Pandemic: Picking up the Pieces

by Halira

Chapter 35**

Tattered watched out of the corner of an eye as Lavender socialized with the ponies in the Augusta party. The humans were no longer in attendance, but Lavender had already spoken with them earlier. The Equestrian had on a medallion, very similar to the one Tonya wore, and would touch a hoof to it every so often as she was speaking to them. Typically Lavender's face would go grim briefly when she touched it; that pretty much confirmed that Tonya was right.

The crystal pony with Shadow Dancer, named Crystal Dreams, was watching Lavender just as much as Tattered was, and had actually taken Shadow Dancer aside at one point to talk with him. Now Shadow Dancer seemed to be much more amicable when talking with them, he knew they were on to him and was going to play things safe.

Tattered and Garner Cut kept close by Sunset Blessing at all times. She hated the unicorn, but she wasn't about to let this bastard try to play his mind tricks on Riverview's leader. Sunset Blessing was bad enough without having this monster making her even worse.

Tonya had returned a moment ago with Phobia and Rosetta in tow. That had gotten a raised eyebrow out of Sunset Blessing, but she thankfully hadn't opened her mouth to ask any questions, or worse introduced Phobia before Lavender could finish her testing. For right now they were going through the motions of showing off the town and their plans for expansion.

Sunset Blessing gestured out at the woods. "This particular stretch of woods stretches for about thirty miles westward and about ten miles to both the north and south. While most of it's outside the current town borders I have negotiations in place to obtain the remainder for the town. About half the woods is currently under private ownership, about a quarter is unincorporated to any owner, and the remainder technically belongs to some towns further west. It'll take a few weeks to claim all of this, but the parts closest to town I should have in our possession by the end of the week."

"You waste time with negotiations, you should simply begin clearing so it can be made useful for farmland and settlement," Shadow Dancer said with a sneer.

"I think you fail to understand. If we simply took these woods without securing the rights from the current owners we face extreme backlash from the humans," Sunset said with forced calm. "How many ponies are there in Georgia and South Carolina combined, two-hundred thousand to two-hundred fifty thousand? There are over ten million or more humans in that same area."

"Florida and the west have large numbers of ponies, they could support us," Shadow insisted. "And Equestria would not let anything happen to us if the humans tried anything."

Sunset snorted. "You mean those ponies out west trying to live in hovels without electricity or running water? And the Equestrians that stopped ETS and are even now sending unicorns to the rehumanization centers to aid in transforming ponies back into humans, not to mention are negotiating treaties with the government to limit where those out west live? You think those are your allies to protect you from humans? You're incredibly naive if you believe that."

"Something would be worked out," Shadow muttered. He clearly didn't have a good counter to Sunset. He then looked at the woods again. "In any case, we have to have somewhere to put ponies and we can't wait on your stupid negotiations to be completed. The humans will just have to accept we need this land."

Sunset nodded. "I understand the urgency in securing this for our ponies. I actually want to begin clearing of the land we do have legal rights for starting tomorrow. My general plan was to take the Augusta ponies in different waves spread out over a month and a half. This gives us time to make arrangements for each wave instead of trying to accommodate all of them at the drop of a hat."

Shadow stomped a hoof. "The humans are pressuring us now. There isn't time for delays."

Sunset gave a satisfied smirk. "Oh, I wonder why with such a well mannered leader in charge? So, you're ready to face whatever the humans throw at us if we try to seize the land illegally, but you're also running in terror from them in order to do that. Tell me, how have you managed to hold leadership to this point?"

"You will..." Shadow began, but was stopped by Crystal, who punched him with a hoof on the shoulder and gave pointed looks at both Tattered and Garnet. Tattered narrowed her brow and glared at the pair from Augusta. Shadow must have been trying something and Crystal was aware that he'd be caught. There'd been a tiny surge of something as he had begun talking. She shared a quick glance with Garnet and the crystal pony nodded his head just enough for her to notice.

It was only a matter of time at this point before Shadow and Sunset did more than trade barbed words. Phobia needed to step in soon and deal with him before this whole Augusta pony migration turned into a brawl.

Shadow frowned and turned back to Sunset. "Perhaps we should discuss this in private later on. I think after a few minutes alone you'll see things my way."

Luna save me, was this idiot really so stupid he didn't realize they knew exactly why he would want a private meeting? Tattered thought to herself. She wasn't the only one that was thinking that; Crystal literally facehoofed after he said that. Maybe they should be negotiating with Crystal instead of Shadow Dancer. She at least seemed to have two brain cells in her head, even if she was likely as much a rabid Shimmerist as he was. He had to use mind magic to have gotten his way to this point, he was too stupid and brutish to have done so otherwise.

Tattered spotted Lavender walk over to Phobia and the two turned away from the group and started whispering. It was time to clip this asshole's wings.

Tattered stepped forward and got his attention. "I'm sorry to interrupt your negotiations, but I was curious about something. Every night pony in town knows how to dreamwalk. I'd like to know if you know how to dreamwalk as well. We take great pride in the fact we're all dreamwalkers."

Shadow raised his head high. "Of course I know how to dreamwalk. It's how I'm able to keep in contact and organize the shear amount of ponies under me. I've been dreamwalking for almost two weeks now."

Tattered smiled. That was all they needed to know to trap this bastard. "Then you are aware of certain rules that night ponies should be adhearing to at all times, and the consequences for breaking those rules."

Shadow's expression darkened. "I'm aware of them. That's only if word is given to certain parties though. I'd hope you wouldn't betray a fellow night pony who is trying to make a better life for all of us."

Tattered narrowed her eyes and growled. "You already betray yourself by what you've done. There's a pony here who would have words with you." She turned her head to Phobia. "Phobia Remedy, I accuse Shadow Dancer of malicious use of mind magic. He was about to try to use it on your mother, and I think Lavender has already confirmed to you everything else you need to know."

Every pony looked at Phobia with mixed reactions of shock and confusion, with the exception of the Riverview night ponies--Phobia included, who all stared at Tattered with a scowl for some reason. Why were they scowling at her?

Phobia walked forward with her mother staring in confusion at her. Phobia looked first at Tattered with a sour expression. "You and I are going to have a talk later about keeping things from reaching the wrong ears. There will be consequences. Don't do that again."

Tattered's ears laid back. She just realized she potentially just gave out night pony secrets, and she was going to be punished for it. She wrapped her tail around one of her legs and stepped back with her head held low.

Phobia turned her attention now to Shadow Dancer. The Augusta leader was looking at her with his mouth agape and was also taking several steps back with his tail tucked between his legs. The rest of the party of Augusta representatives looked as confused as the non-night ponies from Riverview. Crystal was the first to realize that something seriously bad was about to happen to Shadow Dancer and stepped in front of Phobia defiantly.

The crystal pony lowered her head in a fighting posture, dug at the ground with her hooves, and gritted her teeth at Phobia. "I don't know who the hell you are, or why you have my friend so scared, but you won't hurt him while I'm around!"

Shadow stepped forward again. "Crystal, please, step aside. You have no idea what you're trying to fight. You can't win this."

The crystal pony turned and looked at Shadow. "I only need to know you're afraid of her. You don't get afraid. Even when you should be afraid you still just stupidly charge forward like nothing can hurt you. Why are you afraid of her of all ponies?"

Shadow shook his head. "It's a night pony thing. There are things too terrible to talk about, and this is one of them. Please stand aside, I don't want you getting caught up in this."

Tattered watched how others were taking all this. Sunset still looked shocked, but was now looking at Phobia with a questioning eye. Phobia's mother clearly had no idea what Phobia really was. Rudra was trying hard to hide behind other ponies, since the Dreamwardens seemed to terrify him. Wild Growth, strangely, had a satisfied smirk on her face. Number Crunch was looking around at ponies with a look that said they'd all gone mad. Tonya was trying to look inconspicuous as she stepped behind Sunset. Rosetta was watching Crystal as if waiting to pounce on her. And most the rest just wore looks of confusion.

Phobia seemed to just ignore Crystal and focused her attention on Shadow Dancer. "Shadow Dancer, you haven't feared what is coming nearly enough. Judgement will be coming for you very soon. How you're judged depends on what actions you take now. Are you going to cower behind your marefriend, or are you going to face your fear and speak to me?"

"He isn't my mate, you damn bitch!" Crystal yelled. "I don't know what you're up to, but keep away from him!"

Shadow Dancer took a few hesitant steps forward and laid a wing on Crystal, startling her and making her jump. He looked down at her pleadingly. "Crystal, I'm sorry, I should've listened to you before about...well...everything. Just stand aside for right now and let me deal with this. This's the consequences of my actions and I have to face them."

Crystal's face filled with anguish and then swiftly contorted into rage. She turned around and started charging towards Phobia. Tattered spread her wings to jump to Phobia's defense, but the charge abruptly ended.

Crystal was lifted into the air by a red aura and pulled towards a very angry Sunset Blessing. Sunset held the crystal pony in front of her and glared daggers at her. "You will not lay one hoof on my daughter!"

The crystal pony screamed in outrage and Sunset's magical aura immediately evaporated, leaving the crystal pony glowing brightly. Crystal then turned and bucked Sunset hard in the head, dropping Sunset down on ground and out like a light before the unicorn even realized what was happening.

Rosetta and Tattered then both sprung into action and both collided from the air into the crystal pony in the next second, sending the crystal pony skidding across the ground and knocking up clods of dirt in her wake. Crystal seemed to still be undeterred and tried to rise, but as she tried to rise Wild Growth casually walked over and put a hoof down on her, pinning her to the ground.

"Just stop, you aren't going to win this fight," Wild said down to Crystal. "Go ahead and try using your crystal pony absorbing powers on me, I dare you to try."

Crystal looked like she was going to try just that for a moment then let off a gasp of disbelief. "How fucking strong are you? Nopony is that full of magic! Are you a fucking alicorn in disguise?"

Wild smiled down at her. "I'm Wild Growth, and I'm one of a kind. Now yield, because I'm not letting you back up until you do."

Crystal laid down, muzzle bloody from Tattered and Rosetta's combined attack, and sobbed.

Tattered turned her attention back to Phobia, and was shocked to see that Phobia wasn't particularly phased by the fact that this crystal pony had just tried to attack her. That was surprising considering the fact she was supposedly a nervous wreck since the night of the rape. Phobia did spare a slightly worried glance over at her mother though, and Rudra and Lavender quickly moved to go see to Sunset. Tattered couldn't really care less about Sunset, it was about time somepony had managed to knock her around.

Shadow looked over at Wild. "Please don't hurt her anymore. I promised that I would protect her. She isn't responsible for my actions."

"Nothing will be done to her," Phobia said to him as she took a few more steps forward. "Now, listen to me." Shadow bowed his head. "You're going to do whatever it takes, without doing anything forbidden, to ensure a smooth transition of your ponies to Riverview. You shall do this in a way that does not provoke the humans against ponies. In a two days time you'll be judged for your crimes. Until that time you may consider how you can make amends. Your friend, Crystal, can stand in defense of you if she agrees to our terms of doing so, and you may suggest other ponies to stand as witness and defense of you as long as they're willing to agree to our terms of involvement."

Phobia then turned to Tonya. "You and Tattered made the accusations. You two should come forward to prosecute in this judgement. Tonya, if you wish to be involved you'll be given terms of doing so. You'll have to agree to them or you'll not be allowed to be involved."

Tonya took a long look at Sunset's limp form and turned back to Phobia. "I'll agree to whatever terms you have."

Phobia nodded and her face hardened. She walked over to Tonya and whispered something in her ear. As Phobia stepped back Tonya had a terrified look on her face that matched Shadow Dancer's. Tattered could guess why. Shadow Dancer wasn't the only pony who was going to face judgement soon.

Phobia looked around at the still confused looking crowd of ponies. "I'm done here. This was night pony business, and the rest of you don't need to worry yourselves about it. I'm going to see to my mother now, and I'm sure Number Crunch can continue the negotiations on my mom's behalf until we're sure my mom is alright."

With that she simply walked over to Sunset Blessing and began helping Rudra get the unicorn on to his back, with the assistance of Rosetta and Lavender. Tonya followed them away, likely concerned about her lover. Once they were done with that they all simply walked away, leaving the gawking crowd to figure out what had just happened on their own.

All ponies from earlier save Sunset Blessing and those that had taken her away were in attendance for Shadow Dancer signing his agreements in the main hall of town hall. Both the human directors for South Carolina and Georgia as well. Number Crunch felt the entire situation was somewhat surreal.

Number Crunch set out yet another form for Shadow Dancer to sign. Director Baker and Director Maxwell were both sitting off to the side watching. The two humans had admitted they were surprised that things were going so smoothly, and they had expected more disagreements to be going on. Nopony felt the need to enlighten the humans about what had happened so far. Most ponies themselves were still trying to wrap their heads around what had happened, Number Crunch included.

Number started citing off terms of agreement. "So, we are agreed. In a week's time you will move the first wave of ponies, totaling eighteen thousand to Riverview, along with one thousand humans, and with each subsequent week you shall move another wave of ponies of humans of equal size until all are moved."

Shadow Dancer kept his head hung low, "Yes, we're agreed." He then picked up a pen in his mouth and signed the document before setting the pen down again.

Number put another document in front of him. "You also agree that each wave will commit to helping prepare for the next by having the adults taking up employment with various construction crews, farming crews, and transportation crews so that each new wave is properly prepared for before they arrive. Each of these workers getting paid a fair wage for their efforts."

"I agree."

Shadow then went through the actions again of picking up the pen in his mouth and signing the document, before putting the pen down again. He kept his head lowered the entire time.

Number passed a final document to him. "And you agree that you'll submit to the authority of the leadership of Riverview in all decisions and will answer all questions asked by your settlers with answers provided by Riverview's leadership."

Crystal stomped a hoof. "This is ridiculous! You shouldn't be surrendering all your rights to these humans in pony skins, these god damned forsaken! What's gotten into you? Are we just not going to talk about what went on out there with that mare?"

"No, Crystal, we aren't going to talk about it," Shadow said without lifting his head. "You have no idea what you're dealing with when it comes to her."

Crystal put her hooves around him and hugged him. "Only because you won't tell me. Why're you keeping so closed mouthed about this? Why're you just doing whatever she says? You never back down from a fight, but this one puny pony comes out at you and you roll over and surrender without so much as a peep. What's wrong?"

Number Crunch grimaced. She would love those answers as well, but they didn't seem to be forthcoming. Tattered Wing just reiterated that it was night pony business and wouldn't say a word. Shadow Dancer was even less forthcoming. No other pony seemed to have a clue either. Well...Wild seemed know something, but hadn't been talkative either. She didn't even know what to tell the humans. What was she supposed to say? Was she just going to say that Sunset Blessing's daughter had just come out and scolded the stallion for things unknown, told him how things were going to go, and just left? The humans would want more than that.

Who controlled Riverview; Sunset Blessing or Phobia Remedy? Until today Number Crunch would have said Sunset Blessing, it was obviously Sunset. Now she was not so sure, and she didn't have a clue how Phobia ended up calling the shots. The sudden shift, with no indication that it was even in the realm of possibility of occurring, left her feeling shell-shocked.

Shadow looked up at Crystal with a sad gaze. "I screwed up, I screwed up really bad. Nothing can protect me from what's coming. I can just pray for mercy and hope that if I comply with all this some mercy might be had."

"If you are signing these documents under duress they can't be counted as valid," Director Maxwell said aloud.

Shadow gave a small chuckle. "Director, duress doesn't begin to cover this. I am not facing duress, I'm facing a death sentence for crimes against the mind. I'm a dead pony walking. I've earned whatever judgement comes down on me. All I can do until then is hope to make amends and hopefully some mercy might be shown. Perhaps if I make enough amends I'll be left for you humans to judge. That would surely be a mercy."

"I'm not going to let her hurt you," Crystal said in a near crazed tone. "She doesn't look that tough. I can take her."

Shadow chuckled again. "No, Crystal, you cannot take her. Nothing can defend me against her. You could put me in the most guarded room of the most secure place in the world. Put up some shield to block all magic, and have me watched non-stop. When my time comes I'll be dead if she so chooses. You could even kill her and it wouldn't stop anything. I'm guilty of crimes, night pony crimes, and I cannot escape the consequences. There are controls that stop night ponies from doing wrong, and I've violated them."

"And what exactly is it that you think you are guilty of?" Baker asked. "If you're guilty of a crime we can take you into custody and have you given your day in court."

Shadow looked at the humans then looked back at the document. He calmly picked up the pen in his mouth again and signed it. He simply spit out the pen this time after signing. "You know all those five thousand or so humans that Augusta is so eager to get rid of? I forced them to want to be ponies. I used mind magic and turned their minds to what I wanted. You can't undo what I did, it'll do far more harm to them than you can imagine if you try. I've done a serious crime, and now I face the consequences; judgement day is coming. In two days I expect to be dead. An example made for all night ponies who might try to do the same. Human courts don't have the laws or the punishments for me, you're so inadequate."

Baker and Maxwell both looked at the stallion in shock. The rest of the ponies in attendance looked just as shocked, even Crystal. It wasn't every day that a pony claimed to have mind controlled five thousand humans and then shrugged off any punishment humans could do in response as inadequate, preferring instead what he assumed were harsher pony given punishments. He was a die hard Shimmerist through and through, even when facing extreme punishment he mocked humans for not being able to do it as well.

He wasn't done mocking the humans though. He sneered at the humans. "Tell me humans, what crime do you think I should be charged with? Coercion perhaps? My victims felt no duress. Your legal definitions can't even come up with a crime to charge me with, as brainwashing doesn't have any formal crime to charge with. I was a married to a lawyer when I was a human, I remember that coming up once. How would you stop me from doing it again? How would you stop me from doing it to you right now? You're so pathetic and helpless."

Baker stepped forward with fists clenched. "Terrorism and treason, perhaps?"

Shadow Dancer laughed outright. "To charge me with treason you'd have to know I'm a citizen of the United States, you don't even know who I was as a human. Terrorism? Who did I terrorize? Attempts to overthrow the government? I could care less about your government. I simply persuaded some humans to see things the way I do. You've got nothing. Ponies will judge me, because humans are incapable."

Number at this point had heard enough of his rambling. He gave a bad name to Shimmerists everywhere. "Since all the documents are in order I think we're done here. Tattered Wing, I think this pony needs to be taken away and put into custody, and I think these gentlemen will want him guarded so he doesn't try to pull any mind control shenanigans. I think I can safely speak for us all when I say I don't ever want to see this pony in our town again."

Tattered flicked her tail and laid her ears back. "Agreed. I'll provide whatever assistance needed to make sure he's properly contained."

Maxwell raised a hand. "We're far from done here. The legality of those documents is highly questionable under the circumstances. We also still don't have any answers about the pony that he seems convinced will judge him, or what went on earlier."

One of the unicorns from the Augusta delegation stepped forward. "We've spoken among ourselves on the matter, and we'll abide by these agreements."

Crystal glared at the unicorn. "Like hell we will!"

The unicorn shook his head. "You're outvoted, Crystal. All of the rest of us agree to follow with these. It's in the best interests of everypony."

Maxwell looked at the delegation and did a sad shake of his head. "Alright, I can't really complain about that turn of events. I still want to know what went down earlier, and about this mare that was talked about."

Crystal's eyes went wide and she turned to Maxwell. "Her name is Phobia Remedy. She just walked out there and told Shadow he was facing judgement and to just accept whatever terms she said!"

"Phobia Remedy did this?" Baker asked in disbelief.

"Yes!" Crystal said with maniacal Glee. "You should go arrest her right away. She threatened Shadow! I press charges about making threats against a pony's life!"

"Weren't you on the same wavelength as Shadow Dancer just a moment ago of dismissing humans as having no authority over ponies?" Number asked in a skeptical tone.

Crystal threw back her head making a big flourish of her mane. "I changed my mind. Punish her for what's she's done, and what she said she was going to do."

Wild coughed into her hoof. "I never actually heard Phobia make any sort of threat. She just walked over to him and said he would face judgement for what he had done. If that makes her guilty I think you need to go out and arrest a lot of preachers."

Crystal's eyes went wide. "No! She said....she said..."

Number leveled her own gaze at the crystal pony. "She said nothing. Shadow Dancer was the one who stated every single thing he said would happen to him, and there was no sign he had met Phobia before today. She was with the group for several minutes with him not seeming to care. It wasn't until Tattered made the accusations about him to Phobia that he cared about her. Phobia made no threats."

Crystal rounded and pointed a hoof at Tattered. "Well, she was a threatening presence, she responded to those accusations. She started this."

"Accusations that he held confirmed after they were made," Baker said in an even tone. "I'll take some time to ask Phobia some questions, but as far as I can see she has done no crime."

"Y'all are just plain loco is all there is to it. Just look at the way you two act, y'all're both nuts," Amber said, adding her two cents in. The other Riverview ponies nodded in agreement. Number was sure there was something more to Phobia, but it was clear that Shadow Dancer was somewhat unhinged, and Crystal was so desperate to save him she was grasping at straws and failing that looking for some vengeance in Phobia.

"Let it rest Crystal," Shadow said, looking defeated again. "You're only making yourself look bad. You need to pull yourself together, you're my defense once I go to trial after all. I don't know if they'd toss you out for contempt of court, but I'd prefer to have you able to defend me."

"There isn't going to be a trial. I'll stop this," Crystal insisted stomping all four hooves in a foal-like manner. It was embarrassing just to watch.

Number had enough of this. "If there is nothing left to discuss then can you all clear out of here now? It has been a long morning and everyone needs to just take a breather. Tattered and Garnet, please help the directors with Shadow Dancer. Amber, please go check on Sunset Blessing and let me know how she is doing. Wild, please stay so we can discuss some things. The rest of you go do whatever it is you need or want to do, but do it somewhere else."

As they all filled out Number looked at Crystal Dreams exiting, and made a mental note to get in contact with Tattered or Ms. Rivers about the pony. She did not want another Swift Strike incident. That particular crystal pony was angry and vengeful enough to try something stupid. Crystal ponies were just as strong as earth ponies, and their added ability to absorb magic might make a disgruntled one far more dangerous.

After all the hall was empty except for her and Wild she turned to her friend.

Wild apparently anticipated what was coming and held up a hoof. "I can't tell you, Number. I don't even know all the details myself, but I promised my sister and Phobia that I'd keep my trap shut."

Number raised a hoof to her head and rubbed it. She felt a headache coming on. "Wild, I have to know something. Ponies are going to ask questions. If your sister and soon to be sister-in-law don't give Sunset answers then Sunset is going to ask me questions. I'm grateful that Phobia was able to get everything to work out, but I don't have a clue what the hell just happened today."

"Rosetta stressed to me that I shouldn't talk about what goes on with Phobia, under any circumstances," Wild said as she hoped up on a chair to sit. "She made it clear that this could be very dangerous to her well being and my future nieces' or nephews' well being. I'm not going to put them in danger."

Number levitated together the documents and carefully put them in a folder before setting it back down in the table. "This is a big deal, Wild. Ponies aren't the only ones that are going to be asking, the government is going to be asking. I will do everything I can to deflect them, but I need to know what I'm deflecting from. Their well being is already in danger because of today, especially if Shadow Dancer turns up dead. That isn't even counting they have a potential psychopath in that Crystal Dreams that is probably going to be trying to pull something."

Wild snorted and flicked her tail. "It isn't like they don't already have one psychopath to worry about and are doing okay. Swift Strike hasn't tried anything since he escaped. Maybe they up and killed him, he certainly deserved it."

Number froze at the mention of that stallion. She had thought about him today, but as something past. It sometimes slipped her mind that others still thought he was out there.

She looked over at Wild. Maybe a secret could be traded for a secret? She needed to know what she was dealing with in Phobia, she wasn't going to be put into the same situation she was with Swift Strike again. Wild just said he deserved to die. Wild was her one real friend and wouldn't betray her confidence. There was a threat of Phobia possibly killing Shadow Dancer right now and Wild wasn't betraying Phobia despite that.

"If I tell you something important about Swift Strike, something that almost no other pony knows, can you please tell me what you know about Phobia? A secret for a secret, both that we will keep in confidence? I want to protect your family,"

Wild frowned and laid her ears back. "You know something about the my sister's ex, and you haven't told her or me it already? Why would you do that? You know how terrified they have been of him returning, yet you have information about him that could keep them safe?"

Number spoke slowly and deliberately. "I have kept them safe, and I need the information you have to keep keeping them safe. A secret for a secret, and you can feel they are more secure for both. I won't tell whatever you tell me, and I trust you won't tell what I tell you. We both use what we learn to make things better for them. I'm risking a lot, my very well being telling you this. I just want to make sure no more ponies get hurt."

Wild flattened out her ears to the side and looked downward for a moment. "You can't let them know you know."

"I won't, just tell me what it is and I'll tell you what I know." Number felt sweat building up. Was she really going to do this? What would Wild think of her after she found out? Why was she even doing this?

The answer was simple. As much as it was for buying a secret, what she really wanted was absolution.

Wild took a deep breath and spike quickly. "Phobia is kind of the mind magic and dreamwalking police. She can find anyone who had misused either, and she can kill them while they dream. The night ponies hold her in a combination of high regard and absolute terror."

Number nodded. It didn't explain how Phobia came to this position, or how she did it, but it answered the pertinent question of why Shadow Dancer was as scared of her as he was and why she talked about judgement. She didn't need to know the rest, she knew enough. It also let her know that Crystal Dreams likely was not going to be intimidated or threatened by her, and that meant Crystal Dreams was just as potentially dangerous as Number had suspected.

"Now it's your turn," Wild said as she looked up at Number.

Number gulped and took a deep breath. She looked at the door and strained her ears for any sound that indicated somepony was about to walk in.

It was time for the moment of truth, the moment she could clear some part of her conscious.

She looked Wild in the eyes and spoke. "Swift Strike will never trouble your family again. I killed him."