//------------------------------// // Rambling Rock Discovery // Story: Lyra's Discovery // by Thunder Brony //------------------------------// After returning to Ponyville they went home Lyra sat on the sofa Bon-Bon sat down next to her Lyra said “if we’re going to clear out the cave we will need a wagon.” Bon-Bon said “The Apple family has wagons maybe we could borrow one from them.” Lyra nodded “good idea” she looked out the window “lets do that tomorrow it’s kind of late.” The next day they went to Sweet Apple Acers Lyra knocked on the door Applejack answered the door “hi Lyra hi Bon-Bon how are ya?” Lyra said “hi Applejack I hope we are not disturbing you.” Applejack shook her head “nah I’m just finishin' lunch I’m about to return to the orchards what brings yall here to ma farm?” Lyra said “I was wondering if we could borrow a wagon.” Applejack said “we have several come with me.” They went to the back of the barn and in were several wagons some large some small they looked around Applejack asked “what are ya needing one for?” Lyra said “moving rocks maybe some large ones.” Applejack said as she walked to a wagon with small rails along the sides and a gate on the back “this one is good for moving large items such as stumps and heavy stones.” Lyra said with a smile “we’ll take it.” Applejack said with a chuckle “ya break it ya buy it.” Bon-Bon chuckled “if we break it we’ll hold it together with tape” she chuckled “maybe nopony will notice.” Both Lyra and Applejack laughed Applejack asked “when will ya need the wagon?” Lyra said “we have a few things we need to get first so a few days.” Applejack nodded “I’ll leave it here and tell ma family you’re coming by to borrow it.” They thanked Applejack and returned home Bon-Bon said “how are we going to go to Rambling Rock Ridge?” Lyra said “I’m not sure I’d rather not walk through the Everfree forest.” Bon-Bon asked “if we can get the dirigible how are we going to transport the wagon?” Lyra thought for a moment then said “Anton gave me a magic augmentation necklace it amplifies levitation magic I think I can use it to levitate the wagon alongside the balloon.” She paused “I should test it first.” Bon-Bon nodded. Just then they heard a knocking on the door Lyra went to answer it when she opened the door and there stood Derpy the mailmare. Derpy smiled “hi Lyra.” Lyra smiled “hi Derpy.” Depry said “I have a priority letter for Bon-Bon is she here?” Lyra nodded as Bon-Bon came to the door “hi Derpy you have a letter for me?” Derpy nodded as she pulled out a clipboard “sign here” as she held the clipboard in her teeth as Bon-Bon took it in her hoof and took the pen from the sleeve on the side and signed her name. Gave it back to Derpy who placed the clipboard in her mailbag and reached in and pulled out a letter. She smiled “have a nice day” as she took off to continue her deliveries. Bon-Bon opened the letter and began to read she smiled “it’s from the Trotsalot Supply Company in Trottingham. The supplies I requested have arrived and the delivery wagon will arrive tomorrow morning around 10:00 am.” The next day they put on their saddlebags and went to the location where the candy shop was and there was a carriage waiting outside. Bon-Bon walked up to the driver a yellow unicorn stallion with a lite blue mane and tail wearing a driver uniform with the logo Trotsalot Supply Delivery. Spotting the approaching pony he said “hi I’m looking for a pony named.” He levitated a clipboard from a sleeve on the side of his uniform “Bon-Bon. Bon-Bon said “that’s me.” The driver said holding the clipboard in his magic “sign on the bottom line.” Bon-Bon pulled the pen from slot on the side of the clipboard and signed her name. The driver placed the clipboard back into the sleeve and levitated the boxes of supplies from the carriage and placed them in front of the building. He hitched himself to the wagon “have a nice day” and trotted away. Bon-Bon walked over to the boxes and found a scroll she unfurled it and asked “Lyra can you check off the items as I read them?” Lyra nodded and levitated the scroll and a pencil. Bon-Bon began reading the sides of the large wooden boxes “sugar, oatmeal, raisins, flower, baking soda, chocolate chips, cinnamon, chocolate, sprinkles, milk and cooking oil.” Lyra checked each one off the list. Bon-Bon saw each box had a handle on top so non unicorns could move them she bent down and began to lift one Lyra levitated one as they took the boxes inside. They opened boxes and placed the items on the storage shelves. After placing the stock on the shelves they returned home Lyra said “I would like to test that amulet Anton gave me any ideas on where I can find something big?” Bon-Bon thought for a moment then gave a mischievous grin then said with a chuckle “you could move Canterlot castle from the side of the mountain to the peak.” Lyra laughed “I can just imagine the look on Celestia’s face.” Bon-Bon said “what about the carts on Sweet Apple acers?” Lyra nodded as she looked out the window at the late evening sky “we can visit them tomorrow somehow I doubt they would be happy if we showed up this late.” The next day Lyra put the necklace in her saddlebags and they traveled to Sweet Apple Acers. They met Big Mac was just coming out of the house said he smiled “hi ladies what can I do for ya?” Lyra said "were here to borrow a wagon" he nodded "yup AJ told me about that" as he and pointed to the barn “I’ve got to get back to the field.” They went behind the barn and found several wagons one of them was full of apples and covered with a tarp. Lyra's horn began to glow a golden glow enveloped the wagon she tried to lifted it she strained it lifted off the ground slightly. She panted slightly and said “let’s see how this necklace works.” She levitated the necklace levitated from her saddlebags and placed it around her neck. Her horn glowed again brighter than before a golden glow enveloped the wagon. She lifted the wagon up as Lyra moved her head to the left and to the right and the wagon moved at the same time. Bon-Bon said with a smile “I would say it works.” Lyra lowered the wagon and nodded “it took almost no effort to move.” They returned to Ponyville and went to the hardware store and bought some rope. The next day they packed their saddlebags and a picnic basket then went to the balloon vendor rented a balloon for the day traveled to Sweet Apple Acers. After landing Lyra used her magic to tie the rope to a wagon and the balloon. The balloon ascended into the air suddenly the balloon stopped the weight of the wagon prevented the balloon from ascending further. Lyra levitated the augmentation necklace from her saddlebags and placed it around her neck she then cast a levitation spell and enveloped the wagon in her magic. She smiled as the balloon began to move they passed over Ponyville watching ponies moving about. They soon passed over the Everefree forest and then Rambling Rock Ridge. Lyra sloly released the spell and the balloon descended after landing Lyra placed a large stone in the basket. Bon-Bon hitched herself to the wagon and they went inside when they came to the location of the cave in. Lyra began levitating the rocks and placed them into the wagon when the wagon was full Bon-Bon tried to walk but was not able to move the wagon. Lyra asked “is it too heavy to move?” Bon-Bon nodded “I can’t move at all.” Lyra’s horn glowed and she used the amplified levitation magic to envelope the wagon Bon-Bon began moving the wagon as if it weighed almost nothing. They moved the stones out of the cave and deposited them several meters away from the cave entrance after several trips the cave began to open up. Once an opening large enough to fit through was made Lyra poked her head inside and activated her horn. Bon-Bon asked “what do you see?” Lyra said “I think I can see a light gem like from the pyramid but not much else I think the corridor goes in further.” After they removed the rocks they went down the corridor Lyra activated the gem and the light reveled other gems she activated them which reviled several rooms. They entered one in the center of the room was a white triangle crystal similar to the one in the pyramid Lyra infused the crystal with magic. The crystal glowed as magic traveled along lines that went to an overhead light. As light began to fill the room they saw furniture in the room several tables and chairs made of stone. Several were pony sized but there were some that were designed for something other than a pony Lyra levitated her camera out of her saddlebags and took pictures. Bon-Bon noticed something on one of the tables that looked like a book she said “look Lyra a journal” she walked over to the table and looked at the cover “it looks like it’s written in Equarian.” Lyra said “let’s read it after we explore the corridors.” They went back into the hallway Lyra looked around and said “pass me the tape measure.” Bon-Bon reached into her saddlebag and pulled out the tape measure. Lyra took it in her magic and took measurements of the room entrance and the corridor “2 meters high and 121 cm wide.” Bon-Bon looked closer at the walls and said “these walls have tool marks.” Lyra levitated camera and photographs of the tool marks. They walked further down the end of the corridor to several rooms that had the same tool marks the rooms they all had remains of beds and other furnishings. After exploring the rooms they decided to break for lunch Lyra went outside the cave and levitated a basket from the balloon Bon-Bon spread out a blanket. Lyra levitated out several cucumber sandwiches and bottles of soda. after they finished the sandwiches Lyra levitated out a small cloth from the basket she unwrapped the cloth and revealed several fudge squares Bon-Bon smiled “I made those this morning I hope they are a hit at the candy shop.” Lyra took a bite and smiled “these are good I’m sure they’ll be a huge hit.” After they finished lunch they went into the center corridor and a short way in the corridor was blocked by a cave in they brought the wagon back inside and began removing the rocks. Bon-Bon hitched herself to the wagon Lyra put on the augmentation necklace. Once the rocks were removed Lyra lit her horn as they entered the room. Soon they found a crystal sphere on the wall Lyra infused the crystal with magic. As light filled the room they made a shocking discovery there were several skeletons they counted 12 in all. Upon closer examination they determined 9 skeletons were ponies 3 unicorns, 3 Earth ponies and 3 pegesi the remaining 3 were unknown they were bipedal. The pony races were easy to determine but the remaining were harder neither one of them had seen anything like them before. They appeared to be bipedal they had no muzzles, horns or wings and long digits on the end of their upper bodies. Bon-Bon looked over at Lyra and said with a hint of uncertainty “humans?” Lyra looked at the skeletons then at Bon-Bon “I believe so.” She levitated her camera and took pictures then left the room and returned to the center room where they first came in. Lyra levitated the book her horn glowed as she opened it as she read the cover Sanctuary journal she opened to the first page “Journal of Columar Harnark.” She turned to the page “this is an account of the destruction our beloved land it all began 21 suns before the disaster. Astronomers began to notice a bright star in the sky that got brighter every night it was brought to the attention of the Ianantican high counsel’s supreme chancellor Kalpharia. I suggested it could be something dangerous and we should be prepared just in case. But Kalpharia said the Ianantican astronomers have determined that the star was merely an anomaly and posed no threat." Lyra turned the page and continued reading “14 suns before the disaster the object in the sky is getting brighter and can now be seen during the day. Still the Ianantican high counsel says it’s nothing to worry about I was concerned and had a feeling something ominous was coming. I rallied as many as would listen but my efforts got me exiled from Ianantica I decided gathered supplies of food water and medicine. I found a cave in the bowl shaped rock outcrop east of the single mountain I moved the supplies there. As teams of humans dug the caverns of what would become a sanctuary some ponies assisted with resources such as wood and tools. With the help of my alicorn friend Crystal Morning we traveled to the far reaches of Equraria. We hoped to convince any who would listen to join us in the new sanctuary. Pegesi traveled to the far reaches of the land to warn and invite as many as would listen. Crystal Morning tried to warn the citizens of Ianantica none of them would listen. The Ianantican security commission exiled her for spreading fear and undermining the decree of the supreme chancellor.” Lyra paused said nothing and turned the page and continued “day of the disaster, it was mid-morning and I was riding Crystal Sunshine we were resting near the great gorge north of the small mountain range. When we saw a giant fireball streaking across the sky it was huge it looked like a giant mountain. As it fell from the sky the day grew so bright it became difficult to look directly at. As it fell we felt a growing heat the giant fireball had long trail of smoke behind it the strangest thing there was no sound we watched as it disappeared over the horizon suddenly the ground shook violently. In the direction where the fireball disappeared we saw a huge fireball rising into the sky followed by a thunderous boom. This was soon followed by something that looked like a magic spell moving along the ground knocking down everything in its path. We ducked into the canyon as the wave passed over us. It sounded like a very gusty wind we looked up and saw not only the super wind passing over us but debris as well things like rocks small trees and some soil. Some of it fell into the canyon moments later the wind stopped and an eerie silence followed. We poked our heads out from the canyon and saw a pillar of smoke rising from the east we explored the surrounding forests trees were flattened some were uprooted. Others were lying flat as if they had been smacked by a giant hand the sun was high in the sky but it began to grow dark Soon we watched as rocks began falling some were bright red. We thought it best to return to the sanctuary I climbed on Crystal Morning and we made our way to the sanctuary. Along the way we encountered other survivors pegesi, earth ponies and unicorns. The pegesi carried the non-winged ponies the extra weight slowed them as rocks began to fall they managed to dodge most of the rocks that fell from the sky many were stuck in midair knocking them to the ground. They were quickly buried by the red hot rocks 30 of us that met up but only 22 made to the sanctuary. Once inside we could see rocks falling outside like a red rain and could hear the sounds of larger rocks striking the roof of the sanctuary. A few times the ground shook we saw one rock strike the ground and exploded in a small burst of fire. Again the ground shook violently then heat began to fill the cave. Crystal Morning cast a heat dissipation spell across the entrance and a sound dampening spell the rock rain continued deep into the night. The following morning we awoke to an eerie silence. Crystal Morning removed the spells we stepped outside and find our beloved land in ruins. There were depressions of all sizes everywhere we could see smoke coming from a nearby forest. Crystal Morning took to the air and looked around moments later she returned and told us travel would not be possible for several suns. She explained the surrounding forests were on fire. We could see the sun in the sky we hoped the pyramid was still intact and the sun would be moved and things could return to normal. The strangest thing was sun was high in the sky but it was dark as if it were early evening.” Both Lyra and Bon-Bon looked at each other Bon-Bon looked as if she was about to cry Lyra had a similar feeling Bon-Bon smiled softly and nodded Lyra smiled and continued “it has been 4 suns since the disaster the skies are dark as late evening and temperatures are dropping. Crystal Morning and I decided to travel to Ianantica and inform the high counsel of survivors we hoped they would be able to provide aid those who needed it. But as we approached the location of the city we discovered to our horror the city was gone! Where the city should have been was only a giant water filled crater we landed on the rim of the massive crater and could not believe what we saw. The entire city of Ianantica just disappeared. We saw pegesi came from the south west They were glad to see more survivors many saw the fireball and took refuge in the caves and the pyramid we were relieved to learn it suffered no damage. They said the mountains to the southwest near the caves were glowing. Morning Glory and I decided to investigate we saw the mountains they were glowing like they were on fire. Lyra looked up “that’s the vitrified rock we found.” She continued reading “it has been 17 suns since the disaster we placed a magic beacon over the sanctuary for survivors from across the land many refugees came to the sanctuary. They all gave the same story everything everywhere was destroyed forests were burned or flattened. The only casualties were some who got caught in the rock rain. The city of Ianantica was destroyed only a few dozen alicorns survived.” Turning the page Lyra continued “25 suns after the disaster the sky is getting darker and temperatures are still falling and now its snowing in summer. If current trends continue there will be no way for us to grow crops. The only thing that can grow in dim light and cold temperatures is grass and a few shrubs humans cannot live on grass and a few shrubs. The pegesi have tried clearing the skies but there are no clouds to clear.” Lyra turned the page “102 suns after the disaster the snow is getting deeper Crystal Morning and several pegesi surveyed the land to assess the damage. What they found was not promising the forests east of the single mountain gone everything was burned or flattened. The forests to the west were flattened and burned to the east we found bodies of humans, ponies and alicorns. Some suffered from the blast and the subsequent rock rain others froze to death trying to the sanctuary we buried the bodies in a mass grave and wished them a happy afterlife. It seemed exposure to the cold had an effect on the survey team they began coughing. Crystal Morning also became sick over time it escalated to the point where breathing became difficult and then well…. The surviving pony races began bickering over meager patches of grasslands each claiming it as theirs alone. There were not enough alicorn mediators to resolve all the grievances as a result some of the petty squabbles continue to escalate. A few surviving humans came to the sanctuary to rest on their way to the pyramid. One day an earthquake struck causing a cave in blocking one of the rooms trapping several ponies and humans inside we tried removing the rocks but for every one rock we moved several more fell in their place. After spending half the day of trying to remove the rocks we decided all hope was lost. We placed a wreath on the outside of the entrance in honor of them.” Lyra turned the page “108 suns after the disaster the remaining ponies continue to bicker over petty issues and have left the sanctuary. The alicorns have left as well I am going to take what supplies I can and travel to the caves south I have high hopes that I can find more survivors and supplies.” Lyra looked up and said nothing Bon-Bon just had a sad look on her face. Lyra closed the book then looked at the entrance to the cave and noticed it was early evening she said with a sad tone in her voice “we better get back home and return the balloon and find some containers to transport the skeletons.” The next day they traveled to Canterlot and met with Anton and showed him the pictures and returned the augmentation necklace. Anton said “this is an amazing discovery museums all over Equestria will want to display these artifacts” he smiled “and the university will benefit as well.” Lyra smiled softly then gave an abbreviated description of what she read in the journal and said softly “I want the story of what happened to be told to all of Equestria because it were to happen again it could wipe out everything.” Anton nodded “yes it is a lesson we all can learn from I will send a team to the site to retrieve the remains, oh by the way princess Celestia said she wanted to speak with you when you when you got back.” Bon-Bon asked “what will you do with the remains?” Anton said “we will make casts and put them on display along with the photos did you make copies?” Lyra nodded “yes.” Anton said “ok I would like to use these as a reference for our forensic reconstruction sculptors to reconstruct and add flesh to them” he paused “did the humans have fur?” Lyra thought for a moment “as far as I know they don’t and I want to use the models both fleshed and non fleshed in my presentation.” Anton nodded "of course." They left the university and went to see Celestia as they entered the throne room they bowed and Lyra said “you wished to see us your highness?” Celestia smiled and nodded “yes my little ponies I have good news the artifacts that were stolen have been returned and are here in Canterlot.” Lyra said “that’s great news” she then told Celestia what they found in the cave and what was in the journal they found. Celestia nodded “I heard a similar story when I was young but I had no just idea how bad it was Bon-Bon asked “if the pyramid of power was used to spread harmony across the land where did the elements of harmony come from?” Celestia said “there is a document in the Canterlot library’s Star Swirl wing that says after the great cataclysm and during the Dark Age that followed harmony was lost and the pyramid was lost to history. Then 785 moons after the pony races united a unicorn named Silver Snow heard legends of the pyramid and led several expeditions there. She claims she found the room of harmony and wanted to return with an expedition party to document the find. I told her to beware of the monsters.” Celestia shook her head “she did not listen and did not return. One survivor made it back he spoke of giant monsters he was so traumatized he could hardly speak he said he saw an 8 legged spider like creature with pincers.” Bon-Bon said “sounds like he saw a Saracnoid” she winced remembering her own encounter with the creature. Celestia continued “several expeditions since have traveled to the forbidden jungle looking for the pyramid before air travel few returned. The jungle is mostly home to Calamitous Manu’s, Korpoterites and Sarachnoids those monsters have made finding the pyramid difficult. After the tribes united harmony was rediscovered and the pyramid again faded into legend.” She smiled and levitated over a small box and said “here are the artifacts that were stolen. If I may ask what do you plan to do with them?” Lyra said “I plan to use them in a presentation once molds of the skeletons are made and assembled we can put them on display I have some photos they can use for reference what I don’t understand is why they were stolen in the first place.” Celestia shook her head and said “they believed that proof of mythical beings past or present would cause mass panic and social collapse.” Bon-Bon said “that’s just silly how is finding a new species is going to cause a panic?” Celestia said “I don’t know.” Lyra said “you highness I would like to request use of the dirigible I’m hoping we can get an idea of the size of the pyramid and we can avoid the monsters if we stay off the ground. Of course if any get too close we can always rise above them” she paused “but if the can jump.” Bon-Bon said “we may need those necklaces Twilight made.” Celestia smiled “come by tomorrow the dirigible will be available I will have the artifacts sent to your house.” Lyra and Bon bowed and left the castle on the train ride home Bon-Bon asked “how do you plan to determine the size of the pyramid?” Lyra said “I have an idea but will need Twilight’s help.” Upon returning to Ponyville they went to Twilight’s house and knocked on the door Spike answered. Lyra said “hi Spike is Twilight home?” Spike nodded “come in I’ll get her.” They entered as Spike went into the basement and soon came back with Twilight following behind she smiled “hi Lyra hi Bon-Bon what brings you here?” Lyra said “we need your help.” Twilight said “I’ll do what I can what do you need?” Lyra explained the mapping expedition she planned. Twilight asked “why do you need me? Don’t get me wrong I’m happy help.” Lyra said “I need somepony to help calculate the size of the base and to help watch out for monsters as Bon-Bon powers the dirigible.” Twilight thought for a moment the nodded “ok.” The next day they packed their saddlebags and a picnic basket then went to the library and met Twilight who placed her saddlebags on her back “ready.” Turning to her dragon assistant “Spike watch the library” Spike saluted “you got it” Once Twilight left Spike gabbed a bowel of gems and a power ponies comic. He was exited to read this issue the previous issue ended on a cliffhanger. The Mane-iac occupied an ancient castle and found a way to open a gateway to another world and was about to bring some monsters through. The monster had 2 legs and 4 arms they joined forces with the Mane-iac the power ponies were on their way to the castle. Not only to not only to stop the Mane-iac but send the creatures back to their universe before Maretropolis was destroyed Spike sat in a chair and eagerly began reading. On the train to Canterlot Lyra said to Twilight with a smile “just think your name will go down in history.” Twilight just smiled. Bon-Bon asked “aren’t you exited?” Twilight said “I am the chance for knowledge is exiting" she paused "I could help you co-author a book.” Lyra smiled "I would like that" she looked over at Bon-Bon "don't worry we wont forget you." Bon-Bon smiled. Once they arrived in Canterlot they went to see Celestia and boarded the dirigible soon they were over the Forbidden jungle Twilight said “Bon-Bon lower the dirigible to 1.5 meters off the ground start at one side and move to the other.” Bon-Bon did as she was instructed once they passed the wall Twilight was taking notes when they heard a growling sound. Lyra said “if somepony is hungry we can stop for lunch.” Twilight said “that wasn’t me.” Bon-Bon said “me neither.” A sense of dread came over them as they looked around for the source of the sound looking around franticly Lyra saw some nearby bushes moving and heard a rustle rustling. Her eyes grew wide and she shouted “BON-BON GET US UP NOW!” But it was too late a Calamitous Manu jumped from a thicket of bushes and leaped for the dirigible it dug it massive paws on the rim of the basket digging its claws into the basket. The creature looked silly hang from the basket the weight of the monster began to pull them downwards Bon-Bon pedaled faster increasing power to the engines. Lyra and Twilight cast spells at the beast but this seemed only to anger it. The beast began to climb up the basket once it poked its muzzle over the rim of the basket. Twilight cast a cloud spell across the face of the monster “Lyra get the necklaces!” Lyra levitated the necklaces from her saddlebags and placed them on her and Twilights necks the gems glowed and a burst of teal light burst out from them pushing the monster with it. The monsters claws pulled pieces of the basket with it the monster fell 5 meters to the ground. They watched as the creature jumped immediately to its feet with the loss of the extra weight and the extra power to the engines the dirigible quickly shot upwards. Bon-Bon managed to stop the assent they looked down as the beast stood up stared up at them and kept jumping at them swiping its paws. All 3 breathed a sigh of relief Lyra said “that was close.” Twilight said “yes too close” she looked at the damage to the basket and moaned “Celestia is not going to be happy about this.” They returned to Canterlot and docked the dirigible the sun was low in the sky Celestia noticed the damage to the basket and asked “what happened?” Twilight said “we were ambushed by a Calamitous Manu.” Celestia’s eyes grew wide in surprise “you saw one?” All three nodded. Celestia said “not many see a Calamitous Manu and lived to tell about it.” Bon-Bon asked “have you seen one?” Celestia nodded she “let’s go inside I’ll meet you in the conference room after I lower the sun” after lowering the sun Luna took over and raised the moon. Afterwards she joined the others in the conference room and sat down on some cushions. Once she was comfortable she said “yes I’ve seen a Calamitous Manu when I was 450 years I was flying south of the Macintosh hills in the Artimaspit Territory when I saw several of them. As far as I could tell they are solitary creatures I was far enough up in the air to avoid them.” She shuttered “it saw me and tried to jump up a get me it jumped higher than its size would lead you to believe.” Twilight asked ‘what are they doing in the forbidden jungle if Artimaspit Territory is their native homeland?” Celestia said “they migrated across the gorge some parts are shallow enough to cross others are deeper than others much like ghastly gorge.” She smiled “I know it’s getting late and by the time you reach the station they will be closed for the night you can stay here the rooms in the east wing are vacant” the 3 bowed and went to their rooms. In one of the rooms Lyra lay on the bed but could not sleep she got out of bed went to a window opened it. She placed her front hooves on the sill and breathed in the cool night air. She smiled and looked up at the sky and watched the stars as they twinkled she admired Luna’s work. When a soft knock on the door snapped her out of her daze. She went to the door opened and saw Bon-Bon who smiled softly “I can’t sleep can I stay with you?” Lyra smiled and nodded “I can’t sleep either.” Bon-Bon smiled softly they both climbed into bed they held each other and each nuzzled the other as they drifted off to sleep. The next day they returned to Ponyville Twilight said “come by the library in about an hour I should have the measurements by then.” One hour later Lyra and Bon-Bon came to the library Bon-Bon knocked on the door Twilight answered and smiled “hi Lyra hi Bon-Bon come in I have the measurements.” They sat down on a sofa as Twilight levitated over a paper with a drawings of the pyramid and numbers on it “here are the measurements these are based on the speed we were going and the time it took to move across the ground.” Lyra took the paper in her magic and held it in front of her moved it so and Bon-Bon could see it “according to this the pyramid is 520 meters across and 243 meters high." Twilight said the monument covers 60,702 square meters.” Bon-Bon asked “how large is that?” Twilight said “it covers 6 hectares you could fit the city of Canterlot into the space it occupies” just then Spike clenched his stomach and belched out a scroll. Twilight took it in her magic and read it “its from princess Celestia.” Dear Twilight, Lyra, and Bon-Bon the skeletons have arrived in Canterlot and are being cast as we speak. They should be ready tomorrow Anton and I want you Lyra and Bon-Bon to be there Sincerely, Princess Celestia. Twilight turned to her dragon assistant “Spike a reply.” Spike held a scroll and quill “ready.” Twilight cleared her throat “Dear princess Celestia, we would be honored to attend such a momentous occasion we look forward to seeing you Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle.” Spike took the scroll rolled it up and breathed fire onto it sending it on its way to Celestia.