//------------------------------// // Escape // Story: A Time Apart // by gentleheart //------------------------------// Twilight managed to reach the slave barracks under the light of Luna's moon. she didn't know if Luna could see them, but she hoped she could. Twilight crept into the barracks. She found the lack of guards suspicious. She was tempted to leave and return later after a bit more research. After all she didn't have the princesses nor the elements of harmony to help her. After all the princesses didn't know her and without her friends the elements would be useless, but she had to try. She spotted the white pony from before. The mare was shackled to a heavily scarred powder blue stallion. She woke them first. there were about fifty ponies in all. she gave the pair a shushing motion as she unlocked the manacles around their hooves. She motioned for the two the help her wake the others. Once the 48 other ponies were awake she unlocked the rest of the manacles as well. she knew there would be a lot of but she was certain there would be more. "Where are the others?" she asked the the white mare quietly. "In the mines Sombra decided it would be better if we worked in shifts. so we can get more work done." She replied softly. "He was tired of everyone collapsing in the middle of their shift. They work from dusk to dawn." the blue one filled in bluntly. Twilight couldn't wait that long. She would have to hope for a chance to free the others, but for now she would have to get the ones she could out now. The ponies began to get nervous as Twilight Sparkle began to channel magic through her horn. She began to her noises from outside as she struggled to pull the spell together. After all she had never cast a teleportation spell this large before. As the guards slammed the doors open the spell was cast and all fifty one ponies vanished in a bright pink flash of magic. As the flash faded the ponies realized they were somewhere else. All fifty ponies gawked at the massive halls of the great library of the crystal empire. twilight had selected this library because of it's massive halls and near endless corridors. not to mention that with the near endless storm just outside the empires walls and the number of ponies she had to teleport. she would only be able to get them so far outside of the empire and and safe havens from the frigid weather would be far out of reach. Twilight tried to take a step but her hooves gave out from under her. The ponies gasped as they saw what was hidden under Twilight Sparkles coat. The white mare was the first to react racing to Twilight's side. The last thing Twilight Sparkle saw was the concerned look on the white mare's face.