//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: Discord X Reader Oneshots // by TheEdgyDuck //------------------------------// Discord, the lord of chaos, was an absolute sweety. He always valued friendship, he just isn't really good at expressing it. For example, he acted like a textbook tsundere when he first realized his feelings for me. He would stutter and blush as he yelled 'I don't even like you'. It was adorable. It's been about half a year since then and now he's completely comfortable when he's around me. He always fiddled with my mane and nuzzled me. We, however, haven't kissed yet. Currently, I was contently reading when Discord slipped his head under my tail. I looked over at him and it looked like he had a (M/C) wig. I chuckled.     "What are you laughing about (C/M) butt?" Discord poked my cutie mark.     "You," I replied.     "It's not nice to laugh at people," Discord pouted.     "It's not nice to call people (C/M) butt," I countered. Discord slithered up to face me, leaving his tail 'wig' behind.     "It was a compliment, darling," Discord put his paw's index finger under my chin to lift my head up so that I was looking into his eyes. Discord blushed suddenly and turned his head away.     "What's wrong?" I asked.     "Nothing to worry your pretty little head about," Discord avoided the question and pet my head.     "Alright, keep your secrets," I laughed and poked Discord's forehead with my hoof.     "He wants to kiss you," Discord's voice said from behind me. I turned my head and there was Discord's copy with glasses.     "Y-Y-You weren't sup-post to tell them that!" Discord, the original, yelled and pushed Discord, the copy, into a box. Discord then taped the box and threw it to Celestia knows where. Actually, I don't think even Celestia knows. Discord then looked at me.     "D-Don't believe a word he says," Discord was back to his adorable tsundere version. He was blushing like crazy and stuttering again. I walked over to the couch and stood on it so I was close to Discord's hight if I stood on my hind hooves. I grabbed his face in my hooves and kissed him. Discord's body became stock-still and his eyes were wide. He then started to melt in my touch. His posture slouched and his arms flopped down. His face was love struck. He looked like he was in the most relaxing place ever. I pulled away slowly. Discord finally blinked back to reality.     "Again!"