//------------------------------// // Chapter 6-The Alicorn She Left Behind // Story: The Thestral With The Golden Halo // by DougtheLoremaster //------------------------------// Ex-Queen of the Changlings; Chrysalis, Hated this whole scenario. It was nothing new. She had a perpetual hate for everything, really. This however, was truly loathsome in her eyes. First, her legs began feeling suddenly insanely sore, as if she had been walking for days. Secondly, as she opened the horribly cutesy pink door, she found herself staring at the true bane of her existence. Starshine sat at the stone table, her alicorn wings tucked into her side as she slowly sipped a cup of coffee and smiled at the approaching subject. She waved and said cheerfully, "Hello there Chrysi!" That wretched alicorn. She's just like her damned mother, Chrysalis thought to herself as she regally strutted over to the table trying to look dignified as she slowly sat down. What is it today? Daisy chain making while we sing the praises of that Celestia forsaken alicorn, Faust? Chrysalis watched as Starshine slowly rose and walked around the table, mesmerized. Did her hips always sway like that when she walked? The alicorn's feathery voice carried the tone of happiness. "Oh Chrysi, so wonderful to have you join me here, once again." The insect-like Chrysalis watched her carefully. This blasted princess. She thinks she is all that Spare me your blasted pleasantries you goody-two shoes of an alicorn! " "Oh, Chrysi...aren't you happy to see me? Why so grumpy?" Chrysalis glared at the alicorn beside her as Starshine stared down at her. "Let's get this over with! I have made it as clear as I possibly can, I have no remorse for my actions. I will not change who I am for the sake of your little mission from that wretched alicorn." Starshine swiftly reached out a foreleg and raised Chrysalis's chin to look into her eyes as she crouched down. She whispered softly almost sultry-like, "Oh sweet Chrysi, maybe I'm not here to reform you, maybe I like the way you are. Maybe-" Starshine slowly drew a perfectly manicured hoof slowly across the thigh of the angry Ex-Queen, causing Chrysalis to shiver as Starshine leaned close and whispered tenderly in her ear. "It could be I'm here to give you the love you starve for...Chrysi." "What are you-" Chrysalis found Starshine's hoof pressed against her lips. "Do not speak unless asked, there's a good Chrysi. Now then as I was saying. As absolutely enticing as you look to me, however-" The Exiled Queen found herself blushing profusely as Starshine paused midsentence. The alicorn princess slowly moved her hoof from chrysalis's mouth to slowly draw down her throat. What in the name of- Her thoughts were intterupted as Starshine continued. "my plans, for you, sadly aren't on the table at this moment, sweetie. Instead, I have to do a rotten assignment. I understand how you hate me and every pony else. I am very much aware of your self-induced misery you wish to eternally inflict. However, I also wonder...would he have wanted that?" Chrysalis looked at her. She can't possibly mean... "I have no idea what you mean, daughter of Twilight." Starshine gently wrapped a feathery wing around Chrysi and leaned close. "Oh come now, Chrysi. You know very well you can't hide details of your past from me, sweetie." Chrysalis glared. "You wouldn't dare." Starshine's eyes stared into Chrysalis's as she circled round and grasped the regal changling's head in her hooves. Chrysalis thought to herself are her eyes red? Were they always this alluring? "Oh sweetie, you know I would love to just skip all this nonsense and skip right to the fun parts...but sadly every princess plays her part and mine happens to be to help you see the light, by any means necessary. Now why don't we take a stroll down your memory's lane?" Chrysalis was angry, rising quickly, she slammed her hooves onto the table. The force of the blow chipped the edges and cracks radiated across the surface of the nearly indestructible stone. "You think you can do whatever you like? I no longer am bound by those silly magic draining cages you damned alicorn! I'll devour you and your silly values!" Starshine laughed. Her voice changed into a silky and dangerous tone, as her the illusion fell away to reveal her thestral form. "Oh, that sounds absolutely wonderful, but that can wait. Plenty of time for fun later on, but for now Chrysi, it's time to relive that night, the choices made and maybe even learn the truth of both points of view." Chrysalis's eye went wide at the transformation she just witnessed. Ba-bumpWait was that my...heart? as a cloud of black energy was released from Starshine's horn, she screamed in frustration. "What is going on?! I am Chrysalis! I am not some pathetic alicorn, I do not need friendship! I am not to be trifled with! I will destroy you! I am-" Then her world faded to black as she heard the sinister laughter and saw those eyes of red crimson glow brightly. "You sweet Chrysi are mine." Chrysalis blinked. ugh, my head, where am I? That wretched princess...she was cute though, ugh why am I thinking like this? It's her fault I'm here and there's nothing cute about that...silver body, her lean but strong frame and those alluring gorgeously red crimson eyes of hers oh those eyes. So deep, So stunning...Stop it Chrysalis get a hold of yourself. Looking around Chrysalis's eyes widened. She was floating above a garden and in that garden was a mare. An alicorn mare. No. The alicorn was tending the garden with a tiny watering can. No, no, it can't be... Chrysalis could hear the words of melody issuing from the alicorn's lips. "This is the garden. where I tend the trees, Communing with nature, the birds and bees, when life in my castle, causes me such stress, I head outside, in my flowing sundress. I dance through the herbs, I sway with the trees, here in this garden, I am eternally free. My babies they grow, from just tiny seeds, flowers of all kinds, planted by me. I am a Queen, and life is so rough, and is sometimes more than i can stand. when I've had enough, the flowers of this land, they call out to me, I give them love, here in my garden, I am eternally free." NO, sweet Hazel, NO, please...not again! Chrysalis's thoughts were racing in utter panic. Then she heard a soft familiar voice whispering in her ear. "She has a beautiful voice, doesn't she? You know this place, as well as that alicorn down there, don't you? Look at that flowing mane, those gorgeous wings, that stunning tail." No...I can't...please, no Chrysalis let out a whimper as the voice continued softly and seductively. "The queen of a sovereign nation just on the borders of Equestria, you know her don't you?" No...Nononono...Hazel promised! Chrysalis found herself staring into the alluring crimson eyes of Starshine, as the thestral grabbed and turned her head before speaking. "Tell me sweet Chrysi, what is that mare's name?" Hazel promised I would never feel that again...No...please! In the name of Tartarus please...don't.... Starshine smiled and gave Chrysalis a gentle kiss on the lips before asking her the same question only this time in a more commanding voice. "TELL ME! What is her name?" Chrysalis's eyes began to tear up as she said the name of the alicorn mare, she had never wanted to see again. "Chrysalis...H-her name is Queen Chrysalis."