Equestria Wars Episode XVII: Revenge of the Alliance

by sonicdash123

Chapter 8: The Battle Begins

Aboard Celestia's flagship over Canterlot, Charming Thunder stood at the command bridge as he watched the rest of the fleet arrive next to the flagship. He then sees the enemy fleet in the distance while an officer walked up next to him and reported, "Your highness, the fleet has arrived and the enemy is upon us. Your orders?"

"Patch me to the fleet," Charming Thunder ordered. "I want to speak to them before our attack can begin."

"Yes, your highness." The officer then gestured one of the engineers to activate comms as Charming Thunder took a step back. He then spoke loud and clear.

"My fellow officers of the empire, we stand on a great threshold! It's okay to be scared! Many of us won't be coming back! Thanks to Mephiles, the time has come to punish him and his followers. We will blow them all sky high!" Cheering could be heard on the bridge of the flagship. "Forward march!!! The end of the Mephiles Alliance has finally come!" Squadrons of TIE Fighters began to fly out of their Star Destroyer including the flagship. Charming Thunder only turned away and gestured two pilots to follow him to the hangar level of the flagship. Charming Thunder and his pilots arrived at the hangar and they got into their TIE Fighter and departed from the hangar. The two TIE Fighters flew beside Charming Thunder's TIE Silencer. "Follow my lead." He then piloted his fighter towards the enemy fleet and got a glance of the Mephiles Alliance fleet. The main vessel of the fleet is the Harrower-class dreadnought while the rest are six Valor-class cruisers escorted by ten Hammerhead-class cruiser. Enemy fighters were being deployed as Charming Thunder piloted his fighter towards the main flagship. He fired at the vessels hull and took out some of its guns on it. His wingmen took out some fighters to cover him while Charming Thunder spun his TIE Silencer and fired lasers on the hull more. He then flew towards the hangar and pressed a button in the cockpit to arm some torpedoes. When he was in range, he fired the torpedoes at the hangar bay and destroyed many fighters inside. He was then going for the bridge before he felt a familiar presence. His targeting computer beeped as it locked onto the bridge. He struggled to pull the trigger and decided to pull out and he received a transmission from Cadence from one of the Star Destroyers.

"Bro, Danny has made it onto the flagship," Cadence reported. "We can't cover you at this distance. Return to the fleet." The transmission ended while Charming Thunder turned his ship around and headed back to the flagship.


Aboard the enemy flagship, Danny sneaks into an elevator while in his ghost form to go to the detention level. He then uncloaked himself and when the elevator opened, two soldiers along with Tirek were standing guard at the cell where Twilight and the others are held notice him and the soldiers aimed their blasters at him. Danny used the force to knock out the two soldiers by slamming them into each other. Tirek only clapped his hands as he approached him slowly. "I hear that you were the one who took my friends and family, Tirek," Danny said.

"So you are alive after all," Tirek said.


"You are so stupid to come here without your brother."

"I don't need him to help me take you down. Surrender and go back to Tartarus in a cell or suffer by my power." Tirek only responded only with a laugh.

"Ha. You think a mere pony such as you have the power to defeat me? So stupid." Danny fired powerful lightning from his hoof at Tirek. Tirek then collapsed to the ground weakened. "Wha- what is this power? This isn't magic."

"The power of the force is my ally and I will stop you."

"Then I welcome you to your second demise." Tirek fired magic from his horns and Danny avoided it. Danny flew up in the air and tackled Tirek to the ground and activated his lightsaber to cut off his horns. He then got off of Tirek as magic began to fly out of Tirek's horns. "NO! What have you done?!"

"You are now depleted. I have released the magic you stole from countless lives."

"I'll kill you for that!!!" As Tirek began to shrink to his original size, he charged at Danny, but Danny opened a portal in front of him and Tirek went through it taking him to his old cage in Tartarus. Danny then walked up to the cell where Twilight and the others are and pressed a button on the wall to release them. Rainbow flew towards him and hugged him tightly.

"I'm glad you came!!!" Rainbow said; relieved.

"I'm just glad that you are safe, my dear Rainbow Dash," Danny said.

"Where is Charming?" Twilight said.

"Holding off the fleet as we speak. If we rush to a nearest escape pod, we can make our way to Canterlot castle where you will be safe." The six nodded and followed Danny to the escape pods.


Mephiles stood on the bridge of the flagship as he observed the battle. An engineer nervously approached him and reported, "Lord Mephiles, Princess Twilight and the others have escaped...with Danny."

"Then Tirek has failed," Mephiles said as he turned to the engineer. His body then to a crystal like substance and used his powers to kill the engineer. He remained in that form and turned to the commander. "Tell our ships to hold fire."

"Sir?" the commander said.

"Do as I say or you will end up like this engineer here."

"Y-Yes, my lord." The commander then left the bridge as Mephiles channeled his rage.


Charming Thunder approached the bridge and noticed the fighters retreating and the capital ships stopped firing. "They stopped firing," the admiral said. "But why?" Charming Thunder then noticed a tiny figure approaching slowly and floated in the middle of the battlefield. He then recognized the figure as Mephiles. He then stepped up closer to the window.

"I want every gun we have to fire on him," Charming Thunder ordered.


"Do it!" The admiral gestured an engineer to ready the weapons on the flagship. The cannons on the flagship began to open fire at Mephiles. Every shot impacted on him and flak of smoke appeared every time the lasers impact on Mephiles. "More! More!"

The admiral had enough and said, "That's enough. That's enough!" The guns stopped firing as Charming Thunder took a deep breath. The admiral then looked at Charming Thunder. "Do you think you got him?" Charming Thunder's eyes widened and saw a shadow of Mephiles appeared at the smoke. The smoke faded and no scratch or bruise was left on him. Mephiles then wiped off his shoulder; taunting Charming Thunder. He had only one option left.

"I am going to him. Admiral, you are in command of the flagship until I return."

"Your highness, don't get distracted, our goal---"

"He is my goal." The admiral then sighed.

"Right away, your highness."