Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Rockin' Pt2

At the front of the concert, oblivious to her sisters, Sonata swayed against Rarity's side. She had her eyes closed, and let the magic and the music pour into her. Without words, the sounds seemed more pure and perfect than any of the music she'd made. Happiness welled up in her gem until it practically spilled out around her.

The music stopped abruptly—mid bar. It left everyone's nerves jangled and exposed. DJ-Pon-3 stepped back and let Hind take center stage. "Watch out, she's going to kill you all," DJ-Pon-3 said into the mic.

Hind—who off-stage was known as Octavia—lifted the glowing instrument to her chin and set her delicate fingers on the neck. Plastic, electric, and wired for sound, the violin was nothing like she'd ever play usually, but this was Hind, not Octavia, and Hind was a huntress.

A soft haunting tune came from the speakers, amplified to many times the volume of a normal violin, and spread out over the suddenly silent crowd. None could say a word or even move as the ethereal notes spread over them.

DJ-Pon-3 came in with her guitar, but the first chord was mid-bar and in a different key. Thanks to careful practice, the two different songs merged together, one in perfect harmony, the other tearing at ears with its sharp notes.

When Thunder beat her bass drum in five sharp thuds, the guitar's song picked up the harmony of the violin, and Hind held the violin out before her, drew the bow back along it like she were an archer, and their laser show took over.

A thousand arrows of light arched into the air and came down in the crowd. Leaning toward the mic in front of her, Hind breathed out a sigh. "You wanted another shot?"

Coloratura sighed in near orgasmic delight. She watched the girls play the crowd in a way that was utterly unlike any band she'd seen, but that her fans ate up. The three girls were callous, harsh, and violent with their music, but the crowd screamed for more arrows.

With Hind still unloading arrows into the crowd, Coloratura shoved herself forward and jumped up on the stage. Walking over to Hind, she reached out a hand for the microphone. "Hey! What do you think, should I take the Shadowcolts on tour? Should I inflict them on the world?!"

The question was enough to shock Vinyl out of her role. She turned to look at Coloratura as the crowd screamed at them.

Hind leaned forward, her display of archery over now. Angled as she was, she felt like she were leaning into the pressure of the crowd—holding them back. She hadn't even noticed Coloratura, but when the pop singer reached out and grasped her, Hind turned her full attention to the woman.

With the mic held to Octavia's back, Coloratura was able to speak privately to the equine-masked woman. "Just relax. I'm not going to do anything but kiss the mask, okay?"

Hind was still high on the crowd, and with the knowledge that Coloratura wanted to put on a show, decided to give her one. Though she'd not done spectacularly in martial arts club, she was able to do a grab and leg sweep effectively enough that Hind soon held Coloratura and was leaning over her. "You might not be doing anything, but I will." And with that said, Hind pressed the mouth of her mask to Coloratura's lips.

Her heart pounding, Coloratura wanted to do everything with the girls. She wanted to fuck, screw, and fornicate in all the ways that drove her wild. But this was just show so far. Holding on to Octavia's back for support, she brought the mic up to her face and tried to draw back from kissing the mask.

Straightening up, Hind set Coloratura back on her feet. Octavia was so into her role that she gave Coloratura's rear a smack as she walked back to her bandmates.

Coloratura was caught on a razor's edge of desire and excitement. She wanted to drag at least one of the Shadowcolts off-stage and bang them silly, but she was nothing if not a professional. Holding up the mic, knowing her lipstick would be smudged, she looked at the crowd. "Fuck it. I'm taking them on tour."

"Do we really want this?" Vinyl asked her bandmates, the roar of the crowd almost overwhelming her.

"One year. Then I'll probably go to college and get all those fancy letters after my name that Mom and Dad want," Lemon said.

When Vinyl and Lemon looked at her expectantly, Octavia shook her head. "I honestly can't believe I'm going to say this. We'd be—ahem—a right bunch of nitwits if we said no, and we might have a riot on our hands. Though I still can't believe this theme. Did we have to go with femme fatale?"

Vinyl grinned under her mask. "It's how Nightmare rolled, and it seems to work. We can always take another look at it after the tour's done. So we're doing this? We're going to go around America with her?"

"I like it. And sure, we'll kick everyone's asses—maybe even Coloratura." Lemon Zest held out her gloved hand. "We're all in?" Two other hands joined hers.

Rainbow Dash walked around the couch and leaned down to kiss Spicy. Their lips touched, and when they did electric excitement rushed into both of them.

"Still wearing the pony getup?" Braeburn asked. He'd expected a little bit of their play to continue, but he hadn't expected Spicy Hot to have wings. Rainbow Dash, however, was something else.

Breaking the kiss and sitting down on the couch arm beside Spicy, Rainbow kicked one behooved foot up in the air. "Doesn't seem to wear off like it used to." Bending forward, she started making up a taco from the ingredients on the table. "So what do you have planned for tonight?"

"Not a thing." Braeburn wanted to watch Rainbow, but he knew he had to pay attention to Spicy—the person he was here for. "I couldn't exactly plan since I had no idea what my little colt might be up for. Now you're both here, what do you want to do?"

A million fetishes ran through Spicy's head. A million that he wouldn't want to try on the first "date" left. "A little whipping would be nice. Maybe putting a collar on me. A gag? Some toys inside? Perhaps some…" Spicy reached a hand out to rub Rainbow's backside while she made her dinner. "… buggery?"

Braeburn could appreciate some fun wordplay, though it was his body he was best with. "Good choices. What do you think?"

"Who, me?" Rainbow was surprised to be asked. "I'm just keeping an eye out."

"No. You're going to help me—at least a little. When he tops you, what does he do?" Braeburn reached a hand over and slowly stroked along Spicy's inner thigh.

"He likes to touch me, stroke me. He's gotten pretty big on groping, too. But there's one thing Spicy loves more than anything else." Rainbow, finished making her taco, picked up the soft tortilla and brought it to her mouth. "He loves pounding ass." She took a bite of her food.

"Great. Now I know what his rewards will be. Would you, Rainbow, consent to being involved in this, as his reward?" Taking a bite of his own taco, Braeburn was surprised at himself. He'd only spent much time with singles, and the few couples he'd involved himself with had been gay. Having a girl present was novel.

Spicy Hot could barely think straight. The hand stroking up and down his leg seemed to get closer to his groin with each motion, but never actually reached him. He liked the teasing, but he wanted more that just tease. What came from his throat, when Braeburn's hand finally touched the bulge in his pants, was a little whimper.

Looking at Spicy, watching Braeburn's hand coaxing a constrained erection and submissive whimper from him, Rainbow was struck with a sense of awe and excitement. "I—uh—I'll be his reward?"

"He won't be allowed to touch you until he has proven to me he is a good colt. But when I let him loose, I think he's probably going to be so worked up he'll fuck you senseless. Are you up for that?" Changing the pattern, Braeburn cupped his hand against what he could feel was Spicy's shaft and balls, and gave a slow, rhythmic squeeze to it.

"You mean you'd stir him up until he ravishes—as Rarity would say—my ass?" Rainbow waited for Braeburn's nod. "Sure. Like I'd turn down that?"

"Can you turn around and let him take a look?" Braeburn squeezed a little firmer than his pattern had been holding up until then, and he smiled like a predator at the gasp from Spicy. "You'll be the carrot I can bait him with all night."

Bending and showing her toned rump, Rainbow strained to shift her tail to the side and was pleased with the way it cocked. "Like this?"

Leaning against Spicy, Braeburn squeezed at his crotch a little more. "See that? If you're a good boy, you can fuck that tonight."

Spicy's mind twisted in knots. He liked screwing Rainbow's tight tail-hole a lot, but the news he wouldn't be allowed to unless he'd been good made him turn and look into Braeburn's face. "S-Safe word?"

"You want to scream for me to stop?" Braeburn asked. When Spicy nodded to him, Braeburn smiled. "Pussy."

With a sigh, Spicy focused on the word until it was safely in the place where he could pull it from, but without it being so easy he might yell it on accident. "Please make me scream for you to stop."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. What do you call me?" Braeburn asked.

"Master?" Spicy waited for a little nod from Braeburn before continuing. "Please make me scream for you to stop, Master." Knots inside Spicy were untying, and he felt himself relax further.

Braeburn returned to squeezing at Spicy's crotch—a reward. "Rainbow, ma'am, would you be able to fetch my bag from the door, this little colt is going to show me where I can tie him up."

Shivering from his neck to his toes, Spicy Hot stood up, but as he did some firm hands gripped his pants and pulled down. The first instinct of anyone was to pull their pants back up, and Spicy couldn't help but do that, but he saw that the one holding his pants was his Master.

Daintily, Spicy stepped out of his pants and boxers and led the way to his bed. The four corners of the bed each had a post that came up to his waist, and fixed to each post was a set of D rings.

Meanwhile, Rainbow had munched her taco one handed and walked over to the door. A full duffel bag sat by it that she'd missed when she'd first come in. Picking it up, she turned in time to see Braeburn smack Spicy's exposed rear.

"What do you want?" Braeburn asked.

"More, please." Endorphin had hit Spicy's brain at the same time the pain of a smack did. He was hard as a rock and ready for anything. When Braeburn's palm just circled his ass cheek, he knew what he'd done. "More please, Master."

Rainbow Dash flinched at the sound of another smack, though she'd seen it coming. By the time she reached the bed, Braeburn was pulling his hand back for another strike. "Here's your things."

"Be a doll and help me get my chaps on." Braeburn simply unbuckled his belt and hooked thumbs in on each side of his pants to pull them down.

Remembering her time kneeling at Braeburn's feet, Rainbow shuddered as she saw his member exposed. He was bigger than Spicy and far too mesmerizing to be healthy. Unzipping the bag with a force of will, Rainbow found said chaps on top of a lot of leatherwork and rope.