My Name Is Branwen, And This Is My Book

by TRIBOT 4000

Entry 2

1:55 PM

My Aunt Raw and Uncle Jargon are here today. Raw is a Griffin and Jargon is a pony. That goes about as well as you'd expect. Anyways, I'm telling this because, well, they're annoying, very annoying. I'm just glad I was able to make it look like I'm working on school by writing here.

Now...what to tell you today. Hmm... Ooh. I know: my first encounter with the pony princess known to many as the Great Celestia! Now, now. Don't be jealous. It's true that not everypony gets to meet her, but you have to consider that she's a very benevolent ruler. I've always preferred Luna though, from physical standpoint. I'm tall for age and species so I am taller than Princess Luna if I stand on my back paws. It's slightly arousing and for those of you who don't know what that word means...I doubt you actually have this book.

Anyways, I met Princess Celestia and Princess Luna because, go figure, Celestia is a fan of my books. How she found out I was the one who wrote them I can't say, nor do I know, but I'm sure the Goddess of the Sun has her ways.

As I was saying, I had been invited to the castle (well, less invited and more royally decreed), so I packed my bags and headed off, my expenses were being payed for so... heh, free vacation. Mind you this is after I had quit writing, but was the flipping princesses.

When I arrived at the castle, I was lead up directly to Princess Celestias private quarters. When I was told this, I honestly wasn't quite sure what to think. My first thoughts were of course that this might not be a strictly platonic visit. When logic set in my mind once more I realized that Celestia inviting me over for such an event would be completely preposterous and ridiculous. Still...the thoughts remained.

When I first walked into the room, the door shut automatically behind me. Inside there was a Huge Princess sized bed on side of the room, a few shelves, a dresser, a few pillows on the floor, a small tea table with tea-type accessories, and strangely enough, no princess. Nothing. I saw neither hide nor hare of her. For a moment I thought I'd been led to the wrong room. Instead of bothering the guards, I decided to make myself comfortable. She wouldn't invite me here and set up this little seating arrangement for me to stand and not take advantage of her hospitality, right?

I took a seat on the smaller pillow on one side of the tea table. As I sat there, I took notice of the beautiful designs on the ceiling. It gave me an idea for a small story and I almost reached for my notebook, forgetting that I hadn't brought it with me, and forgetting that I don't write anymore.

While I sat in that little room, alone, in the dark somewhat (we griffins have excellent sight), Celestia had been in her bathroom, showering. Now, before I go on, should Celestia ever read this, I ask: how was I supposed to know you silence spells in your room? I had no idea you were in there, nor did the guards.

Needless to say, Celestia stepped out of her bathroom, soaked, completely nude (though all she wears is a torc, a crow, and some horseshoes), and mumbling to herself about forgetting things. She took no notice of me as she bent down and searched under her bed and around her room revealing

Sorry for that. I may or may not have smeared out an entire section of me describing Princess Celestias...uh...well you know. ANYWAYS, back to the topic. When Celestia did finally turn around to head back into the bathroom, , a fresh bar of soap in her magic, she noticed me.

Now, I would like to explain something. You see many incredible things when you've lived the life I have. I have seen monsters, battles, friendships made, friendships broken, life, death, but right at that moment I saw what had to be the most adorable thing I have ever come across: a blushing Princess Celestia. She was so cute at that moment, I had the sudden urge to remove her head, find a necromancer to freeze her expression like that for all eternity and then just stare at it whenever I felt unhappy or depressed about anything. If that were a regular treatment for PTSD, the therapeutic industry would go out of business.

With that having been said, Celestia did her best to laugh off the awkward situation, but we both now knew that I had probably seen the, statistically speaking, most sought out sight of all time. Quickly as possible, and with her rear pointed in the coincidentally opposite direction of me, Celestia made her way back into the bathroom to finish up her session. A few short minutes later and I was greeted with Princess Celestia, still lacking regalia but now sporting a towel. She came over and sat down in the pillow on the other side of the tea table, still blushing slightly.

Other than the little incident, the exchange was actually quite pleasant. I asked why she wanted to see me, and she responded saying that she was a fan of my books. I have to say, it's nice to know that my books resonated with someone more than the common pony. The fact that a nation leader would take any interest in my work was also amazing. It boosted my ego up a bit and gave me a bit more confidence. In fact, it's the reason I've been contemplating becoming a writer again.

Anyway, after that we talked about our jobs (I use that term lightly), our lives in and out of our jobs (again used lightly), and various other things. Turns out, Celestia doesn't run as much of the country as ponies think she does. She's entirely capable of it, but she's hires a large number of ponies to help run the country for her. I'd probably do the same too if I had the bits.

Don't tell anyone that though. There'd be a national epidemic.