That new car smell

by Hellcat707hp

The hospital

"So what happened? How'd it get this bad?" The nurse asked

"I already explained it, it was a timberwolf attack." Alan said

"How big was it?" She asked

"I didn't get a good look at it, I was in a rage. All I remember was everything going red, and me pulling out my gun. I killed it." Alan explained

"Oh. That's impressive." The nurse stated rather blandly

"I'm getting impatient, enough small talk. What's wrong with her?" Alan stated

"So she has four broken ribs, a punctured lung, and a broken humerus." The nurse explained

"How long will she be unconscious?" Alan asked

"Well, she lost a lot of blood so I'd say an hour or two." She said

"Ok, give this number a call when she wakes up." Alan said as he handed her a paper with his number on it

"Will do." she said

Alan walked outside and drove the bike over to his house. He loaded the bike into his truck and drove to the everfree. After he loaded Ashley's bike up, he drove to Sweet Apple Acres. Once there he drove to Ash's house.

He parked the bikes in her garage next to her beautiful white Demon. Alan decided to go check out her house.

He opened the front door and was shocked at what greeted him. It was an over excited boxer and bulldog "Toby? Spike? Holy shit! You two were only pups back before I left!" Alan was shocked to see them "Heheh, wait until Flutters meets you two."

Alan stayed with the dogs for about an hour. He fed them and gave them water, after that he drove to the hospital to check on Ashley. He walked in the front door and the same nurse from earlier greeted him
"Ah, I was just about to call you. Head on back she's awake."

"Ok, thank you." Alan said. He walked down the hallway and into her room

"Hey Al." Ash said weakly

"Hey, how are you feeling? Are they treating you good?" Alan asked softly

"I'm in a little bit of pain, but I'm sure it's the magic talking." Ash said stifling a small laugh that broke into a hard, painful cough.

"Yeah, if it weren't for the magic you'd probably be crying like a baby." Alan joked

"You're such a butt." Ash said with a smirk

"Hey Alan." Rainbow said as she walked in "I noticed your truck outside and decided to stop by. I thought you got hurt again." She joked

"Oh, hey! How are ya skittles?" Alan joked

"Ok, first off I don't even know what that means. Second off, stop calling me that. Please." Rainbow said

"Oh, you two never actually met. Dash, this is Ash. Ash this is Dash." Alan said, gesturing to each as he said their names

"Hi, nice to meet you." Rainbow said walking over to Ash "So what happened, and since when is there a second human in Equestria?" Rainbow asked

"Alan here saved me from a giant wooden wolf." Ash said

"Wow Alan, first the cmc and now another human. Too bad you're taken." Rainbow said, obviously hitting on Alan

"Really, Rainbow? You do know I can read you like a book sometimes?" Alan said

"*snicker* Reading Rainbow" Ashley giggled


"Uhh…what? I don't get it. What's so funny?!" Rainbow said confused

"Oh, heheh, its nothing. Heheheh" Alan said wiping a tear from his eye

"It better be nothing. You Meanie." Rainbow said "Anyway, I'll see you later. There's a Wonderbolts show coming up so I gotta go. Seeya."

"Peace out, Mare-scout." Alan said

"Hey Alan, do you remember Toby and Spike?" Ashley asked

"Yeah, actually when I took the bikes back to your place I decided I'd grab a snack. When I opened the door I was greeted by the two. I gave them food and water. I have a friend I can leave'em with if you don't mind." Alan suggested

"Who is it?" Ash asked

"She's a timid little pegasus, who is basically looked at like a goddess by animals. Also she can talk to animals." Alan explained

"Ooookay…sure." Ashley said

"Alright I'll take them over to her place right now. Also can I drive the Supra?" Alan asked

"Yeah, sure. Thanks." Ash thanked Alan

"No problem. See ya later. Make sure they treat you good. If not, call me." Alan said on his way out

"Ok." Ash said

Alan left and jumped into his truck on his way he stopped to pick up Twilight

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

"Hey Alan what's up?" Twilight asked

"Ashley is in the hospital, and I'm taking her dogs to Fluttershy's. Do you wanna go?" Alan asked

"Which car are we taking?" Twilight asked

"The 4th gen Toyota Supra." Alan said

"Supra?" Twilight questioned

"It's a 90's JDM car." Alan explained

"JDM?" Twilight questioned

"Just get in." Alan said

Twilight got in and they drove to Ashley's house. Alan opened the garage

"Which one is the Supra?" Twilight asked

"This one." Alan said as he got into a very smooth car, that had beautiful curves

"This car sounds different." Twilight

"Yeah, because it has an Inline 6 turbo rally engine." Alan explained

"Inline 6?" Twilight questioned

"Ok, so you know how the cylinders in a v8 are shaped like a 'V' on the crankshaft?" Alan asked

"Yes I do, I've read many books on them thanks to you." Twilight said

"Well in this engine the pistons instead of being arranged like a 'V', They are in a strait line." Alan explained

After explaining everything Alan slowly pulled in front of the house. They both got the dogs into the car, the dogs must've known what to do because they sat in the back and didn't move.

"Ok Twilight, you know how my cars all have a whine when I rev them?" Alan asked

"Yes, the whine is caused by air getting caught under the belt." Twilight explained

"Well this has a turbo which sounds like this." Alan hit the gas, revving the car. *Vvvrrrrruuhh-Stutututuu

"Woah! Did the car just sneeze?" Twilight asked

"No, that's called a blow off. I don't really know what causes it. You would have to ask Ash about that one." Alan said

"Alright let's go to Fluttershy's, I'm getting confused." Twilight said

"Let's Roll." Alan said pulling a cinnamon roll out of the glovebox

"How long did it take you to set that up?!" Twilight exclaimed

"Too long. Heheheh!" Alan laughed at his stupid pun

They drove to Fluttershy's, once there Alan walked up and knocked on her door

*knock, knock, knock*

"Oh hey Alan, what are you doing here?" Fluttershy asked

"Can you watch two dogs while their owner is in the hospital?" Alan asked

"Oh, of course where are the little cuties?" She said very enthusiastically

"They are in the back of the Supra." Alan said gesturing to the white car behind him

"Oh my gosh, I love this car. It's my favorite." She said

"Uh…what?" Alan said confused

Fluttershy noticed her mistake "Oh...uh....I mean, I like the look of it." She said covering up her little slip

"Okay…sure." Alan said skeptical

"Hey Fluttershy, here are the leashes. Their names are...they're...they're. Alan what're their names?" Twilight asked

"Toby and Spike. The boxer is Toby and the bulldog is Spike." Alan said gesturing to the two

"Ok, I have dog food so they'll be fed. They'll also get walks daily, and bathed every two days." Flutters said

"Alright, thank you. We will be going." Alan said as he got in the car

"Bye Fluttershy!" Twilight yelled as they drove away