//------------------------------// // Trouble(s), Human(s), and a Solution(?!) // Story: Familiar // by Cookies //------------------------------// I started having the weird warmth I had earlier with Pinkie all over again. Weird stuff in my chest related to the Elements, confirmed. There were more banging on the door coming from the eager ponies outside. "No time Twilight, can you lock the door before they get in?" I said quickly, still panting from the sprint. Her horn lit up with magic. There was a small flash and Spike was suddenly with us. "Spike, keep an eye on Anon please." She said before teleporting. I could hear someone yelling from the other side of the door, telling the crowd to stop, then giving them a small lecture on how they 'wouldn't like the same thing happening to them' and other things that I couldn't quite hear perfectly. The bangings stopped quickly and murmurs could be heard from the other side. Spike shook his head, the teleport having disoriented him. After a few second, he managed to stumble next to me and sat down. There was a brief silence as he stared at me, probably expecting me to start talking but I was trying to listen to the conversation outside. "So, what did you do?" He finally asked. "An unintentional, grave mistake." I replied with an annoyed expression, pressing my ear against the door to try to understand their words, but they were unintelligible. "Heh, I feel like we got one of those every week, but don't worry." He said while fist bumping my leg. "Whatever you did will never be worse than spilling milk on one of Twilight's favorite book." He continued, seemingly recalling a memory with a shudder. I glanced at him with a silent raised brow. Spike refocused on me and grabbing my leg. "You didn't do that, did you?!" He asked in a panic. "Oh no. We need to write to Princess Celestia. She's the only one who can get Twilight out of her book fort and console her!" "Spike." I called to him calmly but the little dude just started running toward one of the drawers built in the wood to get some supplies for his letter. "SPIKE!" "Wha--eugh-!" The little dragon stopped in his tracks, clenching his belly before he let out a fiery burp, materializing a scroll wearing the royal golden stamp. I took a deep breath when seeing it. I wasn't particularly eager to find out what was written inside. "I swear if there's another bad news like the Prince stuff, I'm going to go to Canterlot and bap the responsible Princess on the horn with that scroll." Spike put his supplies on the table and looked at me with horror when I spoke. "B-but you can't do that! They're the Princesses!" He said, even more in a panic now. "I can and I will." I replied. "But only if the content is really, REALLY bad. Also don't forget that I can do much worse." "W-worse?" He asked shakily. "Yes." I said with a devilish grin. "I could boop their nose." To that I earned a small gasp from him. "Or even pat their head." He gasped loudly. "In front of every pony!" He tried to gasp even more but his little lungs were already full, making him inhale weakly in a high pitched note. I held a straight face for a good two seconds before bursting out laughing. Poor Spike was confused for a second, then joined me laughing. "Good one Anon, I thought you were serious." He said, taking the sealed scroll off the ground. "Ha yeah, I wouldn't do that in front of everyone." I replied while holding one of my sides. He briefly nodded, then blinked at what I just said. I only had time to snort before Twilight flashed between us. The warmth in my chest grew stronger again as expected. So, since she's using Magic repeatedly around me, she's activating her Element from the Harmony in my chest... Got it. She looked at me with a puzzled look. "How did you even manage to have more than twenty ponies running after you?" I breathed a few times to be sure that I wouldn't fall back in laughing fit. "Hey, you're the pony, you tell me. I was just running away from a few ponies and others just joined their group." She furrowed her brows briefly and glanced back at Spike, which had opened the parchment and was currently reading it. His face showed concern. "That must be Princess Celestia's response. Spike, what does it say?" Response? That piqued my curiosity. "What did you ask of her?" "I needed advice concerning a certain rumor going on for the last few days." She stated, staring at me sideways. "One that involves a certain human bringing a little filly back to their world." Well, ain't that great. It wasn't bad enough to have the citizens onto THAT. Thankfully, it seemed like little Scootaloo didn't speak of Eva getting here. That'd probably violate some unspoken agreement between the royal sisters and myself. Spike began to read out loud. "My faithful student, Princess Luna and I have been discussing this new matter rather vividly these past few days and we've only come to an agreement today. If this rumor turns out to be confirmed, we will first need to determine if the incident was an accident." Both Spike and Twilight turned their head to look at me, expecting an immediate answer. I groaned. I could understand the suspicions, considering that the only other human they had contact with became an evil Chaos god. And to be honest, even I wouldn't trust this power to any other human. No point in denying it further now though, but that doesn't mean I was okay with it. "Fine. Yes, I accidentaly brought Scootaloo with me, she was touching my shoes when I went back in my world. I got her back in Equestria just a few seconds later when I saw her there though!" I saw Spike and Twilight's eyes widen from the surprise. She started to write something on the paper floating with her magic. "So it was true! A whole new world... So many possibilities!" She said excitedly. "A whole species to study! The cultures! The technology! This could be, no, this will be the biggest--" I lowered myself to put a finger against her lips, shutting her down instantly. "No. Absolutely not. Nothing will be studied." I said in a grave tone. She frowned in confusion and pulled back her head to speak. "What? Anon, think of what we could learn from your world! Especially everything related to space travel!" "Twilight, I'm not saying there nothing good that my world could bring to yours, or yours to mine... But I think our worlds would be better off separated and not influence each other." I replied nearly in a whisper. There was a lot of things that would easily change the ponies' opinion about humans, and indirectly, me. The first, being that we're omnivore. Spike proved it to me given how he reacted when I said I could eat meat. Then there's a big part of our history... It's better if they never find out. "Why are you saying this? Everything you said about your world's technology hinted to a great civilization!" Twilight exclaimed. I winced at the comment. Not wanting to further explain my reasons, I moved toward Spike to take the scroll out of his hands. "Hey!" He yelled at me. "Sorry Spike. I just want to read the rest of it." And read I did. "Regardless of his answer, if he can transport somepony to his world and back, I trust you to..." I stopped and squinted at the paper. "...Give him a thorough lecture regarding the safety process of teleportation spells." "Oh boy." I heard the drake say from below. Uh? I briefly glanced at Spike but his gaze was turned to Twilight. Said Twilight had now multiple scrolls floating around her and she was writing on all of them at the same time. Spike just pat my leg with pity. "Whatever you do, do not try to escape it, or she will prepare a scolding lecture ten times as long." I couldn't repress showing some concern. "Hey it can't be that bad, right? I should just watch for anything around me before going back." I said while I eyed a growing stack of scrolls beside the mare. They couldn't be related to the lecture... right? Let's continue with the letter... "Now comes the reason of the debate I had with Princess Luna. We once tried to learn more about Anon's world, but after realizing we had no real reason for it, we abandoned the idea. However, if it is proven that Anon can transport items or creatures between both of our worlds, then his social status needs to change." The sound of quill on paper stopped and we all spoke at the same time. "What?" Twilight pulled the scroll out of my hands with her magic. "Hey!" I shouted towards her. Spike scoffed with a smirk, making me roll my eyes. Twilight just went on to read the rest of the letter. "My faithful student, please inform Anon of this news first thing when he comes back. He is-- WHAT?!" "Oh come on now, what is it?!" Both Spike and I said at the same time. We squinted at each other for a second, then let out a small chuckle. Meanwhile, Twilight took the time to further read the letter in silence. "Anon, according to the letter, you have been stripped of your title!" I stared at her and blinked. She stared back at me. Spike stared at me. I blinked again. "Huh." I let out. Twilight's eye twitched. "What do you mean 'huh'?! This has never happened in the history of Equestria! The princesses have downgraded you to ambassador! Aren't you upset?!" I shrugged. "Not really, I mean, a bit bummed out that I don't have all the amaaaazing-" I said while wiggling my fingers. "-advantages anymore but I wasn't using them anyw..." ... I tilted my head on the side. "...Did you say ambassador?" "Yes! Why aren't you more worried?! The princesses have relegated you to the rank of mere diplomat!" Twilight cried out. "Would you calm down already?" I asked, slightly annoyed from the constant yelling by now. "I didn't care much about that title, it brought unwanted attention." I said, pausing for a second. "Even if it sounded prestigious." I paused again. "And had interesting advantages." Spike deadpanned at me. "Darn, I can't declare a couple as married now." I said, looking at the ceiling in thought while stroking my chin. Twilight joined Spike with a look of deadpan of her own. "Hey, don't look at me like that you two." Twilight pressed a hoof against her face. "You don't understand! This relegation will probably cause an uproar from the nobles!" "Pfft. If anything, they'll be happy that I lost that undeserved title. You're worrying too much." I replied. If the nobles here were anything like the various work of fictions I've read or seen, then they will not cause much trouble over it. But then again, Twilight lived in this world all her life, so she probably knows more about them than me. But then again AGAIN, Celestia should know what she's doing. Twilight let out a frustated groan. "Fine, we'll see how it goes then." "Sure. Also, is there anything else in the letter?" I asked, pointing at it. "Oh, yes." She replied, taking another look at it and mumbling until she caught up to where she left off. "...now an official representant of his race... diplomatic meeting as soon as possible... Ah, there." She paused to clear her throat. "Furthermore, please negociate a crate of apple with your dear friend Applejack and send it to the castle." She blinked, then looked at Spike. "Ohhh no. Today is your turn for the groceries." Spike replied instantly. Breathing a sigh of defeat, Twilight looked at the last part of the letter, squinting her eyes. "Uh, it looks like Princess Celestia ran out of place to write and tried to squeeze one last sentence..." She brought the scroll closer to read it and soon, her face lit up with excitement. She looked at me, and her excitement seemed to falter, until she looked back at the scroll and her excitement began anew. Then she looked back at me, and the excitement died out again. I must admit that it was completely disconcerting. "You alright, Twilight?" She flinched at the question. "Y-yes, of course! Can you excuse us? And please don't leave for now." Not even giving me time to react, she went to Spike and teleported both of them somewhere. All I had to do was to wait... But I believe I heard Spike yell "WHAT?!" from the basement. ~ ~ ~ I didn't really stood there doing nothing. I was curious as to what the other nations were in this world, and so picked a book related to that topic. I briefly wondered why it was placed to high on the shelf, but coming with no answers, I moved on. I sat myself at the round table, putting down my bag nearby and began to shift through the pages. Yaks, dragons, griffons and some more mythical beings were mentionned. Griffons were once a proud nation... But it changed around a hundred years ago, when they lost a certain artifact. Since then, their nation fell in a pitiful state and griffons now had deep distrust with each other. I continued to read some more until Spike came back nearly half an hour later. He just grabbed some book then ran back downstairs. I asked if he needed help but he nervously declined, telling me to wait 'just a little more'. Well I didn't have anything to do beside apologizing to Rainbow for being late, so I complied. After reading for an hour, I decided to get up to move my legs a little, but looking outside, I could see that the Sun was low in the sky. It wouldn't be long until Celestia lowered it completely. I didn't want to wander around at night, so I'd have to apologize another day. I walked up to the door leading to the basement and opened it. "Hey it's getting late, I think I'll just go!" I yelled in hope that they heard me. "Wait!" I heard Spike yell back. He ran up to me, slightly panting and handed me a scroll. "Twilight is... occupied and told me you could go. T-take this with you and open it only when you're back in your w-- Hey!" While he spoke I already unfurled the piece of paper. On it was a silly doodle of a pony vaguely looking like a surprised Twilight, wearing some kind of bags on her sides. "Is that a gift from you? This is uhhh... nice." I replied, a little unsure why a theorically greedy dragon would give me a drawing he just made. Especially since we're not even that close, but this was a magical pony land of niceness, so I just shrugged it off. I rolled the scroll back on itself and put it in my bag. "While I can't guarantee that I'll put it on a wall, I'll be sure to keep it in my room, okay?" "Y-yeah sure! Have a good night!" He replied quickly before closing the door to the basement. His whole demeanor was shifty but I didn't press on the matter. It was probably caused by the thing occupying Twilight right now. After checking that I didn't forget anything here, I pronounced the words to teleport myself back to my apartment. I didn't expect my bag to suddenly feel much heavier after the little transition in the void, and that threw me off-balance. "WoaAA-" Twilight and I yelled out while I managed to fall on the couch. "What the heck..? You alright Twilight?" I asked absentmindedly. "Yes, I..." She started. Both our eyes went wide as we realized what just happened. "What are you doing here?!" I yelled at her. She teleported a few meters away and took a wobbly step back. "Oh Celestia, this place feels wrong..." I got up on my feet and approched the mare with threatening steps. "Twilight!" She focused back on me. "Please don't get angry! I needed to come here!" She said, her horn charging up. I stopped. If she teleported out of here, that would causes an incredible amount of problems. I held my hands up. "Don't do anything stupid there. If you get out, there's no turning back for the both of us." She didn't respond. Instead, I saw confusion on her face, then her eyes went wide. "I can't feel any magic..." She started panicking and let her spell loose. A bright pink bubble formed around her. "Twilight?!" I approached quickly and tried to get to her, but the bubble was like a thick glass ball, perfectly protecting her from anything outside. "Twilight, get rid of this, I need to get you back to Equestria right now." I said with worry. She kept mumbling to herself various observations about the overall situation and made no effort to get out of the bubble. I could try to break it, but whatever attempt I'll make will never be fast enough to prevent her from teleporting away. When she started writing notes down, I understood that she wouldn't move until she was done putting her thoughts down on paper. So I just sat back down on the couch, and waited. I could occasionally hear her say "But what if..." or "So that would mean..." all while she made a small pile of notes. She sure loved writing... I eventually got up and grabbed some water from the fridge. "Want something?" I asked her. "No thank--" She stopped herself and thought. "Actually, yes please. Any fruit juice will do." I grabbed the only thing I had at the time, orange juice. I poured a glass for her. I got back to the bubble and handed it to her. She shook her head sideways. "Please put it on the ground." She's good. I could've teleported us back to Equestria when she'd touch the glass with her hoof. I did as she said and put it down then went back to the couch. I saw her teleport the glass in her bubble, then pull a tiny device from one of her bags. It looked self-made. "What is it?" I asked between two sips of my water. She didn't even spare a glance at me, being solely focused on putting a small cable from the device in the juice and reading the result of whatever she was doing. "Not the slightest hint of magic..." She mumbled, pull back the cable and taking a sip of the juice. Her face scrunched up. "What did you give me?" "Orange juice." I replied, holding my head with a hand, looking bored. "Do they make juices out of old oranges?" She said, preparing to take notes again. "I don't think so." "So magic may have an effect on the taste of drinks, and so, food too..." With a final scritch, she underlined that last sentence. "I'll have to test that back home." I lifted my head. "Are you done?" She glanced at me with a sad frown. "No. I still have some things to check..." She said, turning herself toward me, briefly shifting her eyes before locking them with mine. "Why do you want me to be gone so badly?" I clicked my tongue and sat a bit more straight. "Look, I don't really want to talk about how humans are because I fear of how y'all will react." Her ears folded back and she looked curious, yet afraid. "What do you mean..?" "What did I just say?" I said with a sigh. "Please, I need to know, Anon. Princess Celestia asked me to act as an embassador to your world. I need as much informations as possible." ... "She did what?" "Appoint me as a pony embassador." Twilight repeated. "Rhetorical question, Twilight." I said while slowly rubbing my hand against my face. "Seems like I need a word with Celestia about making important decisions regarding humans, without my consent." How to say much about humans without scaring her too much... I thought. Thankfully the book I read earlier provided me with excellent comparison examples. "Listen Twilight, my world isn't exactly like yours, or rather like Equestria." I said, stopping only to take a big sip of water. "We humans are kind of like... griffons, dragons and ponies mixed together." She looked confused. "Please elaborate, I do not see what you mean by that. You acted fairly like a pony would since I've known you." I rubbed the base of my neck. "Yeah uhhh... I'm a big sucker for anything adorable." "Oh, that's understandable. We all have things we particularly like." She said almost automatically, but then my words hit her. "Wait, did you just--" "Moving on! While in your world it seems like every race have their own common personality traits, we humans are really diverse, going from the most disgustingly awful people, to the most kind and honorable ones. And even though it feels like there's more mean people than good, the majority of us are fairly neutral." She silently took notes, nodding a few times while I was talking. "Okay, but..." "Just let me finish, you'll ask questions later..." I took a deep breath. "One detail you need to know is that humans are the only sapient beings in my world. The animals don't talk. And they certainly don't understand us as much as the animals in your world do." She nearly dropped her quill. "The only..?" I nodded. "Yes. Keep in mind that we're the only sapient species on our world. You must think that we should be pretty united then, right?" She continued writing while listening intensely. "Oh, uh, sure, maybe? I wouldn't know since I lack many parameters to reach that conclusion." I shaked my head briefly. "Well, we're not united. Not at all. We don't really trust others people outside of our close group of friends and family. But the worst thing regarding your situation here is that you're an alien, and people will not understand what you are. And when we don't understand something... well it usually goes bad." She stared at me with the most hurtful expression of sadness I've ever seen. "Is... Is there no way for our worlds to have diplomatic ties with each other then?" My poor heart was about to break. "I don't know. We still could find a..." My phone vibrated once. I glanced at it and saw that a certain app with a red Play button was getting an update. "...solution." I had an idea, and no, she wasn't going to be Mercy. It might be crazy enough to work if I make them believe she's not real, but am I really going to risk it all? I took another look at her, and my decision was made. I can always teleport out if things get hectic. "...Say, Twilight, how well do you do in front of an audience?"