For TwiPON3

by kityluvr

Chapter 7

I had been on several roads, just turning off onto more roads. I had already stopped and gotten gas several times, and had filled up on chips, Red Bull, and beer, so much to the point where I was sitting in my own vomit. My vision was starting to blur, so I briefly thought about pulling off of the road for a while until I could see again, but I dismissed the thought, then forgot that I forgot.

It never existed.

"I need hard rock," I slurred, grabbing a tape out of the glove box and jamming it into the player, "Better."

It may have been obnoxious to everyone else, but at max volume, it helped drown out my phone's ringing, which had been near-constant.

"It's my own damn fault for charging it at nights and carrying it with me all days."

My car sputtered and quit, so I just filled it back up with some extra gas I had gotten this morning.

I also took a beer and my pocketknife.

"Some drunk cuts won't hurt while I'm filling my Yugo back... ba- back up."

I held true to my promise and got drunk while stabbing myself a few times as I poured the extra gas in.

"Get me to th- the n- next st-a-tio-n."

When that finished, I put everything back, and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Time for a few Red Bulls," I said, starting the car and going back on the road with an almost-full tank of gas.