Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Explanation Experiments Pt4

Spicy Hot woke with a gasp. His eyes narrowed to pinpoints, and he was gasping for breath. He stared upward from his bed for nearly twenty seconds, unable to move due to the paralysis he was subjected to—and then his climax released him.

"That is a great way to wake up, but you know what I want." Spicy reached down with his hand and caught Rainbow's collar with a finger through the D ring. "Come up here."

As she slid up the bed, Rainbow Dash nuzzled and rubbed herself all along Spicy Hot's body. "That hypno stuff was really strong. I guess wanting it makes it stick better?"

"I doubt it'd stick at all if you didn't want it. That's how hypnosis works." Spicy kept pulling until Rainbow's mouth was even with his, and then he kissed her. Rolling toward Rainbow, he braced an arm on each side of her and, without realizing it, was in a classic missionary position, but with his still-sensitive shaft pressed into Rainbow's thigh.

Pushing his tongue forward, probing, Spicy tasted himself in Rainbow's mouth. It was exciting, and reminded him of who was visiting later in the day.

Feeling her lover almost smothering her with his body, his mouth, and his dominance, Rainbow Dash moaned into the kiss and flapped her wings weakly. She gazed up at Spicy Hot, and again felt the hunger she associated with waking up, lunchtime, and the evening. Without thinking beyond her desires, she reached down and took hold of Spicy's flagging shaft.

Breaking the kiss, Spicy jerked back. "Whoa. Slow down. Roll over. Your parents won't find us here."

Which meant one thing to Rainbow, she was going to get her butt stuffed and flooded. Thinking this was about the best idea she'd ever heard, Rainbow rolled to her back only to see an aqua-skinned face peeking at her. Rainbow made sure she could turn her head and look at Sonata, even as she felt Spicy press himself between her ass cheeks.

Reaching blindly for his bedside, Spicy found the pump of lube and squirted some into the palm of his hand. He began rubbing himself—bringing his shaft back to full hardness—and then moved to Rainbow's ass.

The slippery fingers that slid along her fuzzy butt smeared Rainbow with their slick payload, but then one finger found her tailhole and everything became much more exciting. She stared at Sonata, she groaned at the siren as Spicy slicked her entrance and shoved a second finger into her. The biggest shock so far was when his fingers left her, and the soft tip of his shaft took their place.

Spicy pressed forward, driving his hips down and against Rainbow's body. He'd wanted her to shave for him, but that hadn't lasted long—not with her natural body fur. But the fur of her body was the last thing on his mind as he pushed himself deeper into her hot, clutching rear. Her felt himself bottom out, adjusted his angle a little, and then went all the way forward until his groin pressed to her cheeks.

The connection Rainbow Dash felt with Sonata was tenuous. She didn't think of the siren as a lover, but a friend and someone under her personal protection. But in that moment, Rainbow's mind could only focus on one thing, She's watching me get screwed.

Hearing his lover moan was music to Spicy's ears. He reached one hand under him and between Rainbow's legs. Dampness coated his fingers when he brushed them across the thick lips of Rainbow's vulva. "I hope you're ready."

As Spicy Hot pulled back, Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. When he pushed back into her, the air came out in a deep and hungry moan. She moaned for Spicy, she moaned for Sonata, but mostly Rainbow moaned because it felt good—everything felt good. Spicy settled into a rhythm on her back, his powerful hips stroking him in and out of her.

Making little grunts himself, Spicy took Rainbow's body in an act of passion that surprised even him. Every stroke, every grope of her body, was a symphony of pleasure to her and him. He liked to play with his lovers, and hearing her joyous cries as he sped up was music to his ears.

Watching—hearing—every slap of Spicy's flesh against Rainbow's, made Sonata hot in a way she couldn't easily define. She liked guys sometimes, though she wasn't into her boss the way Rainbow was. I don't know if I could ever be into someone that deeply, she thought. She held eye-contact with Rainbow Dash throughout their coupling, and as she watched Rainbow's eyes unfocus and her eyelids flutter, she knew what was close.

"What are you—Oh," Rarity said, her voice a whisper. She watched a dull, throbbing red glow coming from Sonata's neck. Memories of the siren feeding on anger and hatred flickered, but there was no anger here, no violence, and certainly no mind-warping singing. Rarity smiled as a little hypothesis slowly built into a theory.

When her body began to burn from a smoldering flame into an inferno of pleasure, Rainbow Dash knew she wouldn't hold on for much longer. She closed her eyes, imagining Sonata still watching her, and relaxed herself completely for her impending orgasm.

Spicy was straining to hold himself back. He could feel Rainbow starting to orgasm, but he wanted more from her. He wanted to hear her come again and again. Flapping his wings in time to his hips, he kept his motion steady while Rainbow began to buck and squirm under him. It wasn't the first time she'd climaxed just from anal sex, but each time she did amazed him at the wonderful creature he'd tied himself to.

Rainbow Dash's wings beat in time with Spicy Hot's. He set the pace of her being. He filled her again and again. He pushed her to orgasm after mind-fuzzing orgasm until her brain was no better than a wadded up ball of cookie dough, despite the amazing enhancement the parasite had made to her.

Every motion seemed to ignite her bonfire anew. Rainbow lost control of her voice and body, she became a puppet to the sexual act, responding only in physical ways to his movement. When she felt him grab hold and slam himself in at last, part of Rainbow's brain woke up to the fact he was finishing, and she moaned for him—her throat begging Spicy Hot for all he could give.

The plaintive, needy cry was icing on the cake for Spicy. With his body pressed into and against Rainbow's, he nonetheless bucked his hips harder against her as he began to flood her colon.

Sonata Dusk still hadn't realized her siren jewel was feeding from the couple. She could only watch in fixed fascination as the gayest guy she'd known for a few centuries buggered her closest friend. Memories of Rainbow defending Sonata's honor to the other girls who'd defeated the Dazzlings filled her with a happiness that nothing could erase.

Curling his wings down and over Rainbow, Spicy hugged her against him and nibbled at her neck. He could feel her still clenching and twitching, the rush of heat in her rear having apparently triggered another orgasm, and the knowledge of what he'd given her made everything perfect in his mind.

Basking in her afterglow, Rainbow Dash fed herself a fine cocktail of chemicals that made every nerve tingle lightly with pleasure. Her own mind sorted the pleasure and the source of it into something she liked, and adjusted her mind subtly to make it more enjoyable.

After some time to get through the strongest of her pleasure responses, Rainbow managed to stop and think about the situation. "Sonata was watching."

"I know. I saw her too. This is about exhibitionism, right?" Spicy couldn't help himself, he felt cuddly. Wings only made snuggling better, he'd worked out, particularly with how good it felt to wrap them around someone.

"When I first started with Thunderbolt, Fluttershy volunteered to keep an eye on things. She—" A shiver down her spine cut Rainbow's words off. "She took pictures, maybe a video. I trust her not to share them, but I think she might have been as into watching as I was into being watched."

"Maybe you should invite her over to watch?" Spicy waited a moment for Rainbow to try to reply, then pushed with his hips. The sound she made—something between a gasp and a moan—pleased him greatly. "Again?"

The idea of more sex hadn't even really occurred to Rainbow. A million replies caught in her throat. Finally, she just nodded—then moaned again.

By the time Rainbow Dash got home it was mid-morning and her belly had a breakfast burrito in it. Her cheek also tingled a little with the memory of Sonata's kiss there. "Stupid sexy sirens." She smiled as she spoke the words, having somehow fitted Sonata Dusk in as part of her sex life—despite their differences.

She rolled up the door on the garage and looked at her baby. What surprised her was Thunderbolt. The dragon was sanding the frame of the old model T body she'd gotten. "What'cha doing?"

"You said you needed it sanded. I looked up how. I sand it." Thunderbolt worked away at the old rusty-coated metal just like the video he'd watched had said. "I wanted to make up for busting your door. I shouldn't—" He cut off sharply as Rainbow grabbed him into a hug—or as much of him as she could get her arms and wings around.

"You're my best bud. You don't have to do this, but it's awesome you are." Memories of all the time they'd spent together as each of them grew up filled Rainbow's head. She pressed her cheek against his chest and had to fight off the urge to nuzzle him.

"Spicy? You smell like him. Did you show him a good time?" Thunderbolt didn't have a sense of rival, despite the other male's scent. Despite their friendship, Thunderbolt's urge to reclaim Rainbow Dash grew. To fight it, he sanded harder.

Rainbow had felt the rush of sexual tension snap and fade. It confused her more than a little. "What's up?" She took a step back from Thunderbolt.

"What do you mean?" Freed of his equine limpet, Thunderbolt bent down and started sanding the chassis rail again.

"It felt like you were going to—to fuck me. Then you just stopped. What's wrong?" She picked up another sanding block and started on the other rail.

Thunderbolt growled a little, not at Rainbow but his own feelings. "Respecting."


"Respecting you. Tree Hugger said I should respect. Spicy Hot said I should respect. So I respect. But I wanna fuck you." Narrowing his focus to the steel he was sanding, Thunderbolt grit his teeth to fight back his desires. It would have worked, except Rainbow Dash reached out to him and put her hand on his foreleg—arm.

"We need to talk about this more, especially now we're both calm." Talking was far from what Rainbow Dash wanted. She wanted Thunderbolt to bend her over the chassis rail and plow her until she passed out—but she pushed that desire aside in favor of sorting their relationship out.

Sitting on a couch—when Rainbow led Thunderbolt through the house to the living room—and talking about his feelings, was something Thunderbolt was getting used to. A hit of Tree's smoke would have been nice, but he could do this without it. "I really like you."

"Me too. It's like we've been best friends for years, and some sex comes along and complicates everything." Rainbow Dash flopped on the couch and tried not to think about offering herself to Thunderbolt. "So the first question, do you want to keep doing this—sex—with me? You mentioned a friend, and I'm pretty sure you're—"

"We fuck. I like to fuck her, and you. She likes things soft and slow. You—You like different things. I like both ways." Thunderbolt stopped talking, not sure if speaking more about Tree would be good or bad. "Do I ask a question now?"

"Sure. Ask away."

Thunderbolt looked down at his hand-claws and flexed them a few times. "You play games with Spicy while you fuck, or even instead of fucking. What kind of games do you like?"

"Lots of stuff. But mostly I like it when he takes control. We have special rules for that. He likes to do other things, and I like them a bit too, but it's mostly about control. Oh, and I like showing off." Even Rainbow had to giggle a bit at the last bit, though she didn't notice Thunderbolt's hungry expression.

"When we fucked, you let me take control." It wasn't a question and Thunderbolt knew it. "Do you only want to do that stuff with Spicy now?"

"You noticed that, huh?" Rainbow Dash sighed. "I really like what he does for me, but you are fun too."

Thunderbolt's head snapped up from looking at his claws. "Really?"

"Totally! When you treat me like your pet, it just—I really like it." A tingle between her legs made Rainbow Dash shiver at how much she was into the kink she'd just described.

Blinking his eyes, Thunderbolt was halted in his approach to the conversation by the scenario Rainbow was describing. He hadn't intended to be master over her—he'd just enjoyed fucking—but now that she'd described it, he realized he did like that idea. "Just a little pet horse?"

Rainbow Dash gulped. She locked eyes with Thunderbolt, then lowered her own and nodded.

"Just my little pet horse?" He didn't need to be a dragon to smell Rainbow's arousal, and he didn't need to be intelligent to hear the little gasp Rainbow made. But the rational side of Thunderbolt took hold. Tree Hugger had spoken at length with him, usually while they were either fucking or working in her garden, about morals. "I don't want to hurt you."

The sentiment made Rainbow smile. "You know our thing tomorrow night? That'll help you work out how to do things like this safely. Trust me, Spicy knows a ton about this stuff."

"We could do something now, but I think it's better to wait." It would have been so easy for Thunderbolt to slide into that role, but he had responsibility, and he didn't want to hurt Rainbow. "What about if we work on your car?"

"You actually looked up how to sand?" Rainbow Dash jumped to her hooves and used her wings to balance until she was stable.

"Tree Hugger showed me how to use a computer, then I used yours to look it up. I wanted to do something for you after the door thing." Thunderbolt shifted forward and shoved himself upright. "Still want to."

"Okay, but you have to promise me something," Rainbow Dash said. "When it's running, and I'm going to take it for its first drive, you're coming with me."

Thunderbolt smiled, an array of teeth that would have any prey species in a blind panic. "Sounds great!"