Pandemic: Picking up the Pieces

by Halira

Chapter 60

Tonya was an uncomfortable mixture of anxious and completely bored. She'd stayed all night with no one to talk to or anything to do, and now she had sat all morning without anyone to talk to or anything to do.

She'd woken up early with the sun and had expected somepony to at least come question her, or ask to her show them where everything went down with Swift Strike, but instead she just sat here doing nothing. She didn't have a good view of the sun from where she was at, and there was no clock on the wall, so she had no idea what time it was now. It had to be at least noon.

She sat and held up her medallion to where she could look at it. It was the only thing in the room with her other than a table. They hadn't even left her a blanket or anything last night. The medallion was perfectly round, and had a bunch of squiggly lines and designs on it. She tried to trace the lines with her eyes but it started giving her a headache trying. The designs didn't remind her of anything in particular, though Sunset said they represented runes of some sort. Sunset had taken a good long look at those runes and seemed really interested. Tonya vaguely knew runes were a big deal to unicorns, like bits of code in a computer program, but she didn't really understand anything about them. They were one of Sunset's things. To Tonya they were just weird looking designs.

Her ears sagged as she spoke to the medallion. "I wonder if they are going to implant you inside my body or something so I can't use my powers anymore. I suppose that would be one way to punish me, better than dying I suppose."

She closed her eyes and wished she was tired enough to sleep. Phobia would be going to sleep soon. Maybe if Phobia noticed she was asleep Phobia would come talk to her in her dreams. She was terrified of what was coming from the Dreamwardens, but Phobia was still her friend, and Tonya could really use a friend to talk to right now. Alas, she was completely awake, and far too anxious to sleep even if she were tired.

She hated having to wait like this; all alone with only her thoughts to keep her company. Ponies shouldn't have to be alone. She'd spent far too much of her life alone, and now being alone felt like torture.

Her ears shot up as she caught familiar scents. She turned to face the door as the door handle began to glow in a red aura that made her want to smile. A moment later the door opened revealing Sunset and Tattered Wing.

"Time to take care of all of this," Tattered said as she gestured with a wing for Tonya to exit out. Tattered was now wearing a law enforcement badge on a chord around her neck. "The three of us are going to have a talk with Number Crunch and her lawyer, so come on out."

Tonya hurried out if the room and stopped to tightly embrace Sunset. The unicorn hugged her back tightly.

Sunset leaned over to speak in her ear. "You're going to be angry about this, but it's just the way it has to be."

Tonya's eyes narrowed as she continued to hug her lover. "Sunset, what did you do?"

"I did nothing," Sunset said quietly. "This was already in the works well before you gave your confession."

"What did you do?" Tonya repeated.

"Nothing," Sunset answered again. "You'll see what's happening in just a minute."

Tonya frowned. She knew what was happening, Sunset was somehow getting her out of this despite her specifically telling Sunset she wanted to face her consequences and trying to do the right thing. She had a confession though, so she didn't know how Sunset was going to pull that off.

Tattered led them into the room next to the one they had held her in. Inside Number sat on in one seat at a table and beside her sat a human man with a laptop open in front of him and a brief case at his side on the floor.

"This will be quick and easy, so no one should get comfortable being in here," Tattered announced as they all filled in.

The man looked at Tattered and frowned. "I don't think so. I have full intention on protecting the rights of my client. I am not going to let you simply dictate how things are going to go under questionable circumstances."

Tattered smiled at the man. "Questionable indeed. That's a good way of putting it. Let's start with item one on our list. The charge of helping a prisoner escape."

The lawyer immediately started into it. "There is nothing other than one person's unfounded testimony that..."

Tattered held a wing up and cut him off. "There was no prisoner escape. At the time of his holding there was no legal authority to hold Swift Strike. That he left here in any way with or without aid is not a crime."

"Um, yes," the lawyer said with confusion. "With that in mind you holding my client here overnight..."

Tattered once again cut him off. "She willingly chose to stay here of her own free will. She had the right to leave of her own volition at any point. She stayed here under the mistake assumption that she was required to do so as led on by me. The city will pay her restitution for her time if she wishes."

The lawyer raised an eyebrow at Tattered and Tonya felt both full of dread and relief at the same time.

"Then I take it you aren't going to be claiming the statements my client allegedly made are valid either?" The lawyer asked in curiousity.

Tattered kept smiling. "Clearly not valid. No body was found at the location that was indicated, and I'm sure with the number of people out there this morning someone would have noticed a body just laying around. I would charge your client with wasting city time with fraudulent information, but again I had no authority when she gave this statements."

"Is any charge being made against my client or any questioning going to be done?" The lawyer asked in bewilderment.

"None at all," Tattered said as she nodded to Number. "If you wish to discuss restitution for being unlawfully held you can do that at this time."

Number leaned into a huddle with her lawyer and the two spoke briefly. Then the lawyer sat back up and looked back at Tattered. "My client has decided it's best just to put this entire matter to rest. She will not seek any restitution."

"Good then we're all done," Tattered said with a nod. "Number Crunch, your husband is out in the lobby waiting for you."

Number's eyebrows shot up. "He's what?! Since when does he bother to give me a moment's time?"

Tattered pursed her lips. "Um, you were facing some serious charges. He must have been worried about you."

Number stomped a hoof as she got down from her chair. "I've faced serious charges before, this isn't my first time in a similar position. What makes him decide now is a good first time to show up to give support?"

The fact Number had such a seemingly screwed up marriage that she was upset her husband was showing support was enough to distract Tonya from her own thoughts for the moment.

The blue unicorn stomped by Tonya without giving Tonya so much as a glance. Number could be heard muttering as she went out into the hall about how her husband had better have brought something to smoke because she was going to need it after dealing with him. She also muttered several extremely colorful insults that made Tonya wonder if Number's husband was gay by the nature of the insults.

Tattered looked over at the lawyer. "You might want to take your time leaving town, get a bite to eat or something. If she assaults her husband I kind of have to charge her with a crime for that, and I do have the authority now."

"I think Mrs. Crowfield will avoid doing anything to land herself in jail for the time being," the lawyer replied. "I'm eager to get back to Charleston before it gets too late in the day. Hopefully we won't be seeing each other again soon, Officer Rutledge."

"Call me Tattered Wing," Tattered replied.

The lawyer finished getting his stuff together and stood to his feet. "Get your name changed and I shall. Until then I am dealing with you in an official legal capacity and I shall refer to you without nicknames."

Dickish human. Tonya thought with annoyance. Only humans ever pulled that kind of crap. Anyone getting on someone about their legal name got on her nerves out of principle, whether the comments were directed at a pony or human.

Tattered didn't rise to the bait and simply let the man walk by her. After Tattered gestured with a wing for Tonya to sit down. "Now to deal with you. Sunset, please shut the door so we can keep this private."

After Sunset shut the door she lit her horn and the room was surrounded by a purple field. Tattered gave her a questioning look, one that Tonya matched.

"I got a good look at what Tom did with his spell, and convinced him to describe the runes to me. It took some practice to replicate, and it's extremely fragile since I'm not that powerful, but I'm a quick study. The shield should muffle a little bit of sound," Sunset explained. "It's off the record I know this spell as far as anypony is concerned. The government knows I know it though."

"I'm personally glad you're a magical lightweight," Tattered muttered. Earning glares from both Sunset and Tonya. Tattered turned to Tonya while ignoring the glares. "All the stuff I said to Number Crunch applies to you as well. You aren't going to escape justice though. In a few days you'll be facing the Dreamwardens. Sunset Blessing and Rosetta Stone might try to defend you, but all those things I couldn't use for you and Number Crunch will be admissable there."

Tonya gulped, she was so screwed. She was ready to face consequences for her actions, but what Phobia painted the Dreamwardens doing went farther than what she was willing to pay. That was her life that was on the line with them instead of simple prision time.

Sunset growled. "I'm not going to let that happen. I'll find a way to get you out of this."

"We shall see," Tattered said smugly.

The damn bloodthirsty night pony was hungry to see the worst done to her. She found herself now sharing Sunset's opinion on the Enclave leader.

Tattered turned to Sunset. "Going into details. You and Tonya I'll be having Lavender Mist give heavy sedatives if the trial will be in the daytime. That should put you to sleep. Don't try to avoid it. Every night pony in town is eager to see this done. If you try to run or pump yourself up with stimulants to stay awake it won't work. We will find you and let the Dreamwardens know what you tried to pull. It's best if you just cooperate."

"I'll try to keep my schedule flexible to accommodate that," Sunset said with her ears laid back. "Is Tonya free to go or do you intend to keep terrorizing my marefriend?"

"She's free to go," Tattered answered. "She has some guests in the lobby; her human brother and sister-in-law. They've been waiting patiently for hours for you."

Tattered paused and seemed to consider something "I've been busy this morning by the way. I discussed Wild Growth with the actual town council. She'll be required to pay for the building she destroyed over the course of the next two years and she'll be required to attend some anger management classes. I'd personally recommend you join her in those classes, just as a concerned citizen."

Sunset looked ready to spit, but restrained herself. "I'll take that under consideration. Congratulations on being official now by the way, instead of just playing pretend. Such a big mare, all grown up with a badge and everything."

Tattered didn't take to the mocking well. "Get out and go what you need to do. Hopefully I won't have to deal with you again until the trial day."

Sunset dropped the shield Tonya exited the room with her. Immediately after exiting Tonya rounded in her lover.

"I told you I wanted to face the consequences of my actions!" She said with anger she wouldn't characteristically have, much less directed at Sunset.

Sunset took it in stride and spoke in a low whisper. "I told you. I had nothing to do with this. The government swept it under the rug days ago without me even knowing. Tattered told me that there was nothing to worry about with it just last night, and Baker told me about the rest today. I was preparing a legitimate fight for you in court before this. You can be mad, but don't be mad at me...please."

Tonya looked at her lover's eyes and saw a pleasing look in them. She let off a sigh and then hugged Sunset. "Alright, I'm sorry for accusing you if doing this, and maybe I shouldn't be so eager to be pushing to be punished. Not when I have the Dreamwardens still to deal with."

Sunset stiffened up. "I really don't know what to do with that. I don't know the rules of how things will go or anything. I can hope Phobia might push for mercy, but she's just one judge of six. I hope you still are open to learning more about God, because I don't have much better answers right now than pray. I'm so scared for you and I feel so powerless."

Tonya's ears sagged. It wasn't like Sunset to not seem confident as of late. Early on that had been common, before all the fiddling with Sunset's mind. It was the same types of things though. Sunset had never needed much help getting confident about her convictions and what actions she would take for them, but when it came to loved ones she could crumble like a cookie. Sunset had sobbed herself sick more than once about Phobia and Tom in those first days. Sunset liked to think that her convictions came even before family for her, but Tonya knew the truth and it was one of the things she loved Sunset for. She also felt warmth knowing her lover now sobbed for her as well.

Tonya broke the hug and looked her now momentarily vulnerable love in her eyes. She then leaned forward and gave Sunset a kiss in the lips, one that Sunset leaned into as their mouths parted. They held it for a long moment while she listened to Sunset let off contented hums and moans. Hopefully no pony was watching, but she didn't really care.

"That's really cute," Tattered could be heard saying. "I forgot to tell you something."

Tonya broke the kiss with Sunset and glared back at Tattered Wing, angry that the night pony had intruded into a personal moment.

"Tonya, tomorrow your supposed to be serving as a prosecutor along with me. You're going to get sedated tomorrow as well," Tattered explained. "Be here around eleven in the morning and don't make me send ponies out looking for you."

"I'll be here," Tonya said flatly, still pissed about the interruption. Tattered nodded and walked off.

"You know," Sunset said thoughtfully. "I don't get to see you get angry much. Normally it's me with the flaring temper. Not that the Broken One didn't piss me off too. Just seeing you get angry is kind of distracting me from it."

Tonya let her go from laid back to sagging. "I'm just really stressed. It's probably a good thing I have this medallion on or I'd most likely be lashing out with my magic."

Sunset ran a hoof over her back, which made her twitch due to some remaining sexual tension she had from the kiss. Sunset noticed it and smiled.

The unicorn leaned over and whispered in her ear. "When we leave here I can take a few hours off so we can have some personal time. We can de-stress a little so we can think more clearly about what to do. Plus, even though I don't want you getting angry all the time like I do, seeing you get angry was kinda hot."

Tonya was more than tempted to suggest they just go back in the room they just left, lock the door. She had a lot of sexual tension in her right now and she could tell Sunset did too.

Sunset hadn't always been this comfortable with her. The first time Sunset had caught her completely off guard when Tonya had been trying to soothe Sunset while Sunset had been struggling with her feelings about Tom. The unicorn had just started trying to make out with her and she was horny enough at the time she hadn't objected at all, that quickly progressed to full on sex. Sunset had initially denied that it meant anything and she wasn't into mares. It was just built up tension.

In the days that followed Sunset had opened up though. She admitted that as a human she had gotten turned on by other women, and she doubled down on her bigotry out of shame. She'd been taught those feelings were wrong, and her having them made her hate herself and she redirected that hate out at those comfortable with having those types of feelings. She felt confused and the entire thing with having a transgender daughter had just made her question everything more.

Sunset wanted to move past it, but she couldn't. Tonya had helped her, and the two of them had gotten close in their regular talks. As Sunset let go of her self hate and thinking she was wrong to feel that way the two of them started screwing for shear pleasure. It had taken days more before Sunset was willing admit publicly to their relationship, but now Sunset fully embraced her attraction for mares and felt no shame about it. There was some attraction to stallions, but it was weak and always had been from what Tonya gathered from Sunset's descriptions. Sunset was better described as a lesbian than bisexual, though Sunset would still insist she was bi. It didn't really matter, Sunset wasn't going to leave her.

"We need to take a few minutes to see my brother and his wife," Tonya said as she looked down the hall towards the lobby. "I'm suprised they came here if Phobia told them what I did."

"I'd take that as a good sign," Sunset said. The unicorn then looked down with a embarrassment plastered on her face. "I might not have made the best first impression with your sister-in-law. I met her last night and snapped at her to start things off."

Tonya sighed. "Well, you can always change someone's mind about you. You did with me."

Sunset looked doubtful, but nodded.

Tonya led the way back out to the lobby and her eyes fell on her human family as she entered into the lobby. They were sitting on a wooden bench and Paul was actually passed out while Devon was watching the large amount of activity going on in the lobby.

As she started walking towards them Devon noticed her and shook Paul awake. He looked around bleary-eyed for a second and then opened his eyes wide when he saw her.

She stopped a foot or so from them and sat down with her ears low. "Um, hi again. I'm surprised you're here know."

Paul suprised her by getting off the bench, kneeling down, and then hugging her. "You're my sister. Whatever you've done I'm still you're brother who lives you. Of course I'd be here."

Her eyes started watering. "You're just saying that because I made you think that way. You shouldn't think that way. I've done horrible things."

"Maybe, but it doesn't change anything about us being family," Paul said as he pulled back from the hug. "They dispelled what you did to us Tonya, but I want to keep thinking that way. I spent a lot of time thinking about it last night and this morning after the spell was gone. It's the right way to feel, you weren't wrong about that."

"But the stuff with Number Crunch..." Tonya started to protest.

Paul shushed her. "Was really bad, really really bad, but you aren't a bad mare. You had a bad day where you made some really terrible decisions. Your decisions might have been worse than most, but we've all had bad days."

It kinda harkened back to what she told Wild after Wild leveled the clinic. A moment of anger that went terribly wrong.

She started crying and gripped her brother again tightly.

"I'm so sorry. I don't deserve this kind of forgiveness," she cried.

Paul hugged her back and let her cry on his shoulder. For the time being it was just her and her brother, and for the first time ever she felt really loved by a member of her family.