Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Rockin' Pt4

Watching Spicy for a tell he was getting close again, Braeburn waited until his submissive was riding up that mountain and almost to the peak before he pulled out. "Shower?" he asked, looking to Rainbow.

"You're not going to finish in h—Over there!" The look Rainbow got from Braeburn made her change her tone quickly. She pointed to the shower.

Spicy shook his head and looked around. He was aching in every limb to be finished off, but Braeburn had left him. Opening his mouth only resulted in whines and whimpers.

The shower, Braeburn quickly realized, was rudimentary at best. He reached in and turned it on, aimed the head down and at an angle, and presented himself to it without getting his oiled chaps too wet. Cool water met his shaft—the effect was almost instant. Rinsing himself off, he lost all the hardness he'd had from reaming Spicy and was down to a little chub.

Rainbow's head turned back toward the shower as Braeburn stepped back out. He wasn't hard, but was a little more firm than the night in the club. Not for the first time was she impressed at how much of him there was. "If you weren't so hardcore into guys, I'd fuck you."

Braeburn reached up to tip his hat, but realized he was without it. He could see the lines of muscles that were evident on Rainbow's body, but she was obviously feminine like this. "You'll have to settle for watching me stuff your boyfriend's mouth. Untie him."

By the time Braeburn reached the bed, Rainbow had Spicy's wrists undone. The knots had been obvious in how to undo them, though she was damned if she could work out what he'd done to make them in the first place.

Released somewhat, Spicy looked up to see Braeburn's legs part. It was an offer, a request, and a demand. Crawling on his knees, Spicy reached Braeburn and slumped down between his thighs.

Putting one hand on Spicy's head, Braeburn used his other to hold himself out to his sub. "You're makin' a mess on the carpet, but I reckon that's planned for—what with the rug. Get down on me right now, colt, and show me how well you suck."

Spicy Hot had no reservations. Leaning in, guided by Braeburn's hand, he opened his mouth and took the hefty length in his mouth. There was one word that filled his head, something he loved the idea of: creampie.

"Ya see, the proper way to break in any colt is by makin' sure they know yer scent." Braeburn could appreciate Spicy's efforts—it felt to him like his sub's tongue was everywhere at once—but he wanted this to go faster. Digging his fingers into Spicy's mane, he began to push him down his shaft and up it again, over and over.

Each motion of Braeburn's hand was calculated to give Spicy time to take a breath and prepare himself for another stroke down. He wanted to push harder, but that was for another time and after he'd discussed the evening with Spicy.

Rainbow Dash loved what she was seeing. It wasn't hard for her to fantasize about being in Spicy Hot's situation, particularly since he'd put her in this one a few times. She reached out a finger toward Spicy's rump, then looked up to Braeburn. At his nod, Rainbow ran her finger through the seamen leaking down her boyfriend's thigh.

Still working Spicy on his penis, Braeburn watched Rainbow bring her finger up and to her mouth. File that under Another Thing to Talk About, Braeburn thought. He wasn't sure if it turned him on, exactly, but it didn't turn him off either.

Each touch of the finger to his thigh made Spicy shiver, but it was the reaming his mouth got that had his full attention. The little muzzle he sported made this easier, he found, and as he took Braeburn completely in his mouth each time he was comfortable with how rough it was.

Braeburn, with a firm grip on Spicy's head, started to stand up. The motion pulled Spicy into a more upright position, but it gave Braeburn exactly what he wanted—room to thrust.

Now Spicy was held still while Braeburn actually fucked his mouth. The transfer of power was everything to Spicy Hot, and in this situation he'd given it oh-so-willingly to Braeburn. He rolled his eyes up just in time to see Braeburn's expression change.

Braeburn's eyes twitched, and Spicy could see him suck in his bottom lip. In Spicy's mouth, he could feel as the other male's shaft started to twitch. Spicy nearly gasped when Braeburn's hips shoved forward hard and fed every inch of that big penis into his mouth. Moaning in anticipation and bliss, Spicy felt the first jet of hot seed paint the back of his mouth.

Letting go of Spicy, Braeburn arched his back and reached above his head and down to hold his neck. He trembled and shook, riding out his orgasm and putting on a show. After all, BDSM was all about the scene.

When he looked down at last, Braeburn wished he had a camera with him. Spicy had pulled back before the last time Braeburn's gun had fired, and there was a long trail of white up and over Spicy's little muzzle. It couldn't have gone better if he'd actually planned it. "You like getting a bit messy, colt?"

Spicy kept himself busy with licking and cleaning Braeburn off, but he managed to nod. The musky taste that dominated two of his senses—taste and smell—kept Spicy's own shaft rock hard and ready. He knew his face was messy, he liked it like that.

"You did it, colt. And you know what happens when a colt done been good?" Braeburn cupped Spicy's cheek with one hand and slowly turned him around to face Rainbow. "We put them among the fillies and let them work out their frustration."

Rainbow couldn't help herself. She turned around and crawled to the middle of the bed—rump raised.

When he turned Spcy's head back to looking forward, Braeburn made sure Spicy could see all of him. "Just once. Fuck her ass so hard she squeals. But then we all need to have a talk and a cuddle."

Spicy moved when Braeburn's hand let go. He turned like a predator and looked at Rainbow Dash. Even with his ass and mouth still showing signs of recent use, Spicy could feel the spark of his dominance ignite. Rainbow Dash was his for this one moment.

Strong hands shoved Rainbow to her side, and she barely saw Spicy reach to the pump beside the bed than he was in her. He wasn't gentle or soft, he took her like an animal.

He was hilt-deep in her ass, of course, though the angle meant he wasn't going too deep—until he grabbed her leg and pulled it up. Stretching her into what she'd heard called the Spiderman position. Her legs were wide apart now, and the angle Spicy took meant he got deep into her at last.

Each thrust was sharp and hard, and Rainbow Dash heard herself grunting when Spicy's crotch connected with her ass at the pinnacle of each. She didn't try to hold herself back at all, and with her free arm reached between her legs.

Spicy didn't mind Rainbow taking care of her own needs while he plowed her. He nuzzled her hoof while he claimed her ass with animalistic fury. There was something amazing about having sex with complete abandon, and even as he approached his end Spicy Hot kept up the wild pace.

With two fingers dug into her slit, Rainbow was riding the express elevator to climax. Normally, anal sex alone was enough to bring her, but she'd heard Braeburn tell Spicy to make her scream, and this was the best way to ensure that.

Watching Spicy buggering Rainbow for all he was worth was surprisingly arousing for Braeburn. He could comfortably ignore Rainbow Dash's femininity—mostly because she was facing away from him—and could appreciate the situation for the lewd display of emotions that it was.

Caring about noise was the last thing on Rainbow's mind. Her body, and the part of her brain that used to be a parasite, loved the attention Spicy was giving her, so with three fingers buried between her legs—she climaxed.

If the squealing wasn't enough to tip him off, Spicy felt Rainbow's body clench around his shaft. The tightness of her rear was something his position let him take full advantage of. Pulling back on Rainbow's thigh, Spicy shoved himself all the way into her rump and started to tremble. His body burned with fire, burned with need, and burned with release. He found himself groaning just as much as Rainbow squealed, and thanks to the massage her anal muscles were giving his shaft, he erupted inside her.

What struck Braeburn most about the couple's copulation was the flapping. Spicy's wings seemed to beat with vigor, while the one (and much larger) wing that Rainbow could spread flapped weakly, slowly. Reaching a hand up the side of his head, Braeburn felt where his ear used to be, and up higher where it was now.

Being a furry hadn't been easy when he'd been living on his family's farm. Braeburn had got to see the unglamorous sight of animals at their worst, but horses were always amazing to him. Strong, proud, and smart, he'd associated himself with them since he learned to ride. Now, with his own pair of fuzzy ears and watching two people he could honestly call horse anthros fucking, there wasn't much that would keep Braeburn away. Life was good.

When Braeburn had seen Rainbow in the club, the first thing he'd thought was "what a great costume." He'd upgraded that to "that's some serious pony play" when she'd gotten closer, but when he'd seen how real her costume was, he was hooked.

Now the couple were cooling down from some of the wildest sex he'd seen in a while, and he couldn't stop a little part of himself from squeeing at the thought of becoming anthro himself. "I'm grabbing a drink. Get your furry butts over here when you're ready to talk."

"Easy for—for you to say. You don't have a horny bat in your ass." Despite her comment, Rainbow wouldn't have traded the particular bat for anything right then. She liked having a horny bat in her ass, but more so because it was Spicy.

He'd slumped down behind her, pulled her against him, and spooned her body, all while still inside her rear. She tilted her head to the side and looked back at Spicy over her shoulder. "You wanna let go?"

"Nope. Happy right where I am." Spicy wiggled his hips to demonstrate to Rainbow exactly what he meant. "How much do you weigh?"

"You did not just ask that."

"I mean it. You're under one-thirty?" Spicy could almost feel the glare Rainbow was trying to give him. "Okay, hold on."

Rainbow squealed as Spicy wrapped his arms around her, rolled to the side (taking her with him), and lifted her into the air. "SPICY HOT!"

Supporting Rainbow's weight with one arm around he chest and one under her thigh, Spicy stood up—still inside her. "I thought you might want to snuggle on the couch together?"

The kinkiness of the situation certainly agreed with Rainbow, but she wasn't keen on the particular position she was in. "If you get me to the couch before I get a cramp, you're on."

"You're kidding?" Braeburn watched Spicy walk toward the couch still carrying Rainbow. "You're not kidding. You're going to have to wash the cushions now." He winced as Spicy sat down beside him on the couch. Without any other complaint to make, Braeburn leaned across and put his arm around Spicy.

Spicy could have turned the snuggle into a kiss, but he felt the sexy-times part of the night was mostly done, and instead just snuggled against Braeburn while Rainbow got cozy on his lap. He nuzzled her neck and let out a happy little sigh. "I've needed this for a while."

"No shit?" Rainbow Dash asked. "You almost split me in half with that move." She turned her head to face Braeburn. "You weren't kidding."

Braeburn chuckled. "I never kid when it comes to trainin' a colt. Now as we're all comfortable, Ah got a few things we need to talk about. Was that rough enough? You seemed to be, well, chompin' at the bit."

"I—I got carried away. It was a relief that you took it slow, honestly. If you'd jumped off the deep end I wouldn't have said no." Spicy meant every word. He had to. Being honest with his top was important to him. "Which is why I wanted Rainbow here. Nothing against you, Braeburn, but I needed someone else here."

"No offense taken, pardner. I don't blame you for that. But none of this answered my question. Do you want it rougher next time?" Braeburn gave Spicy a little squeeze around the shoulders.

Spicy Hot closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. He counted to ten then let the breath out. "Yeah. I want it rougher, and I want to be able to fight more. Those ultimatums were a bit too heavy."

"I hadn't thought of that. Pretty sure I can take care of a more willful colt. What about you, Missy, anything you liked or didn't like?" Braeburn surprised himself by bringing Rainbow into the discussion, but when he thought about it, she had been a part of the game.

Rainbow closed her eyes and tried to ignore the throbbing shaft still in her butt and focus on the evening. "I guess I'd have liked to get a little messy with him. You tasted pretty good, and I don't mind going down there to get—"

"There was a reason I kept you from that. Uh, I had a shower after because he was a bit messy." Braeburn had dealt with this before. "Spicy, you need to do a deeper enema. Not sure if you noticed, but I have a big cock."

The gears in Rainbow's head finally engaged enough to parse the meaning. She was suddenly very thankful for Braeburn's experience, though she still wanted to know more about his cock. "Well, thanks I guess. But I totally want to eat his ass out after you're done with it. Spicy, clean better next time."

"Yes ma'am." Spicy liked the idea of that as well. If there was one thing that would motivate him, it was having everyone happy. "So you're cool with letting her play a little?" he asked Braeburn.

"She was better behaved than most submissives I've topped. And I wasn't even topping her." Surprised at how much support he had for Rainbow, Braeburn couldn't help himself. He leaned across and kissed her cheek. "Thank you for not making this weird."

Rainbow Dash couldn't help a happy little smile from sneaking on her lips. "Girls make things weird for you?"

"I got talked into doing a few strip shows for bachelorette parties. Phone numbers I could handle, but when one bride found me with her husband, she insisted that I top her too or she'd break everything off and get me black-banned from all the city's clubs." Braeburn sighed.

Rainbow was startled by how manipulative the situation was. She hated the idea of some rich, snobby bitch who would pull something like that. "What'd you do?"

"I don't work in that city no more." Braeburn was surprised when Rainbow held out a fist to him. It wasn't much, but knowing someone—particularly another woman—supported his moral stance really helped him. "Thanks. So yeah. Refreshing A F.

"Back on topic, though, was this all you wanted?"

Spicy broke from a little introspection at the question. "You mean—?"

"You want rougher, but were the things enough?"

"The whip play was great. I don't mind if you mark my backside a little more." Fantasies engulfed Spicy. He thought of all the more risk-filled things he wanted and bit down a bit again. "I have more ideas, but let's get settled like this for now."

"Of course. When you feel like it, just say the word. One thing I've been wanting to try with a colt is brandin' em." When Spicy's head spun around, Braeburn knew he'd gone down the right path. "Not a hot one, but using some liquid nitrogen stuff. You'd be onboard for—"

"Is it safe?" Rainbow asked, cutting Braeburn off and forestalling Spicy's agreement.

Braeburn shrugged. "That's what Ah was about to say. I've heard about it, but never done it. Thought you two might have heard of it."

"It can go either way. What about a tattoo?" Spicy liked the idea of a new tattoo. "Something my top and my bottom come up with together?"

Rainbow Dash turned to look at Braeburn. Both smiled. "It's a tattoo. It's going to last, even if we don't. So let's agree that it has to be something that suits Spicy, not us."

"That said, Ah want him to know for sure it is something we picked. We'll have to meet up and visit a few parlors." Turning his attention to Spicy, Braeburn wondered what experience he actually had with branding. "Do you have a favorite?"

"I did. Haven't been in there since I got my chest done." Spicy was hard in Rainbow's rear still, though he could feel himself slacking off a little. It was meant to be just a cuddle, but he still would have liked to have kept Rainbow full throughout. "They weren't cheap—"

Squeezing her anus as tightly as she could, Rainbow Dash was pleased when she cut Spicy Hot off mid sentence. "Great. Then we book two of us in. I want to get something fancy too."

"Well now y'all're leaving me out." Braeburn let out a sigh. "But I can't get any work unless I keep this bod' clean."

"I know I appreciate how clean it is," Spicy said.

"So we'll head out to this place tomorrow and take a look," Rainbow Dash said. "Until then, I want to cuddle with my stud some more."

"And I wanna fuck her a lot more," Spicy said.

Braeburn knew when it was time to make an exit.