The Fall of Princess Celestia

by Twilight Star

Daybreaker and Banishment

Princess Luna entered in the throne room. Her sister had asked her in a letter to meet her here, but she didn’t know why her sister had asked her to be here. She was curious, to be honest. What her sister wanted to talk to her . She was approaching where the thrones were until she heard a voice:

“Not another step,” Celestia said seriously behind her sister’s throne before leaving behind him and revealing herself.

She was looking serious at her sister without saying anything.

“Sister? Why did you ask me to come here? What’s going on?” Asked Luna now confused.

  “Did you really think I would sit idly by while everypony delighted in your precious darkness ?!” She asked with anger, and rancor present in her voice to Luna.

“Tia?” Luna asked more confused yet. What was she talking about? Did she do something that made Celestia mad?

  “There can be only one princess in Equestria. And that princess, will be ME!!”Celestia finished with Canterlot’s real voice while her eyes gleamed white and her mouth wide open showing her teeth.

  Her scream was so loud that it made a wall behind her shatter and she could see the moon and the stars in the sky. Celestia raised her front paws as her horn shone, causing the moon to descend, the stars to fade and the sun rise. But the sun was sending terrible waves of heat. Black shadows began to spin at hers thickening until she was no longer seen. The black ball soon exploded into a fireball, inside it came a shadow of a alicorn. The mane and syrup of the alicorn were now rippling waves of fire . The alicorn’s eyes were orange-colored and dilated in dragon’s eyes, her teeth turned to fangs, While while the alicorn maniacally laughed until her hooves landed on the ground, still laughing, like a crazy mare.

 Luna was shocked and paralyzed for a while in the same place, until the alicorn stop laughing madly and go to Luna, walked to her soothing. Luna and the mysterious alicorn stared at each other without speaking and doing nothing.

Until Luna decided to speak to break the silence:

“Celestia?” She asked to the misterious alicorn in front of her. Was that her sister? Or was she seeing things?

“Celestia? I am...” The alicorn paused before revealing her name. " ...Daybreaker!” Finished the alicorn revealing her name.

“Sister, I will not fight you! You must lower the sun. It is your duty!” Luna told Daybreaker, refusing to fight with her own sister.

" Never! The day will last forever! And I have one duty now ...” Daybreaker made another dramatic pause before continuing: “...TO DESTROY YOU !!”

Daybreaker launched fire magic to hit Luna, but Luna swerved and fled. She open a hole in the ceiling in the castle with her magic to flee away from her evil sister.

Daybreaker stood still, watching her sister run away and asked smiling evil before she stepped behind her:

“And where you think you’re going?”

Luna was near the sun as she watched Daybreaker approach and launch another fire magic, but Luna swerved.

Daybreaker kept chasing and trying to hit Luna,but she was missing everytime, the only thing she was hitting was the castle,which was suffering damage. Util, she finally hit Luna with her fire magic.

“AAHH!” Luna shouted before falling into the same spot where she and Daybreaker were before.

Daybreaker saw her fall and began to laugh maniacally:


Meanwhile downstairs, Luna was still lying there with her eyes closed, not moving or saying anything, but she soon recovered and stood looking and staring at her sister sadly and not believing what she was witnessing . She could not believe that her sister was really trying to destroy her. Her sister was no longer the sister she knew before: Friendly, kind, happy, calm and generous. Now she was: evil, mad, cruel, and selfish. She knew what she must do to protect her subjects from her now evil sister, and it filled her heart with sorrow.

“Oh, dear sister. I’m so sorry. But you would not let me choose, except to use them, “ Luna said before of opening a square hole that had a sculpture where it had the elements placed, it then picks up the elements of harmony with its magic and makes the elements spin around it, until it causing a very strong bright shine. Strong and shiny enough for any pony that was close, to close and tap the eyes

With that, Luna flew to the sky again. Daybreaker saw her and stared at her for a moment before carrying and preparing an attacking magic. So did Luna, with tears in her eyes, she stared at her before carrying and preparing the magic of the elements of harmony to cast at her corrupted sister.

Daybreaker’s magic and the magic of the elements of harmony collided and came into a conflict with each other. Daybreaker used all the strength she had to succeed and win, but it was futile. The magic of the elements was stronger than hers. Daybreaker opened her eyes, her pupils dilated in fear as the magic of the elements overpowered her own and picked her up in its grip, causing her to scream loud.


The magic went to the sun before it exploded. After the explosion disappeared, the silhouette of a mare remained in the sun.

Luna landed in the castle ground and stared at the sun, sadly, with tears in her eyes before shouting at the sun , as if her sister could hear her :

“I’m so sorry, sister! I really sorry! I didn’t wanted to do this, but you didn’t leave me no other choice! Please, forgive me!”

Luna was crying and whining for a long time before she the sun went down and the moon rising and making stars appear again as it had been before.

When Luna looked at the elements she had used in your corrupted sister, she saw that they had all turned to stone.