Voidic and The Philosopher's Stone.

by lightningman

Chapter 12 - Thoughts of the Thoughtless

Dumbledore was not having a good day.
Not only was he locked out of the Potter vaults, but if he wanted his plans to continue along the way that he wanted, he would have to pay out of his own money, and possibly the Hogwarts funds as well. He needed that money to pay for Molly's potion ingredients. If she didn't have those ingredients, She would never be able to keep Arthur's love. And Ginny would never be able to seduce Harry.
Even worse was that Harry seems to be aware of his heritage as a Marauder. This wasn't supposed to happen. His relatives were supposed to treat him like shit on their admittedly already horrible shoes. It was to make Harry's impressive magic capabilities go down. so that when Voldemort finally dies, Harry will die with him and Dumbledore will be hailed as a hero for bringing about the downfall of Europe's most dangerous dark lord in a hundred years. And Harry's inheritance will go to the Weasley family, which are currently 'in his back pocket.' as the muggles say. But he seems to be growing stronger by the day. What's going on?
And what's worse is that it seems that Voidic has become exceedingly close to young Harry. This was also not good, especially considering the... uniqueness... of him, well, both of them actually.
It seems that Voidic is actually able to correctly predict the future, even better than their own Divination teacher. He asked for students to attend his class BY NAME! He wasn't supposed to know the names of any students other than the ones he was going to teach. And he handed that scroll to him even before he got on the train. So either he got ahold of the Hogwarts registry. (Which would have been hard considering it's locked it Dumbledore's office.) Or he predicted the future. And what's worse. He couldn't find anything about Voidic's past. This was rare, as Dumbledore had contacts all over the world that could give you the information of a person so detailed, you thought that you were actually the person only with amnesia and hearing about your adventures from others. But no, Voidic's past was so well buried, it was like looking for a scratched needle in a pile of needles the size of Hagrid.
Dumbledore sighed and popped a sherbet lemon into his mouth and washed it down with butterbeer.
But Voidic and Harry aren't the only new additions that are concerning. This... Pinkie Pie... Is a huge concern as well. Not in the way as Voidic and Harry. No, but simply because SHE DIDN'T MAKE SENSE! Seriously, It's like half of the things that she does is meant to create headaches for wizards. And the other half is simply defying the basic rules of reality. She somehow manages to apparate inside of the castle, she pulls objects out of thin air that doesn't disappear after a certain amount of time like regular summoned objects like that. And this is all topped with the insufferable aura of hers. It basically forces you to feel happy when around her. It was confusing that a girl like that could be so happy after being thrown into something so unfamiliar. Barely any muggle-borns act like her, and even those react with less enthusiasm.
Dumbledore finished off his sherbet lemon and put another one into his mouth, trying hard to avoid the beard and mustache on his face so that hair didn't enter his mouth.
His plans seemed to be crippling at the kneecaps. But it was still possible to salvage them.
Dumbledore stood up and decided something. Tomorrow, he would attend Voidic's class and see how he teaches and assess how much of a danger he truly is, or if he's just oblivious like everyone else.