Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: Tales of the Rainbooms

by PonyJoel

Rainbow's Nightmare!

Run. Run is all Rainbow can do. She is seeing her demons coming after her. No matter how fast she ran, it got closer. The twist and turns she maneuvered, the demon was able to adjust. Rainbow ran down the halls screaming for help but no one was able to hear her cries. The demon got in front of Rainbow Dash scaring the life out of her. She ran into a room and barricade the door. Hoping that the demon can leave her alone. It was pointless as the door was ripped apart. Rainbow could only back up until she was cornered. Multiple demons were surrounding her. A hellish creature grabbed her by the throat and threw her out the window. As Rainbow Dash fell, she saw the misery of Scootaloo and Sunset Shimmer. She couldn't help by cry knowing what she did. Neglecting Scootaloo for weeks to hang out with Sunset Shimmer and hurting Sunset Shimmer mentally and physically. Rainbow screamed as the images plagued her mind. When she landed on the ground, both her ankles were broken. Being unable to move, the demons captured her, dragged her into a dark room. The demons then decided to put Rainbow to sleep for a short while.

Rainbow woke up from her slumber thinking that her nightmare is over but it wasn't. She's tied up on a chair. Hands tied behind her back. Rainbow gazed around the room but it was dark. Not really much to see until one of the demons presented itself. It's none other than Scootaloo.


Scootaloo only looked at Rainbow Dash. She's in her military school uniform getting things in order.

"Scootaloo! Get me out of this chair! Please!!!"

Scootaloo stared in the eyes of Rainbow Dash.


Scootaloo walked out of Rainbow's sight. All there is darkness. The lights were turned on which caused Rainbow to flinch and readjust her eyesight after seeing nothing but darkness for a short while. In the room, there was only Scootaloo and Sunset Shimmer. Rainbow couldn't help but feel relieved and happy to see Sunset Shimmer once more. Things took a turn when Rainbow saw Sunset's demon form. As she and Scootaloo got closer, Rainbow struggled frantically. She's wasn't enjoying the sight and preferred to see nothing but darkness.

"Quit squirming you little shit!" Sunset said.

Rainbow can feel her heart beating fast. She wanted to wake up from this horrible dream but couldn't. It feels surreal. Scootaloo got barbed wires and tied it around Rainbow's forehead. She screamed in immense pain as blood came out from the open wound.

"You made my life a living hell for ignoring me! Payback is a bitch and so are you Rainbow Crash!"

Scootaloo got in front of her and slaps her mercilessly.

"Day after day, I go home and get beat up by Gilda and Lightning Dust. Where the fuck was my protection?!"

The slaps turned into punches. Scootaloo is unleashing a fury unlike any other. Tears were streaming down but Rainbow couldn't see. She can only see Scootaloo punching her in the face and her body.

"Where were you when I needed you most?!"

The punches thrown by Scootaloo were relentless. Rainbow coughed out blood and was tired of tasting it.

"I'm sorry Scootaloo! I'm truly sincerely sorry!"

Rainbow cried. Tears flowing down on her cheeks.

"Are you Rainbow Dash! Or are you saying that out of pity!"

Scootaloo punched Rainbow in the stomach causing her to cough more blood out. After the punch, Rainbow thought hard and remembers what she said towards Scootaloo when she apologized to her the first time. How angry she got for a pathetic apology. Seeing Scootaloo walked the other direction while the Sirens stand in front of them. Making sure that she doesn't hurt Scootaloo anymore. Rainbow is now aware of the situation. Right before Scootaloo was about to throw another punch, Rainbow spoke.

"Scootaloo, I understand how much pain you're in. The number of beatings you went through. Every day getting picked on and getting depressed. I am sorry for abandoning you. I'm sorry for not walking you back home when your mom was busy and your dad fighting in the war. I'm sorry for tossing you aside for my friends. I can see that my actions were more wrong than your motives with Anon-A-Miss. I'm sorry for ignoring your depression. I am a terrible person. A terrible friend and the worst sister I can be towards you when you're an only child. I take full responsibility for my actions and what I inflicted on you. I don't expect for you to be part of my life anymore but know that my apology can be...?"


Rainbow nodded her head which was a bad move. The barbed wire dug deep in her head causing Rainbow to scream in pain.

"Not a chance."

Rainbow's eye widen. She thought hard about her apology. Remember exactly how Scootaloo was feeling. Rainbow thrashed around her binding on the chair. Enraged. Things took a turn when Sunset Shimmer grabbed Rainbow's cheeks.

"Fiesty are we?"

Sunset chuckles as she kissed Rainbow's lips which caused her to gag and spit. The demon form that Rainbow is seeing is smiling away. Scootaloo returned back into the darkness.

"No matter, what did I expect from a hot head."

Rainbow continue spat blood and hoping the taste of Demon Shimmer wouldn't last.

"Still, I expect nothing from a fiend who turns away from a friend."

Rainbow glared at Sunset. Sunset stood aside and an archfiend came closer to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow heart skipped a beat when she saw this new demonic creature. Sweating out of pure terror. It smiled and got closer.

"I want to say thank you for allowing me to exist in your world."

Rainbow is confused by the statement the archfiend said.

"Uh, why are you thanking me?"

"If it weren't for you and your friends, I may not be able to cross the dimensional planes that opened the gates for me."

Rainbow shook her head. She doesn't understand what the archfiend is saying.

"I don't understand your point by thanking me."

"Do you remember...Anon-A-Miss?"

Rainbow shudders by hearing Anon-A-Miss. Not wanting to remember the name anymore.

"I'll take it as a yes. You see, I was brought into this world by the hate created by Anon-A-Miss. Now that I roam free, this world will soon be mine. Thank you for being part of a greater cause."

Rainbow screamed. Wanting this nightmare to be over. She tried her best to break free from her bindings. The archfiend grabbed the chair, his body enlarges big enough to eat Rainbow Dash as a whole. The instant the teeth impaled on Rainbow's body is the instant she wakes up screaming. At the exact moment of time, Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy woke up from their nightmares. Breathing heavily as they couldn't believe what just happened.

Only ten minutes of slumber went by and everyone couldn't believe what just happened.