Fluttershy POV

The princesses told us how Nightmare Moon was in the Empire, and how we and Luna will go into the Tower, use the Elements on Nightmare Moon and the giants leader, but I don't want to, maybe on Nightmare, but not the giant, Celestia told us it would be fine, but to me, I don't feel like I could trust her anymore, we were in the throne room when the doors opened and walked in the giant, but he looked different, he looked...evil, and he wielded a scary looking blade.

"Halt creature, where is your leader?! Show us so that way we might smite him, and maybe spare you." Luna said using the Canterlot voice, and scaring me, the giant just....chuckled,

"Oh you mean me? You know I was thinking you were Celestia, but oh well, I'm not going to hurt you, but I demand you leave my kingdom in peace, or else," the giant said in pleading tone, but the girls and Luna must have that it was evil, because Applejack shouted,

"Ain't no way we're doing that you no good varmint, because you tried to corrupt my sis!"

"I wasn't going to harm them, I merely heard their screams, and ran to save them, and -" but he was interrupted by Luna blasting him with magic,

"ENOUGH WITH YOUR LIES MONSTER!! THOU HARMED THY SISTER, SO THOU WILL PAY!! she continued firing at the giant, but he didn't even flinch, the reason why is because a strange looking shield was blocking the attack.

This might have been a mistake.


James POV

This is getting ridiculous, first she shoots me the first time we met, now she's trying to shoot me a second time, well actually a third time because that one shot, although that one was for BB and, gagh! FOCUS JAMES! I mentally slapped myself, back to the matter at hand, Sparkle began aiding Luna on trying to blast me, failing miserably, Applejack and Rarity going behind me and began launching nearby objects at my back, doing no damage, Rainbow Dash flying at great speeds towards my head.

"Really? You're going to charge at me again, even when last time your hooves were broken and bleeding," I said to her unamused, she seemed to remember but too late, she struck me, and like last time, she was on the ground crying, but she managed to slow herself down, the thing she got was some bleeding.

"Aaaaaaaaahhh! Dang it, not again!!" she yelled,

I stabbed the blade which I dubbed the Shadow Blade, into the ground, and I was about to snap my fingers to heal the poor excuse of a pegasus when I got hit in the head by a very large crystal, which allowed Luna and Twilight to blast me into a wall, and out of the tower.

"SCRAP!" I shouted when I remembered the spell Spectral Wings, quickly focusing Shadow Magic, two shadowy misty wings sprouted from my back, and with one flap, I was airborne, but not prepared for a continuous barrage of magic firing at me like a machine gun, and no I don't mean a minigun, just a normal machine gun.

"Take that foul beast! You now face against the might of the moon!"

"LAAAAAAAAMMMEE!" I shouted at Luna, unamused at her 'might of the moon', I used my shield blaster and fired several tracking missiles at her, she teleported, but the missiles followed her, before she could teleport again the missiles made contact, blowing her away, right back to Celestia, 'Now that she's dealt with, time to deal with those ponies,'

I flew right through the hole I made, pulled out my Ion Blaster, and aimed it at them, nobody moved, they stayed in one place, 'Ha, got them beat now to get them, wait, where's Sparkle?' I was answered by a blast to my head, distracting me, and made everything ring, I barely made out Twilight yelling to her friends.

"Alright girls time to use the Elements!" I heard her say, followed by four of them cheering, when everything stopped ringing, I looked to see them about to use...the Elements of Harmony.

"No, NOOOO!" I shouted before trying to fly away, but to my horror, the Spectral Wings were gone, and my pede thrusters were damaged, a light started shining, I looked and then a rainbow headed straight towards me, it wrapped around me, 'Looks like I'm going to become a birds pooping station!' I thought in sadness. I closed my eyes and opened my arms.

"HEHHE, aw don't worry brave one, you're not going to be a pooping station for birds!" a female voice giggled, followed by a gruff voice,

"I'll be honest that thought does sound funny and wrong,"

"Oh dear I hope the poor dear is all right," a voice filled with kindness, I was confused, where did those voices come from, I opened my eyes to see SIX BLOOMING ALICORNS!!! I so surprised I jumped back in shock, I also noticed my colors had returned to normal.

Looking behind them I saw the Main 6 with their mouths wide opened, just as surprised as me, "Don't worry we're not going to hurt you, I believe introductions are in order"

"HI MY NAMES GIGGLES! The Element of Laughter!" 'Giggles' had a bright coat of blue, her mane just as poofy's as Pinkie Pie's, but instead of pink, it's a vibrant silver, her cutie mark looked like a smiley face laughing, and her eyes were a bright pink,

"I'm Wind Blades, Element of Loyalty." Wind Blades was a red bat-pony, with orange mane that seemed to act like fire, he was wearing golden armor, a sharp looking blade was by his side, his cutie mark was two bladesmaking air slashes his wings also had blades on them, eyes of red with slits as the iris,

"The names Earth Hammer, the Honest Element," she had a very bright coat of yellow, her mane a chocolate brown tied into a pony tail, she had a very large hammer that looked like it could crush mountains, her cutie mark was a hammer striking earth, her eyes were a fierce blue,

"My names is Ocean Breeze, the Element of Kindness," Ocean Breeze said with with a giggle, she had an bronze coat with a ocean blue mane waving like an ocean, her cutie mark was a ocean blowing in the breeze, eyes of gold, and filled with

"My name is Grass Breeze, Ocean Breezes twin sister, kind sir, and the Element of Generosity" Grass Breeze, looked like her sister, the only thing difference was her cutie mark was grass blowing in the breeze, and her eyes were a vibrant orange,

"And mine is Magic Gleam, the Element of Magic," Magic Gleam had a black coat and a blue tomboyish mane, her eyes were silver, and her cutie mark was a shining spellbook, "And together we are the Alicorns of Harmony."

They all were the same size as Celestia, maybe five feet bigger, I didn't know what to do, the only thing I could do was introduce myself, "M-my names is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots,"

"Hehehehe, we know who you are silly! Our dad told us about you!" Giggles well, giggled

"Dad?" I asked, before Magic Gleam answered,

"Our father, Primus!"

"WHAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!?" I shouted, the Alicorns laughed at my reaction, "THAT'S NOT FUNNY! PRIMUS HAS KIDS?! AND THEY'RE THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY?!?!" this was too much for my brain to handle,

"Yes he has children, and don't worry about the battle outside, we'll handle Celestia, we'll talk to her make her see that you are not evil, for now you are being summoned by a Displaced," Magic Gleam said, it was true, I did feel the pull of a summoning, someone must have gotten my token, "Have a good time!"

And before you know it I was pulled between dimensions, before landing face first into the ground, getting up I looked to see I was in Ponyville, I only said one thing,"WHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?!?!?!?!" well shouted two things.