Equipoise: In the Kingdom

by SamBlips


“She doesn’t exist.” With those words, spoken without any much effort on her part, Twilight Sparkle sat upright in bed and looked around at the dimly illuminated chamber.
There wasn’t much to see, even if there were lights. It was a far cry from her treehouse library in Ponyville in how packed and brimming with personal items it was compared to her new chambers in the Castle of Friendship.
She still lamented the loss of her property and all those books, research, and knowledge she accrued over the years during the destructive battle with Tirek.
While she did have shelves of books, a telescope, and a lab set, it was nowhere as extensive or expansive as before. But given her new responsibilities in the world, she had to accept that she may not have time to herself as before.
Besides her personal items in the room, her childhood friend, Spike, a young dragon and personal assistant, was in deep sleep in his own bed.
Seeing the tired hard working tyke brought a smile to Twilight.
Something that has been growing less and less common as of late.
Suddenly, he stirred and his radiant green eyes even in darkness came alive. “Who doesn’t exist?” he asked in a groggy manner.
“I don’t know,” she said.
“You dreamed about him?”
Her,” Twilight corrected. “I’ve had the dream a couple of times before.” She saw Spike’s sleepy eyes widen, confused. “That’s why I don’t think it’s just a dream.” She got off of her bed and headed for the balcony. Spike steadily rose and followed her out.
The wind blew against Twilight, her mane flowing against the breeze.
Sensing Spike was behind her, she continued, “She’s wrapped up in light—but beneath that, darkness and…” Twilight shook her head, struggling for the correct word. “And denial. She's going to hurt the world… and me.”
“Sounds more like a vision than a dream, Twilight.”
Twilight sighed and rested her hooves on the railing. “That’s what I’m afraid of.” Twilight muttered in aggravation.
There was a long period of silence and Spike struggled to cheer her up. But then he announced, “I have an idea.”
“Tell me.” Twilight glanced over her shoulder to her faithful assistant.
“Let’s wait until she shows up, then blast her with your horn!” He punched his fist into his palm.
Twilight smiled and breathed out. “All right.” She closed his eyes and her breathing slowed.
She glanced back in front of her, down towards the sleepy town below her. Years ago she would find Ponyville to be boring, uninteresting, and one of the last places she wanted to be away from the majestic capital of Canterlot. But over the years, she grew to like the quaintness of the town and its colorful inhabitants. The memories and experience she gained and shared.
The friends she came to love.
That was another thing that brought a smile to her face.
"C'mon, Spike," Twilight said. She headed back inside and once the two laid in their own beds, the rhythm of Spike's breathing became that of natural sleep.
But Twilight laid awake, her attention on the ceiling. Beyond it. In search for any hint, any flicker of who it was.
She found no sign of it. And she, too, slept.