Doctor Horrible is Adorable

by Scarlett Haze

Act 1, Scene 3

When I had woke up from the unfortunate act of being run over by near hundreds of excited filly pegesi and rubber balls to the face, I found myself placed in what had to be the medical area. The nurse that was looking over at me seemed relieved that I wasn't dead, at least. For the longest time I was fighting with my mind to get up from the covers and continue to my suitcase, or just throw them over my head and keep down. I had finally forced myself from the bed and stood up, doing a mental check on what on my body hurt.

"Feeling better, Fluttershy?" The nurse kept her eyes on me, my own shifted from her to a stack of papers on the desk she was at. "We've got the notices that your mother sent to us about your condition, so don't worry about us not being able to care for you."

Fearing the worst, I tried to get closer to the papers, hoping to figure out what conditions she was talking about. I could distinctively note keywords that gave me a hint as to what it was she was referring to. 'DID' and 'social isolation' struck a chord, they had diagnosed... me... with Dissociative Identity Disorder. I couldn't believe the nerve of these ponies! I was me... just as a pony... that had problems trying to control my sense of judgement.

My mouth remained shut, but my own fear spoke volumes, perhaps I wasn't real? NO! Of course I was... AM! I leaned a hoof against my head, the sudden outburst of thought and panic made it hurt to think straight. "I need my suitcase," I spoke out clearly, the first time I had done so in this body. The nurse nodded her head and pointed to my suitcase that was set up in a corner of the room. "When Sunset informed us that you hadn't returned, she took the liberty to get your suitcase for you after she found you lying at the door of Cabin Cheer."

I only gave her a look and went to the suitcase, just wanting to get my things and leave. Taking the suitcase I left the room, now frightened at what had happened. I needed to get out, now more than ever. It explained everything, the irrational shyness, the immediate need to apologize to everything, I was not the only... thing in this body that was trying to do what I wanted to do. I was locking horns and thoughts with the real Fluttershy, and I knew I couldn't lose out to her.

"Get a hold of yourself, Billy," I told myself, my eyes shutting out everything as I left the building. "You're not thinking rationally, you are you, not some pegasus! You just need to get this entire thing taken care of, and the only way to do that is to find the right parts I need to make the transmatter ray again." My eyes went open and scanned the entirety of the cloud camp and groaned, "All of the parts I need are all metal, plastic, and requires a soldering iron. This place doesn't have any of it!" I stamped a hoof in frustration and found myself sunk into the fluffy expanse, the sound of laughter caught my attention.

"Look at that, Hoops," the brown pegasus pointed at me, "Looks like Fluttershy is actually a Klut-ershy!" I recognized him as one of the two fillies that gave Gilda the envelope on the bus. As much as I wanted to give him a piece of my mind, I found myself actually shoving my face into the cloud and crying. I couldn't believe this, there I was, one hoof jammed in a cloud that I couldn't pull out, and no hope of escaping this humiliation. I don't know how long it was until I heard the sound of my rescuer.

"Come on now, both of you go back to your cabins, we have yet to perform our opening ceremonies." I looked up to see Sunset Boulevard shooing away the two bullies and looking down at me, my guardian angel. She lifted me up from the cloud and gave me a concerned look. "They didn't do anything bad to you, Fluttershy?" I could only shake my head, my lips now pressed so tightly that no sound could escape. "You don't have to be a cabin leader, if you don't want to Fluttershy." The feelings of both despair and relief hit me hard, only making the tears that were already building up begin to fall faster down my face.

"I-I-I c-c-can't do that," I stuttered out, feeling like a small child again. "W-w-wanna go h-h-home." I couldn't believe how pathetic I had become, to go from being the fastest uprising villain of all time, to a shivering, fearful, and over emotional filly that couldn't fly. Sunset just stayed with me as I had latched onto her leg and let out all of my tears of frustration and sadness run down it. When I had no more tears to cry, she set me off of her leg and stared at me with a comforting smile, letting my overbearing emotion reach an end.

"Then let's go to the cabin, there are a lot of little fillies and colts that would love to meet you."


I had managed to find a room that was rarely used to go ahead and set up my camera. After all of this experience for just one day in a flight camp, I needed to let it out somewhere. To the only people... or perhaps ponies at this point, that I could be open towards. I had managed to try and make the coat that I wore a little shorter so it didn't look like it enveloped me like a giant monster, and the goggles that I had were able to be repaired, somewhat. I had found out that the goggles were needed to be made into a more rectangular shape in order to fit comfortably on my head.

After some much needed scavenging in the late night, I had only managed to come back with a small spring and glass that I had to carefully try to cut. I also managed to steal a HAM radio that I managed to finally take apart and use what little I could forcefully fit into the goggles, hopefully I could come up with a reasonable excuse if for some reason investigation was led to me. Getting everything together, I gave a sigh and activated the camera.

"Hello again, ponies of Equestria... and people of Earth..." So many terms and knowledge had started to infiltrate my own, no doubt thanks to whatever this 'Fluttershy' had managed to accrue before I had the unfortunate experience to be brought here.

"So, I have some updates I need to tell you all. I'm now cabin leader and captain of Cabin Cheer, in Summer Flight Camp." I pointed to my new, and slightly improved goggles, giving off a slight smirk. "Heh, these are my goggles, after the trip they were pretty damaged, so I made it a bit more durable... hopefully." I then looked down at my coat, still oversized, but more fitting the now small structure I had. "I've got the coat down to something more manageable, so if I decide to walk around with it, I won't accidentally trip or something."

Just somber background music...

That's when the picture of Penny stuck out, I had forgotten that I had it lodged in one of the pockets. I felt my heart already racing as I reached and pulled the picture out, it was exceptionally wrinkled, but there she was. My hooves shook along with the rest of my body as I looked at her. The picture I had taken during one of the many times I watched her in the shadows, this one of her looking up from an old science-fiction novel, her eyes looking off to the left of where I was. I could already feel myself getting ready to break down and forced myself to slam the picture onto the floor.

"I- I am fine. Just... give me a second," I turned my back to the camera, these emotions were bringing me to a new level of madness. Everything that I had ever wanted was stripped from me again, first Penny, and then my life as a villain. I had nothing. I was just a delusional man that had became a pony with no self control of her own feelings. Could I even consider myself a man anymore? Could I even be able to go back to who I really was? The questions kept going through my head.

"Perhaps if you were more kind to other ponies, they could help you."

My eyes looked around, I knew I heard a voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad."

"No! Stop it! Stop trying to be nice to me! I'm a bad guy! I'm a villain! A monster!" I turned quickly and shut off the camera, not wanting anypony else to see how insane I had become. My head kept ringing, it felt as if both myself and Fluttershy were now fighting over who needed to be in control.

"It's really late, you should go to bed."

The tears I had already started crying were still going as I felt myself drawn to the bunk I had chosen in order to sleep. My head finally hitting the pillow face first as I bawled the rest of the night, being given comforting words from the creature that my mind was conjuring up for me. The caring visage of Penny kept going through my mind, it began to make me want to go back, to when I first met her, not as Billy, but as Doctor Horrible, showing her everything I really was, rather than living a lie.

It was only my second day as a pony, and I already felt myself slowly caving in.