Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Explanation Experiments Pt2

Everyone was quiet while Marble worked her magic. She talked Rainbow into a deep trance, then began describing the scene to her. "You're a slave. Cherished and important, you serve your Master Spicy to the best of your abilities. He values you so much, he's even given you a safeword to use. Whenever things become too much for you, just say Slowpoke and your kind master will relent. Using your safeword is good, your master loves that you use the safeword to protect yourself from harm. Today your master has some friends around, your only task is to do as your master wishes." The words were spoken with cadence, with purpose, and to protect Rainbow Dash even as she allows the hypnosis to sink in. "On the count of three you will start to wake up, but your mind will remember all these words. One, you feel more substantial, the world can start affecting you again. Two, you are waking up and can hear others again. Three, open your eyes and turn to your master, you can speak again."

Rainbow Dash shuddered as she opened her eyes and turned to look at—at her master. Dimly, in the back of her head, she was aware that something had just been done to her. She could feel the extent of the restrictions within her mind, and a part of her felt able to work around them—but didn't. "Master." She bowed her head.

"What's your safeword?" Spicy Hot was unsure and a little worried. This was new to him. He was stretching the bounds of what was Safe, Sane, and Consensual to its limit. Rainbow Dash's answer would be his guide.

"My safeword is Slowpoke, Master. I will always say it before anything could hurt me." Rainbow was comfortable talking with her master, he was her master after all.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Spicy Hot flicked a look toward Marble Pie. He wanted to thank her for what she'd done, to go through with his offer of giving her a role in the fantasy, but he couldn't bring himself to. "I'm sorry, Marble. I can't do what Rainbow does for you."

Marble relaxed so much she practically slumped into the chair. "It's okay," she said after another moment. "Really."

"Slave, on the floor. Head down, rear up, and close your eyes." As soon as Spicy spoke, Rainbow moved to obey. No hesitation, no reluctance, just obedience. He was further surprised when she didn't even say a word. "I let our little mesmerist here choose something for you, and given the circumstances it's appropriate."

Rainbow Dash couldn't see what her master was doing, but she didn't care. She trusted him completely, and he trusted her. She relaxed herself in her submissive and offering pose, swishing her tail slowly from side to side.

When a hand touched her tail, Rainbow gasped. The hand pulled her tail to one side, a tacit command she followed. The first touch of the slick tip to her soft nether lips let her know it was a toy—it wasn't like her master would use her sex. The tip of the phallus was wide, spreading her like—like she enjoyed.

Twilight Sparkle stared as she realized that—like herself—Rainbow Dash sported an equine vulva and anus. Thick lips spread around the big toy Spicy Hot was working into Rainbow, and without even thinking about it Twilight's pen was moving on the pad.

The deeper the toy went, the more Rainbow Dash moaned. She didn't hold back, whimpering and sighing as each inch was slid slowly inward. A thick ridge crested her labia and drew a line of mind-melting bliss within her—it was like the toy was made for her.

Watching, unable to look away, Marble Pie's mind almost unhinged as she saw more of the horse-penis-toy disappear from sight. She'd chosen it almost as a joke, but now it was no laughing matter.

Only stopping when the heavy rubber balls of the toy pressed against the soft flesh under Rainbow's tail, Spicy gave his slave girl a little pet on the rump. "All of that in a little filly. How does it feel?"

"Wonderful, Master," Rainbow Dash said.

"Lift your leg as I tap them. First one." Spicy Hot pulled the rubber underwear over one of Rainbow Dash's legs, then the other. He worked the panties up and snuggled them just under Rainbow's tail. "This will keep it all in there. Use your safeword if it is too much, okay?"

Addressed directly, Rainbow knew she had to respond. "Yes, Master."

"Hands and knees, slave. I need a footrest." Spicy settled back on the couch and lifted his legs up.

Rarity, Twilight, and Marble watched as Rainbow crawled under Spicy's ankles and braced herself.

"I'm not harming your wings, am I? I'd be upset if I found out they were damaged later." Able to see he was nowhere near her wings, Spicy Hot wanted to be sure Rainbow was—if not comfortable—then at least safe.

"Of course not, Master. If you were hurting my wings, I'd use my safeword."

Turning his attention to his visitors, Spicy smiled happily. "Was there any questions I could answer, Twilight?" he asked.

There wasn't a million, but Twilight Sparkle had plenty of questions regardless. Taking a breath, she sorted them out. "Marble gave her a safeword. What happens if she can't say it?"

Spicy smiled at the question. "That's a good one, but you will notice we both went to a lot of effort to make sure she could and would say it if she needed to."

"I-I meant if you gagged her, or something that would—would fill her mouth." By the end of her clarification, Twilight was blushing and trying her best not to look at Spicy's pants.

"In that case I'd make sure she can tell me in other ways. Shaking your body, waving your arms, or anything else to get my attention," Spicy said.

"B-But what—" Twilight began to speak but froze at Rarity's touch.

"Darling, it's part of his promise to Rainbow Dash to never allow that to happen. I've seen them together enough to see that he always has a way for her to let him know if she's not having the time of her life."

"Oh! It sounds like there can be a lot of planning and effort going into—into this." Twilight's eyes slid back to Rainbow and the bulge under her tail. A little shiver ran through Twilight at the thought of a toy shaped like that going into her.

"Slave, attend to Twilight. She may have questions, and she may want to touch you. Answer her as freely as you can, and if her touches make you uncomfortable, tell her." As he spoke, Spicy Hot lifted his feet from Rainbow Dash's back.

Walking on all fours had never been so easy for Rainbow. Her legs, in relation to her arms, were shorter, and it meant she could almost have run quadrupedal. Stopping before Twilight, she sat down on the floor—grinding the toy into her body—and looked up at the pony sitting on the couch. "Please allow me to serve you."

"Uh…" To Twilight, the woman sitting before her was almost a stranger. Rainbow had always been confident and vibrant, but now she bowed her head to a pony. Reaching a hoof out, Twilight used it to rub Rainbow's ear.

Sighing in contentment—happy to perform her task—Rainbow leaned into the rubbing and made happy sounds in the back of her throat. She tilted her head this way and that, glad for the simple pleasure of having someone's undivided attention.

"Are you really happy like this? This is fun?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, my lady." Rainbow Dash tilted her head up and back, accepting a throat rub from Twilight Sparkle. "Being a good slave to my Master is all I want to be."

The whole situation inspired Rainbow to play up to the role further—she never would have called anyone "my lady" normally. The whole scenario was made better by it being friends she was with. She looked up at Twilight with begging adoration.

Still unsure if this was particularly something she enjoyed, Twilight Sparkle focused her mind on the situation—while her hoof kept rubbing Rainbow's ear. "So if I told you to carry me around, or help me with my science experiments, you would?"

"Master wants me to help you."

There was a selfish little part inside Twilight Sparkle that wanted this. To be able to control and quantize people into simpler packages. She took a deep breath and told Midnight Sparkle—the side of herself that desired these things—to go fuck herself. "I want to see what you look like. Turn around and let me take a look."

Rainbow had no illusions as to what Twilight meant. She stretched and stood up on all fours, turned so her back end was toward Twilight, and tilted her head down and rear up.

"Oh my. That's certainly different." Rarity leaned in from beside Twilight to look at the inhuman vulva (the toy stretching it) and anus Rainbow presented through her skin-tight shorts. "Darling, I don't plan to make this fun for you, but can we—oh how to put this—can we poke around a bit?"

Taking a deep breath, Rainbow nodded her head. "Yeah." A moment after she agreed, she felt fingers touching her vulva, tracing the edges of her labia and following the toy around through the rubber. It was intimate in a way only a gynecologist would be.

"Just like mine," Twilight said, then immediately put a hoof over her snout.

"Just like we'll all be eventually, I guess. There's no need to feel ashamed, Twilight. Well, I guess Sonata won't, nor Spicy." Rarity released Rainbow's body and made a contemplative sound in her throat. "I wonder if everyone will become a pony?"

Turning to face Rarity, Twilight latched on to the new topic. "I-I hadn't thought of that. Wait, remember the concert?"

While her friends had a discussion, Rainbow Dash held her pose. It was relaxing and degrading—she was just part of the scenery. That didn't mean that she'd slack off or break her pose. When a hand found her back—stroked it—she tilted her head to the side and saw it was Spicy. She couldn't and wouldn't stop the smile from breaking out.

"I need a table." Spicy Hot gestured to the platter of nachos he held in his free hand.

Marble watched Rainbow rearrange herself to be crouching on all fours, her back straight. When Spicy put the platter on Rainbow's back, Marble couldn't stop the feeling of something tightening inside her. I did this to her. I gave her what she wanted, she thought.

"Okay. The store's all closed up and I cashed out the register." Sonata stopped when she got into the apartment and saw what was happening. "Oooh! Nachos!"

Spicy Hot leaned down so that his mouth was right beside Rainbow Dash's ear. "Exhibitionism, huh?" he whispered.

Gulping, only able to admit what she'd been suspecting for a while because of the compulsions, Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yes, Master." His hand appeared before her face, bearing a corn chip laden with salsa. Opening her mouth, Rainbow let Spicy feed her.

"Good girl. Always be honest with me." Making sure to give Rainbow a second nacho, Spicy used his clean hand to rub one of her ears. "Take much today?" he asked Sonata.

"Good day, actually. Up ten percent on last week. Had a strange couple chasing Twilight, but I dealt with them. Two customers asking about online shopping." Sonata made her way around the room, dipped in for a kiss to Rarity before she removed the shirt she'd worn all day and sat on the floor at Rarity's feet. Leaning against Rarity's legs, she let out a happy sigh as her lover's fingers started playing with her hair.

Spicy looked at Twilight significantly. "You really think you can get this all automated?"

"Well, someone will need to make sure to tell the site how much of everything comes in, and how much is sold. But if you had a stock-management system you could even automate that. You'd just need to check it each day for new sales, box them up, and ship them." When Twilight Sparkle contemplated something, even something as mundane as a web store for a sex toy store, she put her all into it.

Normally, Spicy Hot would have dismissed the idea of spending money on stock tracking and the website itself, but memories of what Windy Whistles had said cut into this urge. "If you work out what I'd need to do that, I can bump that discount up another five percent."

Twilight blushed a little at the offer. While she didn't make a fuss to her parents about her allowance, they'd been generous enough that she didn't often have to worry too much about money. But she wasn't so proud about that. Shining had talked to her about "getting out from under Mom's thumb", and the first step, he'd said, was getting her own income.

"If it's all the same, what about a percentage of the profit from it, and I'll come in and package everything up for you?" Twilight asked.

It was tempting to say yes right away. Spicy Hot was looking a gift-horse in the mouth literally. All he would have to do was maintain stock levels and take his share. "How big a percentage?"

"You want at least twenty. Probably more if you're the one managing stock levels on the system," Sonata said, sticking her tongue out at Spicy.

"Forty percent of the profits, dropping to thirty-five after the stock levels become automated." Excitement buzzed in her chest and tingled all the way up to the tip of her horn. It was like when she'd had to negotiate the deal with Hurricane.

"Thirty-five, and thirty after you perform more wizardry with the computers." Trying to appear casual, Spicy grabbed up a some more food and fed it to Rainbow. "And this includes the work getting it up and running, and getting the stock tracking going too."

Taking the occasional morsel, Rainbow Dash had plenty of time to really think about what Spicy Hot had asked. Exhibitionism was, so she thought, literally showing off sexually. Her memory raced, remembering Fluttershy watching her getting hammered by Thunderbolt, and she tried not to squirm and rub her legs together lest she spill the things on her back.

"So long as it doesn't interfere with school," Twilight Sparkle said, "it's a deal."

Spicy looked at the out-thrust hoof and grinned. Reaching toward Twilight, he shook the offered limb. "Deal. You have all the login details for the web server, just don't make any changes live until I've had a chance to check them over."

"Of course. You should see how fast I can label packages with my magic!" It was easy for Twilight to forget about Rainbow in her excitement at getting a job. She used her magic to fetch some crispy corn chips and started munching on them.

Settling back on the couch, marveling at how quick he'd gained a second employee, Spicy reached out and lifted the platter off Rainbow's back. "Just suck, slowly. I don't want any mess."