The beat of Magic

by Future Light

Chapter One: When Two Horns Sing The Same Song

This morning, Twilight woke up in a good mood.

She didn't have any weird dreams or nightmares, she didn't accidentally lay on her wings, so they didn't hurt, and she was feeling very refreshed!

The lavender alicorn smiled to herself as she trotted down the hallway of her castle,on her way to make some breakfast, before she stopped in her tracks, frozen in mid-trot.

She had plans for today.
She was supposed to be at the town square ten minutes ago.

Twilight stood still for a good ten seconds, her left eye doing a funny twitch, before she disappeared in a proof of pink magic.

The mare appeared in middle of the Ponyville town square , looking around in panic for the pony ( or rather, Changeling) she was supposed to meet here.

Luckily, she saw him standing next to one of the apple stands , he was looking at the apples with a curious expression, but it soon turned to a surprised one after he heard a familiar voice call out his name.

"Thorax!" The purple mare quickly trotted over to the green Changeling and gave him a apologetic smile, while rubbing her forehoof with the other.

Twilight opened her mouth , most likely to apologize for her tardiness, but Thorax chuckled, as he seemed to know what she was going to say.

"It's quite alright, Princess , no need to apologize" he said warmly "Though I am curious, you're not normally late, what got you so caught up?" The king said curiously, looking down at the smaller mare.

Twilight blushed slightly, looking away , mumbling something about "spike not waking her up", before looking up at him with a sterner expression, and said "You're my friend Thorax, no need to call me "Princess" , I'm just "Twilight" to you" the purple mare then put on another smile.

Thorax gave her a smile and nodded at her "Of course, Pri- Twilight" the green changeling quickly caught himself before he could slip up "I understand completely".

Twilight smiled wider then before, visibly pleased that he understood.

"So, do you still want to come over ? I'm sure Spike will be glad to see you" The alicorn said, looking up at Thorax.

Thorax visibly perked up at the mention of Spike, which sent a stab of...pain into twilight's heart, causing her wings to flare out.
She was glad she was a little farther away from thorax , because if she was closer, her wings would have surely hit his side, hard.

Thorax didn't seem to notice her flared out wings, and said "Yes, that sounds nice, I haven't seen Spike in a while" the king said warmly, and looked over at the princess, who was trying her hardest not to gasp in pain and look casual.

Thorax looked concerned "Are..." He began cautiously " alright, Twilight?" He stepped a bit closer to her, but she held up her hoof and nodded, seemingly unable to speak.

The tall changeling didn't look convinced, but didn't press the issue, he still , however, looked at Twilight with a worried expression.

Twilight, seemingly finally collected her bearings, stood up, shot a smile at Thorax and began walking towards her castle , Thorax following close behind.

Twilight didn't understand one thing , though.

Why did it hurt when Thorax looked so delighted to see Spike?

The purple alicorns didn't even think to consider that the powerful beat of another presence inside of her might be at fault.

After a ten minute walk, the pair arrived to the door of the crystal castle, to which Twilight gently opened the door.

"Spike?" Twilight called out "Spiiiike! Thorax is here to see you!" Twilight winced as she said that, which didn't go unnoticed by Thorax, who gave Twilight another concerned look.

Nobody answered , which must have ment one thing.

Spike was out with the crusaders.

Twilight, at that moment realized, that she was incredibly relieved he was , she could spend more alone time with Thorax!


More alone time with Thorax? Sure, Thorax is her friend-

Another stab of pain, and Twilight collapsed to the floor with a yelp.

Within a few seconds, Thorax was at her side, franticly asking what's wrong.

Only then did Twilight realize what the loud second "heartbeat" inside her was.

Her eyes widened as she looked up at Thorax.

She found him, her soulmate.

Twilight looked up at Thorax with disbelief, before her expression melted into a joyful smile, she quickly lept up and launched herself at the surprised king, who didn't except (of course) to be tackled.

For a pony this much smaller than him, she had strength, he thought in shock as he laid there on his back, with the happy and excited princess still on top of him.

Thorax felt that weird second heartbeat become much more loud when she leaned closer to him and looked at him right in the eyes.

He felt his cheeks flush as the purple mare spoke "Thorax..., do you happen to have a second..heartbeat?" The question shocked him, as he looked at Twilight in surprise, blushing even more when she giggled giddily at his expression "I take that as a yes, then?" Thorax slowly nodded at her words, looking at her curiously.

"Hos do-" He began, but he was cut off by the alicorn again "How do I know?" She finished for him.

He nodded his head again, making the mare smile, the action caused Thoraxses heart to swell .

'Was she always this pretty?' he thought silently, looking at Twilight in awe, before quickly coming out of his daze when she began talking again.

"You see, Thorax.." Twilight trailed off, for the first time today, looking unsure of herself "That heartbeat, it's the beat of magic of your fated one" that sentence caused the changelings mouth to fall open.

"My fated in, a soulmate? Just like the legends say?" Thorax asked in amazement, before quickly realizing something...

He looked at Twilight, as if he was seeing her in a completely new light, and whispered "Does that mean..."

Twilight closed her eyes, took a deep breath and said...

"Yes Thorax, we are soulmates"