Heart of Gold

by CartoonNerd12

Chapter 27

As it was still dead in the night, Discord was still a draconequus with everyone gathered in the throne room after Rarity alerted the entire castle of what has happen in the dungeons. Discord had the interloper brought to him once he regained conscious. Two other guards were holding him given Flash and Soarin had to be taken to the hospital wing to check if they had concussions from their head injuries.

Discord sat on his throne with Fluttershy and the girls on the side along with Spike, Cheese, and Fancy Pants as they looked straight at the gray and black-striped cat. The draconequus stated.

"Now it is my understanding that not only did you trespass into my home but you almost killed the imposter known as Count Capper and according to Miss Rarity here, you were his associate for a great deal of time before literally turning into a backstabbing traitor. Such a thing like that will not go unpunished." he looked down at the cat menacingly.

Chummer felt a chill down his spine when looking up to the king's frightening appearance.

Discord continued, "As such, I am having you transported to Canterlot where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna can give you the worst punishment imaginable. Though knowing them it won't be that horrible unless you're all powerful magical being, but I digress. So before you go, I have a special thing just for you." he pointed his glowing finger at the cat making him quake and with a flash, Chummer found himself wearing something so humiliating that words could not describe it making everyone blush in embarrassment and had to either turn their heads away or cover their eyes.

Even the guards couldn't stand to look at him as they were order to take him away.

Discord got up from his throne, saying, "Now that's been taken care of we can finally go back to bed."

Everyone agreed as they started departing from the room. Twilight and Rainbow decided they would check on their beloveds first before retiring while the married couples went together including Fancy and Rarity. Fluttershy stayed behind with Discord to ask.

"What about Capper? Shouldn't someone check on him just in case? After all being almost murdered is a terrifying thing!"

Discord smiled and patted her head, "There, there my sweet I will personally check on him before going to sleep. You on the other hand need your beauty rest, especially since we got a lot to do tomorrow between planning a wedding and giving you queen lessons." he shooed her off, "So off to bed, off to bed."

She giggled before flapping up to kiss his cheek making his smile wider and she fluttered away like a graceful butterfly in his eyes. She looked back to share a loving look with him before leaving the room.

He sighed before popping down to the dungeons where he could see the Abyssinian moping in his cell. The tall cat looked up to see the king standing there in front of the bars.

Capper muttered, "Let me guess, you've decided to extend my punishment all because I blabbed out about the bet to Miss Fluttershy, right?"

"Actually no, I came down here to ask you what you did that would instigate a murder upon you. It's quite impressive really."

Capper sarcastically replied, "Gee I'm glad you think so because it sure as heck scared me out of four of my nine lives."

Discord mockingly countered, "Oh how very witty of you. Yes, that does seem to be your specialty giving out clever responses that seems to win everyone over. Not me though, I knew what your little game was right from the start as you buttered up to those royal delegates in that summit."

Capper mumbled, "Nothing gets past you."

Discord was confused by the lack of enthusiasm from the cat and commented, "My, my, aren't we the grumpy puss? So… what's eating you?"

Capper glared at him and angrily said, "Well what do you suspect?! My oldest friend wanted to kill me! And on top of that…" he stopped short realizing he would be giving too much information and turned around with crossed arms, "Just forget it and leave me alone… You don't care about what happens to me anyway. You're a king and you can have everything you want."

Suddenly he heard hysterical laughter and saw Discord lying on his side while pounding his fist on the floor. He said between chortles, "You… you think I had… oh that's too priceless!" he resumed laughing hard.

It was Capper's turn to be confused with him saying, "I don't get it."

Discord sat up and wiped away a tear in his eye as he said, "Listen kid-"


"Trust me I have every right to call you that because I am much, much older than you, by a thousand years more so."

Capper slacked jawed at that reveal.

"Let me explain."

"Please do, because I am so lost right now."

"So yes, anyway, I told Fluttershy this before that I was a rare species called the draconequus. And I have also told her that I was the last of my kind but I never told her how I was the last of my species. But before I go any further, I want you to swear that you'll never repeat what I told you, got it?"

"Like I'll have anyone to tell while I'm stuck here and besides I managed to keep the fact that I was an imposter for a long period time without anyone knowing so it's a safe thing to say that your secret will be kept safe."

Discord gave him a doubting look and kept eye contact with him until he remembered that cats could stare for a really long time without blinking and finally said.

"Fine." then he began the story, "So how I became the last of my kind is quite the tragic tale actually. Thousands of years ago when Equestria was first founded, the unicorn: Starswirl the Bearded made these two alicorn sisters co-rulers of the entire nation and during their first years as novice monarchs, they decided to gather as many allies as they can. Now they had met an odd and elderly but very powerful couple that could use their powers for good and had decided to make them the rulers of a quaint little village that was growing…"

Capper interrupted to ask, "Does this story have a point?"

"I'm getting there! Now keep quiet! Where was I…? Ah, yes, so many years this couple ruled the tiny kingdom all the while using their powers to bring joy and happiness to their people but when it was time for them to go, they left their son in charge and just like his parents he ruled the land the way they did and shortly after that he mated with a female of the same species as him and together they had an heir. A son if you will." he leaned toward the bars, "And can you guess who that son was?" and wiggled his eyebrows.

Capper nonchalantly replied, "I'm going to take a wild guess and say that son was you, right…?"

"Correct! Now as the only heir to the throne, my parents well… shall we say… spoiled me rotten."

Capper mock shocked, "No!"

"Yes, I guess it doesn't come as a surprise per say, but can you really blame them? I was adorable!" he showed off a wallet full of baby pictures.

Capper rolled his eyes.

"Anyway," he got rid of the photos and started getting more serious, "I was a very young pup when the Umbrum War happened and my parents were summoned to come help as well as other draconequii that were still around. However…" his face went grim and he somberly expressed, "My parents never did come back and I was told later that the other draconequii were eradicated as well leaving me the last of my kind. A draconequus may be able to live for a very long time but even we are not immune to death."

Capper's eyes widen in disbelief hearing that sorrowful part of the tale.

Discord continued, "So you see, without the guidance of my parents, I was left to my own devices and ended up becoming the king that I was before… well I don't think I need to say."

Capper nodded in understanding, knowing all too well how the love of a female pony changed his life.

"So for many, many, and I do mean many years, I was oppressive and I didn't care about anyone's feelings but my own that I ended up turning the land into my own chaotic realm. Once the royal sisters got hold of this, they gave me the curse and that's how it was for a very long time. Of course I'm still cursed today, but I am so close to finally being free. So… still think I had everything I could ever want?"

Capper shook his head, "I was wrong…"

Discord smirked, "I thought so. You know now that I told my life story, I think it's only fair you tell me yours."

The cat waved his arms, "Oh no, you won't catch me telling you about my life."

Discord's smirk grew more mischievous, "Oh really…? Then maybe I can get you to sing it instead…"

Capper was taken aback by that and gritted his teeth, "You wouldn't dare…"

The draconequus pointed his glowing finger, "Wouldn't I?" then in a ball of glowing light it went into Capper's throat.

The cat tried to keep it in as long as he could but the struggle become too much for him and he ended up bursting into song, "I grew up on the sly… In the gutters and the streets of Abyssinia… Just a kid… On the fly… Getting good at getting by in Abyssinia! I bartered for a blanket… Stolen for my bread… Learned to take my chances and use my head, an Abyssinian cat is clever, clever or he ends up dead… Boils down to there are some who survive, some who don't… Some give up… Some give in… Me I won't, black and blue… Welcome to my Abyssinia…

"Standing here you can see from the spires to the piers of Abyssinia… I'd be down on that quay selling stolen souvenirs of Abyssinia...! The palaces above and alleyways below… Funny, when a city is all you know, how even when you hate it something in you loves it so…!

"That's where I learned my stuff in some rough company… There's the boy growing up who was me… All I've been… All I'll be… We can do what we're told… We can go where we're led… But I learned from my father to see what's ahead… Nothing here to hold me… No one that I owe… Funny how a boy can grow! Funny how a city tells you when it's time to go…!

"Boils down to there are some who have walls yet to climb… You and I on the fly just in time… But tonight there's a sky and quite a view… Welcome to... My Abyssinia!"

Discord lifted the spell making Capper sigh in relief before glaring at the draconequus, "Don't… ever… do that again…"

"What? It was funny and quite insightful too. So you lost your parents at a young age too, uh?"

"More or less…" Capper sighed, "I just don't like talking about it."

There was silence between them before Discord questioned, "Do you truly regret doing what you did?"

Capper looked on in confusion before slowly saying, "Yeeess…?"

"And you wish to escape your old life for good, right?"


"So… what if I told you I can do that…?"

"Oh no! You're not tricking me into signing a contract!"

"Contract?" he laughed before saying, "Perish the thought! No, I'm done with contracts, my darling Fluttershy would never forgive me if I tied another creature to my whim. No, this will be an act of generosity that I hope I never have to do again."

Capper scratched his head, "I don't… quite follow you…"

Discord explained, "There is a room in this castle. A room full of gold that Fluttershy and I have spun it from straw."

"Oh! Rarity already told me this so you don't have to give me the details."

"Well good! Because now with that room being nothing but gold, I have no use for it since I am already a wealthy king however… with you being flat broke, maybe you can have some use for it?" he suggested with a smile.

Capper gawked at the idea before suspiciously asking, "Okay, so what's the catch here?"

"No catch. As strange as that sounds coming from me." he shuddered before saying, "For once I am doing a good deed here of my own freewill." he shuddered again, "Oof, I don't think I'll get used to this feeling. Gives me a weird sensation throughout my body."

Capper couldn't believe what he was hearing and inquired to make sure this was real, "So, you're just going to let me take the gold and go?"

"That's the idea. Unless you don't want the gold-"

"I never said that! I just… want to be sure that this isn't fake and that I can take it without strings attached. That's understandable, right?"

"Fair point. So it's settled then, I'll have Fluttershy and I to finish turning the straw into gold and then you're free to go to do whatever you want to do." he held his paw out and put it between the bars.

Without hesitation, Capper took it and they shook on it.

Rarity had been escorted back to her room by her fiancé as they exchanged small talk about the awful ordeal that Rarity had to endure before Fancy voiced concern about why she was there in the first place.

Rarity had to tell him that she wanted to seek answers from Capper about how true their friendship was though it pained her to hide the truth about it being more.

They were back to her room when they said good night to each other and embraced each other. That hug alone told Rarity that there was nothing more than fondness between the two and wondered if Fancy felt it too. When they separated from each other, Rarity went straight into her room to cry before falling asleep.

When Discord had finished talking to Capper, he went back upstairs and was about to enter his room when he saw a unicorn stallion wandering aimlessly around the hall. He called out.

"Shouldn't you be in bed about now?"

Fancy looked over and told the king as he approached, "I would but I feel restless so I don't have it in me to sleep."

"So what's got you troubled?"

"I'm surprise you would ask, but then again I'm already surprised by how much you changed since I last saw you… so…" he cleared his throat, "It has come to my attention that Rarity has been acting distant toward me ever since I've returned and I got the strangest feeling it's because she loves the imposter count."

Discord gawked at this revelation and suddenly his chat with Capper made sense now. The cat also has feelings for the maid and knowing she was engaged to another he was willingly to let her go and move on from here. He gave the Abyssinian points for nobility but of course this would mean misery for Rarity to give up the one she truly loves for another.

Had the draconequus found out about this before Fluttershy came into his life, he would have reveled to this unexpected development and would have gloated about the delicious irony to Rarity and would have forced her to go through with the wedding if she wished to have freedom again.

But… given all that has happen, he didn't have it in him to do that anymore and sighed.

Fancy said, "I know being apart didn't help matters but it certainly hurts knowing the mare you've come to love falls for someone else instead but as I am a gentlecolt, I am honor bounded to wed Rarity to free her from her contract. Perhaps in time we can gain back what we had even if it isn't true love. At least our marriage won't be one of hatred but it won't be of complete happiness either…" he turned his head away in sorrow.

Discord stood there contemplating the situation before popping up Rarity's contract and looked at it. Once he finished reading, his eyes widen before commenting with smirk, "Well, well…"

Fancy looks back in confusion, asking, "What?"

Discord showed him the parchment and pointed out a particular paragraph making Fancy smile.