Life is a Test: A Series of Pony Logic Puzzles

by Brony_of_Brody

The Answer 29

1. Send the statue in the basket down to the bottom.

2. Fluttershy then gets in the other basket and goes down, sending the statue back up.

3. Rarity removes the statue while climbing inside the basket, sending her down, while Fluttershy goes back up.

4. The statue is then thrown out of the tower down to the bottom. It's not a living creature, so feel free to be as careless with it as you like.

5. Rarity and the statue are then loaded in the bottom basket while Applejack gets in the top basket. AJ goes down, Rarity and the statue go back up.

6. Send the statue in the basket down to the bottom again.

7. Fluttershy then gets in the other basket and goes down, sending the statue back up.

8. Rarity removes the statue while climbing inside the basket, sending her down, while Fluttershy goes back up.

9. Once again, chuck the statue out to the bottom of the tower.

10. Load the statue in the basket, and let that balance the weight to allow Fluttershy to come back down!