//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Flowers for the Fillies // by PicklesandPies //------------------------------// Applejack closed the door of the barn. She had just got done with the morning chores and was gonna grab a bite to eat from the kitchen before heading to Twilight's. She walked into the house then entered the kitcten. Big Mac, Granny Smith, and Applebloom were sitting at the table with bowels of oatmeal. Once Applejack moved out of the doorway, she saw that Flim and Flam were sitting on the other side of the table. "Oh. There you are Applejack," Granny Smith said, seeing Applejack's shocked expression. "We were just going over the work that these two will do." "Thank you ever so much for not only giving us work but also allowing us to stay in the spare room," Flim thanked. "Umm.... you're welcome," Applejack replied. She grabbed an apple off the counter and ate it in two bites. "Well I trust that Big Mac and Granny Smith have ya'll under control. Applebloom, I'm walking ya to school. Let's go." Applebloom nodded and she and Applejack walked out of the house and towards the school house. Mean While... "Okay, Spike!" Twilight paced back and forth in the throne room. "You, AJ, Rainbow, and Pinkie will clean the castle while Rarity, Fluttershy, and I will get rooms ready. Do you have the Windex?" Spike moved a full Windex bottle from a pile to an empty spot on the ground. "Check!" "Rags?" "Check!" "Cleaner for the furnature?" "Check!" "Brooms?" "Check! Twilight we just went through everything 5 minutes ago. I have everything I need." Spike pulled out a long list. "Including the list of stuff that needs to be done." The door to the throne room opened and Pinkie came hopping in. "Hi guys! I'm ready to help!" "Were the others close behind you?" Twilight stopped pacing and asked with a worried expression. "Relax Miss AnxiousPants. They are coming," Pinkie flopped onto her throne. As if on cue Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity entered the room. "Thank you all for helping me with this. It really takes some stress off me," Twilight stated. "Now Rarity, Fluttershy and I will prepare the rooms while Rainbow, AJ, and Pinkie will help Spike clean the castle." "The ponies nodded and immediately everypony went to work. Time Skip... "Fluttershy, does my mane look okay?" Rarity asked. The mane 6 and Spike were standing in the throne room waiting for Shining Armor and the guards to arrive. "Oh yes, Rarity. Your mane looks as beautiful as it always does," Fluttershy commented sweetly. Rarity opened her mouth to reply when the doors were opened by blue unicorn magic. "Twilight!" Shining ran in and hugged Twilight. When they were done, Twilight looked at the seven stallions standing at attention near the door. "Twilight, this is Flash Sentry. Your personal guard." Twilight: WHAT! FLASH IS MY PERSONAL GUARD!!! *squeal* Spike: Well this is gonna be interesting. "He is also the captain of your guard team," Shining went on as Flash approached him. "Flash introduce Twilight to your team." "Yes, Captain Shining Armor," Flash replied. "This is Black Shadow, Night Star, Little Storm, Desert Rain, Fire Blade, and Silver Comet," he pointed to each stallion as he said their names. "Black Shadow and Fire Blade will guard the front door at night while Little Storm and Silver Comet guard it in the day. Night Star will patrol the preimiter of the castle at night and Desert Rain will patrol it in the day." Twilight nodded in understanding. "Well it's nice to have you all here," she said addressing the whole guard team. "There are only a few rules here. One is that everypony is to attend the morning meal at 7:00 every morning and evening meal which will be held at 6:30 every night. For your lunch you may help yourself to anything in the kitchen. There is a grocery list on the counter where you may write down food that we are out of or food that you want. Spike will go shopping every Monday. Feel free to spend any extra time in the the library, reading while you work is strongly encouraged." "Twilight's personal guard is Flash Sentry," Rainbow whispered to Applejack, causing them both to laugh. Rainbow Dash: I still can't get over how ironic that is. Applejack: It's awesome. This is awesome. Twilight turned and gave them a stern look. "And these are my friends and the wealders of the elements of harmony and friendship. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, PinkiPie, Fluttershy, and Rarity." All the guards bowed respectfully. "Well Twilie. I have to get back to the Chrystal Empire," Shining said. "Don't take it too easy on these guys. Remember, their trained guards not house guests." "Actually they are both," Twilight replied. The guards saluted Shining as he exited and the mane 6 and Spike waved. Once he was gone Twilight turned back to the guards. "Spike will now show you to your rooms. We will go over the rest of the rules at the meal this evening." The guards bowed and then followed Spike out of the room. Rarity: I wonder how their supper is gonna go. Applejack: It should be interesting. Wish I could stay just to watch the chaos go down. "Well good luck with those fellers," Applejack said "I need to get back to the farm and see how much damage Flim and Flam did." "Can any of you stay for supper?" Twilight asked her friends. "I am dreadfully sorry dear but, I had an order from Countess Coloratura and she needs two dresses by tomorrow," Rarity started walking toward the door but stopped shortly before reaching it. "Did I ever tell you that Coloratura is staying with me for a week?" "No," the others said in unison. "Hmm must have slipped my mind. Well good night all!" and with that Rarity left the room, followed closely by Applejack. "I am afraid that I can't stay," Fluttershy replied. "I rescued an injured Canary this morning and I need to get back to treating it. Thank you for the offer though." Fluttershy quietly exited the room. Fluttershy: The poor little girl fell out of a tree and landed in the stream near my cottage. I left her in Angel's caring paws but Angel can sometimes be a little rude. I really don't want him scaring the Canary away. "I can stay!" Pinkie said hopping up and down. "I can too!" Rainbow consented while plopping down on her throne. "What are we having anyway?" "Alph-Alpha and Apple Casserole, I think," Twilight replied. "It's Spike's signature dish." "That sounds so scrumptiously delicious!" Pinkie Pie squealed. "I am going to see if Spike needs any help setting te table or anything." Pinkie dashed out the throne room. Black Shadow: Is she always this energetic? Spike: Yes Black Shadow: Doesn't that get annoying? Spike: Yes Fire Blade: I can see you have an extensive vocabulary. Rainbow Dash hovered on her back above her throne. "You know Twilight, having Flash as a personal guard might be convenient for you." The purple pony looked questioningly at the Pegasus. "This could make it easier for you to not run into him every time you see him." Twilight glared at Rainbow. "Or it could be an awkward tension between us every time we are alone. I don't know what Princess Cadence and Princess Luna were thinking when they assigned Flash as my personal guard." Princess Luna: Actually we are trying to get Twilight more comfortable around her crush. We thought that if they spent more time together then the tension between them would decrease. Princess Cadence: And besides Flash is one of the best Junior Captains in the entire Royal Guard so it's not like he isn't qualified. Princess Celestia: *shakes head* I could see this kind of behavior coming from Princess Cadence but not my sister. Princess Luna: Hey! Your the one who changed Shining Armor's commanding station from Canterlot to the Chrystal Empire so he and Cadence could spend more time together! Princess Cadence: You did that on purpose?! Princess Celestia: *laughs nervously* Before anything more could be said about the subject, Desert Rain walked in and bowed. "Excuse me Princess Twilight Sparkle but Spike has requested that you and Miss Rainbow Dash would join us at the dining table for the evening meal." "You can just call me Twilight. And next time you don't have to talk that proper," Twilight replied as she and Rainbow Dash headed out the door and to the dining room. They were followed closely by Deser Rain. "There you are!" Pinkie called when they entered the dining room. All the guards, except for Desert Rain, Pinkie Pie, and Spike were already sitting at their seats. Twilight sat at the head of the table with Spike on her right. Beside him was Pinkie, then Rainbow, Fire Blade, Night Star, and Desert Rain was across from Twilight. Flash sat on the left of Twilight. Next to Flash was Little Storm, Silver Comet, then Shadow Blade sat across from Night Star. Time Skip... "Thank you both for staying," Twilight was walking Rainbow and Pinkie to the front door. Black Shadow, Fire Blade, and Night Star had already began their shifts. Flash had also began his job and was following Twilight and her friends. "Your welcome!" Pinkie replied hopping down the halls. They had reached the door and Rainbow turned toward Fire Blade. "Tomorrow at three?" she asked. "As long as Twilight lets me," Fire Blade glanced at the princess. "Do what?" "Flying contests," Rainbow replied. Applejack: There's another thing that I wish I could watch. Rarity: Me too. Are we the only ones that have busy jobs or something? "I don't mind at all," Twilight consented looking back and forth at the Pegasi. "But don't get cocky Rainbow. From what I heard, Fire Blade is one of the top 5 best flyers in the Royal Guard." "Exactly why I want to take him on," Rainbow Dash and Fire Blade stared challengingly at one another. All the ponies said good night and Flash and Twilight went back into the castle. Immediately they said good night to each other and went to bed. After the long day of traveling and preparing thy were both exhausted.