The Dishonored: Rise of an Emperor

by Deathwatch 456

The Thought. P2. Psycho.

John and Undyne looked at Sans stunned. John was surprised by Sans form more than anything. He took the souls? He killed the kid? Why? From what he could tell when he knew him Sans wouldn't just kill some child out of nowhere. Although Sans never told him all of what he faced when he was still in the underground.

Undyne was the first to speak. “Sans…? You did this?” She dispelled her spears. John put his void sword away as well.

Yeah.” Sans answered.

“I meant to tell you.” Asgore started to say. “But you did not give us time to react.” Asgore look at Sans’ new form. “Sans meant no harm, I am sure in doing….this.”

Asgore looked at Undyne with a confused look. “How did you know to come here, Undyne?”

“Papyrus couldn't find...Well, he found the human’s body, without the soul.” She explained.

Papyrus?” Sans questioned.

Undyne looked down a little while she walked a little closer to Sans. “I…..thought the human Killed you, Sans. And some monster wanted to betray Asgore.”

Nah. It's cool. I just needed to open some doors. And now Asgore can have these back….right?” Sans said while having a questionable look at Asgore. Like he wasn't sure himself. Asgore looked troubled.

Asgore finally closed his eyes with a sigh. “Sans...I do not think you understand the gravity of what you have just done.” Asgore looked away a little. “The only other monster to take a human soul…...Died. Leaving no trace of his or the human’s soul.”

Asgore looked up at Sans. “Sans...I do not know if we can safely change you back.”

‘That could be a problem.’ John thought. He doesn't fully know if it's Sans or maybe one of the souls he took. To many variables to know. The biggest question for him though. Is the mark saying Sans himself is the candidate, or just his current form?

Undyne started speaking again. With her voice raising as it does. “Great. This is just great. Just flippin DANDY!”

“Undyne?” Asgore questioned.

“Why would you do this Sans?! Everyone's hopes, all those dreams, depends on those souls. Just…” She then looked at him confused with her fins, gills?, drooping down a bit. “Why. You've never rushed anything before. Why didn't you let me do my job?!” She asked.

So no one else had to die…” He said giving her a strange look. Is he talking about the resets? He mentioned them before.

“It is...hard to understand. Why not take a moment to explain what has happened for you to decide to do this.” Asgore asked.

Thats the catch. You wouldn't understand what has happened. Cuz it didn't happen yet.” Sans said with a shrug. This only pissed Undyne off. It also confirmed to John Sans was talking about the resets.

WHAT?! Do you think I'm stupid?!! That body Papyrus found is just a kid. They scared you!? And what am I supposed to tell him? His brother killed the final human and turned himself into a god?!!!”

She gave Sans a hateful look. “All of that hope...And it ended up in you.” Undyne turned and walked away.

Asgore looked down. “I will...have Alphys see to getting you back to normal.” Asgore followed Undyne back to the palace. Sans signed as they left. He then noticed the other person. John. Sans eyes widened at another human appearing.

“ that happened.” John said. He didn't know how to react right now. He knows this Sans is different compared to the one he knows.

Another human? Sans said to himself before his eyes narrowed while the souls...eyes? Whatever they are looked at Sans with a worried look. ‘Wait. Are they consciousness? That's a little surprising. I'll keep that to myself for now.’

“Don't worry Sans. I'm not some genocidal maniac. Names John. John Corvo. I'm here with one other human, don't worry she is friendly. We're looking for a certain someone. Well I suppose I already found them but I'll wait a bit longer to see if I'm correct.”

Who are you looking for? You know what? Never mind. Don't really care.” Sans said. Sans didn't really trust John. Although that's not surprising with what he's been through already with humans.

“I won't blame you for not trusting me. After everything you probably went through in this world I wouldn't blame you for trying to kill me on the spot.” John said.

Sans and John were silent for a while. After a bit Alphys appears and sees both of them. More specifically Sans and what he has become.

“Hey Alph. Sun’s nice isn't it?”

“Oh my god...Sans? You?....” Alphys said. Stunned by Sans look.

“Yeah.”Sans said.

Alphys was silent for a bit. “The nice.” She said.

Alphys looked at Sans again and spoke after a bit. “You took all seven souls.” It wasn't a question.

“Yeah.”Sans answered.

She was quite again for a bit. Possibly thinking of what to say or ask. John remained silent. Choosing to let them talk.

“I'm not going to ask why. You wouldn't tell me. But...I will ask...How. How did you do it?” Her claws were shaking together as she held them. “I have cameras all over.” She asked.

“I turned one off.” Sans replied.

“The one by the ruins?...”

Yeah.” He said.

“How did you know the human was going to be there?” Alphys asked.

Sans seemed to pause again. Probably having flashes of the past meeting the human. “Someone told me a long time ago.

“So. W-we luckily have some options on how to get those souls out of you.” Alphys explained.


“O-option one is to,uh,see if you can't voluntarily r-release them yourself.So!Uh,try that!!! First.” She exclaimed. John and Alphys watched Sans concentrate for a bit. John could have sworn he heard waiting room music.

Nope.” Sans replied.

John made a void trombone and played the failed note. One that Sans has played before when his brother fails to stop the dog from stealing his bones. Sans chuckled a bit.

“Oh…”Alphys looked dejected from that not working before shooting John an annoyed look for a second. She then turned back to Sans. “Well, OK, option two is...we could...Attempt to attach you to the...The DT-Extractor…” She said with a nervous look on her face. Sans looked at her with John noticing one of his eyes were red.

“But that'll take a few weeks to s-set up…” She looked down a bit. “It's built for six human souls, not seven, and we don't know if your...your body will even persist once the souls are unlinked.”

She then looked at Sans souls which was visible. “Even if we lower your DT levels enough to recapture the human souls...Y-you might….your soul might….Fracture.”

She then perks up. Most likely trying to ease away the tension a little. “Also!!! The lab is an awful mess!! And option three... isn't exactly….” She didn't finish the sentence.

...ok. We got time to figure this out.” Sans said looking at the sun.

“Hopefully we get a solution that doesn't end in your death.” John said looking at the sun as well.

They were like that for a minute before Alphys spoke again.

“I'm sorry, Sans.”

Nah. That's me.” He replied. He didn't want Alphys to blame herself. It's his fault he became this.

Suddenly multiple flame blast were heading straight towards them. When they struck. Alphys notices that Snas used one of his hands to shield her with John slicing a few in half with a sword made of some magic she couldn't identify.

Sans looked behind him with his right eye glowing red. “Watch your aim.

“It's not nice to attack bystanders.” John said. Not the best thing to say but hey. He isn't some cheesy action movie star with one-liners out the wasu.

Sans did noticed who attacked them and sighs.

“You.” The female goat person said. John didn't know her name, or couldn't remember.

“Yeah...I wondered when this would happen.” Sans said.

“You...I...I trusted you.” She said with tears in her eyes as she ignited her fist/paws with fire. “I asked you to look after this child. I asked you to promise. To protect them!!!” She then launches more fire blast at Sans as she yells out the final part. “And you killed them.”

Sans was peppered by the blast, but they did nothing. “I tried to protect them. So many times...but something went wrong. Sorry lady.” Sans said. John knew that was a bad call.

“Sorry? No.” The fire in her hands grew more and more. She had more blast of fire appear around her. “DO NOT LIE TO ME. YOU WILL SUFFER.” She blasted him with more fire, which again did nothing.

“How can you stand yourself? Do you not feel remorse?” She asked sans as she attacked him while crying. She must have cared a lot for that child.

Sans just looked at her. “I don't feel anything.” He said with barely any emotion. The way he said it stunned her for a bit.

Which was enough time for Undyne to grab her from behind. “GOT HER!” Undyne yelled.

Undyne started to yell as she lifted the goat woman in a way that seemed familiar. “Unhand me !?” The goat woman said.

Before Undyne had suplexed her into the ground. John could have swore he hear a K.O. Like from old games when her head hit the ground.

Undyne then got up and yelled to Papyrus who was heading this way. “Papyrus Go!!!”

“Righto, Undyne!” He said before surrounding the other woman with blue like bones. “Blue means stop! As long as you stay still you'll be unharmed!” He explained.

Now it was time to explain things to him it seems.

(AN: sorry for not writing what happens but not only is this chapter WAY behind but I'm also playing it safe to avoid a copyright strike or whatever. I unfortunately might have to do this again on later chapters featuring the rest of John's group. If I do I'll be sure to make an OVA chapter that details what happened later on. No promises though.)

It's been two weeks since the Barrier went down. The goat woman, whose name John had learned was Toriel, made Asgore hand over the children so she can give them a proper burial. Except for Papyrus along with John and Aqua, everyone seems to either hate Sans or are scared/disappointed in him.

It took a while to figure out what comes next, but one of the things that happened it that Papyrus is finally a member of the Royal Guard….with his first post being to watch his brother till Alphys can remove those souls. Which it appears no one else knows that Sans hp is 1. With Seven Souls Toriel couldn't hurt him, but with his stats….removing the souls could very likely kill him.

They didn't want news of what happened to spread so they won't tell anyone that the barrier is down at that sans is now a god apparently. His cover name is Wing Ding. Sans and Papyrus’ cousin that's visiting.

Another thing John, Aqua, and Sans learned is that the souls...are conscious apparently. Sans’ new form is also very popular with the kids of the underground. To Papyrus’s confusion.

Sans also needs to teleport to get in and out of the house.

John and Aqua decided to stay with them to help out. They practice their sword play while their with Papyrus joining as well. Though they had to promise Sans they won't hurt him.

And on the deeper note. Sans technically has eight souls, technically because one doesn't have their soul and comes as a package deal with Frisk. The kid from before. Sans almost either killed them or just hurt them very bad. Till Chara, other one, told they didn't start the Genocide runs. They just helped. Chara said Frisk started it, but Frisk said they didn't. They thought Chara was the one that started it. Which left Sans confused. If neither Frisk nor Chara started the Genocide? Then who did sans stop? John has a bad feeling about this and Aqua agrees.

Aqua visited the others to see how they were fairing. Asgore is silent and Toriel basically hates Sans, Alphys is hard to work on modifying the DT Extractor, Undyne is still coming to terms on what Sans did, and no one else knows about the barrier yet.

Meanwhile John has gotten Sans to at least train a bit to see how each soul and its power works. With them being conscious they help with as much as they could with their abilities. Frisk didn't seem to have an ability just yet and Chara isn't helping. So sans is at least a little knowledgeable of what the other Souls do. He also had to basically retrain his blue magic to Not grab the Souls he currently has by accident. Was pretty funny the first few times seeing Sans basically throw himself to the ground like that.

One day. Undyne came by informing that Alphys was ready and wanted Sans over so they can run a few more test to be sure.

When they got to the lab they greeted Alphys who looked a little surprised to see them.

“W-wow you guys got here f-fast.” Alphys said.

“I've only been waiting for this like every day now.” Undyne told her.

“She basically through nearly all of us on her back and sprinted here.” John said. Nearly all of the, because she didn't want to carry Sans. He beat us here with his Shortcuts though.

“W-well, uh, I need to run some test on Sans first. So…I-if you, Papyrus, and the two humans wouldn't mind, can you wait in the lobby here?” Alphys asked.

Undyne and Papyrus agreed, but John was a little hesitant for some reason. He had a bad feeling all day. “I'll go with you two. Don't worry. I won't get in the way. I promise.” John said. Alphys hesitated a bit, but agreed. She led Sans and John towards the lab while Undyne, Papyrus, and Aqua waited back in the lobby.

Alphys and Sans sit on a bench she had so she can get his readings. See if he was ok for the machine.

“Let me just. Uh…There.” Alphys said as she had Sans stats on her tablet/computer. She looked pale as she started to realize what his stats were. “Oh my God!?”

“What's up?” Sans asked. John had a feeling it was do to Sans’s stats.

“For starters, you do have theoretically infinite power in you. But… You only have a base stat of...One?!?” Alphys asked. She started to get worried. She had made buffers to help Sans survive the extraction, but she didn't think the room for error was….so small.

“Alph, I'll be fine.” Sans started to say.

“Not with these stats!!!” Alphys yelled. She then tried to calm down a bit. “I...Ill figure it out. You just wait here, ok?” She asked. Sans agreed as she started brainstorming what to do. From John's perspective. Sans was probably talking to the Souls at the moment.

John and Sans waited in silence. Alphys went to another room. Probably to find a solution to Sans low hp problem.

“Hey Trash Bag” A familiar voice said.

“That's not my name.” Sans said.

There sticking out of the floor, after moving a tile like its a hatch, was a familiar talking yellow flower. Flowey the Flower.

“Whatever. So, uh, smiley...What are you doing down here?”

“Getting a checkup.” Sans said. Which made the flower mad.

“Don't get cheeky with me! You were talking with them, right? All the souls,” he then had a more demon like face. “Must feel heavy on your tiny soul.”

Sans said nothing for a second. “Asriel.” He said to the flower.

“W...what did you call me?” The flower, whose real name is Asriel, asked.

“Why couldn't you have just stayed as everyone's friend, Asriel.” Sans asked.

“...Well I guess… I didn't want new friends. I had a best friend,y’know.” Asriel said.

“Yeah, I do now. They miss you too.” Sans said. Shocking Asriel. And if John was a betting man. He would bet that Chara was shocked at Sans telling Asriel that they were there as well.

“Chara! Chara! I knew they missed me! They brought me back! Can they hear me? Chara! Your still my best friend!” Asriel said. He then spoke in a more quiet tone. “ I knew they couldn't have been the one who hurt me...and if they can hear me…” He then looked at Sans with a fierce expression. “You better not be doing anything to hurt them Trashbag.” He hissed at the end of that. Sans assured him they were fine.

Asriel left soon after because Alphys was on her way back. But not before saying bye to Chara….and leaving with a laugh that basically nightmare fuel.

When Alphys came back she asked for John's and Sans help with the new buffers. They walked to the area where the DT extractor was and began helping.

As they all began to work. Alphys. Tried to talk sans out of going through with this.

“ you remember those timetables?” Sans said. Interrupting Alphys.

“Of course I remember. It was… A little scary, but only theoretical. Branching of timelines is normal with quantum theory. And…you left not long after those findings. I still don't really get why.” Alphys said.

“It’d be nice if it'd been just a theory. You've been real busy since then, huh?” Sans asked.

They continued this talk for a but before Sans finally told her about Resets. About that he can remember them clearly. She was shocked to know...that Sans had been through so much without anyone to talk to or to help. Because they wouldn't remember on the next reset, and reminding them of it over, and over would eventually drive one mad.

“I had a thought. What if...they never brought us back,what if we stayed dead. So I...panicked. This is all finally new. We're moving forward. And I'm tired.” Sans said.

“S-sans...If I do this…”

“It'll be fine. The king and Queen will protect everyone. They don't want war. You've found a way to accept your mistakes before. Undyne will cool off, eventually. My brother is finally a Royal Guardsman. And I'm tired.” Sans said. That bit about him being tired...John knew what he ment. “Let's get this over with.”

They talked a little before Sans asked her to strap him in. John watched Sans get put into the machine. Alphys asked one more time if Sans was ready. Then activated the machine.

For a bit things were going ok...then something went wrong. Cracks stated to appear in the tubes that were draining the DT from Sans. Alphys yelled for help. John did his best to help. He heard Undyne and the others come running down the hall to help as well

“What happened?!” John asked.

“It cracked from the Strain! I...OH GOD-I-”

While she was worried on the machine Aqua noticed something dire. “His HP!!”

We all turned towards the Display...Sans HP was O.2 out of 1!

“Oh crap it's killing him!” John said.

“Sans!!!” Papyrus yelled.

John and Aqua went to use their Cure spells to help sans when he...disappeared?

“Oh no...N...No…” Alphys said.

“Where is he?! The...THE SOULS?!” “Undyne said.

“Th-they're gone. Just...Gone!” Alphys said.

Alphys stated to have a panic attack. Saying she failed over and over. Undyne was trying to comfort Papyrus along with Aqua. John...he was confused. If he was gone...were was the dust? Monsters from here turn to dust when they die. John looked at his mark on focused on it. Trying to see if it could help...when he felt it.

“He's alive!” John said. Making everyone look at him.

“Sans is still alive. My mark here is connected to him. When I said me and Aqua were here looking for someone. That someone ended up being Sans. My Mark would have let me know I he died, but it's telling me he is alive.” John walked over to the machine. “Aqua. I'll go after Sans. You stay here just in case. Be careful.” John said as Aqua nodded her head. John held his Void mark at were Sans disappeared, and after concentrating for a bit. Disappeared as well.

John found himself….he didn't know where he was. He was nowhere, but this wasn't nothing. He wasn't at the Void either.

He heard what sounded like a battle a little bit away. He headed over as fast as he could. He saw sans and someone else fighting. Sans was pulling out all the stops. Shooting, blasting, power punching, blocking, and throwing ballet shoes, no you heard me correct. The other one was dodging all his attacks and attacking back with what looked like Gaster Blasters but with different models. Sans used the notebook power to dodge some attacks. But his opponent was like those cheap enemies. Nothing Sans threw was hitting. John decided to enter the battle to turn the tide. He blinked next to the other figure, surprising both, and punched him in his skull like head. Wait it was a skull, but also liquid like for some reason. Well at least he hit him. He then appeared next to Sans. “You ok Sans?”

I'm fine. How'd you get here anyway?” Sans asked as he shot at the other figure. Since he was stunned from John's attack he was hit once before dodging the rest. For the next few minutes they continued to either miss Gaster, who John learned his name later in the battle, or destroying more of his Blasters. Only for more to take their place.

John then noticed Sans stopped moving for a bit. Gaster tried to capitalize on it with a blaster from behind. Only for it to be sliced into oblivion but what looked like a cross between a big knife and a huge sword. It had a flower where the blade and handle connected.

“Sans is on break. It's me…” They raised the weapon and rested it on their shoulder. “Chara.”

“Since when can you guys do that?” John asked

The battle continued. Only this time Chara started to push Gaster back. John took out any Gaster Blasters he could. He really wished he had his old strength back. This would be much easier. Then again this is part of his training to not overly rely on transformations. As the battle seemed to come to a close with Gaster being pushed more and more...he stopped. He looked up. “He is coming.”

Gaster then disappeared. And something crashed into the ground a couple meters away.

“Great, now what?” John asked. First Gaster now someone new?! He can already tell this is going to get bad quickly.

John barely managed to dodge a projectile, something like an arrow but… made from a material alien to him. “Been a while since bloke like you made your way to my quarters.” When the dust, that came from seemingly nowhere, settled, John stood looking at a man, long grey/silver hair, yellow eyes, thick metallic armor, and wielding a bow with strange arrows… and he was british in voice?

“Ok just who the heck are you?” John asked. Sans/Chara was keeping their blade ready just in case.

“Jones. I am… was an Admin. War was my game, and the bow my weapon.” He said, drawing the arrow back some more. “There is hardly anything my arrows can’t kill.”

“That's Code isn't it?” Sans asked. Which surprised John that he knew what that was.

“Yes. Not mine though. Only other admin to beat me robbed me of my code and caste me adrift through dimensions. I popped out in this world, where I… twinked this worlds code to my liking.”

“So...your the one that made Frisk their puppet.” Sans stated.

“I also made Chara homicidal, brought back Asriel as that murderous flower, and when good ol Gaster got here I made him my pet. I also gave you those nightmares. Gave Frisk the powers to Reset. The list goes on but I belive you get the idea.”

“So after you got you tail beat you appeared here to make it your personal playset.” John said.

“I had realms of war! Countless armies all fighting under my orders! Lord stole all of it from me! How that runt of the admins became so powerful I’ll never know. At least I can take comfort in the fact he’s pretty much retired these days.”

“Then we'll take his place and kill you.” John said with both him and Sans readying their weapons.

“No, do you want that?” Jones asked, almost...mockingly. “You see, without me… you can’t keep bones over there alive as those extra soles are removed. I can even bring those children all back to life…. Now if you kill me good luck but you’ll still have seven dead children and an ash pile at the end of it all.”

John glared at him hard. While Sans...was still for a bit. John figures he was talking to the souls. He couldn't tell what was going on there. Then sans look at Jones….and snapped his fingers as two Gaster Blasters fired. Jones dodged at the last second. “Normally. I would have gone with keeping you alive. But those kids...I've been a worse influence then I thought. Even when their such good kids. They can't forgive you for what you've done to their world. Even the merciful ones. Though to them it's more of a mercy to stop you then to let you cause more suffering. So.” He held Chara’s knife/sword on his shoulder and points Justice Pistol at Jones. “You ready for a bad time?”

Standing, Jones cracked his neck. “Have it your way buds.” Jones was fast, his draw and release on his bow was fast… very fast. Sans teleported out of the way while John dodged with the arrow barely grazing his mask. “But I’m weakened, not powerless.”

“Wouldn't be fair if you were.” John said as he sent Void waves at him from his sword. Jones dodged or shot them away. Though he barely dodged a shot from Sans Justice Pistol.

Jones fired an arrow at the Justice pistol, shattering the attack in one blow as he fired three rapidly at John.

John dodged by using Shadow Walk. He then Blinked right up to Jones and slammed his right hand on Jones Chin. Then he quickly switched hands and slammed Jones into the ground. He saw that Jones had braced for it in time and prevented most of the damage.

Jones swiftly spun around, bow already drawn as he let go, the arrow slicing some of John’s leg clean off. A good fist sized chunk missing as Jones spun up, kicking and tossing John off the the side before firing five arrows as Sans.

Sans deflected them with the Frying Pan and teleported next to John, who was still close to Jones, and slammed a fiery Bravery Fist into Jones face.

Jones took an arrow in his grip and jabbed it into one of Sans hands. Sans’s god tire hp fell by ten percent.

Then one of Jones hands was nearly sliced off. He saw that one of Sans hands held Chara’s knife. It did major damage to his hp even though it was just a bad slice on his hand. Which pissed him off.

“Vile brat.” He hissed, breaking off the tip of his arrow and wielding it like a dagger. “I programmed your entire moveset and redid your whole psychology. You really think you can surprise me brat?”

“No. Figure we wouldn't, but we can distract you.” Sans says before lazily pointing behind Jones. He turned….to take a mallet made of Void to the face.

“Not a golf club, but Fore!!” John yells as he hit Jones face with a mallet sending him back a couple of yards.

“Hey pitcher.” Sans said as he appeared before Jones hit the smack him with the frying pan like its a bat. “Let see if he can ‘dish’ what we give him.” Sans said.

“Enough!” Jones yelled, halting his own momentum from the hit mid air before flying up some meters. “Targets locked. Storm Riser.” He said, drawing his bow back, his arrow glowing bright as he fired, immediately countless super charged arrows flew in every direction, barely an inch of space between them.

“I got them. Get down!” Sans yelled as he had four Gaster Blasters appear and fired powerful blast of magic deflecting most of the arrows. John got one in his shoulder before he could get to safety. He pulled the arrow out before noticing it glowing brighter and brighter.

“Oh crap!” He through the arrow away before it exploded with enough force to send both of them back a few meters.

The arrows around them that impacted the ground began exploding in chains. The blasts taking their toll on the duo. When it ended, John and Sans where bruised, hurt, and barely conscious. “I have to admit, the fact you two survived that attack impresses me.” Jones said, walking up to the two. “Even Lord has his trouble with it, but I was at full strength back then.”

“I-I won't le-let you win.” John said as he struggled to get up. He felt a familiar pressure on his left eye but beat it down.

“What he said.” Sans said. Also trying to get up. The Souls giving him more Determination.

“Your worlds souls where what interested me.” Jones said, his hand phasing into Sans, Sans screaming in agony as he pulled out a red heart shaped soul. “The red one in particular.”

“G-give that b-back!” Sans said. Somehow still holding his form.

“Oh I will, but first… Chara still has a job to do.” Jones said, the soul glowing green with ones and zeros aura covering it… code.

“What are you doing?” John said. While Sans realized what he meant.

“Fuzing the two, and turning them into what is normally an Admins fear...but I’m no longer an Admin.” Jones said, the aura faded as the soul turned back, and Jones waved his hand, the soul floating into a portal he opened. “He will return to his body, and be reborn a Delete. Once his whole world, underground and human worlds are gone… his body will fail, and he’ll die.”

“It’s me or the kid, who will you kill first? Kill me, who knows how much he’ll erase, kill the kid, well, I’ll still be alive.” Jones laughed.

John's anger grew and grew at what he heard. “Is life...just a toy for you?!” John said with his eyes hidden. The pressure in his left eye growing more and more.

“It’s what Admins do.” Jones said, opening his arms wide in his own self victory. “We create because before us there was nothing, not even Deletes or anything within the ancient void our ancestors were conceived within. We create because we can, create whatever we like, whenever we like, and when we are bored with it, we either scrap it, or let the Deletes have at it. It’s what we do, and it’s what we always will be.”

John slowly stood up. “Sans…” John thrusted his arm at Sans without looking and the Void mark appeared on Sans left hand. “Frisk and Chara are still apart of you. With that mark go take them back. As for this….bastard.” John looked up at Jones. The pressure in his eye enormous. “Leave him to me.”

“Hahahahaha. Bring it you little plaything!” Jones laughed, acting…. Happy that John was still able to fight.

John snapped his fingers to open a portal for sans to get back to his world on stop Frisk/Chara. “Good luck.” Sans said before going through. Leaving John and Jones.

“Your not leaving here alive.” John said. As he started walking towards Jones.

“Then let’s make it interesting.” Jones said, pulling out a stopwatch. “I bet I can end this within fifteen minutes. Or is that too little time for you?”

John didn't reply. He just blinked in front of Jones and reared back to slug him. Jones could easily dodge it, but was stunned by the red glow...behind John's left eye? John's fist was covered in both purple Void and the same red glow. That glow was very familiar. He then sensed it half a second before it connected.

Jones barely dodged it, then jumped back several feet. “No wonder you are so hard to kill. You’re a Psychopath.” Jones said.

John looked at Jones before removing the contacts in his left eye. Revealing his blood red eye. “I had to ever since I was young. I always feel it clawing away at me. It's why I always hold back. No matter who it was. But you? I won't hold back anymore. Like I said. You will die.” John said as he was covered in both Void and Psychopath energy.

“Hm. I guess I will then.” Jones said. “No Admin until Cript has ever bested Deletes, or Psychopaths… Still, least I can die knowing that when you kill me, and get a taste for that power, Cript will have to kill you. That’s right, I see that look in your eyes, you’ve killed before, and you’ve grown to enjoy it. Least I can take joy from that.” Jones said, drawing his bow.

“Interesting statement, but you forgot one thing.” John said.

“Oh what? That Cript can save you? That you’re stronger than the Psychopath hive? Spare me the banter and either die or kill me!”

“Not that.” The voice was from behind Jones. A hand covered in Void, Psychopath, and Jones blood went through his chest out the other end. Holding his heart. “How can I have a taste of this power, when I had already had it for so long, and I only resist the control. I'm fine with the rest. Unlike the others. Killing doesn't bother me.” John then crushed Jones heart. The John in front of him dispersing into shadows.

“Hehe. Since when did freaks like you come to be?” Jones asked as he fell back. “I’ll be seeing you in the next life, you monster. Maybe then, I’ll have your head…” Jones said, his eyes closing as his breathing stopped.

“Maybe. That is if I get a second life.” John said. Before looking behind him to see someone he had been expecting since he used this power again.

“You’ve been busy.” Cript said, walking up and kicking Jones’s corpse over. “Damn, that’s messy.”

John just stared at Cript before saying. “So. You here to kill me or what?” Emotionless like. Happens when he uses this.

“No, just to see how far you’ve tapped in.” Cript said, looking over John’s eye.

“Barely tapped the surface correct?” John said.

“Once you are linked to them, you can draw power from them. Being an assassin I can imagine that would be easy as their power is linked to murder.”

“I hear them every time I so much as think of taking a life. I hear their whispers all the time. Ever since I was a kid and got my first kill.” John said. “Does it ever get easier?”

“Nope.” Cript said, blinking as his eyes changed, both the Psychopath red as John felt that energy...dwarf him. “I was created to be one. I was created to end everything. Their voices were like a second personality to me. At some point, I did listen to them… when I killed one. But, I did something that let it’s host begin to break free.”

“What?” John asked.

“I forgave them.” Cript said. Both the host and Psychopath where surprised. I forgave them for all the torment they did to me, what they made others do to me. I’ve learned it’s okay to listen to them, but even Psychopaths and Deletes deserve kindness. For every psychopath I kill I cremate the body, for ever Delete slain I return them to void, and for every other life I’ve taken I bury what’s left.”

John looked at Cript before looking away. “For a long time I hated these Voices. That hate grew after I found out that my rage lead to one of Zeke's halfs becoming a Psychopath and slaughtered countless life's. I hear what your saying, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to forgive yet. Maybe one day.” John said. Feeling the Voices...were surprised he said one day.

“Psychopaths aren’t as black and white as they appear. They feel, see, and experience every death caused by any kind of murder all the time. From both the victim and the murderer. They just want that pain to end, and it can only end if there was no more life to die. It’s how they see their way out of the pain.”

“I see.” John said. Seeing more of what Cript said. Pychopaths aren't as black and white as most seem them as. When he said he wasn't ready to forgive. He also meant he wasn't ready to forgive himself. Hearing this though. Maybe...he should try to forgive. As he thought that. He felt...strange. He felt this before. Once when light was a Psychopath, and when he fought his inner rage. He looked at his hand, and saw that same bluish glow from then. “This is….”

“Humanity. Psychopaths other half.” Cript said, his eyes returning to normal. “Don’t get any ideas. Humanity is more potent, and if wielded with Psychopath without proper practice, you will explode with the power of a red giant gone supernova.”

John looked at his hand, and couldn't help but wonder….why? “What makes me different from the others? Zeke and Ben I could understand. Zeke is your reflection and Ben is both the heir to Nothingness and you son through that family curse. So...what's so different about me to get this? Someone like me...shouldn't have this kind of power.”

“Neither should I.” Cript admitted. “I’m just a guy built and born to destroy creation and stole a destiny that belonged to another. Well, stole might be the wrong word. I fulfilled the destiny of another.”

John pondered on what Cript said, but before he could ask he heard the Voices again. Repeating a word over and over. “Cript?” John asked. “What's Generation? The Psychopath Voices keep repeating it over and over.”

“An ability. Very rare, very...broken, overpowered.” Cript shrugged.

“Ok. Why are they telling me this though, and what does it do?” John asked.

“In time. You still have this and another chapter do wrap up.” Cript said, confusing John.

“Did you just break the fourth wall?” John asked. Yes. Yes he did.

”Yeah, but that’s for you to interpret.”

“Ok. So what now?” John asked.

“Well you killed an Admin. Speaking from personal experience you get their shit. He has no realm, code powers. So you just get his bow and a rare ability of your choosing.”

“Ok. Can you use you pipboy thing to tell me it's stats please. Also what abilities?” John asked as he bow appeared in his hand. He forgot the name of those things.

“It’s called and Assistant, and sure. Here’s your new bow.”

Class B Admin Weapon

Att: 2,000
Def: 350
Mag: 975

Each kill with this bow raises it’s stats randomly.

Ability: Drink- Coat your arrow in blood before shooting, and let the arrow give you their, and all around them’s strength.

“Dang. Is the stat boost permanent or temporary?” John asked.

“Do you think it is?” Cript asked.

“Permanent would make this weapon almost broken in the right, or wrong, hands and temporary seems more balanced.” John said.

“Well it is an Admin weapon.” Cript added.

“Good point.” John put the bow away. “What abilities were you talking about anyway?”

“Well, let’s see.” Cript said, his Assistant scanning John with a blue light before he showed it to him.

John Corvo

Rewarded Ability of choosing for Defeating former Admin Jones

1.Requiem: Every low level enemy that manages to hit you is automatically countered and if low enough level, killed/

2.Rags: All armors worn deflect and block all ranged attacks regardless of their condition or materials.

3.Finite: All weapons never break, no matter how damaging of a blow.

John whistles at these abilities. “I can only choose one correct?” He asked.


John thought for a bit before choosing. “Finite. Keeping my weapons from breaking during the job is essential for an assassin. Weapons break during a fight almost guarantees death.”

John felt himself… different. He pulled out one of his blades, and tried to break it…. To no avail. “Neat huh?”

“Ya. This is useful.” John said before putting the blade back up. “Just wondering. Have Ben or Zeke fought and killed an admin yet, or am I the first out of us?”

“Ben killed a Delete and Zeke is, well, preoccupied.”

“Oh. Ok. So. Is there another reason your here besides my psychopath powers and killing Jones here?” John asked.

“Not really. I’m here mostly as a plot device.”

“Ok then.” John said. Ignoring the fourth wall break. “I should go get Sans and Aqua. From what my mark is telling me Sans was successful in reuniting with Frisk and Chara. Things are ok. Although Most of the underground is gone.”

“True. Well, you go on then.”

John put his contacts back on before opening a portal. He walked through it.

After meeting up with Aqua and Sans. Sans decided to join John as they all went back to the Dojo. Those that lives from the underground moved to Equestria. At one point John was training on his own. When a portal appeared next to him….