Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

A Light Pt1 (drug use warning)

Lunch had resulted in some energetic, but otherwise neutral sex (and a shower to clean out the plug Thunderbolt sealed her with). Rainbow Dash and Thunderbolt launched themselves into working on the car again, and had the chassis sanded back and with a protective priming coat applied late afternoon.

Beside the chassis rails were the body of the car. The body had seen some love, and lacked any real rust. Behind that was the engine she'd built up, and her bike. "You know, I can't help but think I've forgotten something."

"My dicks?" Thunderbolt held out a fist to Rainbow, and got a tap from her own.

Rainbow sipped a soda, sitting beside Thunderbolt and watching literal paint drying. "Can't forget those. But I mean something else. Something—Spicy!"

"What's he doing that needs you?" Thunderbolt could have growled if he weren't so tired. It wasn't that the work had been hard, but Rainbow had set a pace that had him struggling to keep up. But he did keep up. "Fucking someone?"

"Other way around. He met a guy he likes, and I promised I'd head around and watch." Knocking her soda down as quick as she could, Rainbow loosed a burp.

Thunderbolt was stuck. He was curious as a cat about sex, and he really liked it, but he had no idea how to ask gently. "Can I come?"

Rainbow grabbed up her keys and shoved them in her pocket. "It's a little private. I'll ask them abou—Wait. What about next time Spicy and I play, you come and watch?"

"O-Okay." Private. He couldn't go and watch. It felt like the kind of thing an owner tells their dog, and it stung. "I might go around and see Tree Hugger." He thought it would sting Rainbow, but she only smiled at him and nodded.

"Have fun with her. I don't think I'm going to actually get any tonight, so if you're still up for something when I get back… I guess I'll catch you later?" Rainbow Dash delivered her best smile to Thunderbolt, and hit the garage door button on her key ring.

"I love you." The words tumbled out of Thunderbolt's mouth before he knew he'd said them.

Moving with every ounce of speed she'd learned how to handle, Rainbow Dash rushed to Thunderbolt and hugged the dragon. "I love you too, Thunderbolt. Don't forget that. We grew up together."

The hug surprised Thunderbolt, but he shook the stunned state off and closed his arms and leathery wings around Rainbow. Memories of a dog came back to him, begging for reevaluation with his new intelligence. "We did." The words came out warm. "And I mean it."

"I know you do. Bang her brains out." Rainbow slowly released her grip on Thunderbolt, and he did likewise.

"'Bang'? Fuck?"

"Yeah. Fuck her 'till she talks funny." Turning for the door again, Rainbow Dash walked outside.

"She always talks funny," Thunderbolt said as the door closed. Spreading his wings, he gave a weak flap before closing them again.

Looking from the closed garage door to the work they'd done together, Thunderbolt let out a sigh. "She didn't deserve that." Walking through the house to the new front door, he left the house locked behind him and spread his wings.

Pumping hard, Thunderbolt jumped into the air and started flapping to gain altitude. Circling higher and higher, he saw Canterlot spread out below him, and started adjusting his pattern toward a different house.

With slit eyes Thunderbolt could see the van parked at Tree Hugger's house. His first feeling was anger, but that was quickly shoved away. He didn't own Tree any more than she owned him. Tucking his wings, he aimed for the packed earth just past the vehicle and tilted into a dive.

Fluttershy almost jumped out of her seat at the sound of something big hitting the ground hard. Only her hand on Bridget's shoulders kept her steady. "What was that?"

"He'll be in, like, soon. Thunder has my permission to enter as long as he's prepared to balance his karma." In deference to her friend, Tree Hugger was sitting on the farthest couch from the one Fluttershy sat on, and even then some of the wispy gray-blue smoke pooled around them both.

Opening the door, Thunderbolt's eyes immediately snapped to the other big predator present. He knew Bridget—had had disagreements with her before—but this was a place where he wouldn't tolerate a fight. He'd made a promise to Tree, and he liked to keep his promises.

"That's more red and green than I've seen before. Come in and relax, share your breath." Tree Hugger shifted to the side, trying to ignore the feeling of the robe around her. Allowances were made for friends with such a well-balanced set of karma as Fluttershy. Allowances were itchy.

"H-He's a dragon. That's Thunderbolt—" Fluttershy covered her mouth with a hand to stop blurting anything else out.

Settling onto the couch beside Tree, Thunder looked at her with a snort for the robe she wore. Disdain he might have, but he took the offer of a joint when she offered it. Summoning his hottest flame, Thunderbolt lit the end of the marijuana-filled cigarette and took a long pull from it. Magic and nature combined to suck the worry from him and let him relax.

Tree Hugger was ready for when Thunderbolt's arm stretched across her back, behind her head, and his clawed fingers curled around and brought the magical joint to her lips. She took a deep draw and paused. The smoke filled her lungs and seeped out through her body. Tree became lighter, and her chakra practically poured the smoke and magic directly through her being. "Like, thanks."

Watching the smoke from the new joint curl into the air, Fluttershy could see little red sparkles among it. At her side, Bridget growled something softly. She turned her head to the timber wolf. "W-Why? I'm fine like this, and Tree Hugger said I don't have to."

"You don't have to smoke if you don't want, Fluttershy. That's, like, a rule or something. I'm pretty sure it's a rule. Do we have rules?" She turned her head to Thunderbolt, who shrugged. "Well, we do now. The first rule is Fluttershy doesn't have to—"

"I-I'd like to try it." Even Fluttershy was shocked at what she'd said. She blinked in surprise a few times, took a breath, and then nodded firmly. She stood up and marched over to Thunderbolt, her movement causing the smoke to swirl around her as she got closer to the source, and hold out her hand expectantly.

"Wait." Tree Hugger rose smoothly to her feet and walked to her cabinet of weed accouterments, opened it, and lifted out her bong. "A first time should be special, like, you need to have all the mellow and none of the harsh."

Thunderbolt gestured to the seat beside him. "Take a seat." He took another pull on his joint while Tree Hugger set about adding water to the pipe and packed a charge into the cone.

Like the priestess of some ancient goddess, Tree walked back to the couch and knelt on the floor at Fluttershy's feet. "This is the smoothest stuff I have, but if he lights it, all bets are off. Your choice."

Looking up at Thunderbolt, then down to Tree, Fluttershy took a deep breath—which resulted in her getting a good draw of secondhand smoke from Thunderbolt. It wasn't enough to hit her, but the magic of his flame did help her calm down a little more. "I'd like to try it. Please?"

Holding the bong up, Tree put her thumb over the air. "Then, like, put your mouth over the end, make sure it's pressed tight, and exhale through your nose."

Thunderbolt leaned down and pursed his lips just above the cone. He waited until his ears heard Fluttershy's breath leave her, and counted one heartbeat more before he blew a low, intense flame into the cone.

"Breathe in now, not fast, just steady. And don't cough." Tree watched Fluttershy's face as she started to slowly draw air in. The water in the bong bubbled as it filtered the smoke of the burning weed. Dark smoke flowed up the pipe and into Fluttershy. "That's it, keep going and…" She removed her thumb from the breather so the last bit of air was fresh.

Holding her breath with her eyes closed, Fluttershy felt like coughing. Clean air was meant to go into lungs, not magic imbued plant-smoke. She held as long as she could, and felt when Tree lifted the bong away. Then she coughed, spluttered, and exhaled all the smoke at once.

As the blue smoke left her, Fluttershy felt the magic within her buzz and sing at the draconic fire in the smoke. Her wings stretched out more and she gave them a little flap which swirled the smoke in the room around. Fluttershy didn't notice. She squirmed in place as her legs rejected the cute slip-ons she'd been wearing in favor of hooves, and a tail spread out on the couch beside her.

The THC reached Fluttershy's nervous system just as her changes finished, and she found herself cradled in Thunderbolt's wing as the world took on a softer view. More than a few of her hangups hung up, and she was able to just relax at the dragon's side.

"Hey," Tree dragged the word out as she watched Fluttershy's reaction to her first toke, "I think she liked it." Turning to Thunderbolt, she lifted a finger and ran it down the side of his jaw to the front of his mouth. "Her answer is no, now. Don't even bother asking her. She's going to be so baked she'd say yes."

Thunderbolt sighed, but ultimately it didn't really worry him. "Yeah. I know. I'll ask her after." To his surprise, the finger became a full hand and moved to cradle his jaw. Then he smiled at Tree leaned in to kiss him.

Having decided that he liked kissing, Thunderbolt reached one of his big talons out to cup Tree's rump while he expressed his happiness through the kiss. Despite how much he enjoyed playing games with Rainbow, he enjoyed Tree in a different—softer—way.

Fluttershy had her eyes closed, and was floating happily on a cloud born of dragon fire. A little voice chided her that she shouldn't have been so uptight about trying weed for the first time, but even that little voice succumbed to the mellow state she was in.

Time seemed harder to follow. One moment she was floating in her own world, the next Bridget was resting her head in Fluttershy's lap—big green eyes looking into her own—and then Fluttershy heard a happy sound from her right.

Turning her head, Fluttershy watched as Tree lowered herself furner into Thunderbolt's lap, one of the dragon's shafts slowly sheathing itself within her. "Oh my…" Fluttershy's hear sped up, and then she felt a lick between her legs. "Bridget?"

Bridget had to nip at the panties hiding her goal from her, but she tugged them to one side and licked again. This time she tasted Fluttershy properly. One of her lover's hands found a woody ear and began rubbing it, which only made Bridget more intent.

"Turn your head to the side and close your eyes," Thunderbolt said.

It took Fluttershy a moment to work out what the dragon was saying, and a moment more to realize it was her he was saying it to. She was too mellow to say no, but she did manage to blush as she followed the request.

Draconic lips met Fluttershy's and she snapped her eyes open. Before she could think far enough to pull away, Thunderbolt exhaled into her mouth. The taste of the smoke had Fluttershy inhaling before her brain could realize what was happening. She took the breath directly from Thunderbolt, and felt her lungs puff out with the quantity of the smoke within.

As Thunderbolt drew his lips back, he smiled at the happy-content expression on Fluttershy's face. "Good?"

Fluttershy held the smoke in as long as she could. Every second she held back from breathing, more of the magic and THC leeched into her. Finally, it was Bridget's delving tongue that caused Fluttershy to splutter and loose the smoke from her body.