The Dishonored: Rise of an Emperor

by Deathwatch 456

The Emperor.

Kexez sat across from Spoiled in the main lounge of what was once Core’s castle. Spoiled was showing, her stomach grew some inches. “Surprised it’s taking so long.” Kexez commented.

“Yes, perhaps given what it will become it takes longer for the body to develop than expected.” She replied, reading over one of Core’s research notes. “These Big Daddies from Rapture are perfect. So strong, and disposable, replaceable. It’s great.”

“Well now this is a surprise, and I don't see much that can do that nowadays.” A voice suddenly said.

Kexez turned around. The figure before him was adorned in John Corvo’s clothing, but he knew better. “And, who might you be? All things considered only two people wear that mask that I know of.”

“Well technically it still is two.” He said making a chair made out of Void appear and sat in it. Completely at ease where he is. Like there was nothing threatening there.

“Spoiled, mind waiting in the library.” Kexez said, Spoiled taking the notes and leaving the room as Kexez took a seat. “Well now, to what of many evils of this grand hell do I owe the pleasure of meeting?”

“Call me Max for now, and watch you tone.” He said playfully at the end. Before it turned serious radiating power. “You never know who might kill you for just looking at them.

Kexez mood, nor expression showed no fear, interesting Max as Kexez simply smiled. “That is the best answer I’ve heard in a long time.”

“Interesting. So I saw what you were currently planning for the moment. Any worries that someone might...interfere?” He asked.

“There is always a risk when Heros run around swinging Keyblades and whatnot.” Kexez said, a small scroll manifesting into his hand. “But, nothing is as simple as what the surface shows.”

“Too true. So what do you think happens now?” Max asked.

“Depends, what was your intention given you appeared unannounced.” Kexez said, walking over to a small table with a bottle of whisky and glasses. “You drink?”

“No. Nothing against it. Just with my position I need a clear mind...even though it doesn't affect me anymore.”

“Hm.” Kexez said, grabbing the bottle and chugging it all. “This body is the product of generations of evil breeding, that evil enhanced by Psychopath blood til I was made. I had no will of my own. A balanced heart and a soul reflecting their ideals. I was just a vessel. Now, without any of them, I’m free to act on my own. I’ve come to appreciate it’s...mutations. Immunity to high levels of deadly toxins, and since that little incident long ago, no typical weapon can pierce my skin. If only the rest of life had such...abilities. Hm, maybe in time I can give them the same alterations I got.”

“Interesting. This body has lived for a long, long time. Has been beaten passed death multiple times, and has...become something that even Admins fear. Well besides Cript and ___. Oh sorry. Forgot most can't hear his name. He goes by Lord nowadays.” Max said.

“Another Admin playing with the name of a god? Hm, pitty. No originality even among our all makers.”

“Is that what you think they are? The all makers.” Max said.

“Depends, do you know otherwise?”

“I head things. Beings that came before them that make them seem weak. I be beyond even that. For personal reasons really. I already have a kill on the admins under me.” Max said. “Know who?”

“Hm, interesting. Tell me more.” Kexez said, taking a seat across from Max.

“You know this one...Cript.” Max said.

“This bodies reflection. Yes. And this… Lord?”

“He is Cript's master in a way. He fell to Cript when he went mad and nearly slaughtered creation.” Max said.

“Really? Is this recent events, or...other?”

“Heh. You catching on. A different timeline….that doesn't exist anymore because of me.” Max explained.

“Hm, a sole survivor of your own doing. Not bad.”

“Well no. I brought along a few others. They...are quite powerful. They are kings in my domain.” Max said trying to hint at what he is.

“Domain? Hm, so John has competition then?”

“Hehehe. You can say that.” Max chuckled.

“Heh, good. Takes some load off my work, just leaves Ben, Zeke, and the Foretellers.”

“Oh I know them. Let's say I've had a hand in some of the things that's happened before the whole Mayian day.” Max said.

“Oh? Due tell, and leave out no details.”

“Ben's parents in the original time, my time, died from an accident a year before the day. This time, I hired an assassin. You know her. Although she won't be able to say who hired her. Void...has many uses.” Max said.

“Heheheh. Beautiful. And the others?”

“Zeke's ancestry didn't go into Psychopath blood rage as soon as it did. A little manipulation and misplaced rumors do more than simple weapons at times. Now a whole family tree has kills and worse with tons of bodies. Necromancy has definitely increased since then.” Max said drinking through his mask...somehow. “Other then some subtle manipulation on some like his Grandfather to make them more bloodthirsty to the point they think it's all them I didn't need to do anything else.”

“Hm, fascinating. And, the Foretellers?”

“In my time their strongest attribute was when they all, and I mean all, fight together. A little mind trick over a couple years and Crow, one they were all close to, was changed. Now they have their own ‘Brother’ as an enemy. Not to mention I have plans for his light half as well as these ‘Unions’ of theirs. Their family will crumble. One way or another.” Max said.

“Hm. Interesting, a puppet master sits before me. I’m honored. Care to make a… partnership of sorts?”

“Interesting. Not going to ask about John?” Max asked

“Nah, giving your...relationship I can imagine it’s the worst of the bunch. So, what can we offer one another?”

Max was still for a moment. Before slowly reaching for his mask and taking it off. “I have info and specimens, as well as allies in the Void that can make things..very interesting.”

“I have access to disposable, endless minions, abominations that transcend species, and quite the assortment of weapons of mass destruction. Biological, and… ballistic.” Kexez replied, not even flinching at Max’s face. No expression other than his typical smirking smile.

“Those ‘weapons of mass destruction’ are basically toys compared to many things, but not bad. Also in exchange for a Favor now and then. I can ‘deal’ with anyone you think is too troublesome to leave alive. Whether you can actually kill them or not doesn't matter. I can either leave a statement, or...erase them.” Max said. Making his glass disappear.

“Hm, tempting, but I need test subjects, alive preferably.”

“When their alive is the most fun.” Max said with a vicious smile. “So deal?”

“Deal. Care to make our first Exchange?”

“What do you have in mind?” Max asked.

“Ten thousand disposable new prototypes I’ve been working on, in exchange for a certain DNA sample.”

“Zeke's I'm guessing” Max guessed.

“No, someone else I’ve taken interest in. My, or rather, Zeke, threw his brother into the void during John’s battle with Core. Whether he’s dead or alive is irrelevant, but compared to Zeke, he came out more like I did, heart, soul, and body. I want to know what made that transpire.”

“Simple. It won't take very long to find him. No one….can hide in my Void. Hollow believes he can, but it's pointless with my powers. The only one that has actually managed to is the Embodiment of the Void herself. Slippery one she is.” Max said.

“Perfect. Here’s a...preview of your payment.” Kexez said, snapping his fingers as a an amalgamation of darkness and human crawled from the air itself. It formed a human shape, and stood like it was twitched, and crippled.

“Hmm. What can this thing do exactly?” Max asked. It looked bad, but he has seen Much worse in Void.

Kexez summoned forth a metallic ore, with a blue aura. “I belive you know of Vibranium.” He said, snapping his free hand as the creature charged at it, cutting it clean through with it’s talon like fingers. “It’s also tough enough to take an atomic bomb fifty thousand times stronger than any mankind has created in their lifetime. Only thing that can touch it is Zeke’s X-blade. There’s only one of those. He won’t be able to kill an army of them.”

Max whistles as he approached the thing. He looked it over before stopping. “It's very impressive…”

“The looks admirably a factor to tune up, but nothing’s perfect.”

“...but.” Max suddenly appeared on the other side of it. Kexez didn't even see him move. Then the creature fell into tiny bits before those bits disappeared. “It's not as durable as you think. Something that only the X-blade can harm? Don't make me pity you. While it's an impressive weapon. It's far from the strongest thing in creation. Also while cutting Vibranium is impressive. When it can do that to Void Steel then I'll be impressed.” Max said sitting back down. “But don't worry. With my help those things can become even more...monstrous.”

Kexez walked over to his fallen creation, sifting through it’s remains. “Hm. Pity, then again, it wasn’t designed to fight things like you.”

“That's why you need to make things for beings like me. You never know when an Admin is going to just knock on your door.” Max said.

“In that case.” Kexez said, a smile crossing his face. Max was almost creeped out by it. “Screw my ‘brother’. Get me an Admin. With that, I can make you anything.”

Max smiled at this. “Deal. I think I know how. Cript likes to keep an eye on Zeke since they are reflections. Take him and John as a bonus should bring at least him. Let me take Cript. If he brings Lord we better just bail unless you keep him busy. I can actually face both head to head, but admins are like hackers. Have the code for everything and can become stronger at the drop of a hat.”

“Question, if there’s code to make everything, what’s the Void version of Code?”

“Ever hear of the dark Web?” Max asked.

“Grew up with it.”

“That. Code so unstable, so dark that Admins who use it create monsters we can only dream of. Never seen a Dark Admin before, but I’d relish the chance to meet one.” Max said.

“Interesting. A job for another time them. For now any admin will do, Cript or not.”

“I know. Now let's begin. Oh Vin.” Max called. Actually surprising Kexez. As Cript's father appeared with a very forced smile.

“Oh, I can feel this one’s darkness. It’s so… bottomless.” Kexez said.

“So I’ve been told.” Vincent said.

“Me and Kexez here have a meeting with Zeke and John, and if I'm right Cript should appear. Open a portal to ‘that’ place will you.” Max asked. Although Kexez can see Vincent really didn't want to do what he basically was ordered to do.

“Fine. Just remember, you stay out of my plans and I get that Essence.” He said, a portal opening behind the two.

“Hehe fine just-” Max placed a hand on Vincent’s shoulder and released a presence only he could sense, and from what Kexez saw by his face pailing. It shook him. “-remember your place. Ok.” Max took his hand off him and walked back to Kexez.

Vincent growled. “For now.”

“Well let's go Kexez. Let's leave the kid to dream a bit.” Max walked through the portal, Kexez close behind.

Vincent smiled, blinking as one of his eyes pupils change shape to an hourglass. “Dreams, heh, so that’s what you call facts.” He said, walking into a portal of his own.

John was currently training his Void powers. His Bend time has gotten better. Being able to slow down time more and more and for longer the more he progressed. His Void sword is stronger as well. Being able to cut even titanium with little effort. He even progressed with Blink, Far Reach, Wind Blast, Shadow Walk, and Doppelganger. Blink can now reach much farther than he used to. Same with Far Reach. With the difference that the Void arm that it uses can now pull heavier objects then before. Wind blast is much stronger now. Being able to shatter a boulder. Shadow walk is faster than before. John has also increased both the durability and numbers of the doppelgängers he can create.

Hollow took Aqua and the newest recruit to another part of the Dojo to train them personally. To help them master Void in their own ways. John was training by himself so he can focus more. He also had a side objective. After Hollow told him of what he probably went through when he fought Drexel. He tapped into a technique that is both really powerful and really hard to use. Even for the higher up beings. Although Cript probably has this mastered knowing him.

He was about to activate Bend Time again when a portal appeared behind him. He was confused on why it was there. When a black tendril suddenly grabbed him and pulled him into the portal.

When he noticed his surroundings he was...somewhere. The air felt like the Void but...different. He can't put his finger on it. It felt much...much older. While he was thinking a few more portals appeared suddenly. Two people fell through them. One looked like an Anthro Trixie and the other was Ben.

“And now another bullshit thing is happening.” Ben frowned while getting up. “Oh, hey John.”

“Hey Ben. Why is an Anthro Trixie here?” John asked confused why...whoever pulled them here pulled her as well.

“Oh her?’s a bit complicated…” Ben said sheepishly.

“Will you believe me if I say I have Zeke in me as my new soul?” She said.

“Probably. Weirder things can happen.” John said shrugging.

Just then, a late comer arrived, falling on top of Ben. “Ouch… my flank.” Eclipse moaned, rolling off the dire wolf man. “Oh, hey guy...Trixie...Zeke. Charlie filled me in so...confused.”

“Yo...whoever you are.” John said with a wave.

“Oh yeah, you weren’t there when shit hit the fan.” Ben said while getting up again. “John, this is Eclipse, Eclipse this is John Corvo.” He said honestly. “And why the hell did you land on top of me?”

“Probably comedic effect from someone bored?” John said.

“So, what’s going on?” Trixie asked. “And for the record, Zeke’s asleep at the moment.”

“Don't know. I was training when a portal appeared and a tendril of some kind pulled me into...where ever we are. I know it's Void but….it feels ancient.” John said looking around.

“Well now the gang is mostly here.” A voice suddenly said. Two figures appeared a couple yards away. Ben and Trixie recognized Kexez, but the other one was someone new. Except he was wearing something similar to John, but it looked older. “We are just missing two more special guest.” The new guy said.

“Holy…” Ben muttered, Nothingness crackling off of him as if to warn him of the new guy. “Okay…so let me guess...your the big bad here?” Ben asked the new guy worriedly.

“Sure. Just ask Vincent who is currently waiting for this to get done. He can't wait till I die, because as long as I'm alive he can't do anything. Nothing but my personal butler really.” The figure said. “Although if I have my way...not even fate or any admin can stop me.”

“Okay…” Ben said. “Yeah, that’s not gonna happen…” He said, summoning Frozen Pride and Reunion just in case.

“Ohh a fight huh?” The figure said.

“Put it away Ben.” Eclipse said. “For the time, we’re outmatched. Best hear his ranting and attempts to put fear into us.”

“I’m only having these ready for his ranting. Cause he looks like the kind of guy to beat people while he’s talking.” Ben said honestly.

“I would beat you in a coma without trying, but I digress. I know some things about each of you. Also if wanted to install fear into you..” Void started to cover the figure. “I would just tell you of how I killed Cript.” He said.

“Excuse me but isn’t that factually impossible?” Ben asked, kind of confused and shocked to hear that.

“Oh you mean of when Truth stole his humanity. His ability to die. Well there are things that even Truth fears.” The figure said. “Oh excuse me. I forgot my manners. I am Max. The Emperor of Void...and the future ruler of Existence.”

“No wonder…” Ben muttered. “But future ruler of existence...right there, if trends have been going right, that’s not gonna happen.”

“I’m with Ben on that one.” Eclipse added.

“Ditto.” Trixie spoke up.

“Figures you might think that. I would to back then, but I know how to do it, or at least a theory. I also noticed you guys and your interactions with Core. It's fun to see how one of my pawns go. Especially when they don't even know they are nothing but pawns.” Max said. “So many worms out there think their big shots. In fun to put them in their place like Vincent.”

“Core….was a pawn.” John said surprised. “ I know there were things worse than him but he was your pawn, and didn't even know it?”

“Yes. It normally would have took him a few centuries of grief to go mad like he did after what happened, but a little manipulation and the piece move how you want them. Just like you guys.” Max said.

Ben looked at the guy with some thought. “Okay just so we all know, timeline’s are bullshit.” He frowned.

“Ding ding ding. We have a winner. So how are your parents Ben? Still dead from that accident a year before you left from the Mayan event?” Max asked.

“No actually, there back home with my few hundred kids.” I said honestly. “But I have a feeling that in your timeline my parents weren’t murdered...and then you proceeded to get them murdered if I’m not mistaken.” He said, having a damn good feeling about that given why he brought it up.

“Correct. I might have to visit them this time personally. Only if it's me...not even ___ can save them. Or does he go by Lord now?” Max said with a twisted glee to his voice.

“So...what’s going on exactly? Still new to all of this?” Trixie asked.

“Well I wanted to draw Cript here, but I might just test you guys to see how you currently are, and don't worry-” Max said before taking a stance. “I won't even use Void for this.”

“Well...shit.” Eclipse said, summoning a… Everyone’s eyes where on Eclipse’s X-blade. “What… Oh...right… Kingdom Hearts apparently made me one.”

“...Neat.” Trixie said, summoning the original. “Zeke is gonna flip when he wakes up.”

“Interesting, but…” Max said behind Eclipse suddenly. “Pointless.” With a small slap Eclipse was sent flying to his left. Max then turned towards the others and did the ‘come here’ gesture.

“Cause of course…” Ben grumbled, summoning Lunatic and feeding his rage into it as he dashed forward and swung it as hard as he could towards the guy knowing he was gonna get his ass beat.

Not even dodging he took the hit. “Good force, but you lack control.” Max then jabbed Ben in his throat sending him back a few feet coughing. Max then sent a few more jabs then kicked him sending him flying.

Trixie stood focused, the X-blade glowing as she spun, swords and other weapons splintering out from the ground all around. Each sword then was lit ablaze, gaining Keychains on all ends. “Kilns Forge.” She said, vanishing as each Keyblade was picked up and tossed at Max at blazing speed.

Max walked forward with the attacks doing nothing. “Nice plan, but it lacks true power. Each barely has a fraction of what a single attack could do, and even then.” He appears right in front of her. “Too weak.” He knees her gut hard enough to send her into the air before grabbing her tail and throwing her into Ben knocking the air out of him.

John summoned Fenrir and a Void sword and used Blink to close the distance before attacking with both covered in as much Void as possible. Only for Max to flick him away like an insect.

Grunting, Trixie got back up, getting off of Ben. “Damn. That was a good shot.” She said, managing to stand back up. She raised the X-blade, fire covering it and her body. “Kilns First Flame. Rekindle.” She said, slamming the X-blade down to the ground as flames of primal fire erupted all around.

Max not even faced by it. Walked towards her. “These flames...aren't even worthy to be called the dead embers of a campfire.” With a small clap the flames went out and Trixie had to stab the ground to keep her from being blown away.

“Having fun?” Ben asked, summoning Eternal Flames and spinning them faster and faster. “Giga Flare!” Ben shouted, raising the chakrams up and a massive ball of pure plasma was thrown down towards Max.

John then lifted Fenrir and used one of his strongest non void spells while powering it with Void. “Rising Sun!” A giant ball of intense fire enhanced by Void fell on Max as long with Ben’s Giga Flare.

As the smoke cleared Max is shown walking through it like he was just casually walking through a park. “I expected more really.” Max appeared in front of John and grabbed his right arm before kicking him towards Ben….with out his arm.

“You forget about me!” Eclipse shouted, bringing down his X-blade from behind Max.

The X-blade collided with Max’s neck….and didn't do anything. “Why should a giant worry about a speck of dust?” He then smacked Eclipse on the ground nearly sending him unconscious.

As Max was about to speak, he felt a surprise across his side. The tip of a Keyblade, one he’s seen Cript wield, made a cut along his side. He looked behind it, seeing Trixie, wielding Cript’s Cursed Keyblade. “I may be undead, but I’ll not go Hollow to scum like you.” She huffed.

Max whistles at this. “You have Cript's keyblade. Cursed Hero. Didn't expect that, but still.” Max grabbed her throat before bringing her close. “Giving an ant a gun doesn't make it anything else. It's still an ant.” He slams her on the ground hard. He saw her on the ground unconscious. “Well one down. Who's next?”

Max heard a whistle below him...right as Trixie’s foot kicked his neck in. What surprised him. It hurt. Trixie’s hair was not a mix of her blue grey and blond, and her right eye was red… like Zeke’s. “Thanks for the wake up call.” Zeke spoke out.

“Ah Zeke.” Max said rubbing his throat a little. “Nice of you to join us. So.” Max spread his arms out in a way similar to a certain alien that hates monkey tailed warriors. “Have at thee.”

Max and Zeke then began fighting. Zeke not even using a Keyblade, which impressed Max that he was able to catch up.

“I'm impressed you can keep up...with this speed.” Max then sped up to a point that Zeke was being pushed back when he found Max had grabbed his left arm and slammed him into the ground creating a crater. Before kicking him away near Ben, John, and Eclipse. “Can you still keep up?”

“Better question is, why take it this easy on us?” Ben asked simply, getting back up as he went into master form and brought out both Skysplitter and Lunatic.

“Easy. I don't want to accidentally erase you like I did Spike.” Max said.

“ was you!?” Ben said in shock, rage starting to grow even brighter. “You…” Ben growled.

“Me me me. Yes I was one that killed him. Be glad I felt kind enough to leave a body. Although I might pay another visit to another of Cript's family to see if he gets the point? Maybe Den, or maybe Eclipse’s mother? Oh so many options to choose.” Max said with glee.

Ben’s rage snapped. In a flash Lunatic fueled by pure rage slammed into Max and actually sending him back about ten feet, Ben looking more feral in his berserker rage as moonlight and Nothingness radiated off him as he bolted towards Max with surprising speed and swung Skysplitter and Lunatic like a mad man.

Max was struck multiple times before Ben sent him upwards and appeared above him for the finisher. John seeing a chance even without his arm he used a bit of Void he had contained inside himself to amp up Ben's attack which multiplied its power. Max was hit extremely hard towards the ground creating an explosion from the impact.

Ben panted, not used to going into this kind of berserker rage as he still tried to beat Max down to make sure he didn’t get back up.

Only for him to walk out of the crater, but he was covered in injures and the bottom half of his mask broke off. “Excellent. That actually hurt, but..” Max grinned wickedly before disappearing in a puff of black smoke.

John instantly recognized what happened and shouted. “EVERYONE LOOK OUT!! THAT WAS JUST A DOPPELGANGER!!”

Suddenly a fresh uninjured Max appeared between then. Slugged Ben in the gut, elbows Eclipse in the face, back kicks Zeke in the throat, and kicks John in the face. Where his right eye was. Sending each of them back on the brink of unconsciousness. John looked at Max only to notice something. Half of his vision was gone. He looked on ground to see a bit of his right eye on the ground. “I'm not even close to being done playing with you guys.” Max said. “Hey Kexez. You sure these guys are really worth worrying about?” Max said in a joking matter.

“Cript from what I can figure has chosen them for greater heights. They’d be more of a challenge if they all had accepted the full extent of his help.” Kexez spoke from the sideline. “Though, I am wondering why Cript has yet to show up? Ben and Eclipse are his own, that should have made him appear by now.”

“That would be my fault. I spread out a few false pulses similar to their own connection along with a few Deletes causing some havoc in his dimension. Didn't want him and Lord appearing to soon. Erasing our presence helps to.” Max said. “Although it's just a matter of time before he locates us.

Max then felt a tap on his arm. He turned around. Cript stood behind him, eating a lollipop. “Sup.” He said, taking a lick.

Max snickers a bit. “Figures you would appear right when I say that. I'm guessing Lord is here as well?”

“He’s wrapping up your ‘distraction.’ I’ve been watching this whole time actually. Very impressed with how they have been handling themselves. Still, you forgot something.”

“Figured I sensed you before, and what did I forget Cript?” Max asked.

Cript took a bite of his candy. “I see the future too dumbass.” He then proceeded to spin kick Max across the field, into Kexez.

Max, before he hit Kexez stopped mid air. Covered in a very black Void. “You think I don't know that. I was trained by you in my time.” Max said. “Kexez. You might want to step back. Things are about to get-” the Void covered Max and turned him into an armored demon. “Fun.

“Um...that’s...not good…” Ben muttered, backing away worriedly, being reminded of the first time he ‘saw’ Cript fight.

“Hm. Trained by me you say?” Cript said, tossing what was left of his treat to the side.

“Yes. Before you went mad and made me kill you of course.” Max said standing up.

“Hm. Did I teach you everything?” He asked, putting his hands into his coat pockets.

“No, but I did learn how to use Humanity at its fullest. Sadly though I had to cut myself off from it.” Max said.

“Really? So I never taught you code? Huh, guess you weren't my successor then. Shame. You had promise.”

“The you of my time actually thought I was little unstable for code. Besides. Why would I want Code? When Dark Code seems to fit me more.” Max said

“Dark Code? You mean this?” Crips said, lifting a hand as Code power that drenched of evil and despair flowed from his skin. “It’s fun, but not the strongest. You’re after a dangerous toy.”

“Never said it was strongest. And those are the best kind after all.” Max said.

“The best? Maybe. Still I have something better.” He said, the code changing to something...hard to look at, and felt...wrong. “Broken Code. No code is stronger, and only two admins can use this power. I’m one. Guess the other.”

“Don't really need to guess. Lord.” Max said.

Cript moved his hand fast, the Broken Code forming a sword that he grabbed. “So, still think I’ll be no different than the me of your time?”

“Heh. Not even a challenge.” Max said, and with that...Max and Cript collided. The shockwave sending everyone flying. Cript's sword of Broken Code against Max’s sword of Dark Void and...Delete. Somehow matching Cript's sword.

“Hm. Not bad. Your form is sloppy though.” Crpt said, his sword phasing through Max’s. Leaving a scratch down Max’s face as he jumped back. “And you’re actions are predictable.” Cript pointed down, max was standing on a ruin circle, that glowed as blue electricity sparked him, leaving parts of his armor scorched.

Max chuckles. “Your right.” His wounds healing. “Guess I was too excited for a fight with you again. Let me correct that.” More power came off Max. Before it was pulled back into him keeping the excess power from leaving his body and correcting his stance. Cript was a little impressed given that holding in power like that is normally very damaging to the body. Max then appears before Cript much faster than before and lands a few precise and powerful combos on him. Then grabbing him by his head and slamming him down hard before flying up in the sky. “I'm still not 100% yet. Don't want those kids getting erased by accident now do we?”

“Now, why limit it to a hundred?” Cript said, getting up and dusting himself off. “Besides. I have a student in this time. You can play now Jericho.” Cript spoke, a man in full body armor, like military Black ops met medieval knight. He dodged an incoming swing from Max, grabbing Max’s hand and tearing it clean off before spinning around, revealing his tail and wings, a lizard's tail, and slipping Max across the floor. Max spitting out a tooth as he got up.

Max looked at Jericho and sign. “Are you trying to pity me Cript? With such a weak opponent? That hit instantly told me...that he is no match. All he is…” Max then appeared with one hand on Jericho’s face. “Is another dead nat.” A pulse washed over Jericho. Before his body fell down on his back. His soul completely erased. “Just like spike.” Max said as his hand healed back.

To Max’s surprise, Jericho jumped right back up, kicking his chin upward and staggering him. He saw Jericho get back to his feet. Unphased by his attack. “How?!” Max demanded.

“If you learned, you'd know why Broken Code is the strongest. It's… glitched, in a sense. Not even a delete abomination like you can erase it. Meaning you can't kill him.” Cript said.

Max just sighed. “It's strong that I'll admit, but I've been holding back to much it seems. I held back on him because I didn't want to show too much to you, but I guess…. it can't be help.” Max was then covered in intense Void. Coverings him to where they couldn't see him. When it settled he was wearing something different. It looked like Samurai Armor made of Void was covering him. He also had two swords on his hip, but he didn't reach for them. He held out one hand out and held it like he was holding something. He then appeared in front of Cript with his hand to his side. Jericho was then covered in very deep cuts as not only the ground around him was shredded but lots blood came out of him. “ While I'm still not at full strength. That doesn't mean some pupil you pull out of nowhere can defeat me Cript. He may have Broken Code, but you of all people should know just having a strong power doesn't make you strong, or is he about to jump back up fine and reveal yet Another power we didn't know to show he could beat me? Besides I don't need to kill him to beat him.” Max said.

“Wouldn't surprise me…” John said. A but deadpanned. Knowing this is basically Cript's specialty.

“And let me fill you in on another detail.” Max held out a hand and had Dark Void covered it. “I refer to this as Dark Void, but I'm guessing you know that this is still just regular Void. I can max out my Void to its utmost limits and you would still know I'm holding back right Cript? After all….an Ocean of Void is completely worthless….compared to a cup of True Void.” Max said.

“You monologue a lot, you know that?” Cript said, Jericho standing back up. He took a bow to Max, then left in a flash of light. “Well been, quote 'nice’ unquote, chatting with you but I can't stay long. Let's just say yada yatta, powers above all else, yada yatta. I can't kill you because I am not meant to kill you. John is.”

Max powered down back to his base form with a sigh. “You know what? I forgot something about you. No matter what it is, be it your family, your allies, or anything else. You. Don't. Care. Why would you? Your an immortal admin with broken code who can basically do anything. I could threaten to kill or even attempt to kill your family in a way that not even your broken code can save and you'll just pull some random bull crap power or ability that make it null. After I fought and killed you in my time and came here. A part of me couldn't help but look forward to fighting you again. To see if your power really was different in this one, but I forgot that about you. I was just wasting my time trying to fight you. Not because you can kill me or anything like that. You just don't care. Oh and that whole “I can't die unless it's by John's hand” is bull crap. John just has the current most potential is all. Even the others have a potential to kill me. Fate doesn't have a hold on me like others. You'll probably say I'm monologuing or sprouting bull crap to save my hide or what not. But know this Cript, and this is something we both know is a fact because it happened before. If it wasn't for your immortality, even with admin powers, I can very much kill you and Lord if we fought seriously.” Max said before signing again. “But you'll just say I'm wrong or I'm overhyping myself. Whatever the case it doesn't matter. I'll become something that not even you, Lord, or any other admin can even hope to defeat. Vincent believes he can see my factual future, but the fool doesn't know I've been tricking him from the start. I was once your student Cript. Just how stupid do you think I am. You know what. Don't answer that because you'll probably very stupid to spite me. Why did I bother wasting my time fighting you and your pupil.”

Max appears next to Kexez. “Let's go. We're wasting our time here with them. Cript is just a waste of time. It will probably be to much of a bother to try and stop us for him. I'm done trying to test myself against him. We both know. We are equal in terms of power without things like Delete or Admin powers, but why waste time against someone who won't even bother even if his family's life is hanging in the balance. He would just pull some bull crap out of nowhere to save them while making it look like an average day at the park.” Max said. Annoyed that he wasted his time against someone he now sees as worthless. “ Oh and Ben?” Max called out before opening a portal made out of...a very strong and cold Void. “Your Nothingness reacts to strong Void. So let's see if True Void can bring out Absolute Nothingness?” He then walked through the portal with Kexez.

“There is a bright side, to not caring Max.” Cript signed. “In the end, I’ll have nothing left to lose. Nothing left to cherish and care for. So, I won't have any reason to hold back. You've seen the end of it all Max. Admins, Deletes, Psychopaths. We all fall in the end, save for you of course. Not because you were stronger… because you ran. Too bad really… what came after that fight was something… new.”

Max stopped just short of the portal. “....You think I ran?” Max was still for a few seconds. “You know nothing. Even with your future sight.” Max then walked into the portal with Kexez following with the portal closing.

Cript breathed in, clapping his hands. “Well that happened… fuck why always my timeline/reflections…”

“Cause why not? Your basically one of the strongest beings in existence. Who wouldn't want to test their metal against you?” John deadpanned.

“Eh. They want a real challenge, he would go after Lord. Man when he kicks the Bucket ‘dear' old dad is gonna make his move.”

John just looked at Cript. “That was just a joke for you right? Max trying to fight you. You never took him seriously even if he did go full power.” John questioned.

“The downside to being ‘all powerful’ is that your heart is rarely, if ever, in any fight. I try not to think too much about it. I’d rather think on the past.”

“Even if he has your family by neck in front you right?” John asked. Meaning his wife's or children.

“That would be tricky for him. They're hidden. It's a place so obvious it's stupid. But also quite genius.”

“I'm not even going to guess, but something tells me that won't matter. He most likely will make them come to him if he can. Max...doesn't really look like your average evil ruler that monologues.” John said.

“Heh. He can try. The me from his timeline taught him a lot, but not everything. I have some secrets I’m taking to my grave.”

“If you say so. Also, Zeke, Ben, other guy. Why are you guys suddenly mute? No way you're more injured than me. I lost a fricken arm and eye?!” John asked.

“I think he broke my arm?” Zeke said. Zeke said, his/Trixie’s right arm almost bent at a forty degree angle passed the elbow. “Yup… crap that hurts.”

“I’m just...wondering when literally all of this went horribly wrong.” Ben shook his head while getting up. “Like...what the actual hell, I don’t know the full amount of time I’ve been doing this but...when did our time literally go to this level?” He asked while motioning to Max and the shit he’s done.

“Experience taught me to don’t think about it. WAY too much stress.” Cript said.

“So we basically also need a major power boost fast. Because I don't think Max is going to let us off that easy for now. We don't even know who his Void Kings are or what they can do.” John said.

“Well, what are you going to do then?” Cript asked them. “Time may or may not be on your side depending on how you choose to train.”

“Well right now I’m training and doing a bunch of other things.” Ben said honestly. “But besides that...don’t you think this is a bit out of our league, even if time was on our side?”

“If I didn’t deal with crap out of my league when I was weak you think we’d all even be here?” Cript asked. “Lord bet I’d die in a fight MANY times. I proved him wrong each time. Should have bet money on that.”

“Was this before or after you became immorta?l Because we don't have the advantage of never dying.” John said. “Besides I don't think he'll give us a choice. Cript did you know who he was? I couldn't tell because he was still wearing that mask the whole time.”


“What?” John asked. Confused on why Cript was hesitating.

“He either has an idea of who he is, or actually does know who he is, but in this universe he’s Max is kind of dead.” Ben took a shot in the dark to see if that’s true.

“But how does he know us? We never met him before now and he talked like he personally knew?” John asked.

“Okay so how much about timelines do you guy’s know about?” Cript asked.

“That they can be bull crap at times. Especially with parallel versions of yourself. Why?” John asked.

“Well Timelines have reflections, like Realms, only they can take place far ahead in time, or way back to the beginning. Max comes from an alternate Realm Timeline to yours where… He was You John, he and you were kinda swapped places… and he was my student.” Cript threw in at the last moment.

John stood still for a but trying to understand what he hear when another voice talked. “It's a bit more complicated than that Cript.” Hollow said appearing. “Can't believe I found you guys here of all places in the Void.”

“Well pardon me for simplifying it so I don’t give them Educated coma’s.” Cript shot back.

“Point taken, but seriously we don't want to be here. Cript can you tell where we are?” Hollow asked with a little fear in his voice.

Cript took a look around. “Say… Didn’t I banish someone here once? Wait, wait, don’t tell me…”

“Oh for fuck’s sakes.” Ben groaned. “First we have Max, now we have something you banished here that you just so happened to forget. What’s next, an eldritch abomination sending us all a tea party invitation?” Ben frowned.

“Vincent has his main base nearby….” Hollow stated as well.

Cript’s face went from thoughtful to fearful… then, he laughed, a laugh that field everyone there with fear. “Really now? So he hid it in this place? Hehehehehe. I’ll be back…”

“It actually moves a lot but this is its main place. You stopped coming to this area of Void after banishing you know who and other things. We should go now.” Hollow said.

“I’ll. Be. Back.” Cript said, vanishing. The group stood in silence as the sounds of screams of agony, explosion, buildings collapsing and fire’s burning massively filled the area, but the dark of void blocked it all.

Hollow just deadpanned. “That wasn't really the base….it was a storage area. Vincent is serious about protecting his crap. Also I believe that ‘thing’ is nearby.”

“Doesn’t matter. I wreck all his crap.” Cript said, appearing behind Hollow… covered in blood and ashes. “I...need a shower.”

“I'll take us back to John's dojo. I need to talk to these four.” Hollow said.

Ben slowly shook his head. “So...who else thinks this is going a bit beyond what should normally be happening?” He asked John, Zeke and Eclipse.

“I just learned that my future self is evil and wants to make our lives Hell...I normally don't drink but I might try...if I had any arms to use that is.” John said.

“I might have something for that back at the dojo. Let's resume this talk there before any of the things Cript has banished appears. Trust me….he banished them for a reason.” Hollow said. Using True Void to open a portal. Which the strong Void made Ben’s power react.

“Christ…” Ben muttered, holding his head as Nothingness pulsed against the the strong void. “Think you can tone it back a bit? This place is already giving me a headache, no need for a migraine.”

“My apologies, but since we are so far in Void I have to use some of my full power to get out. Not only are we in very dangerous territory, but the Emperors Domain is close. Trust me. The things there...lets just go.” Hollow said going through the portal with the others following. After it closes a figure slams into the ground. It's form barley seen through the dust cloud. A earth shattering roar soon heard.

The group appeared in one of the main halls on the Dojo. It was a large open space with stairs leading to two other floors and had four sparing rooms on ground lvl. Hollow decided to show Cript where the showers were before he talked to John, Ben, Zeke, and Eclipse, but before Hollow and Cript could go John decided to ask Cript something. Something that's been on his mind.

“Cript before you go. I just got to know. You basically talked to Max like he was some insect that wasn't worth the trouble of dealing with. Was he that much weaker then you, or was that because since your immortal he couldn't kill you so why bother?” John had asked him. He really wanted to know. Max was essentially his problem since he has to fight him for the title of Void Emperor, but he had to know. Cript was still for a few seconds.

“I...just have bigger fish on my mind… MUCH bigger fish.” Cript said, sighing. “Max is strong, not gonna lie there, but I’m saving my next kill for my LAST kill. Max thinks he’s top dog… more like a cat entering the dog fights. To you as is though, he’s a lion. So I’ll worry about what’s above him, and you worry about him.” Cript said, stepping into a pool of magic he summoned with a wave of his hand, it vanishing. John saw that as it closed, a book appeared on the ground.

He would pick it up...if he had any arms or hands that is. “Still though. Max doesn't seem like your average Villian who is full of hot air or something. He probably knows there is lot of things stronger than him, and won't stop till he surpasses them. What worries me most, if he was once Cript's student. Then how long before he learns how to use Code or even Broken Code by himself, unless Broken Code has some crazy cost that is.” John said.


Max suddenly found himself somewhere else without Kexez. He didn't recognize the room he was in.

“Hey there Max.” He turned around, seeing Vincent sitting on a sofa, drinking some red liquid while cleaning a knife. “Wanted to talk.”

Max signed for a bit. “So...why have you been acting all this time? I'm not stupid Vincent I know your actually stronger than me.”

“I was bored.” He stated simply. “Waiting my for son to start his war with me has been trying on my patience, so that’s why I played along with you. HAve to admit, when your ego grew it blew up like fireworks.” He laughed. “That’s something Cript and I have in common. We are a lot alike. I made him to be that way, after all.”

“Ya ya I'm just a minnow in an ocean of megalodons right?” Max said.

“Nah, not that weak. Piranha maybe, but no minnow. Don’t undersell yourself yet kid. I just wanted to ask you a question.”

Max took of his cracked mask. Showing a face like John's. An older, scarred up face. “What was is it?”

“FIrst, what about Cript do you know, exactly. I know he taught you a lot in your long gone timeline, but did you two ever spar?”

“We did. Multiple time. It's how I knew he was holding back. He taught me a lot except for things like Code, but I've seen it enough from both him and other admins that sooner or later I'll learn how to use it myself. Magic, combat, Humanity, even Psychopath power. He taught me it all, but in our last fight I had to sacrifice my connection to Humanity and Psychopath powers to kill him.” Max said.

“Heh. Cute. Kid, you can’t use code unless you are either an Admin, or their underlings. Call them Scripters. Only three I know of, and only one belongs to him. Becoming an Admin, now that’s a trial. Only two ways I know of.” He said, polishing the blade til it reflected perfectly, then flipping it over to work on the other side.

Max held out his hand and focused hard. To Vincent’s surprise Code appeared for a second. “Only Admins and their underlyings right? Well like I said I've seen enough of it to have an understanding. It's still very experimental so I can't use it in a fight, but I'll have it down sooner or later.” Max said using a healing spell on his hand. Which was very injured from the unstable Code.

“Heh. Not bad. Though, I have to ask. Did you really think Cript is the kinda person to let life die out? Just like that?”

“No. It's unlikely. Which is why I was confused when he suddenly went mad like he did. After I lost everything I became something else. I locked it away but even Truth himself was terrified of me. Which is why he gave me Cript's humanity. He wasn't faking either. He was generally terrified out of his mind. Still even when mortalized Cript was very powerful. I was barely able to survive when it was over.” Max said.

Vincent stopped his polishing, looking up at Max before laughing. “And you think he died?” He laughed again.

“His heart stopped, his soul destroyed, delete remember, among other things he was dead. Unless he had some ability that transcends Broken Code or something….sigh he does doesn't he?” Max asked with a deadpanned face. Sounds just like Cript.

Vincent smiled, leaning his head to the side. Max looked. There, on a TV was playing his battle with Cript. Max had to admit, it hurt to watch. He dealt the final blow, Cript falling dead before Max fell to his knees, taking a breath as he saw he was indeed dead before opening his escape portal. Then, there was the loud, recognizable noise of a heartbeat. A red and white orb emerged from Cript’s chest. “Humanity, the human power to keep on living, and Psychopath. Corrupted purpose.” Vincent spoke. “Two sides of the same coin, when used to their fullest.”

Cript’s body rose, lifeless, eyes empty, and held the orb. “You did it Max… Max?” He said questionably, looking around. “Max?”

Max looked on as the Cript from his time looked for him. “ he survived...was that...all that just some test or something?” Max question.

“The Cript in that timeline wanted to die, and that timeline was coming to an end.” Vincent spoke, polishing his blade again. “You left, too early. He holds all his power in his hands… it was for you. Reset button. All you had to do was take it, but you left.”

“Max?” Cript asked again. Looking around, not seeing him anywhere. “… I”m...I”m dead...where is he?”

Max stood there before walking over to the Tv and turning it off. “It doesn't matter. Can't dwell on what could've been. I've come this far. Nothing left to do but keep moving, or all I've done would have been for nothing. Despite what happened in my old timeline. I'll do what I have to here. If John kills me and takes the title then that's that. If not then I'll just continue and surpass everything, and keep going.”

“Now, while that’s all fine and dandy, you have to admit. Just a few seconds longer. Things could have been real different for you now. Cript was right, you did run away.”

“Maybe I did. But it doesn't matter now. So was there anything else you needed?” Max asked putting his mask on.

“Yes. In fact, there is. You see, Cript only has it out for me. I’m his “Final boss” in a sense. We’ll see how this fight turns out. You? You just jumped in the way. I figured since Cript didn’t fight you at full power, you’d want to know what that was really like. DIfference between him and I. I don’t believe in holding back. I’m not looking for a challenge like him, I’m just taking the efficient course of action.”

“So what? A ‘fight’ with you? I'm pretty sure even at my full power currently I stand no chance. Like I said I'm not stupid. I fought him to know what the difference between him and the Cript of my timeline was.” Max said.

“Ah, now what makes you think there was even a difference? When I made Cript and his reflections, the only difference between any of them was that some turned, according to plan, and some came out like yours. Goodie goodie that likes helping.”

“Then why, immortal or not, did he treat me like an insect when I killed another him if they're all basically the same?” Max asked

“Not that bright are you? How did he hold ALL his power in his hands for you after killing him? How did he even stand up to talk with you? Cript never goes all out. He limited himself for your fight, so he could die, and you could be his heir and fix what he no longer could carry.”

Max sighed. “It was always at the back of my mine. That he could have held back. Something didn't feel right during both fights. Should have known. Correction. I always knew. Just didn't want to believe it. Even after all this time...I'm still pathetic.” Max said.

“So, wanna know what he is like, nothing held back? Don’t worry, I can keep you alive for it all.” Vincent said, snapping his fingers as Max began to feel sick, puking blood suddenly as a small black pearl formed from his blood, and rolled over to Vincent. “Then again, it wasn’t like you had a choice either way.” He said, picking it up.

“W-what ‘cough’ did you do?” Max asked.

“I’m giving you a taste of what it’s like to be Cript. This, is your death. Just like how Truth stole it. Don’t worry, I'll return it, after Number 88 has their fun. That’s the best of them all so far.”

Max felt an arm wrapped around his waist, and grew...and grew til they were like tendrils wrapped around his legs. He looked behind him, Cript, but the number 88 tattooed on its forehead was holding him. “What am I allowed to do?” 88 asked Vincent.

“Hm. Go wild.” He replied.

“Wait, what?!” MAx stated, pan emerging from his sided...88 was EATING him. “Get off me!” MAx shouted, fiering void into it’s head to no avail. 88 took another bite, this time MAx felt his kidney getting ripped out, and saw 88 sleeping it like a noodle. “GAH!” he shouted, increasing his power with each strike to no avail. 88 would not budge, and already his lower torso was gone.

“You see Max, this is what I built Cript to be, the perfect Monster. Unbeatable, immortal, and...hungry. Heh.” Vincent said, placing his knife down and taking another drink of his red liquid.

“Ya just one thing.” Max said smirking. He dissolved into smoke as the real max appeared from 88’s shadow in his full power and kicked him out of the building into an unknown area. Max didn't know where they were but did care at the moment. He charged his true Void to maximum and prepared for 88 to attack.

As expected, 88 attacked. MAx fired… but 88 was EATING his attack. “Hehehehhehehehehhehehehhehehe. Tasty.” He said, running up to MAxand beginning his cannibalism all over again.

“Little trick inherited from me.” Vincent said. “We both can consume all forms of energy. But unlike me, Cript, once he has a single sample of it, can generatie it like a nuclear plant on steroids. Because of this, he generates too much energy, rending void attacks like your useless as he creates more energy than it can erase. Once your attack got it’s ‘fill’ he took it all back in a second.

Max’s arm was the first thing 88 bit. Max didn't hesitate to cut it off and back away. He was in real trouble here. That ability is bull crap. Eating his true Void?! He fought something like that once and it blew up in a second. True versions of Void, light, balance, ect were far stronger and volatile then their basic forms. Although he shouldn't be to surprised. He has seen enough crap already. He formed multiple weapons of true Void and blasted 88 back a mile away.

“Now, now. Want to leave already? I thought you wanted to see how strong my Cript’s can really be?” Vincent asked.

“Who said I was leaving?” Max said. He blasted 88 back not run away? He saw 88 charging through like it was nothing. “Crap.”

88 tackled him, and rather than eating him this time began bashing Max’s head into his own, Max’s head bloody and nose possibly broken while 88 laughed the whole time. “I wonder how long it takes to break this one?” 88 said.

Max was slowly losing consciousness from the beating. ‘ so strong. So this is Cript…’ As he was blacking out. Max started to hear...something, or...someone. ‘Max...Max.’ He saw someone. He couldn't make it out, but he knew this one...a girl. No someone...special? He heard her say one last thing. “Fight!” Max eyes suddenly widen...and turned silver.

“That’s enou-” Vincent was speaking, before MAx headbutted 88 back, knocking him over. “Well now, what do we have here?”

Max was glowing in a silverish light and Vincent felt a lot of heat coming off him. Enough that his drink evaporated. Max then let out a ungodly yell before flooding the area in silver light and heat. Vincent actually had to cover his face for a second from the heat. When it died down max was completely covered in a silver light. 88 charged at him fast before Max appeared behind him. Vincent then noticed...that 88’s right arm was completely gone. 88 then suddenly being pummeled by what he counted as hundreds of strong hits that he saw where delayed attacks from Max. 88 was then sent flying and fell at Vincent's feet.

Max looked at himself. “I should probably thank you. It's been so long since I used this. I couldn't even use it against Cript for some reason.”

Vincent clapped. “Nice. That was a nice little flashlight trick.” Vincent said, Max feeling 88’s hand grabbing his ankle. “But… Try harder.”

Max was thrown through the ground, falling and landing on a sadly familiar feeling...corpses. He moved to get up...and looked into his own face. He jumped up, looking around… they were all him. “Like it!” Vincent shouted from above. “Now, it’s just you and John left kid! Two of a kind.”

Max looked at Vincent. “You really are a piece of work, but again I should thank you. I'm still to weak to actually beat 88, but as I am now, without having to worry about dying.” Max then covered himself in his unstable Code, true Void, and the power he just got back. His power skyrocketing again. “I'm eager to see how for I can currently go without death to hold me back. I also remembered something, someone. I knew her, but can't recall her face or name, but a bit of myself is back. I won't stop fighting till I surpassed not only you and Cript, but everything in existence!”

“And when you are all that’s left, you’ll do what? You have Psychopath mentality kid. But dreams just a bit too big.” Vincent said, snapping his fingers as he was in front of Max, delivering a strong punch, breaking his jaw and Max...swallowed something. He began to burn from his energy. “Sorry, but I can’t let anyone walk around immortal.”

Max shut off his power quickly. He was in the most pain he ever felt, but was happy. “Thanks for making me mortal again. I was just testing how far I might be able to go, but I know I can go so much farther then that.” Max said picking his, eaten a little, arm back and attached it back. “Curaza.” He healed his arm back into place. “Not the best of healing spells, but they get the job done, and are less costly on Magic.” Max turned to Vincent. “So. Now what?”

“Now, I wanna see what Cript saw in you that was so special.” Vincent said, his hand on both sides of Max’s head, Max feeling tendrils or something akin to that entering his skin from Vincent's hands, drilling into his skull and into his brain. He felt Vincent searching through his memories. “There’s something here that drew Cript to you, and I’m gonna find it.”

Max felt him digging deeper and deeper into his memories. Searching for something. What that was he didn't know.

“Now then, let’s make it interesting.” Max’s body went into Shock, Vincent was putting his own memories into him, mainly, of killing his reflections, and what he does to others he can ‘use’. “Come On now, where is it!” Vincent yelled.

Max was seeing everything Vincent did. He watched every second like it was in slow motion. It was eating away at him. Breaking him. He feels something starting to break inside him. He grabs Vincent's arms suddenly. “g-get…” Vincent looked at Max in confusion. Max then looked him in the eye as something inside him snapped....eyes completely black. “GET OFF ME!!!!!” Max suddenly exploded in a flood of power sending Vincent back. He saw that max was covered in a type of Code he hasn't seen ever. It looked like Code, or broken code, was different as well. He also noted that Max had even tapped into deeper power then before. He then noticed that his right arm….was missing it's skin and muscle. It was just bone.

“I’m Not...Giving up. That easy kid!” Vincent shouted, everything going black for MAx.

“So he actually used it?” Max heard an all too familiar voice speak.

“Yup… I’m surprised he is alive...then again, he is your student.” Another, also familiar voice spoke.

Max groaned in pain as he tried to get up, but everything was hurting like heck. He could barely move.

“Well, looks like sleeping beauty woke up.”

“Shut up ____.” Max said as he open his eyes and sat up. He saw ____ and Cript not far from him. He was on the ground somewhere he didn't recognize. “What happened?”

“You survived my dad, got beat the crap out of my one of my less likes reflections, had your mortality taken then returned to you, had your brain picked through like a salad.” Cript went on. “All in all I say you did good all things considered.”

“If it wasn't for A, I'm still hurting like I've been dragged through Hell and back a thousand times by my teeth, B, you both are here at once, and C, I'm not in the mood I would smack your immortal troll like grin off your face and hang it so your wife's can laugh at it.” Max deadpanned. Deadpanned so hard it could have been a weapon.

“Awh. I remember when you were afraid to even speak to me. Nothing but stuttering like a toddler with a lisp.”

“Ha ha so why am I here and not having my brain picked at by mister Evil Incarnate?” Max asked. The laugh was sarcastic.

“Cause Cript here saved you.” Lord stated. “And this is my place. The Ethereal plains! Plains. Plains…” He said, quieting the last word each time. “Touch nothing. Seriously… I left something unattended for like two minutes and now I got a nanobots eating everything.”

“Ok, but why?” Max asked. Wanting to know why Cript would bother saving him.

“Why not?” Cript asked, holding out a hand to help Max up. “Come one man, what was my number one rule?”

“Don't hit on your wife's.” Max said.

“Okay, second rule.” Cript said, grabbing Max’s hand. “Save everyone worth saving.” He said, pulling him to his feet.

“How am I worth saving? After all I did? I even killed Spike...he is still alive isn't he?” Max deadpanned.

“I brought him back a day later.” Lord spoke up. “You deletes seriously think you actually erase shit. News flash, there is a backup of everything and everyone. At least in the crap I make.”

Max sighed. “Jericho was actually Spike I'm guessing right? Thought he was familiar.”

“Yup.” Cript said. “I plan on leaving this Timeline to him, when he is ready of course.”

Max was just silent. He thought about his encounter with Vincent. He remembered using..something. He held his hand out...and brought out the...strange Code. “What is this?”

“Unstable code.” Lord said, taking a piece of it on his finger. “It’s what an Admin, or someone with the potential generates when they are unable to fully access or hold the power of reguler code. It’s got its uses, I’ll be it limited.”

“So Code that weaker then every other kind of Code.” Max stated.

“Mostly. One thing about it is that when used like what you used it for, it’s passive to others defence. That’s how you harmed Vincent. He’ll recover, but you can say you hurt him at least.”

“So it can bypass others defense? I could do the same with True Void, but this is different.” Max said looking at it.

“Yeah but it takes a crap tone, like what you did. As for True void that’s a different ball park. True void is...sentient. To a degree. It’s what all the first Admins came from….WAY fucking back. Its Power is great, but it’s knowledge on the greater.”

“Never too late to keep learning huh.” Max said. Looking as he made Unstable Code take different forms from a glove to a blade.

“Not bad. Try infusing it into weapons.” Cript said, demonstrating with reguler code. “The effect applies to the weapon, and it gets a damage boost.”

Max looked at it and brought out a weapon he hasn't used in a long, long time. His folding sword. He infused Unstable Code into it. Except for a small crack on the blade. It held just fine. “Guess all this time with Void Construct has its perks.” Max said.

Max looked up at Cript, seeing him with a warm smile on his face. “You are still willing to learn. Aren’t you?”

“You never did teach me everything you knew, and you were right. I did run away. I was coward and ran from my timeline after our battle.” Max said looking away.

Max felt Cript...hug him, holding him tight. “We all make mistakes. Show me a man without regrets and you will have found a lier. Walk your road Max...I’ll meet you at its end.” Cript said, Max’s vision going dark, before he blinked… he was in Core’s castle.

“Max?” He looked to his left, seeing Kexez standing there. Looking at him. “You alright? You took a bit longer to come out of the portal?”

He looked around at himself. Seeing he was back in his gear before he met Vincent again. He saw his folding blade in his hand, Unstable code still in it and the words ‘Forgiven’ carved into them… Cript forgave him… for everything.

He noted that Kexez noticed the strange Code and turned it off. He put the blade up before turning to Kexez. Waiting for him to ask. “Well?”

“It's nothing. Just things I had to do. We’ll meet again later and discuss what to do next. I….I have some thinking to do with my Kings.” Max then walked away. Kexez noticed that something was different about him, and what was that strange Code he saw?

With the others.

Hollow had walked back to the others. Max was sitting on a seat with the book Cript left on his lap closed. Ben had picked it up for him since John was missing both his arms now and an eye. “Before we begin. Anyone have anything they want to ask?” Hollow questioned.

“Yeah… WHAT THE SHIT JUST HAPPENED!” Eclipse shouted.

“Explanation please. I'm not a mind reader, or am I?” Hollow smirks at the end.

“First off, Zeke ain’t the only one with a X-blade anymore. So I take it shit is bad. You wanna earn one John? Seems like Zeke’s Silhouette is given them away.”

“Wonder if I'll get another one for beating it?” Zeke questioned. “Trixie and I share a body and heart, so this X-blade is by all means hers in reality.”

John just looked at Eclipse. “How am I supposed to fight? Hold Fenrir in my mouth? I ain't got no arms!?!” Max said.

“DId somebody say Tacos!” Cript said, appearing out of nowhere behind John, making him jump, then fall over. He was holding massive bags of Taco’s with Deadpool’s face. “You are a jumpy one.”

John deadpanned the tacos. “I'm not trusting those things.”

Hollow looked at Cript. “Welcome back. What was that strange power I felt before?”

“Nothing you need to worry about my soon to be student/punching bag.” Cript said, placing the bags on a table. “Anyway, I figured John needs arms. And an eye… and other crap.”

“Already got a left arm and right eye for him. Just need a new right arm.” Hollow said. Trying not to cringe at the punching bag thing. “The Void in the area is affecting you too much is it Ben?”

“Just...need to get used to it is all.” Ben said, Nothingness flickering against the Void. “But I’m also trying to think about the bullshit that was our encounter with Max, and I just beat Zeke’s Absent Silhouette, and god damn it was it bullshit.” He frowned. “Oh, also Lake’s alive...cause your thing somehow bends the laws of time and space to it’s will so someone can get a bunch of things.”

“He's alive? I remember Drezke ripping his heart out and me finishing him with a Humanity powered slash.” John said.

“ is this gonna help me when my soul in in a different body?” Zeke asked.

“I got ya covered.” Cript said. “Now, about John’s arms…”

“Okay so basically it takes things from other timelines if need be and brings them here to our world through some bullshit magic, kind of like what Max did to get here but on a much wider scale.” Ben explained. “And how that helps is because Death, and I do mean the First Death, explained to me that Kexez, at the moment, is going mad with Psychopath blood because Lake was dead and Drezke is busy absorbing darkness like a mad man. So I have to find Drezke, use a special item Death gave me and get rid of all the bastards darkness so him and Lake can be buddies, calm Kexez the fuck down, and then get you back to being whole again Zeke.” Ben explained honestly.

“Glad to see your authors have some liniers in mind.” Cript’s said.

“Save for me.” Eclipse added.


Hollow was working on John as they talked. He had transplanted a new rock like eye on him and put what looked like a skeleton arm with a rock like substance for a hand for his right eye and left arm.

“Your arms look like crap Hollow.” Cript commented.

“That's because John hasn't mastered it yet. Once master the Void rock on his hand will cover it completely and become harder then Void Adamantium.” Hollow said.

“Neeeeehhhhh still looks like crap.”

“Where did you get theses?” John asked.

“They're the remains of an old Void God from before Lords time.” Hollow stated.

“Wait what?” Max asked.

“I call bull.” Cript said.

“Call what you want it's true. It's remains are extremely old. Older then Both of you two. How it died. I probably don't want to know.” Hollow said before moving to the side.

“Still call bull. Anyway, mind if I give everyone some gifts?”

“Free Stuff!” Eclipse yelled.

“It would be nice.” Ben said honestly. “What kind of gifts? And are they actually free or is there some form of catch?”

“There is always a catch…” John deadpanned. Is that going to be a thing with him? Wait ignore the author.

“Go ahead.” Hollow said.

“For John, I give you a Tainted Catalyst Ring. Will make focusing void easier for you.” Cript said, placing it in John’s new hand. “For Ben, a coin.” He handed Ben the coin… a quarter. “Finally pick if you want that X-blade from the Silhouette already…”

“For Eclipse, a Defence ring cause you get knocked out WAY to easy.”

“I need that.” Eclipse said, taking the ring.

“For Zeke/Trixie, when the time comes and your body is ready to be whole Zeke, take these rings and place them on the both of you.” Cript said, handing two silver looking rings to Zeke.

“And lastly for Hollow.”

“Oh crap.” Guessing it's going to be bad.

Cript walked up to Hollow, placing something in his hand. Hollow looked at it...and felt sad. A photo of him, God, and Core. Way back when. “You’re the last of your family. Yen sid likely won’t live too much longer. Last of your legacy, of your brothers.”

Hollow pocketed the photo. “Thanks..”

John looked at his ring. ”Thanks, but I won't use it for training, just battle to help.”

“What happens if I flip this coin?” Ben asked. “Is this just a normal coin or what?”

“Flip it, and it gives you what you feel is right.” Cript said. “That and like a free wish cause I had a shit ton of those left over.”

“One time only?” Ben asked.

“Yup. One time only wish.”

“Yeah I’m gonna be saving this…” Ben muttered while putting the coin in his pocket. “No need to be using the wish right now.”

“Then use it to see what you want.” Eclipse said. “Come on, join the club! Three members and we get free ice cream!” Eclipse said, waving his X-blade around.

“I count as two people you know?” Zeke said.

“Four then!”

“Nah, I’ll save my wish for when I actually need it.” Ben said honestly. “And also, how the hell did you get X?” Ben asked curiously. “I had to fight you in the Absent Silhouette fight...again those fights are cheap and bullshit.”

“Kingdom hearts appeared in the sky, swooped up Oblivion and Oathkeeper and dropped this baby before me. I got a spare of the special Keychains here.” Eclipse said, pulling it out. “Said Something about taking out two Keyblades and holding this.”

“To what? Make a copy X-blade or something?” John asked.

“Nope. Real one. Wanna try it?”

“Only have one keyblade. The other keychain I got is Zeke's.” He said after throwing it to Zeke. “Got it from lake after he died.”

Zeke grabbed it in his good arm, looking it over. “Keep it.” He said, tossing it back to John. “When whatever these rings do is done and I can controle Keyblades again, I’ll mainly be sticking to Discord and Master Keeper. God I can’t believe how much I miss their voices.”

“Well glad to hear you want to see Discord again.” The dire wolf said honestly. “I wonder how my worlds Discord, Faust and her husband are doing…” Ben wondered, hoping those three were okay in their search for those who wanted to follow me.

“Maybe I should build my own army then.” Eclipse thought. “Well John, last offer?”

John thought about it for a few seconds before asking. “Would I still be able to use Fenrir or the other keyblade by themselves or will they be stuck like that? Although I wish I had a magic type keyblade like Counterpoint or something to even out Fenrir's power type.”

“Well I can still use Oath and Oblivion so I don't see why not.” Eclipse answered, disbanding his X-blade for his twin Keyblades.

“Still wish I had another keyblade other then Zekes. Also I'm surprised you guys don't noticed my Fenrir is a little different compared to others.” John said holding his black and gold Fenrir.

After he said that a light appeared in front of them blinding them for a second. When it faded there was a keyblade, keychain, and a note. The keyblade was surprisingly Counterpoint. John picked up the not and read out loud.

John. This is Drexel. Take the deal. Trust me when I say that you'll need every edge you can get and having your own X-blade, which should be impossible, will really help. It's like when using a regular keyblade your going Kaioken, but when you go X-Blade it's like morphing into Mastered Super Saiyan. Yes I know the references. That's because I saw your memories. This is my Counterpoint. It used to belong to a dear friend of mine but now it will serve you better now. It's already in its final stage so it should work well with Fenrir. The keychain there is for Ben. It's called Moogle of Glory. It's a power/magic keyblade with a good reach. I don't have anything for the others I'm afraid. Sorry you two,three?, Zeke's condition is weird. Take care you guys, and ‘May your Heart be your guiding Key’.”

“What’s it say?” Ben asked curiously.

“Drexel, my past life who is somehow still alive and conscious, not only gave me his old Keyblade Counterpoint, but is giving you a new keychain for a keyblade called ‘Moogle of Glory’. He also tells me to accept your deal Eclipse. Saying we'll need every edge we can get.” John said while tossing the keychain to Ben.

Ben grabbed the Keychain and put it in his pocket since he just got other things. “Alrighty then.” He said honestly.

“Could be worse. Besides the look doesn't mean anything compared to what it could do you know.” John said. “Some either look like sticks or just slabs of metal.”

“I know.” Ben said. “Just curious on the look is all.” The dire wolf shrugged.

“I'm guessing….a greedy Moogle wanted to make keyblades to sell or something.” John guessed. Not know how close he was to being right.

“Eh, who knows.” Ben shrugged. “So...what are we going to do now all things considered?”

“I'll accept Eclipse X-blade deal for now, but Max basically showed us we are far behind on our training. Heck Cript said I was going to get Humanity training once my Void training is done. That's going to make Hell, make Heaven look like an average apartment or something.” John said.

“Hey, you only have one half, I have both.” Ben said while blinking, his eyes changing to both Humanity and Psychopath. “So I’m gonna have it a lot harder man, not to mention I still have all my other weapons to master...ugh, this is gonna be a nightmare.”

“At least your his son from his family curse thing. So it shouldn't be that hard given your new biology, or it's an excuse to go harder on your training. In that case….It was nice knowing you.” John said at the end saluting Ben.

Ben rolled his eyes. “Yeah yeah, you're probably like ‘glad its not me’.”

“Hehe in all seriousness we’ probably going to almost die a lot during that training.” John said.

“Well here then.” Eclipse said, tossing the X-blade Keychain to John. John caught it, and felt it cut him. He dropped it, seeing the Keychain absorbing his blood as it’s heart shape grew larger, and on it in red and blue appeared the Outsiders mark.

“Woah. What happened?” John asked.

“Dunno, mine did not do that… then again, Kingdom hearts made mine.” Eclipse said.

The Keychain then floated about three feet in the air. All hell suddenly broke loose at Light, Darkness, and Void itself began flowing in from anywhere that held openings to outside. The room was like being inside a twister, the energies all mixing in an incredible way. Finally it ended, the Keychain glowing hot as it began glowing black tendrils, creating it’s chain...then the X-blade. It’s two crossed Keyblades where both Fenrir’s, one like the one John has now, and the other a black and purple color, the branching out parts for the sides and tip where a crossed pattern of black and white. The new X-blade fell to the ground in a loud clatter, leaving all speechless.

“Uh. Did I just get a X-blade made of Light, Darkness, and Void? Is that bad?” John asked. He didn't see this coming.

“Nope.” Cript called out from behind John. “So long as all the energies are balanced, it’s good. I have to admit, this is a whole new breed of X-blade all together… Must have needed Void energy to bond with you, which explains why it cut you for blood. Needed to know who you where and what it needed to be your X-blade.”

“Makes sense I guess. Still didn't expect the Void part. Also where did the other Fenrir come from? Is that it's Void version?” John asked.

“Balance.” Zeke spoke up. “Eclipse and I have balanced hearts, so we can wield these types of X-blades. You don’t, so it needed a third energy to balance itself with you. That best explains that… as for the other Fenrir… Maybe it’s symbolic. The one you have, and the other… Max? Two versions of the same person.”

John thought for a second before walking over and picking it up. “What should I even call this? Can't call it X-Blade since apparently there is more than one now.”

“I should name mine then?” Eclipse asked, looking his over. “Hmm… Calling mine… Better Half. Yeah, I like it. Now for you…”

John looked over it and thought for a few seconds. “Hmm…..something that should...have meaning….between me and Max...and what we've been through.” He thought about it more and more. “......Honor……”

“Honor Bound?” Zeke threw out.

“Close, but not quite there….Honor…” John thought even more. It was giving him a headache.

“Darkest Honor?” Cript threw out. “It’s void after all.”

“Darkest Honor? Hmm….closer but….it's like it's at the back of my head shooting a rocket.” John said.

“Dishonored?” Eclipse said. “You stole that franchize anyway.” He joked.

“Hehe good one. Hmmm….what about. Final Honor?” John asked.

“It’s your X-blade. Up to you in the end.” Zeke said.

John looked at his X-blade. It's almost like it's trying to tell him it's name, but he just can't quite hear it. It was frustrating him to no end.

“Why not just Honor?” Cript asked. “Simple, and has meaning.”

For some reason….John could have sworn that his X-blade pulsed. “I think...Honor has been trying to tell me it's name this whole time…” John said.

“Wait, I was right? That’s a first.”

“Hey Cript. Can your assistant say anything about Honor?” John asked. Wondering if Cript's pipboy on steroids can say anything else about Honor.

“Probably.” He said touching it as his Assistant litup.


Weapon Type: X-blade
Class: S

Att: 50
Def: 20
Mag: 30

A X-blade born with Void infused with it’s natural Light and darkness. It’s powers can allow one to traverse the deepest pits of void without fear as it’s passive ability repels all beast before it. It enhanced void based abilities, increasing their potency and durability in combat.

Special Ability: Deep Depths- The more void the user generates the more this X-blades abilities increase.

John was wide eyed at the description. “ that's good right?” Wanting to be sure.

“I say you hit the lottery.” Cript chuckled.

“Me next!” Eclipse called out. Cript did the same for him.

Better Half

Weapon Type: X-blade
CLass: A

Att: 25

Def: 15

Mag: 25

Better Half is born from two twin Keyblades uniting while keeping their individualities. As such, it’s physical and magical abilities are equal to one another. WHen using Drive, summons, of D-links, this X-blade will create an illusion able to fight with you of any D-link’s activated of whoever the wielder is linking with. Summon times are tripled, and multiple summons are able to be called. Drive forms last until wielder cancels them, leading to endless Drive duration.

Special Ability: Sibling Rivalry- When welded with Oathkeeper, Magic storage and abilities tripled, when with Oblivion, Physical Defences and attacks are tripled.

“Holy ever loving mother of all fuck…” Eclipse said, staring at his weapon.

“So mine is an S class and Eclipse’s is an A class. What about the original X-blade?” John asked.

“Let’s see.” Cript said, Zeke summoning the X-blade and letting Cript touch it.


Weapon Type: Origin.
Class: S

Att: ??

Def: ??

Mag: ??

The first Keyblade to ever be crafted into existence. Forged from both Pure light and pure darkness. IT was created to keep Kingdom hearts safe from the darkness, and can open any door, including the one Kingdom hearts used to hide it’s true form/power. Many wars were fought over this weapon, non so greater than the Keyblade war of old. Unlike other Keyblades, the X-blade’s strength, magic, and defensive abilities are based on its wielder, and change as it’s welder does.

Special Ability: Reject Darkness- Expel all or most darkness from any heart.

Inject Darkness: Place Darkness in any heart

Doors: Open any Lock. Lock any door.

“I knew about Reject Darkness...not the other two.” Zeke said.

“Makes sense. It's The Balance keyblade. If it can expel darkness it can also place it, and all keyblades can basically do the whole soo thing anyway.” John said. “Wonder what kind of X-Blade Ben or the Foretellers would have? Ben’s would probably be similar to mine but with its own abilities and Nothingness.”

John swung Honor a little bit. Seeing that even as he is now he can see it's power in each swing.

“Careful how you swing i-” Eclipse and Zeke where shouting, but it was too late. Honor in that last, simple swing unleashes a blast so strong it knocked John into the wall behind him,and tore apart large chunks of the floor, ceiling, and the whole wall was destroyed.

“...The trigger for energy dispersion is always touchy…” Zeke sighed.

“Learned that the hard way.” Eclipse groaned.

“.....woah. That was awesome…” John said a little dazed while stuck in the wall.

“I remember when I did that… Vanitas back in Birth by sleep made it look easy… Half of Ponyville Back in my world was made to ruble… At least it was already abandoned when I got there. Man that was forever ago. When I didn’t have these sensitive annoyances on my chest and had my old body.” Zeke remembered. “Landed right inside the Mayor’s office. That sucked…”

John got himself off the wall and shook off some dust. “That was intense….wonder how a full powered swing would appear?” John said getting ready to swing.

“I don’t wanna think about it.” Zeke sighed.

“Dude! We NEED to have duels together! Only one X-blade has ever existed in history, now there’s three! Imagine them clashing…” Eclipse said, starting to drool at the idea.

John, while aiming away from they swung as hard as he could with Zeke noticing and ducking for cover while shouting. John swung, but Cript appeared in front, catching Honor mid swing. THe energy began flowing out, Cript somehow barehanded catching and compressing it. Finally, it settled, and in his hand was a small diamond. “Dude...that would have killed you all.” Cript said, looking at the diamond. “Neat huh, frozen explosion. Best way to blow something up. Out in space you’d have flown out into void naturally from space and torn apart at least nine galaxies with this thing.”

Zeke walked up to John, and hammer fisted him on the top of John’s head. “You idiot…” He growled

Rubbing his. “Sorry. Guess I got carried away a bit?” John said.

“No kidding.” Criptsaid, pocketing the frozen explosion. “I’ll just hold onto this for now. Last thing we need of for one of you to fall, chip it and I have to rebuild you lot Micro atom by Micro atom. And yes, THAT’S A THING. Tiny, tiny little fucks.”

“Gonna store that in a vault in your realm or leave Vincent a ‘nice’ little surprise next time you see him?” John asked.

“Close.” Criptsaid, taking it back out and opening a portal next to him. “On the other side of this, an entire realm of Nexus’s soldiers, armored Shadow creatures. THe works.” Cript then rubbed the diamond, code all over his hands as he threw the now code infused explosion. The portal closed… EVERYTHING shook. “Oh Delete’s eat your hearts out!” Cript laughed.

“So I guess it was kinda a good thing I was stupid for a minute?” John said. Surprised by the power of that blast.

“Nice try. Do that again without me here to stop it and when I rebuild you, you’ll be female, in constant heat and surrounded by ugly, nasty horny men.”

John paled. “Got it….”

“Trust me he can do worst.” Hollow said.

“ it.” John said paling even further. He looked at Honor before turning it back into Fenrir. He then summoned Counterpoint in his other hand,which Cript brought back while everyone was busy. “Got to master dual wielding now. As well as master Honor, but I won't use it unless I have to.” John said dispelling both keyblades.

“Good luck with that.” Cript said. “I’ll be back. Gonna check up on something real quick.”

Void is a large place, endless, almost. Almost. It’s traversable, and if one knows how, one can find what they need. For Cript, it was the spot where John and them where when fighting Max. There was someone there he needed a word with. It looked simple, a cage, spellworks of old and great power etched into it’s metal. He took a seat before it, sighing. This was not a cage to keep something from getting out, it was to keep someone from entering, and harming who was inside.

Inside the cage, resting on it’s bare floor, was a young girl, she had short cut brown hair, small, rectangular glasses, and a glowing blue gem as the gemstone of a necklace. Her attire was pants that stopped above her ankles, and a blue top shirt, and white sneakers. “Hello again, old friend.” Cript spoke, the girl inside unmoving. “A lot is going to change. Finally, this might all be done with. While Zeke, Ben, and a whole lot of others deal with their worries… I’ll be taking out the final bad guy… I miss you. You’ve been like this for years, just once… I wish you’d wake up, say something…” He shook his head. “I haven’t spoken to anyone from the old days in years. Not since you… not since you left us. I don’t even know what they are doing these days… I don’t want to know. It hurts too much.

“Things where so much simpler before. Back when we’d all be traveling, fighting Shadow Creatures and saving people… When did it all fall apart? … I swore I’d take over, after you left I swore to fight because you could no longer do it. Vincent is my last fight. You should be where I am now...not me… I was just the sidekick mage… I never wanted to become this important, this powerful. This was never my destiny. But, the final battle for me is coming, and after that, one more big action. THen I’m retired. All our biggest threats will be gone, and I’m making sure when everything is reborn, what happened in Max’s timeline can’t happen here… it’s a strange, out there plan, but it will work. I know you won’t ever wake up to see it… but maybe someday…”

When Cript returned, he saw John practicing dual wielding his Keyblades. He took a seat, watching the practice.

He had some experience with his old folding sword and assassin blade. He also learned a few stances from his time with the Tenno, but he was far from a master. He did have much experience with two keyblades. Although he felt he was getting faster then he thought. Probably because he past life Drexel was a master at dual wielding keyblades. Although he still probably looked like an idiot swinging blind.

“So what’s your plan from here?” Cript asked, John and Hollow thinking about it.

“I'll need to help John master his new arm as well as a few new abilities both his arm and eye give. He still needs to get stronger with Void as well as find the other kings. He has two already, Aqua and Sans, but he still needs to find the rest. I also personal still have….a few things that need to happen for his training.” Hollow said. He looked at Cript. “You probably still think what I said about the previous owner of the eye and arm being older than Lord is bull I'm guessing?”

“Eh, over it.” Cript signed. “So, Hollow...ever lose anyone you knew well? Aside from your family, I mean.”

Hollow was silent. “Yes….in the worst way. To not only lose them, but lose all memory of them, but know that something is gone. I can't even remember….who it was that did it.” John looked at Hollow. Surprised something like that can happen.

“I'm..sorry to hear that Hollow.” John said.

Cript nodded. “If whas what made you who you are, isn’t it?”

“In a way. I'm not the first nor the last of beings attempt to turn/sacrifice into a God, but I was the only successful one...despite everything.” Hollow then got a determined look. “Oh and John…”

“Wha-” John started to ask. Before Hollow shoved an orb of condensed Void that phased into his chest and a hole opened up in the floor.

“Don't die.” Hollow said as John fell into the hole. The hole closed up as Hollow turned towards the others. “What?”

“Just...throwing him down a hole…” Ben frowned. “Really?”

“Do you want him here if he fails and blows up like a supernova?” Hollow asked.

“Never mind.” Ben said worriedly.

“It's part of his training. He has to force all that condensed Void to adapt to his body and absorb it. Like Cript said you all are behind. This will help John since he is currently weaker then he was before he came here. Now...want me to do same to you with Nothingness?” Hollow said holding an orb of Nothingness. How he got that is unknown. Probably the King.

“The king give you that or something?” Ben asked with a frown.

“Yes. Said it will help you since more powerful enemies are appearing more often. Believes you'll need it. So want it now or do you want to wait till your stronger and confident you can take it?” Hollow asked. “Be warned….its like all the atoms in your body are being ripped into micro atoms… best.”

“Is feeling the Psychopath hive mind a good comparison?” Ben asked.

“Depends I guess.” Hollow said.

“Oi vey…” He sighed out. “Fine, lets get it over with.”

“I'll open a portal to Nothingness so if you do fail he can contain the explosion.” Hollow said opening a portal behind Ben before forcing the orb into him.

“Don't worry...I got this.” Ben said honestly.

“Really, because the pain your about to feel is just from it entering...before the energy tries to rip itself out of you.” Hollow said as Ben felt a massive amount pain on every cell of his being. Hollow then, for some reason, spartan kicked Ben into the portal which closed. After he entered. “Let's hope they both survive. With what's to come they'll need it.”

“Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black.” Cript said. “Zeke… and Trixie. Want any special treatment too? Eclipse?”

“Whatever helps.” Zeke said.

“Ditto.” Eclipse nodded.

“Good.” Cript said, waving his hand as the two vanished. “Now that we are all alone, there’s something I need to discuss with you Hollow.”

“What is it?” Hollow asked.

“I need to know how willing you are to keep creation alive?”

“....John's training is over….when he kills me...he will also end up taking my power, but won't be able to access it till he gets rid of the lock he placed on himself from when he fought Blueblood.” Hollow said.

Cript signed. “Too bad, that’s one less allie on my side. So, this is why you wanted to keep away from your training with me?”

“What's the point of taking admin training if your going to die anyway. Besides...I'm tired Cript. What happened to me...isn't something I would wish even on Vincent. As for allies.” Hollow smirks. “With them. They will become stronger than us. That's something I can guarantee. Their outstanding.”

“Well, maybe you… I have a plain to keep what happened in Max’s timeline from ever happening. Period. But before I can do that, I need to kill Vincent. After that, I can make everything… perfect. Lord even thinks it can work. A means of erasing Madness entirely. I just need two things. My death back from Truth, and Vincent dead.”

“That won't be easy. Not only is Truth both blocking you and others from his realm at the moment, but Vincent won't just let you kill him. And what about those clones of you he has?” Hollow asked.

“... I’m the most powerful me in the whole of any reality Hollow… I’ll show him just how powerful he made me. As for Truth… worst case scenario I… he won’t be dead… just...trapped.”

“Well if Max can get your death from Truth in his timeline I'm sure you can do it to somehow.” Hollow said.

“No, each of my deaths is unique. I need MY death. I have an idea of how I can take it back. So, aside from leaving John as your...whatever. Not much else you’ll be leaving behind huh?”

“A few things, but it's best not to show you.” Hollow said.

“Good idea, so did the authors apparently.” Cript shrugged. “So… have you like...ever...did anyone?”

Hollow deadpanned at Cript for a few seconds...before spartan kicking him through a portal back to his realm. “Did he really asked that?”

“Nice try.” Cript said, appearing behind him. “I mean, did you ever have kids?”

“No, and Cript...your getting predictable with that.” Hollow said as a trap door opened up behind him where Cript was standing and he fell through another portal. “3..2..1”

“You really have no family?” Cript asked, this time sitting on the ceiling above Hollow.

“None that I can remember. Also again. Predictable.” Two arms came out of the ceiling and threw the portal on Cript before closing it. “Again 3...2...1”

Hollow actually jumped this time, seeing Cript INSIDE his eyes. “Really?”

“Who are you? Bugs Bunny?” Hollow asked.

“Depends.” Cript said, leaving Hollow’s eyes and appearing next to him. “Look, I just wanted to be sure.”

“Yes. I'm sure. No family that I can remember.” Hollow said.

“And even if you had a kid, you’d still want to die?”

“Cript….you know this isn't my actually body. I can't have kids because of what happened to me. I couldn't even if I wanted to.” Hollow said.

“You forget who you are talking too.”

“Sigh. Cript. You might be strong with a crap ton of broken abilities, but not even you can fix this. Only my death can set me free, and that can only happen through one weapon.

“Challenge accepted!” Cript yelled, slapping Hollow across the face...hard…

Hollow came too with a semi swollen cheek. He looked at Cript. “Let me guess. You made me human for a day somehow right?”

“Yup/” Cript answered. Though, Hollow felt something different, or rather, was different about Cript’s voice. When his vision cleared… he saw a long, brown haired woman...inCript’s clothes… “For the next twenty four hours, you are exactly as you where before you became what you where now.”

Hollow looked at the genderbent Cript before sighing. “Just what are you planning now? I'm almost afraid to know.”

“Well first, two things. One, do you know who your mother is?”

“The Embodiment of Darkness, Eve.” Hollow said.

“Percit! THen this will be a quick one!” Cript snapped her fingers, and Hollow found himself at a dinner in what looked Before him was… Yen SId...his dad, Eve...his mother...and to his sides… his brothers?! “Sorry we are late!” Cript sai, pulling up a chair next to Hollow, Cript still female.

“It’s no trouble.” Core said, taking a sip of what Hollow assumed was Coffee.

Hollow whispered to Cript “what did you do?! Is this some kind of joke?!”

“Nope.” God said, taking a bite of a muffin. “Core and I are dead brother, mom and dad here, not far behind destiny wise.” Their parents nodded. “ANd from what we here… you’ll be joining us last. Cript arranged a little meeting for us here in a plane between living and dead. A last and first family lunch, if you will.”

“I have to admit, when I found out our mom was Eve I about flipped my shit.” Core laughed.

“Don't blame you really. After what happened to Unum.” Hollow said. “But ya. My time is short. John will take my place in a way where he isn't in prisoned like I am. Although I do worry for him. Despite facing his inner rage and accepting his Demon forms.. He still holds himself back. Even when he fought you Core. He held back subconsciously. He has this lock on him that suppresses a lot of his power.”

“So, you’ve been within Void this whole time Hollow?” Yen Sid spoke, making Hollow shrink a bit. “Why did you net try to find us for help? I scattered myself to the multiverses to try and find you.”

“Sigh. I couldn't. What happened to me isn't something that can be undone with magic. I'm...actually dead at the moment. Stuck at my last few breaths before death. If you were to free me. I would die...and that can't be stopped.” Hollow said.

“We could still have talked you dumb ass!” Core said, smaking Hollow upside the head. “We’re family. Your vanishing was the start of us all just splitting off. God became the biggest fucking introvert.” God nodded. “Dad is now omnipresent!” Yen Sid nodded. “And I ended up, well, almost killing you when we met again and stole your pupils hand… and wrecked his world! A simple ‘i’m fine’ would have been nice.”

“Core. Even if you could have taken my head back then it wouldn't kill me. My death is...strange to say the least. As for John's world...well that was going to happen sooner or later with his connection to Void and Jar'Mudan.” Hollow said.

“We still missed you.” God spoke. “A simple ‘hello’ would have been nice every now and again.”

“I couldn't. Believe I had tried, but I couldn't.” Hollow said. “I had many things I had to watch while there.”

“I can imagine.” Yen Sid said. “Your disappearance left a hole within all our hearts Hollow. Tell me, do you know what your name means in the old language?”

“What?” He asked.

“Home.” Eve spoke. “Back then, anything that was hollow, could be made into a home. So the two where the same. You where the youngest, and the one who we named that, because we hoped you’d find your own hollow.”

Hollow was silent. “Always wondered why my name was Hollow. Now I know.”

“We had hoped between the ruffian Core became-” Yen Sid started.

“Hey!” Core said offended.

“And God, being alone all the time.”

“Not denying it.” God laughed.

“You’d be the one to make a simple life for yourself. A family. Surprised us when Core was the one to marry, and you vanished.”

“I always figured you’d all have kids, at least one. It was just Core in the end though.” Eve said.

“Well not everything goes how we planned. Learned that a long….long time ago.” Hollow said.

“Remember when we were five, and you fell down that well, and got a wedgie on the loose brick.” Core said, laughing. “You couldn’t sit for a week.”

“Yes I remember. Much worse has happened since then.” Hollow said.

“We are here to discuss happier times Hollow. Let’s not dwell on the events to come or what has happened since your disappearance.” Yen Sid said.

“I'm sorry. It's just hard to remember any good times after all this time.” Hollow apologized.

“I remember when you pranked Core by casting stop on him in the rain, when it was over he was sick for a month.” God chuckled.

“Yeah, my nose was red for months after with all the snot that came out of it.” Core said, remembering with a light chuckle.

“Ya I was grounded for a long time after that.” Hollow said.

“YEah but I got you back for that.” Core said, laughing. “Ever wonder why all your meals that month where just a tad slimy?”

“Nope. Knew it was you.” Hollow said.

“And you still ate them?!”

“Not wasting food.” Hollow stated.

That earned a laugh from all at the table. Hours passed as the family spoke, time seeming to fly by as good memories and times where talked about, remembered,and for a while, Hollow felt… like there was nothing to worry about.

“Okay, okay… when you had Nightmares about being baked into a pie, you remember the very next morning you screamed cause we where baking them for breakfast?” Core asked. “You screamed like a girl.”

“You mean like you did when Unum scared you that one day and you passed out?” Hollow asked.

“Hey, hey, we had just met, and already she pranked me with a pregnancy scare.” Another round of laughs.

“The first one’ or the tenth one? I lost count after twenty three faints. She even stuffed a pillow over her stomach to make it look like she was carrying.” Hollow said.

“How did you keep falling for that?” God asked, laughing.

“I got smart...after… ya know… just me for so long. Researched all there was, then...began experimenting, just to make the time go by faster.”

“It’s alright Core.” Yen Sid said. “You two will meet again.”

“Yeah… I guess.”

“ much time do we have left?” Hollow asked.

“With us, it’s about over.” Eve said.

“To be human, about eight hours.” Cript spoke for the first time the entire time.

“Why are you female right now anyway?” Hollow asked. Almost afraid to know.

“Two reasons. One. Cause fuck it, second, well, that should be obvious.”

“It should probably, but I'm terrified to know.” Hollow deadpanned.

“Good, then you already know.” Cript said with an affirming nod, making Hollow’s temporary normal facial colors as pale as he is normally.

“Tempted to have John kill me already….” Hollow said. “I'm like really tempted.”

“Yeah… not that easy for ya at the moment trillion year old virgin.” Cript said.

“Even I’ve had sex.” God said. “Face it Hollow, you’re screwed.”

“Or about to be.” Core added,the two brothers laughing.

“Well sorry if I was busy with the crap ton of Horrors in Void and dead to look for someone to screw.” Hollow said with lots of sarcasm.

The two elder brothers just laughed louder. “We will be seeing you seen, Hollow.” Yen Sid said, silencing the two.

“I’m glad to have spoken to you all, at least for this time.” Eve said, tears rolling down her face. “Having to play the bad guy to my own kids, my daughter in law… it’s been hard… I regret so much…”

“It's alright mother. We don't blame you, or at least I don't.” Hollow said.

“See you soon, brother.” God said, his body vanishing into small orbs of light going skywards.

“We will be expecting you.” Yen Sid said, his doing the same.

“I love you, my son.” Eve said,leaving also leaving Hollow, Core, and Cript left.

“So, you gonna at least go out with a bang. Heh, no pun intended.” Core asked.

“I'll face John at the place where I'm trapped. He’ll deal the final blow if he is strong enough. I just hope he eventually overcomes that lock he put on himself. If he didn't have that lock Core. Even your pride form would have lost against him.” Hollow said.

“Figured.” Core said, tracing his finger around his coffee cup. “These kids are something else. Can… you at least do me a favor, before ya pass on?”

“What?” Hollow asked.

“Unum is alive, well, sorta. Mom didn’t kill her, just sent her where Void the the realm of darkness touch. She escaped, bound to her void tainted corpse. It’s all bones now though… Can you find her...and tell her I’m waiting… and… our kids ended up alright… heh, after the first several hundred generations.” Core chuckled.

“Sure.” Hollow said. “Barely anything can hide from me in Void.”

“Thanks baby bro. Send her my love…” Core said, his body beginning to fade as well. “Maybe when we meet again, we can start that family over.” With that said, Core was gone, fading back up to the heavens.

Hollow smiled. “I will.”

“I’m glad you were able to be with them Hollow.” Cript said. “Just a...taste of what’s to come I guess.”

“Not many get a second chance. That's a fact. Unless your an admin. Then you can pretty much give people as many chances as you want. One reason I don't really like admins.” Hollow admitted.

“I only give them if they deserve it.” Cript said.

“Then good for you.” Hollow said.

“Good for you.” Cript said. “So, eight hours left as your average mortal. You got two options for what’s next. Submit now, or take a ten second running head start.”

“There is something wrong with you…” Hollow stated.

“Isn’t there something wrong with everyone?” Cript asked, poking Hollow’s nose. “Nine seconds.”

Hollow was already gone….that was a decoy.

“Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one…”

“You hid for a second longer than expected.” Cript said, still female, seven hours after catching Hollow… Hollow felt drained in every way conceivable… pun not intended.

“...I feel like I was raped…” Hollow said.

“That’s not what you screamed as the three hour mark.” Cript laughed.

“Because of the dang drugs and pheromones one of your dumb abilities kept letting out!” Hollow said. “I'm surprised I'm not dead from overdose.!?”

“They were just adrenaline shots~” Cript cooed. “Hey, at least you didn’t die a virgin.”

“Keep telling yourself that…” He deadpanned.

“So, boy or girl?”

“No Cript….” Hollow said.

“It’s already in me, at least give them a name.”

“You….are…..crazy…..” Hollow said. “Never thought of having kids before so I never thought of names.

“Well, if it’s a boy, how about naming them after you?”

“Fine. Like I said I never thought of having kids before. Mainly because I didn't expect to get Raped?!” Hollow said. “Besides why would you do this anyway? You that bored before you fight with Vincent?”

“Nope. Just… figured your parents deserved that grandkid they expected from you.”

“Sigh. Fine. They do deserve it after I up and disappeared on everyone for so long.” Hollow said.

“Good, now come on, at least come up with a girls name.” Cript said.

“Ok.” Hollow thought for a bit. “Abyss?”

“Not exactly a girls name now is it?”

“Like I said not good with names.” Hollow said. “Violet?”

“That’s nice.” Cript said, cuddling up to Hollow. “So, how long til you think til John is ready to… ya know…”

“He still has a way to go. From what I sense because Th he and Ben have completed their test I gave them. John still needs to get at least two more Kings. I also worry about Tirek on John's world. He has been absorbing a lot of magic. As well as Void.”

“Let Vanitas deal with him.” Cript said. “Even with all that energy, he’s not the major threat at the moment.”

“I know. Just can't shake this feeling though…” Hollow said.

“Events failed to play out properly on all their reflections. They just have to adjust accordingly. It will take time.”

“Which they have little of with the war on the horizon.” Hollow said.

“That’s why I had the script run, buy them just a bit more time.” Cript said as she began leaning into Hollow, the male blushing as Cript’s… assets. “I plan on fighting Vincent during this war of theirs. I don’t want them as part of it.”

“Will you have your Death back when you do?” Hollow asked.

“I should. It’s not exactly necessary, but it’s for what will come immediately after.”

“If you kill him as an immortal it's just what he wants. Something he made doing him in to show he made something powerful.” Hollow said.

“Maybe, but I’l be having the last laugh. All this power… it won’t be for combat… it will be for life… You ever hear the legend of some beings called The Mother, and, The Father?”

“Not much. Not a lot of info to find.” Hollow said.

“In Admins beliefs, it’s said to be that the Belief keeps all reality conceivable, able to exist so long as every living thing believes in it. The Mother is the ‘daughter’ of Belief, her very existence the reason life of all kinds exist at all. The Father is her defender, and, well, here’s the lewd parts, so long as they are intimate, life can continue, and evolve. What people didn’t know… is that they are actually the same being. Two halves of the same coin. The ‘all mighty gender neutral god’ or whatever. Let’s just say that… While I will still be around my and all my wives real body will be in one place, while the us you’ll be seeing are like clones we controle. Between us all, life can continue, and with them around for eternity, us all sharing a body and mind… Madness can’t develop. My death… I’ll use to link the Psychopaths to me, upgraded grim reapers. THey will make sure no one lives longer than they are destined to. Immortality is something no one should have. I’m speaking from experience. Lord can tell you the same.”

“That's almost basic knowledge but most still want it.” Hollow said.

“Well they will soon be a precaution for anyone trying to obtain it. No more gods. No more admins. No one will be as strong and immortal as Lord and I, that’s what got Max’s timeline so fucked. Everyone living forever, going insane. Just… no more. I’ll live on with purpose, sharing a body and mind with my family, keeping life going. Lord will do as he always does. Watch. Kids will likely all explore the new reality to come. My retirement will be...something.”

“I'm sure it will be.” Hollow said.

“Yeah. So, you still got like… half an hour as a human. Can you think of anything that takes half an hour to do?”

Hollow got up and got dressed in an instant. “I'm heading back to continue John's training. He needs it almost more than the others. Since he isn't a member of your family he is basically on his own when it comes to getting stronger. One reason I want him to assemble his kings fast.” Hollow said.

“Best wait those thirty minutes. While In that body you are much weaker.”

“Doesn't matter. Not like I can die at the moment anyway. Real body is still back where is normally is. Besides I can't waste time now. The war is approaching faster and faster. John has already decided that when it comes. He’ll face Drezke himself. He’ll hold him off while Ben and the others take care of Kexez.”

“Then Lake jumps in and All Trixie/Zeke have to do are put on the rings I gave them.”

“If things go well, but Drezke probably won't let things go so easily. Especially when he is consumed by so much Darkness.” Hollow said.

“True, if that’s the case even Lake’s presence will not be enough to keep him calm. Not to Mention Kexez has massive amounts of Darkness inside him. Zeke will have to use Reject Darkness on him before they are made whole.”

“That's for the future to decide.” Hollow said.

“Yeah. Welp, guess I’ll make Sure Zeke/Trixie and Eclipse don't die.” Cript said, snapping her fingers as a red and blue sundress appeared on her. “Dang, some womens clothes are just crazy comfy.”

“I wouldn't know. I don't switch genders on the daily.” Hollow said preparing a portal.

“Actually I’m always both. Some copy bodies of mine are female for… reasons. First ever swapped Genders on my first anniversary, with Lyra. We went to a costume ball and to everyone else, we went as each other, but someone figured out we were really still just us, just gender swapped. I remember that day so well. Before that ball we walked the beach, saw a galaxy being born…”

“It's so rare to hear genuine emotion from you Cript. Figured your immortal life and hack abilities nearly killed them all. What's the sense of being sad over someone you love being killed if you can just get a backup on them?” Hollow.

“ old do you think I am?” Cript asked, eyebrow raised.

“Don't really know. Don't really care. Just that you older than most beings except for admins. At least a bit.” Hollow.

“... I’m fucking twenty!” Cript yelled. “At least by my realms years.”

“And how many regular years are there in one of yours?” Hollow asked.

“! One normal year! I was born in 1998!”

“Then why do you keep acting like your millions of years old from time to time. Because your life made you like that?” Hollow asked.

“I may not be as old as you, Lord, or even most anything else… but I’ve seen more than enough… done more than what should be possible…”

“Some would say you might be twenty, but only because you probably slowed your aging process somehow. So say your next one year is in fifty.” Hollow said.

“No, I’m just twenty.” Cript stated.

“Wow you really are young….why are you out of your cradle?” Hollow asked.

That earned a punch from Cript, not enough to send him flying, just enough to bruise. “Rude. I told you Nexus made me to become powerful. You really thought they take things slow?”

“Wouldn't be surprised if you had multiple defects from their rushing. Is your near dead emotions one of them?” Hollow asked.

“No…” Cript said, taking a seat on the bed. “...Before all of this, when I was ten, the temple I grew up in would send us out of a year long walk, to know the world first hand. When I came back…. It was all burned down, my masters dead, and the younger student too… my own friend, almost brother… did it. For a whole year, he tortured me, mutated my DNA, injected dark powers into me… just to wake up the Psychopath inside me… he got what he wanted after sending me to to Truth, and he took my death. I saw EVERYTHING Psychopath had done. In my realm, Mars became a fully livable colony, a second earth… every last man, woman,… I watched him kill, tear… I gained control after it was all over…”

“Psychopath….I don't even know if it classifies as evil or something else anymore. From Void I've seen it do countless atrocities. Even saw what it made Light do. John vowed to find a way to stop it. Even if it's pointless..” Hollow said.

“I was broken, all their screams stuck in my head, their victims blood… I still feel it on my skin… I started Freak Inc. so normal people can stand a chance against those things, not have to wait for a hero who might be there too late. I was making deals with other world's inhabitants at some point and came across Equestria. I never made it to Celestia, my inner mage wanted to know how Unicorn magic differed from my normal magic. I ended up teleporting all over the place, stopping in the middle of a dirt road. I heard someone yell get out and… I woke up with no memories in the hospital. Lyra’s wagon ran off and ran me over. She took me in… was so patient with me… I remember the first time she kissed me. Even without memories, emotions where hard to muster up. A wall around my heart, remembering without knowing. I guess. She kissed me and it was the first time I felt...human. A week after we were married, I regained my memories. I was ready to leave her… I wasn’t from her world, I couldn’t stay with her… but somehow, she stowed away on my ship, and has been with me ever since. Despite how I act… she keeps me sain Hollow. She always has.”

“I'm guessing she tried to wallop you on the head when you tried to leave without her?” Hollow said.

“Actually, she was too fascinated with her transformation from pony to human. Seeing the stars so up close. Her whole perception of the universe, blown out of the water. Heh, it was my turn to be patient with her. She’s seen me at my lowest, my...cruelest, and she still loves me regardless.”

“I remember when John ran into his worlds Lyra. He was blasted into her house by Twilight, or as he called her Solid Snake Twilight. First thing he said was ‘hey’. Before he practically Noped himself out of there fearing those fan theories of her being Hand crazy were true.” Hollow said.

“Heh. Yeah… Lyra’s about as Kinky and horny as the internet’s collected porn combines… partly explains how this happened.” Cript said, waving a finger between the two of them. “It was her idea for a herd… When she said that, I hid in the nearest room, which happened to be the broom closet. Heh, back then she had to talk me out of there, now a days she adds new members in quota’s. Her dream comes from a pony hentia book she loved reading back on Equestria… Dear god I can’t help but love her.”

“She makes Rune look stuck up and the complete opposite of what she is doesn't she?” Hollow asked.

“She makes Pornhub look like Youtube.” Cript laughed. “But she’s a good person. Better than I can ever be.”

“That's the case mostly. Well I best get going. John isn't going to master his powers by himself yet.” Hollow said opening the portal.

“And I best switch out with a male copy then. See ya when the kids born.” Cript said, snapping her fingers and she was gone.

“Well. Let's get going then.” Hollow said as he stepped through the portal.