That new car smell

by Hellcat707hp

The disaster

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Motherfucking car!" Alan yelled as he drained Mia's oil all over his face on accident 

"Need some help there?" Ashley said walking into Alan's garage

"Maybe a little" Alan said "So today's the day you're gonna let me drive that Hellcat right?"

"Yes silly of course." Ashley replied with an amused tone in her voice

"Hey can you pass me that Pennzoil?" He asked reaching his hand out and pointing

"Sure. Hey how about a race? Your Challenger versus my Supra?" Ashley suggested to Alan pointing her thumb towards her car

"Sure but if you get left in the dust don't cry, ok? Alan said refilling the oil in Mia 

"Whatever, shut up and let's go." Ashley said in a playful tone

"Ok, 4 laps around Ponyville. My house will mark one lap, first to pass my house 4 times is the winner. Got that?" Alan explained the rules to Ashley

"Ok sounds good, lets go!" Ashley said

"Alright! Keep up Ash Ketcham." Alan said jokingly while bopping her on the nose

"Oh you know how I hate that name! You're definitely going down now!" Ash said getting annoyed

"Prove it." Alan said cockily

The whole town shook when the two cars pulled up behind Alan's house. They both revved, the deep rumble and whine of the challenger, and the high pitch raspy roar of the supra accompanied by a loud whistle and stututu.
Alan honked 3 times and they were off. The torque of the challenger got him off the line faster, but in the straits the Supra pulled hard gaining and gaining.
All was fun until the 3rd lap turn towards Alan's house. They took the turn, Ashley drifted it like she had the whole race but Alan turned a little too hard. His tires dug into the ground and he flipped and rolled several times until slamming roof first into a tree. His roll cage somewhat failed and snapped in the middle, it hit Alan in the back of his head knocking him unconscious. Thankfully he lived, but Mia was a wreck

"Alan!" Ashley screamed. She hurried to Twilight's,

*knock knock knock

The door opened
"Ashley what's wrong?" Twilight asked

"Just get in the car!" Ashley demanded
As they pulled up to the wreck the car was smoking a little, starved of oil
Twilight used a large majority of her magic to flip the car upright and bend most body panels into their original shapes. 

"Help me get him out!" Ashley said

Twilight helped get him out
"Put him in your car I'll show you how to get to the hospital." Twilight said

"Can't you just teleport us there?" Ashley asked 

"I used most of my magic flipping and fixing his car, I have to let it recharge 
They showed up at the hospital and took him inside.

"Someone get an X-ray and catscan ready!" Twilight yelled, and the doctors got right to it
Alan was unconscious in a hospital bed with Ashley and Twi by his side
Alan moved around a little and awoke

"Where am I?" He asked
Ashley and Twi jumped up "don't move you are seriously hurt! You wrecked your car! Ashley explained

"Did I win? Heheheh*cough*cough" Alan joked but his laughs soon erupted into violent cough "Yup, that's a broken rib or two." Alan strained to say "Wait how's my car?" Alan asked slightly panicked

"I flipped it upright and used my magic to bend all the body panels and frame back into the right shape." Twilight said proudly

"Ok so the results came back. Ah you're awake, that's great!" The nurse explained as she walked in "so you have a minor concussion, a broken wrist, two broken ribs, and an ankle sprain. You should be outta here in a week or two." Redheart explained

"Wait all of that, and it's only a week or two?" Alan asked very confused and shocked

"Well that's magic for you." Redheart said giggling a little

"Wow." Was all Alan could say

Over the next two weeks Alan was visited by the mane 6, the Princesses, Ashley, Lyra, and even Vinyl.

The weeks passed
"Well Alan you're good to go, you are healthier than you've ever been!" The doctor at the desk said while looking through his paperwork.

"Thanks doc, have a great day!" Alan said
When Alan walked outside, what he saw made him smile like he never had.

"Well, how about you say we go for a drive?" Ashley said pointing to the White Hellcat Redeye sitting behind her. She pulled out her keys and started it. The halos in the front lit up, the left was blue like the rest of Ashley's cars, but the right one was purple and red. It gave the car almost a possessed look, the engine roared to life and Alan got a wicked smile

"Let's rock and roll" Alan said grabbing the keys from Ashley

"Hey Alaaaan, guess what." Twilight said while she trotted over

"What's up?" He asked

"As a gift, Ponyville and the Princesses have been building what is basically a Ponyville sized lot for you over the past five weeks." Twilight explained

"No way!" Alan said very excited 

"Yes way, we developed an asphalt like concrete and we used it to build a large area. It was known among us as the 'Alan's playground project'" Twilight explained

"Let's go there with the Redeye! Where is this playground?" Alan asked

"It's about a mile off Ponyville that way" Twilight pointed.

"Let's go Ash!" Alan yelled running to the car, when he got in the car he revved the engine and laughed maniacally

Once there Alan turned up the stereo and queued up Fuel by Metallica
"GIVE ME FUEL, GIVE ME FIRE, GIVE ME THAT WHICH I DESIRE!" Alan yelled singing along as he threw the car into a drift
After the sun went down and Alan had his fun, him and Ashley went back to his place

"Lyra, I'm home!" Alan yelled into the seemingly empty house

"You son of a bitch!" Lyra ran down the steps jumping onto Alan, knocking him down "You got out today and you spend the day with a car instead of your m- who's this?" Lyra asked after noticing the girl

"I am one of Alan's closest friends from his dimension." Ashley said

"You're the one responsible for him almost dying!" Lyra was about to start yelling before Alan shut her up with a kiss

"Ok I've seen a lot of strange this in my life but this certainly takes the cake!" Ashley said

"It wasn't her fault! It was my fault because I misjudged my turning and my speed. So don't blame her ok?" Alan said softly

"O-o-ok I-I won't blame her." Lyra stammered, as she turned as red as an apple

"How about we discuss this over dinner?" Alan suggested

"I'll cook!" Ashley said
"I'll cook!" Lyra said

"No I'll cook!" Ashley said
"No I'll cook!" Lyra said

"How about both of you cook." Alan said stopping a fight from breaking out

"Ok I guess we can do that"Ashley said

"And while you girls do that I'm gonna check on my cars ok?" Alan said as he walked towards the door to his garage and his cars were actually collecting dust. Alan ran his fingers along the hood of his viper watching as dust collected on his fingertips, he then drew a smily face on Nightmare's hood. "Time to clean you girls up

Alan started up Nightmare and drove just outside the garage. He ran inside grabbed a bucket, and walked into the kitchen where Ashley was rinsing off potatoes. "Ooh are you making homemade french fries?" Alan asked Ashley

"Yes, I am. What's the bucket for? I thought you left actually" she said

"The bucket is for washing the viper." Alan explained while filling the bucket

"Ok, but you have 20 minutes until dinner is ready so hurry up" Ashley said waving a finger

Alan got done just as Ashley called his name

After dinner Ashley went home and that left just him and Lyra
"Soooo, Alan. What was that?" Lyra asked

"What was what?" He asked

"That kiss!" She yelled

"Uh" was all Alan could say before she leapt on him giving him a long tender kiss, and he had no protest
As she pulled a way

"Are we a thing?" Alan asked
"Are we a thing?" Lyra asked

"I think so." Alan stated

"Ok, cool. Cool." Lyra said blankly
"Who should we tell first?" She asked

"I don't know." Alan said

"How about Twilight?" Lyra asked

"No, she will be last." Alan stated

"Why? I mean she is our neighbor." Lyra said

"Heheheheh, 'neigh'bor" Alan said
receiving a glare from Lyra

"Alan, this is serious!" Lyra said

"Well it's because I'm pretty sure she likes me." Alan said scratching the back of his neck

"Oh, well that's awkward." Lyra said

Alan pulled out his phone, looking at the time "Welp would ya look at the time! I'm going to bed! Goodnight Lyra!" He ran upstairs to his room and started getting undressed, then Lyra walked in "WOAH WOAH WOAH! I'M KINDA NAKED HERE!" Alan shouted

"SHIT! SORRY!" Lyra shouted turning around and covering her eyes

"Why'd you even walk in here to begin with?" Alan said, slipping some underwear on

"I figured since we are a couple now we might as well sleep in the same bed." Lyra said nonchalantly

"Alright then. Ok. Climb up I guess." Alan said "It's been years since I've dated

They slept all night comfortably and soundly but were woken up by the sound of a V-10 SRT truck
"FUCK! FUCK! Fu-oooohhh, that's right. I let Ash borrow my truck last night" Alan got out of bed very spastically, but slowed as he realized his mistake

"Alan! What the fuck was that!" Lyra yelled

"I just thought someone stole my truck." Alan said putting a tank top and shorts on, and holstering his gun

"That's who we should tell! Ashley" Lyra said

"Good idea!" Alan said opening his door "Hey Ashl- when did you get dirt bikes?" Alan said perplexed

"Well before you vanished I bought dirt bikes, I was gonna give you the black one but you vanished. And since today is your 29th birthday I figure here's a birthday present." Ashley explained

"Lyra what day is it today?" Alan asked

"October 20th, why? Is today your birthday?" Lyra asked

"Yes!" Alan hid behind Ashley "Keep the pink cotton candy haired one away from me!" Alan said

"Well, she won't follow us in that forest on these bikes!" Ashley said

"Stay safe Alan, love you." Lyra said walking inside

"Where are you going?" Alan asked

"To bake a cake, silly." Lyra said

"Ok! I love you too!" Alan yelled to her over the bikes and through the helmet

"Let's go!" Ashley said
Once at the forest they heard a menacing howl

After riding around for a while, disaster struck
Ashley was swatted of her bike by a lone timberwolf. It snapped and clawed at her before landing a blow to her stomach making a long gash.
It only lasted for 10 seconds because a loud *BANG* rang out
Alan fired a round into the air to get the beast's attention. "Come get me!" Alan yelled as he aimed his weapon at the beast's head *BANG* "Six" Alan said, he fired again *BANG* "five" Alan said, The wolf kept running towards him. He fell on his back to avoid being rammed by the wolf *BANG BANG BANG* he shot up into the wolf's stomach "three" *BANG* Alan kept counting down as he shot the wolf in the side *BANG* "two, one" he had one shot left. The wolf turned around and ran his way "Smile you sorry sack of shit" Alan said *BANG* time seemed to slow down as the trigger was pulled. The bullet went through one eye, through the brain, and through the other eye. The wolf was dead

Alan ran to Ashley took his shirt off, and used it to bandage the gash and slow the loss of blood

"You're gonna be ok! Keep those eyes open" Alan got on the bike, and put her on the back. She use what energy she had to hold onto his back on the way to the hospital
Once there he literally kicked the door open "DOCTOR! WE HAVE A TIMBERWOLF ATTACK VICTIM! SOMEBODY HELP HER!