Digimon of Friendship

by Taku45k

Episode 1: "Just a Regular Day?" (Part 1)

Hi, everyone! I'm Sunset Shimmer and today was wild and that's saying something! You wouldn't believe what we came across today! But, let me back back and tell you the beginning.

OP 1 - "Butterfly" (Digimon Adventure OP)

Sunset Shimmer was helping Fluttershy study for a test for Biology. "Did you understand, Fluttershy?" Sunset asked gently. Fluttershy nodded her head and she recited everything that Sunset told her. When she finished, Sunset was smiling at her.

"Perfect! You'll do great!" Sunset tells Fluttershy, who looked at Sunset with embarrassment.

"I don't know about perfect, Sunset." Fluttershy tells Sunset. Sunset smiled at Fluttershy's modesty. She'll do great! I know she will. She thought.

"Just believe in yourself and you'll see a perfect grade on the test today." Sunset tells Fluttershy, whose face finally broke into a smile. She believed in Sunset's words and she started to pack up her books after she noticed the time.

"I will. Thank you, Sunset. I got to go to class. Thanks again." Fluttershy tells Sunset as she started to walk to class. Sunset grinned at Fluttershy's retreating back. I have math next period, which is after lunch for me. Great! Perfect time for me to go to the library. Sunset thought. As Sunset traveled to the library, she hears two scathing voices talking about Twilight Sparkle. Sunset glared at the Dazzlings or so they called themselves. They can't sing...at all. Okay, Sunset admitted that Sonata can sing, but she's the only one.

"You were a demon. Why did the principal allow you to stay here. You're a monster. You can't stay here, you DON'T belong here." Adaigo Dazzle tells Twilight, who started to look down at the ground with tears in her eyes. Sonata Dusk looked down guiltily. She opened her mouth and that was when Adaigo slapped her. "Don't try to defend her, Sonata." Adaigo spats out at Sonata. Aria Blaze merely glared at Adaigo. She softened her look when she gazed at Sonata.

"Stay away from us, Sonata. It's for the best." Aria tells Sonata, officially kicking her out of the group. Sonata's eyes went wide and so did Sunset's.

"Fine! I never liked you anyway!" Sonata's hurt voice shocks everyone present, even Adaigo, but she didn't show it. Sonata wanted to run away, but she didn't. She let tears of betrayal fall to the ground as hurt simply entered her being. Twilight gazed at Sunset, who was holding her shoulders.

"Can she join the group? I know you've seen everything." Twilight tells Sunset, causing her to gaze at Sonata holding her arms.

"I'll see how the group feels about it." Sunset promised Twilight, who smiled at her. "Although, she has been defending you, huh?" Sunset asks Twilight.

"Yeah, no one seems to noticed except for her group, who hits and verbally degrade her everyday." Twilight tells Sunset what she sees Sonata suffering from. Sunset was shocked at this. Maybe Sonata suffers from low self-esteem. She thought.

Sunset held a conversation with Sonata, who earned Sunset's sympathy and trust.

Somewhere in Another World...

"This world is coming to ruin unless someone comes to save it." A small monster tell his voice, his voice revealing his gender. Another small monster frowned at his words.

"But, who?" The new monster asked his friend.

"That's the thing. I don't know who will come; I just hope they come." The conversation ended after that sentence. They just stared at the erupting danger that was ahead of them.

"For now, let just do what we can." The other monster tells the first monster.

"You don't understand, Koromon. Without partners, we can't digivolve." The first Digimon tells the second Digimon. The other Digimon named Koromon cursed.

"I forgot about that." He says, glaring at the ground. He then saw the shadow of a strange Digimon. "Let's hide! That Digimon looks dangerous!" Koromon tells his companion. They jumped in the grass to hide from the emerging creature that was strange, even to the two Digimon. I hope help comes soon. Koromon thought to himself.

Back to the Real World

Fluttershy flew through her test as she fortunately remembered everything Sunset told her about the content. When she finally finished, she pretended that she wasn't done and she just wrote over everything she had already wrote. When class was over, Fluttershy handed in her test, making the teacher gasped with surprise, because she was the first one to turn in her test. As Fluttershy left the classroom, Sunset high-five her and Fluttershy returned the favor. Sonata was hiding behind Sunset. "Hello, Sonata." Fluttershy greeted Sonata happily. Twilight had told her what Sonata had done for her and she felt bad for her about her former "friends".

"Hi, there." Sonata shyly greeted Fluttershy. When the rest of group saw Sonata saw with Sunset and Fluttershy, they became alerted except for Twilight and Pinkie. After Sunset told about what happened with Sonata and the Dazzlings, they still was wary with her. Sonata understood and she stayed away from the group when it came to lunch. Even Pinkie was appalled by her friends' behavior.

"Would you guys have treated me like that if I was insane?" Pinkie snapped at them, uncharacteristically. Sunset knew the story and she hugs Pinkie.

"Oh, of course not, Pinkie. They should understood that people are forced into things." Sunset tells Pinkie, glaring at the others who didn't believe that Sonata was redeemed.

"Um, what the heck is she talking about, Sunset? Sonata was evil, hello!" Rainbow Dash shouted, making Pinkie glare at the ground.

The air around Pinkie suddenly chilled and Sunset released her and took a few steps back. Oh, shit. She thought. Everyone else thought that, even Rainbow Dash.

Her curly hair turned straight and her eyes turned into a dull color of their normal eye color. She tilted her head to the side and she glared at Rainbow Dash. What have I awaken? She wondered to herself. When Pinkie leaped at Rainbow Dash, an portal opened up and sucked her in. "PINKIE!" Rainbow Dash shouted in worry as the portal sucked her in and along with the others, even Sonata. They all screamed as they landed in the unknown.

In the Digiworld...

"Sunset Shimmer! Hey, Sunset! Wake up!" Koromon woke Sunset with his cheery voice. When Sunset saw him, she was surprised, but she didn't scream as she had seen much weirder things.

"Hello, little guy, who are you?" Sunset asked, holding Koromon gently in her arms. Koromon was glad that his partner didn't scream in fear of him.

"I'm Koromon and I'm a Digimon!" At Koromon's words, Sunset was very confused and concerned about her friends. Where are we and what are Digimon? She wondered.

Ending 1 - Bakusou Yumeuta (Soul Eater Ending 3)