Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

A First Time For Everything Pt2

Standing over Timber, Twilight wanted him touching her everywhere, but no place more than under her tail. "I really want it."

"Want what?" Timber struggled with his needs, using the willpower he'd managed to hold against degrading himself fully for the sake of the parasite in his head. "This?" Using one hand to tug his boxers down, Timber pinched the inner edge of Twilight's left forearm again.

Turning her head, Twilight looked backward at Timber's exposed body. His penis was nothing amazing, nothing out of the ordinary, but the important thing to Twilight Sparkle was that it was real, and right behind her.

Timber Spruce could only stare as Twilight back up, lowered her hips, and shoved his penis firmly into her thigh. "To the left a bit." He'd only just spoken when Timber realized how he knew that. He was looking through Twilight's body.

In Timber's head, the parasite put a squeeze on yet another hint of him freaking out over Twilight's anatomy. Sex was close, and that was literally all the parasite wanted out of him.

"Wait." Twilight looked around the basement and cursed. "Um. Do you have a condom?"

No other question could have penetrated the haze of lust in Timber's head quite so well. Confusion was the first answer, annoyance the second, but he had come prepared. "Y-Yeah. My back pocket."

Twilight took charge since Timber's pants were out of his reach. Using her magic, she floated them closer and stepped off Timber to give him the chance to prepare. "Here."

Hands shaking a little, Timber Spruce opened the foil packet, pulled the condom out, and slid it down his shaft. It took all his attention, and when he turned back to see Twilight, shed about-faced and presented her rear to him.

A mare's body is not entirely unlike a human's. There was a vertical slit, there was an anus, and there was thighs, but that is where the comparison ends. Her anus looked puffy to Timber's eyes, but not as puffy as the bulging lips under them. It wasn't rocket science—insert tab H in slot P.

Holding her tail to one side, Twilight bit her lip and closed her eyes. Soft hands took her thighs, and couldn't help herself. Turning her head and opening her eyes, she couldn't discern her body's internal structure, but she could see Timber's wrapped penis approaching her vulva through her crystalline body.

At least partly, the moment was surreal to Timber because, as he started to push into Twilight's slick body, he could see his penis within her.

Twilight could see and feel Timber. He felt bigger than she'd thought he would, which was a wonderful surprise to her, but she wanted more of him. "W-What are you w-waiting for?"

"I thought you were a—Are you—I don't want to hurt you, Twilight." Timber was practically chanting the lewdest of lewd things in his head: just fuck her, screw her, hammer her… Tears came to his eyes with the effort he was exerting to not do something he'd regret.

Done with Timber's apparent timidness, Twilight tensed her muscles and pushed back. The blossoming pressure inside her body caused her to make the happiest equine neigh she'd ever heard, not that she was cataloging them. She looked back to see a startled Timber, and caught sight of her rear pressed firmly to his crotch, and his shaft sunk inside her.

In that moment, Twilight Sparkle stole any ability Timber Spruce had left to control himself. His urges took over, his hands grabbed at Twilight's flanks, and he started to hump into her. Each pump of his body felt better than the last, and not even the odd sight of his own penis displacing the inside of Twilight's body could distract him.

It felt to Twilight like Timber was getting bigger inside her. She looked back every now and again to see if he was, but for the most part she hung her head—mouth open—and savored the moment. The feel of him inside her blew away every experience of masturbation she'd had so far, and she couldn't control the onrushing climax that threatened to subsume her being.

Rocking her body to meet each thrust of Timber's hips in a perfect impact of blissful pleasure. Her ears turned back, listening to the song of Timber's grunts and whines. It was the music their bodies danced to, and from one step to another, Twilight Sparkle climaxed.

The feelings seemed to rush up inside her, sparking from her brain to her groin and all the places in-between. It was just like every other orgasm Twilight'd had, but exponentially better. Arching her neck, Twilight whinnied loudly as purple light pooled all around. The rush of heat, the fullness of Timber inside her, and the body-shaking pleasure of the moment was too much for Twilight to think about.

Timber was well aware that Twilight was mid-orgasm. She was tighter than ever, and the inside of her vagina felt like an undulating milking machine working over his penis. The reproductive imperative might be getting helped along chemically, but Timber didn't care. He sped up, he shoved himself against and into Twilight as fast and as hard as he could. He needed his own release, and Twilight getting to the finish first was literally a tease.

From one thrust to the next the avalanche of pleasure rocketed through Timber. He grabbed Twilight as tight as he could and pulled himself—shoved himself—forward as desperately as he could. The primal urges overtook his mind completely, and he fucked.

Panting, Twilight couldn't move, couldn't hope to do magic, and could barely even put two coherent thoughts together. She smiled, however, because the one thing she could definitely think about was how good she felt. Her magic was revitalized, energized, and she could see things through her spell-driven glasses even better than before.

Barely able to feel his sore knees, Timber slumped forward on the smaller—but stronger—form of the goddess that was under him. To him, she was definitely a goddess. The few sexual encounters he'd had in his life so far paled compared to the first awkward time with Twilight Sparkle.

The parasite rewarded its host for finally doing the right thing. It set about growing further, primed on a rich mix of the chemicals it needed to live and grow.

Time passed, how much neither mare nor "stallion" could say. Twilight had her legs braced to support their combined weight, and completely ignored everything that was more than about ten inches from her skin.

Timber was laid out along Twilight's back and neck. He would have been hanging over the front of her if he hadn't braced a little more firmly with his hands. Lowering his head a little, he kissed the tip of Twilight's horn.

Tilting her head back, Twilight adjusted the angle slightly to put her horn to the side (and not impale Timber) She gazed up into his eyes, and froze. A complex winding of fluids, highways of fibers, and a huge bundle of complex material met her eyes through the magic of her glasses. "I can see your brain."

There weren't many things that could have pulled Timber as firmly from his post-orgasmic refractory period quite as well as Twilight saying that. He blinked a few times, mentally shoving the lethargy of male climax away to focus on the mare under him. "What?"

Twilight Sparkle giggled. "I said, 'I can see your brain.' It must have something to do with the friendship increase as a result of copulation. I feel all bubbly with magic and happiness, and I have no clue if it is going to go away or not. So I need to write this all down and repeat the experiment."

"Repeat the—?" Shaking his head, Timber Spruce tried to regain the mental faculties of at least a ten-year-old before talking again. Understanding came, and Timber nodded. "I think I'll be ready to 'repeat the experiment' again in a few more. Just give me a chance to—"

"No. If I repeated it with you, it wouldn't be a test at all. I'll need to change the input." As she spoke, Twilight noticed something odd. "You have way more…" Twilight's magic blazed and reached out. She plucked Timber off her back and floated him to the bed and onto his back. Leaning over him—and ultimately ignoring the unceremonious dismount she'd made him perform—Twilight Sparkle stared into Timber Spruce's head.

"Twilight! What the heck are you—?"

"You've been extra horny lately?" Twilight asked, but continued before Timber could answer. "Rising libido, uncontrollable urges, and you slept for a few days before it started?"

That Twilight had described the living hell Timber'd been through over the last two weeks was surprising to him, that she held him down while she continued to examine his head was a little frightening. "Y-Yeah. So?"

"So. You're not the only one with these symptoms. Four other friends have exhibited this, and we think two adults too. And, I think I just found what might be the cause." Twilight used her magic to hold Timber's head absolutely still, then poured the rest of her magic into her glasses.

The view of Timber's head became color-coded. She was able to mentally sort and adjust her vision until it displayed exactly what she wanted. There was a lot of cells in the human body that had non-human DNA, but none of them existed inside the blood-brain barrier. Twilight somehow (she put it down to magic and moved on) could pick out only the non-Timber cells in Timber's head. "There's something living in your brain—between the two hemispheres. Tendrils (tentacles?) have spread—uh—everywhere. Oh gosh it has links all over!"

"Getitout!" Timber wanted to run and scream, but all he could do was whimper and hold as still as he could for Twilight.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because it's linked everywhere. I don't know what it's doing in there. What if it has taken over some essential function? Removing it would—" Twilight bit her lips. "We can't take it out, but you can help me research it!"

Nolan North didn't dare speed, but he did maintain a constant speed-limit-plus-five as he cruised toward the town he'd gotten the report from. His car wasn't the best, but he didn't care about it so far as it carried him to save his mistresses and queens, then he could let them worry about thinking.

After two hours of driving Nolan finally reached the outer limits of the town, and then a little more through the quiet, late-night streets until he found the address he needed. Pulling into the visitor parking of the police station, Nolan couldn't stop murmuring under his voice. "Your time is now. Their time is running out."

Watching as a young man walked in the front door, Sergeant Locked Tight sat at the duty desk and pretended to do paperwork until Nolen had approached the counter. "What can we help you with?"

"Y-You have some of my friends. Adagio Dazzle, about this tall, lots of hair, and her sister, Aria Blaze." Nolan had to bite back honorifics for his mistresses and queens. He wanted to praise them to everyone he saw, and he wanted people to beg to hear their voices. "I-I want to know if I can bail them out?"

"You can't bail them until they see a judge. Honestly? We're only holding them for a day as a warning. They had all the money on them, and didn't damage anything or hurt anyone. Will you take them home and make sure they get some rest and something to eat?" Sergeant Tight asked.

"Y-Yes sir!" In his head, Nolan made lists of what he would do for his mistresses and queens. Feeding them was just the start—nothing was beyond his desire to gift them with.

"Let me see your ID and I can go get them for you." It was a straightforward situation. Locked Tight figured the girls had been a little drunk from the start of summer break and his co-workers had decided not to charge them on alcohol. Taking the young man's license, he quickly scanned the details onto the computer and passed it back. "Let me go get them."

"You will be adored." Nolan waited, and his mouth moved without his conscious ability to stop it. "I want you. I won't ignore you." The sound of footsteps—many footsteps—coming his way alerted Nolan that his moment of ecstasy was coming. "Now I need you, I will heed you, nothing will stop you now."

Adagio Dazzle felt flustered. She'd been given her own clothes back, tattered as they were from months of living without any means. When she turned the corner and saw who had come to save her, she was confused.

"I thought you said it was—" Aria recoiled from the elbow Adagio sent to her ribs. She had learned to despise her older sister, but she didn't have the guts that Sonata had—she couldn't just walk away. "What?"

"It's Bradley!" Adagio Dazzle exclaimed with mock excitement. It wasn't hard to put on a happy act because jail didn't agree with her.

"His name's Nolan." A little alarm bell went off in Sergeant Tight's head.

"Well, of course his name's Nolan. But we call him Bradley. It's an old joke," Adagio said.

"Bradley." Nodding, Nolan almost forgot his own name for a moment. He liked being called Bradley by Adagio. By his mistress and queen.

Settling back behind his desk, Locked Tight gave both young women—actually ancient sirens—his sternest look. "Well, you girls need to thank your friend, and promise him he won't need to spring you from jail again."

"Yeah. Sure. C'mon, Nolan. Let's get out of here." Aria moved like the predator she was, and turned Nolan around while planting one hand on his left buttock. She squeezed it affectionately—despite her normally sarcastic and bitter exterior, he had just gotten her out of jail, he deserved a thank-you.

"Do you have a car—" Adagio's smooth voice paused as they left the police station. Once outside, she practically purred in Nolan's ear. "… Nolan?"

"Please. I beg you. Tell me what you want me to do."

Adagio and Aria looked at each other in shock for a moment, then both smiled. "Have you been listening to our songs, Nolan-pet?" Adagio Dazzle's voice was pure sex-appeal and the promise of every dream fulfilled.

In Nolan's head, all the songs seemed to peak at once, the voices of his goddesses rang in his mind, and he nodded. "I recorded them. I listen every day. I want to listen more. I need to listen more. I'll do anything you say, my perfect goddesses."

"I like this one. We're keeping him," Aria said.

"For once I find us agreeing." Adagio turned her full attention to Nolan. "You're taking us home. You will see to our every desire."

The words were like warm honey in Nolan North's head. They soaked and covered every other thought he had until they were completely corrupted and twisted toward the ends his mistress, queen, and goddess had given him. "Of course. Thank you so much."