Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Explanation Experiments Pt1

"…and it's going to be so awesome," Rainbow Dash said.

"Ah know, Rainbow. You've told me a hundred times already." Despite her droll tone, Applejack was happy to see her friend so excited. She'd helped Rainbow pick up the rusty old car chassis earlier in the afternoon. "But Ah think the others want a chance to speak."

Sunset waited for Rainbow to lower her wings before she returned to the topic. "So. We know what the thing infecting some of us is now. We know why Twilight—uh, not the Princess—became a pony completely, but do we have any idea why everyone is turning into ponies?"

Princess Twilight nodded her head. "That's why I called you all here. It's magic!" When her announcement failed to get more than a few level stares, Princess Twilight continued. "Equestrian magic."

"Uh. Um. T-Twilight? I don't think you realized this, but we already—sort of—knew that." Without Bridget at her side, Fluttershy had slipped back to her usual self. She looked at Rainbow Dash pointedly. "Wh-Who here is doing magical stuff all the time?"

Twilight Sparkle—the local one—raised a hoof, and Rainbow Dash raised a hand.

"See?" Fluttershy asked.

"You're doing magic? Ah don't get it. You don't even have that sparkle-stuff that Twi does, or the fire like—" Applejack said.

"That's my fault." Spicy Hot fitted in well with the girls now given he sported his own wings and ears. "We signed up together at a gymnasium. The fitness coach there has a thing for pushing people to be what they want to be."

All eyes turned to Rainbow Dash.

"What? I want to fly! I want to run as fast as I can. Short Track pushes me hard. Even my wings are aching after a workout," Rainbow Dash said.

Pinkie Pie giggled. "Silly. If you keep doing that you'll turn into—" She looked between both Twilights.

When Rainbow Dash shrugged, everyone turned their eyes to Spicy Hot. "Oh. Sure. Get the boyfriend to put the screws on." Spicy lifted a hand to his mouth and coughed into it dramatically. He then turned to Rainbow. "Rainbow, darling of my life,"—he also had to ignore the groans now—"won't you please change and be the picture of feminine beauty that I so obviously demand you to be?"

Giggling too much to reply, Rainbow Dash shook her head. "It—Hang on a second." She got a few more laughs out before composing herself and looking around her friends. "You think this is going to stop? Twilight's already a pony, my dog has turned into a dragon, and I don't know if any of you have looked at yourselves lately, but if you do the least thing, you pony up.

"How long before everyone's a pony? You remember Vice Principal Luna, the whole college and their faculty. The magic's spreading. We're just the first and most awesome."

Everyone had gone quiet while Rainbow revealed the elephant in the room, fed it up until it was fully grown, then rode it bareback.

"If you ever thought," Spicy Hot said, "that I would try to talk her out of this, you are sorely mistaken. I've already had to explain to one person that her body is her own—I figured her friends would understand that."

"That wasn't nice, Spicy," Rainbow said.

Spicy Hot raised an eyebrow. "They weren't nice when they looked to me to talk you into something. We might play games, but those are just that. We're both adults. If you want to convince Rainbow of something, don't use me." When he looked around, only two people met his gaze: Pinkie Pie and Princess Twilight Sparkle—both of whom looked very happy about something. "Now you've got me playing good-boyfriend."

"Yeah. You might be a little rough around the edges, but you scored some major points back there." Rainbow spread one wing and wrapped it around Spicy's shoulders.

"I'm sorry, Spicy." Sunset breathed a heavy sigh. "I might have formed a huddle before this and talked the others into asking for your help. You're right. But that brings us back to the big question. Twilight—our Twilight—have you worked out what's going on in Rainbow's head?"

"Rainbow Dash is the most advanced of anyone I've checked so far. There is normally a soft cushion of fluid within the skull that keeps the brain floating in its own little safe space, Rainbow Dash doesn't have that anymore. There's so much extra tissue in there it looks like her brain is around ten-percent larger." Just to double check, Twilight Sparkle enhanced her spell again and looked between Rainbow Dash, Marble, and Sunset. "This is incredible."

"Are you saying this thing that made me horny all the time has made me smarter?" As Rainbow Dash asked, she could see the building blocks fall into place. Her finals shouldn't have been as easy as they were. She'd studied before every one, and recalled every detail she'd studied.

"Wait. What?" Sunset stared between Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow," Twilight Sparkle asked. "What did you score on all your finals?"

"I just remembered everything. It wasn't even hard. All I needed to do was remember all the notes we'd been given." As she thought over the result, Rainbow realized she could still remember all those notes perfectly clear. Everything since around a week after Camp Everfree felt like it had the brightness turned up. Every little detail came to her with perfect clarity. "Holy shit…

"I got 100%, okay? I aced all the finals. Does this count as cheating?"

"It's not magic," Twilight Sparkle was quick to point out. "And it wasn't like you did it on purpose. And you're not exactly stupid."

"What Twilight's tryin' ta say is, you didn't cheat." Applejack's mind was a fairly black and white place. There was lies, and there was the truth. She couldn't see how Rainbow would have known her memory was changed for the better. "An' you said it can't be removed? What about with magic?"

Princess Twilight, who had been fighting off what was effectively the worst case of jetlag ever, jerked as if poked. "I'm pancake!"

Reaching out an arm, Sunset rest her hand on Princess Twilight's shoulders. "You might as well go home, Twilight. Unless you think a tired alicorn could be any use to us?"

Getting her thoughts together to argue, Princess Twilight was interrupted as she opened my mouth to yawn. "You're right, but are you sure you've got this?"

"This? It's Equestrian magic. All along I've been struggling with the strange magic here, but this? This I can understand!" Sunset gestured to her wings. "Okay, maybe not exactly all of it, but if it behaves like Equestrian magic, I can get to the bottom of it."

"Soooo," Rainbow Dash said. "We're kinda running a school on Monday night. Does anyone want to come?"

Spicy shook his head at Rainbow. "That was the worst introduction possible. What we're doing is an information night. You can come and talk about whatever you want pertaining to sex or relationships."

"That sounds,"—Sunset turned to look at Pinkie—"pretty good, actually. I know you're not moving in with us, but there's going to be a mess of us in one house, and we're all going to have to work out how not to get on each other's nerves. Where's this happening?"

Pinkie Pie plucked a notepad from her hair and wrote down the address Spicy gave, then looked at it a second time. "Isn't this a bar?"

"We rented it out. It's cool, Spicy knows the owner." Rainbow looked around at her friends and saw Marble practically hiding in the doorway. "It'll only be us. Monday nights are apparently a little quiet there, so we have the whole place to ourselves."

"I guess it'll be good, then. So what kinds of stuff do you want to talk about?" Sunset asked.

"Well," Spicy Hot said, "I want to know how to please a girl." When he got a lot of strange looks, he shrugged. "Look, there's not instruction book for this—Okay, there are a lot of books and videos, but I want to know how to be a better lover."

Ignoring the butterflies in her belly that threatened to force her to do embarrassing things with Spicy on the spot, Rainbow looked around her friends. "I'm pretty sure we all have something we want to learn, and something we can teach. But enough about it. How's the house going, Sunset?"

"Signing the lease on Monday. Everyone can start moving in on Tuesday. This is so exciting! I can't wait to have somewhere we can all just get together and relax! Thanks for arranging this, Twilight," Sunset Shimmer said.

"Um." Marble Pie tried to cut in. "Is it okay if I—" The more Marble spoke, the more people looked at her. She jolted a little when Rainbow Dash stood up.

Rainbow smiled at Marble, and had to wonder if the thing in her head made her like the girl more. "Of course you can come. Like I sai—"

"I-I meant the house," Marble said.

Stretching her stride, Rainbow Dash ran with only a hint of her power. Her work at the gym had taught her discipline so far as her magic went—it was no longer a fire hose she could only turn on or off. She turned her head and grinned at Spicy Hot.

"Doesn't it seem odd?" Marble asked. She looked across Spicy's body and out the window of the little beetle at the woman running thirty miles an hour.

"Odd? The bar got raised on odd. This is normal now. Are you sure you're up to this?" Spicy's eyes flickered to Marble long enough to see her expression was neutral. "If you don't, you can just watch."

"I-I want to watch, but I also want Rainbow to feel good. She likes what I can do." Marble cast her eyes down at her hands. "And I like when she guides me to do things."

"Would you like me to try a bit of that? I might get a little overbearing with it, and I'll be honest when I say I have no idea what to do with female bodies." Spicy slowed down and turned into his street.

Marble bit her lip and stopped herself from blurting out no immediately. "Can we try?"

Pulling into a parking spot, Spicy Hot nodded. "Sure. Just tell me if it doesn't work for you, and I'll do the same, okay?"

"The same?" Marble asked.

"Yeah. Not into girls and all that." Opening his door, Spicy Hot climbed out to be caught up in a hug.

Having reached the point where she was a little hot and a little sweaty, Rainbow Dash felt energized by her run. She squeezed Spicy Hot, and welcomed his surprised return hug. She let out a happy gasp when his hand caught under her rear and lifted. "What are you doing?"

"I like having you this close." Spicy carried Rainbow up the stairs, pressed against him, before turning into his apartment. "So, any requests for tonight?"

Clinging against Spicy, Rainbow looked back over his shoulder at Marble. "What do you think?"

"M-Me?" Marble asked. "I—" She thought about it for a moment. "Lock something in her and use her for furniture?"

The shiver that ran through Rainbow's form was obvious to Spicy. "I'll need to find something to put in there. Do you think you could help me search?" He looked back at Marble.

"Do I get to see?" Rainbow asked.

"No." Marble said and grinned. This was planning. She could handle this. She could even handle watching, or so she hoped.

Set down on her hooves, Rainbow Dash watched Spicy and Marble walk back out the door and head into the store. "Oh, sure. Leave me without anything to—" She paused. "Okay. I'm stinky. Shower time."

It was a struggle for Rainbow not to masturbate in the shower. Every time she thought of what was going to happen, her hand strayed downward. Finally, however, she got herself clean (inside too, thanks to the enema kit hanging from the shower rack) and claimed a spare towel to dry off.

Her clothes were outside since Rainbow Dash figured she didn't need them anymore, so when she opened the door and saw Rarity and Twilight talking, she froze.

"Every time I come here I'm reminded of what I almost ruined. Hello, dear." Rarity looked at Rainbow only long enough to decide what outfit she'd like to dress her friend in.

Twilight Sparkle, on the other hand, couldn't take her eyes off Rainbow Dash. Words died in her throat as she looked up and down Rainbow's body.

Her hand straying up to her collar, Rainbow took strength from her role. She was a pet—a plaything. She had no right to clothing, but she was Spicy's pet. With the proper mindset cemented, Rainbow walked casually over to the second couch and sat down. "Sorry for the surprise. I ran here, and figured I should probably get ready for some fun."

"F-Fun?" Twilight asked.

"Would you like some privacy, dear?" Rarity almost licked her lips and salivated. Despite the fact Twilight was naked, Rainbow was naked and showing off. "We could pop back next door."

"Nah. It's cool. And, of course fun. Spicy's my boyfriend, remember? So what are you two doing here, anyway?" Having Rarity and Twilight's eyes glued to her boosted Rainbow's ego several notches. In a room with a unicorn and someone who could pass for a supermodel, Rainbow was the one being ogled.

"Organizing a date," Rarity said. "Twilight wanted a little experience, and Sonata offered to help her."

"Oh." The implications took a few seconds for Rainbow to fully process. "OH! So you're also—"

"We are not going to talk about that yet. This is just a few dates." Rarity rolled her eyes toward Twilight. "You don't have to tell anyone unless you absolutely want to, dear."

"Actually…" Twilight Sparkle looked toward the floor and tapped her forehooves together nervously.

"You see, Twilight has been asking me for all kinds of info for 'projects'. And while I'm sure the projects were super important, I think turnabout'd be fair play. But it's cool. You can ask all the questions you want Monday night, right?" Rainbow Dash asked.

The front door opened just then, and Spicy's eyes snapped toward Rainbow Dash on the couch. "Never before has one gay man had to look at so many boobs. You made yourself comfortable?"

Rainbow couldn't keep her tail from shifting around behind her. "Washed up and cleaned out, Master."

"Oh! That reminds me." Spicy turned to Rarity and Twilight. "Would you two lovely ladies mind if we play some games? You don't have to involve yourself."

"Darling, I love watching a competent master at work. What about you, Twilight?"

"W-What do you mean, involve? I don't understand what—" Twilight jumped in her seat when Rarity put a calming hand on her shoulders.

Rarity tried to project more confidence than her few weeks of practice should have supported, and being who and what she was, it worked for her. "Spicy means, he and Rainbow are going to play some dominance games. You can stay and watch, but don't involve yourself unless asked or offered." She turned to look at Spicy. "Right?"

"Right." Spicy Hot felt a little smug glee that a "student" had reached the right conclusion.

"C-C-Can I take notes?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"That's a yes, Master." Rainbow looked up to Spicy, but it was Marble who walked around in front of her and crouched to eye level.

"Hello, Rainbow. You remember what we were going to do?" Marble flattened her voice almost as much as her big sister's. Training her eyes on Rainbow's, she continued. "I'm going to have you relax and focus on your breathing." As she spoke, she carefully set a brown paper bag down to one side.

They'd played this trick a few times now, mostly to practice, but Rainbow Dash had started to really get into the hypnosis Marble Pie used. One by one, without prompting, she focused on relaxing her muscles, all the time returning Marble's gaze.

"I want you to focus on my words, Rainbow. I'm going to count down from ten, and then with each number you're going to picture yourself getting more relaxed." Marble followed the script she'd memorized.

Twilight's eyes almost bulged out of her head. She used her magic to levitate a notepad and pen from her backpack and float it over to beside her. She's really using hypnosis. This is amazing! she thought.