Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Love and blood

Chapter 17

Frederic stepped off the Royal chariot, followed by Princess Luna.

Frederic was dressed in his usual attire, a vest. He wanted to put on the Royal Guard's armor, but they told him that he was only allowed to wear his normal cloths.

He looked around at the small town of Ponyville. He had only been here once, when he first arrived here. It looked the same to him as it did a few years ago.

He glanced over at the Princess, his heart jumped a beat when he looked at her, "So Princess, why are we here?"

She looked down at him, a smile on her face, "Celestia wanted me to let you meet somepony."

Frederic looked at her, a look of confusion on his face, "Who Princess?"

She put her hoof on his shoulder, which sent a wave of nausea over him, "I'll take you to him. But don't be put off by his appearance."

Frederic nodded his head, "Okay Princess."

"Follow me."

Princess Luna lead Frederic down the street, to a building. Well, a building in a tree.

"Isn't this the towns library Princess?" Frederic asked in confusion.

"Yes it is."

"Why are we going there then?"

She smiled and kept walking in silence.

Once they arrived at the door, the Princess knocked on it twice.

The door opened to reveal a purple unicorn, who Frederic knew was Twilight Sparkle.

She smiled and bowed, "Princess, its so good to see you."

Princess Luna nodded, "As is it good to see you Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight moved to the side, "Please come in."

The Princess walked in, followed by Frederic.

Twilight looked at him and smiled, "Its nice to meet you..."

He held up his hoof, "Iron Clad."

She shook his hoof, "So what brings you two to Ponyville."

Frederic shrugged, "The Princess wants me to meet somepony."

Twilight looked at him, "Who?"

Princess Luna walked up and smiled, "Lance."

Twilight smiled and nodded, "Oh Lance. Your in luck, hes upstairs in my room asleep."

Princess smiled, "Excellent!"

Twilight laughed, a hearty laugh, "You'll be lucky if he wakes up anytime soon. He usually sleeps for hours after work."

Frederic tilted his head, "Work?"

Twilight nodded, "He works at the Cafe down the street."

Frederic nodded, "Got it."

Princess Luna walked up the stairs, "I'll go wake him."

As Princess Luna walked up the stairs, Twilight turned to Frederic, "Why do they want you to meet him?"

Frederic shrugged, "I have no idea."

She nodded, "Maybe?"

Frederic looked at her, "Maybe what?"

She smiled, "You'll see."

He shrugged and turned to the stairs to see Princess Luna walking down them, followed by a Pegasus. A strange looking Pegasus with stripes and weird clothes. His face was covered in fading bruises and cuts.

The Pegasus walked up to him and smiled, "Hello, my name is Girokon, but everypony calls me Giro." He held out his hoof.

Frederic shook his hoof, "Names Iron Clad." Then he looked at Giro in confusion, "But they said your name was Lance?"

Giro looked at Twilight, "He knows?"

She just shrugged.

Princess Luna walked up to them, "Iron Clad, Giro here is a human also."

Giro looked straight at Frederic, "Your a human?"

Frederic shrugged, "Yeah, been here about five years."

Giro looked at him strangely, "Five years? But the bronies only came here over two months ago. How could you be here five years?"

"I was murdered by my father and was given a choice. So I chose this place."

Giro nodded, "Well, the rapture happened and people got a choice also. Guess others got the same choice too."

"I guess." He held out his hoof again, "My real name is Frederic. I already know yours is Lance."

Lance reached out and shook his hoof, "Nice to meet you, again." He broke a smile across his face.

Frederic turned to the Princess, "So why did you want me to meet him?"

The Princess shrugged, "All Celestia said was to take you to him and let you two meet." She put a hoof on his shoulder, causing him to blush, "I think she just wants you two to get to know each other."

Frederic did all he could do and nod, the blush still on his face.

Lance smirked, "Frederic, come here for a second."

Frederic walked over to him, "What do you need eh?"

Lance lowered his voice, so only Frederic could hear him, "You like Luna don't you?"

Frederic's eyes widened, "Its that obvious?"

Lance smiled, "Yes, I saw it the instant she put her hoof on your shoulder."

Frederic chuckled, "Don't tell her, please."

"I won't. But I think I can get you two together."

Frederic pondered the idea of letting him help, "How could you get us together?"

He smiled, "I have my ways. Do you want me to try?"

Frederic shrugged, "Go for it. What could I lose."

Lance smiled, "Alright then."

Lance walked over to the Princess and looked back at Frederic, a smile on his face.

Whats he up to?

"Princess, could you do something for me?" He asked in a loud but pleasant voice.

Princess Luna smiled down at him, "Anything Lance."

"Could you take Frederic out on a romantic date?"

Frederic's heart stopped, his breath began to slow. Did he just say that?! She'll say no and I'll be kicked out of the Palace. That idiot! Why did he use the direct approach?!

Princess Luna looked at Frederic and smiled warmly, "I would be delighted too. I've been thinking about doing something like this for a while now."

Frederic smiled and began to fill light headed. She said yes!

He slumped to the floor and passed out.


Twilight looked at Frederic, who had just passed out. What just happened.

Lance began to laugh, "Poor guy was so over joyed, he just passed out."

Twilight looked at Lance, "Please explain Lance, I don't understand why he passed out at something like that?"

Lance turned to face her and smiled, "Its called true love. I take it he is deeply in love with Luna."

Luna looked over at Frederic's unconscious body, "Really?" A warm smile played across her face, "That's so.... Sweet. I've never had anypony do this to me."

Lance walked over and patted her back, "Well, you have one now. Treat him well, I can already tell he's waited a long time for you to accept him."

Luna smiled and picked up Frederic's unconscious body with her magic, "We might as well leave, looks like we have plans for tonight."

Twilight smiled, "I see Princess. Have fun and come back soon."

Luna walked to the door and turned, "Thank you Lance."

Lance Smiled, "No problem Princess. Happy to set up couples."

She nodded and left the library.

Twilight turned to Lance, "That was sweet of you."

Lance just smiled, "I know."


Louie walked out of the barn and yawned.

Its been a few days since he had been back to Lance's house, but who cares. It was so much nicer here and not so much noise.

He looked back into the barn to see Winona and his pup still asleep. He smiled, life was good for a brony dog.


Cody Benson opened his eyes.

What happened? All I remember is fighting that bitch Lance, then that other one jumped me.

He tried to sit up, but something bound him to the bed. What the hell!

He looked down at his front hoofs to see a thick strap holding his limps to the bed, and one across his waist and chest.

Why am I strapped down?

He began to struggle against the straps.

"Your not going bud."

Cody looked to the door where the voice had come from. An armored stallion stood by the door, an unemotional face.

"Why am I strapped down?"

The Guard didn't blink, "Your receiving medical care. But after this, your heading straight to the Royal Dungeon."

The Royal Dungeon! "Why?!"

"You attacked two of Canterlot's residence's."

Cody shook his head, "No I didn't!"

"What ever you say. Your still going to the dungeon."

Cody laid his head back. He didn't attack residences of Canterlot. He attacked a killer, not innocent ponies!

He closed his eyes tightly. Lance was still alive, and there was nothing he could do to change that now.

Unless. "Hey, could you give me some water."

The Guard sighted and left the room.

Cody quickly moved his hoofs around, slowly working at the straps. Which wasn't as secure as they could have been. Slowly, they began to give.

A loud snap was heard as on strap broke. This gave him a free hoof, which he used to undo the one holding down his left hoof.

Soon, he had them all off. He placed them over his body and limps again, to give off the effect of being secured to the bed. But not before grabbing a small object that was next to the bed.

The Guard returned with a tray, a glass filled with water on it.

Cody smiled, "Just put it on the table for now, I'm not thirsty."

He shook his head and put it down on the table next to him and turned to go back to the door.

Cody smirked evilly and lunged off the bed and landed on the Guards back.

The Guard gasped in surprise and started thrashing around, trying to knock Cody off him.

Cody held the small object he had picked up off the table next to his bed, a scalpel. He laughed, a devilish laugh, and plunged the scalpel into an unarmored piece of skin.

The Guard began to stagger, but stood his ground.

Cody pulled out the scalpel and laughed again. He plunged the small scalpel into the Guards right eye.

The Guard let out a small scream of pain and slowly fell to a knee.

Cody pushed the scalpel deeper, causing another scream to leave the Guards lips.

The Guard, with that last of his strength, throw Cody over him.

Cody hit the ground and quickly stood. He charged at the Guard and slammed his hoof into the scalpel, pushing it all the way into the Guard's eye and into his brain.

Blood sputtered out, and covered Cody's face in specks of blood.

The Guard slumped to the ground, blood oozing out of his right eye.

Cody turned to the window and smiled.

"You're next Lance Greenfield!"