sworn he was in a porno but for one thing—Derpy was perfect. Her hands closed around him and stroked, milking a few last spurts and aiming his length at her mouth, though she missed.

Panting and giggling in excitement, Derpy leaned forward and sucked on the end of Flash's shaft. Despite his whine of shock at her attack, she bobbed her mouth as far down as she could and sucked as she pulled back and off. "There. Now where's your little prison?"

It seemed like a wild dream. Flash was clean, but Derpy was practically soaked in his semen. He watched it glisten in her hair and stick to her face, but it was the liberal splash on her breasts that had his attention. While he watched—and his shaft softened—he was distracted just the right amount of time for Derpy to close the chastity cage around his flagging penis and lock it behind his balls again.

Back in the embrace of the insidious, wonderful toy, Flash let out another deep moan and pulled Derpy up and against him. He was smearing himself with his own mess. Despite Derpy's squeal, Flash kissed her.

Derpy got to her feet with Flash. Their mouths never broke apart as they shuffled and made their way to the bathroom. Once in the shower, the kiss finally ended. "Did you like that?" Derpy asked.

"You don't need to ask," Flash said. He took hold of Derpy's hand and guided it to the hard plastic between his legs. It was the only hard thing between his legs, but as Derpy discovered it wasn't for lack of trying. "It's only been two weeks. I can't believe this."

"Good?" Derpy asked.

"I was an idiot before. Sunset, Twilight…" Flash sighed and wrapped his arms around Derpy's back, kissing her quickly on the lips again. "I was a blind idiot."

"Maybe, but it wasn't all your fault. I was too shy. It took Rainbow Dash pushing me to actually ask you out." The secret wasn't really a big one for Derpy. Before she'd put her heart on the line with Flash, she'd been less than successful with guys—at least relationship wise. When she got horny enough, and just asked a cute, unattached guy, she'd never been turned down. "We were both looking in all the wrong places."

Combing Derpy's hair back with his hand, Flash nodded. With their bodies pressed together, he could feel the plastic restraint keeping him from getting hard, and he knew Derpy could feel it too. "Are you doing the college thing?"

"HA!" Derpy reached her hand between them and teased the flesh around Flash's restrained penis. "I'm not sure if you noticed, Flashy, but your girl ain't a genius. She ain't a fast runner, a fashion prodigy, and she definitely isn't the next Doctor Doolittle. Your girl is a grease-monkey, Flashy. I'm going to get a certificate while I work doing anything anyone will pay me, and then I'm gonna find somewhere nearby that needs a qualified engine-head to sweep floors."

"I got the marks to go to college," Flash said.

"So go."

"It's not that easy, or cheap."

"Then don't. You like working on cars, right?" Derpy asked.

Flash nuzzled in at Derpy's neck, nibbling and sucking on her supple skin. Then he closed his lips around a spot and started sucking.

Derpy squealed and squirmed, but she didn't push him away. When he finished the first hickey, and moved along to start another, she laughed. "Okay, one's enough. Why don't you come along and learn to tighten nuts as well as loosen them?"

"My parents want more. They want me to go to college, but I know it'll be a struggle for them to pay for it. I don't want to—"

"Stop that. It's not your smokin' hot girlfriend you should be talking about this with." Derpy kissed Flash's cheek. "Do you want some backup?"

"So my 'smokin' hot girlfriend' has my back?" Flash reached for the shampoo and set to work on Derpy's hair.

Turning around, Derpy let Flash take care of her hair. "I said I'm not the one to talk with, I didn't say I wouldn't have your back. You signed up for the full Derpy package. No refunds."

"No refunds needed," Flash Sentry said and started soaping up Derpy's hair.