//------------------------------// // Protection // Story: Falcon Fright Begins // by FalconFrightRises //------------------------------// “Okay, you can go now,” the doctor said to Spitfire, “Rainbow, help her out.” “Okay. Got it,” Rainbow Dash told the doctor. Rainbow helped Spitfire out of the hospital, where they saw a crowd of news reporters for various places such as PNN, Equestria Daily, and various other new places. “Tell us what it was like!” a news reporter from PNN said. “Is there any confirmation on what is gonna happen next to the Wonderbolts?” asked a news reporter from Equestria Daily. “What is going to happen because of the broken wing?” asked a reporter from The Canterlot Times. “Hey, you guys back off! Or, or, I’ll fight you!” Rainbow told them. “Bring it then!” various reporters said. “Fine then,” Rainbow Dash told them. Rainbow saw many reporters come at her at once, and she didn’t know what to do. She just started fighting. Rainbow had put one hoof on the ground and jumped off, while keeping that hoof on the ground used her wings to spin in a circle, kicking all the reporters around her. After they had fallen, more came in to attack, and she had fought in hoof-to-hoof combat. She had made most of the reporters fall to the ground. “You want some more?” Rainbow shouted. An angry reporter had ran behind her, ready to attack, and she had sensed someone behind her, so while the reporter was running, she put her hoof out and had knocked the reported to the ground. The other reporters fled from the scene right after. “Wow,” said Spitfire, “you didn’t have to do that for me.” “Well, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do,” Rainbow Dash said. But as she was walking Spitfire to a taxi, she heard a yell, “Rainbow, wait up!” And it repeated. It was Spike. “I-I have a letter from the Princess,” Spike said, painting. Dear Rainbow Dash, I need your presence at the Canterlot Gardens today at 6:45 PM to talk about a new task I need to give you regarding the recent events. Bring Spitfire with you. Yours truly, Princess Celestia. “I wonder what it’s about,” Spitfire said. “Well, I think we should get going,” Rainbow Dash said. “True that,” said Spitfire. “Let’s get on the Friendship Express. It will be faster,” Rainbow replied to Spitfire. And so the 2 pegasus were off. “Girls, I brought you here to tell you something. Rainbow Dash, you, along with Fleetfoot, will be watching over Spitfire for the next few months,” Princess Celestia told the girls when they arrived. “Alright, got it,” Rainbow Dash told Princess Celestia. “I will need you to stay in Canterlot for the next few days,” Celestia told them, “just in case.”