//------------------------------// // Ch.11 - A Tiny Problem - Pt.3 // Story: Little Lost Pikachu // by CommanderX5 //------------------------------// Summoning of Chu - Chapter 11 - A Tiny Problem - Part 3 With Darkrai no longer lurking inside the castle, Pichu began exploring the abandoned fortress. The walls were decorated with repaired tapestestries, each coming in two different varieties. One had a golden hue with a depiction of the morning sun, while the other sported a dark violet hue around a crescent moon. Small stars were sprinkled within its borders. A pony silhouette rested under the celestial bodies, representing the two princesses who once ruled the land, so he was told, but judging by the state of the castle, Pichu assumed things didn’t work out too well. The walls were cracked with deep divots carved into the stone walls. With each step, a small cloud of dust follow in his wake while the impact echoed within the walkway, decor resting in between hidden corners and wrapped around unused walkways. The front room of the stronghold was in decent condition, but as they trekked deeper in, Pichu could tell these sections hadn’t been given the same treatment. Nica sat casually on his shoulder, using her versatile tail to secure herself as she glanced around at the ruins. Nica said while climbing atop Pichu’s head. She continued in saddened tone, Nica smiled proudly as she puffed her chest, giving a small smile from Pichu’s shoulder. She took a quick breath, calming herself. Pichu asked before leaping to the side in haste. The once solid board under his paws was swinging open, leading down to a dark passageway. He raised his guard, wary of any more possible traps placed around. Pichu said as his aimless wandering lead him to a room with a long dining table and numerous chairs, including a not-so-hidden passageway into a neighboring space. Ignoring a thin trail of grime, he crawled into the new area, gazing in awe at the comfortable nook. There was a few withered books lying opened on the floor, but most objects were neatly organized, a few select tomes on the shelf still in prime condition. He walked over the violet flooring and approached a sofa shoved into the corner, hopping atop without a second thought. Gently placing Nica onto a plush pillow, he snatched one for himself and rested next to her, closing his eyes in bliss. Nica sighed as half of her tiny body sank into the posh pillow. She perched herself on her back and closed her eyes. Pichu followed Nica’s example, but woke up several minutes later. He layed blearily on the couch, unwilling to awaken the sleeping Raichu from her slumber. Trying to keep watch, he forced himself to stay alert, but as minutes went by his eyes slowly drooped, soothing him softly to sleep. Before he lost consciousness, he pulled Nica closer and wrapped himself around her miniature body, falling asleep side by side his resting companion. Umbreon was the first to break out of his shock, shoving himself forwards and sticking his muzzle into Mimikyu’s face. “What do you mean you’re not Pikachu? You look like one, and I don’t happen to remember a second Pikachu dropping from the sky, so you better fess up now, or else things are gonna get ugly real fast. Though startled, Mimikyu could recognize a threat, and his eyes narrowed as his teammate tried to intimidate him. “I am not lying! I am Mimikyu. M-I-M-I-K-Y-U. You know, one of your partners alongside Astra and Captain Nica as we journeyed the Alola Islands? Or am I that forgettable? Ninetales brushed next to Umbreon, looming closer to the disguised pokemon. “Mimikyu? That’s impossible! You can’t shapeshift, and not to be rude, but your costume isn’t nearly good enough to be mistaken for a real Pikachu. If we even believed this ridiculous story, which we don’t-” Umbreon growled in agreement, baring his teeth. “How would this even be possible?” Starlight pushed her way into the conversation, levitating a small mirror from inside the castle, currently trying to tame her frazzled mane. “Wait, you’re Mimikyu? “Yes! Try to keep up!” Mimikyu grunted in annoyance. He leapt forwards and snatched Starlight’s mirror, pulling it closer while ignoring the others cries of annoyance. “See, I am-” His words were cut short as he truly looked at himself in the mirror for the first time. Though he could see his normal disguise, his wayward eyes staring back at him, there was a mystical glimmer shining outside his form. Rather than his normal limp ears, perked ones reflected back, sporting a bright yellow instead of the dulled buttercup he was familiar with. Bright crimson dots were present on his cheeks, even coming with complimentary shafts sparking from them, helping him express his agitation. His tail, once an inky wooden stump, carved in a Pikachu’s design, was spiked in the shape of a lightning bolt with a brown coloring creeping from his body. Even his eyes, which peered from below his costume, were hidden. The holes used for watching his surroundings were gone, melted in to the body the others must have mistaken him for. He could see his familiar shape, but only faintly, as this arua overpowered his true self, tricking his companions, and even himself for a moment. “What…? How is this possible?” he mumbled, still staring in awe at his reflection. “That’s what we’re trying to ask you,” Ninetales muttered. “Well, if you really are Mimikyu, tell us something that only he would know.” Mimikyu sat for a moment, trying to think of something to convince the others, before smirking as a brilliant idea came to him. “Well, would Pikachu know that when Astra first tried to catch me, you fell head over heels into a ditch of mud after I tripped you with my ‘Shadow Claw?’ You had sludge everywhere for hours as Astra tried to convince you to take a bath! Fluffy, fire pokemon and baths don’t mix very well.” Both Umbreon and Gliscor took a step back, attempting to hide their chuckles as Ninetales’ face grew a deep blush. Starlight shoved her hoof into her mouth, picturing the majestic nine-tailed fox falling on his face. “Mimikyu! You swore you wouldn’t tell!” Ninetales howled before tackling the spirit to the ground. “Though, I must ask, why do you look like a Pikachu?” “I don’t know! One moment I was wandering the forest, battling a couple of creatures, picking some blue flowers before taking a nap and I wake up like this!” He waved his fake head from side to side, his ‘new’ ears shown as flying along. Starlight gasped in realization. “Oh, no… Did you say blue flowers?” Mimikyu nodded. “With cobalt spots laced around the petals?” Another nod. “I think I might know why you’re having this problem. The real Pikachu, Nica and I had a similar issue. We encountered this flower in the forest, and each of us received a ‘prank,’ so to say. My horn turned useless, causing me to accidentally teleport the other two pokemon into the Everfree, while Nica shrunk to the size of her ego. Though the joke is supposed to be bad, she was absolutely adorable!” Starlight gushed. “Why am I not surprised.” Mimikyu mumbled, rolling his eyes at the ponies display. “Pikachu ended up being turned into a Pichu, the flora apparently finding it funny, considering he planned on not evolving into a Raichu. So, there’s a Pichu and snack-sized Raichu stuck in the middle of the Everfree, while you’re here looking like one of the pokemon we were supposed to find! “Nica’s one of the strongest creatures I know. If anyone can take care of themselves in those spooky woodlands, it’s her!” Now it was Mimikyu’s time to gush, smirking as he pictured Nica easily overpowering any threat the forest tried to throw at her. Starlight and the Wonderbolts stationed behind her wiped the grin of off his face. Rainbow Dash stepped closer, the elite fliers deciding to land after seeing the Pikachu. “Yeah, I don’t think our world has the same rules yours does. Nica told us all about how small pokemon can be super powerful, but here, when a creature’s shrunken down from their normal size, their power tends to as well. Nica’s amazing and all, but with how little self-esteem she has, she’s gonna be really tiny. That equals less and less power.” Mimikyu’s face morphed into horror, before jumping into action. “Then what are we doing moping around here!? We need to go and save her!” Gliscor added. “Yea, sure… him too. C’mon!” Mimikyu grasped Rainbow with his shadowy claw, pulling her down towards the ground before vaulting himself onto her back. “Hurry!” Rainbow snorted, annoyed at being treated like a ride, but dashed off nonetheless, leaving a spectrum of colors in her wake. “Mimikyu, wait! Don’t you want the antidote for Poison Joke?” Starlight called as the pegasus grew fainter and fainter in the distance. “No time! Let’s go!” Ninetales and Umbreon did the same, leaping atop the closet Wonderbolt and taking off to the skies. Gliscor launched himself up using his powerful tail, and drifted slightly beside his companions, wearing his stoic mask as always. Starlight merely shook her head and galloped off, chasing after the retreating figures. I’m coming Nica! After about half-an-hour of napping, Nica blearily opened her eyes and mumbled, Pichu stretched and yawned as he remained conscious enough to hear her words. Pichu pointed out as he supported himself with one forepaw on the spacious pillow. Nica was still curled by his side, using his body as a perch. Nica whispered, forgetting how quiet she was when shrunken down. She giggled, though upon noticing a big smirk on Pichu’s face, she asked. Nica asked innocently. Much to his confusion, his body started to glisten a light blue as an odd sensation overcame him. His once stubby tail grew, elongating until it reached its previous length, and yet still continued. A bolt of lightning formed before branching off, connected to his body by a long black cord, allowing his tail to bend in ways he never knew possible. His sharpened ears became smoother, bending into a curved triangle with elegant curls at the end, springing out from his round face. The dots on his cheeks shimmered, before flashing white and shifting to a deep yellow, followed by a white belly and bronze-dipped paws. His limbs expanded, shifting longer. Now, his rear paws allowed for a greater maneuverability and durability, a huge contrast to his previous legs. He froze at the realization of what was happening, his face, drained of color, displaying pure shock. Nica leaped from her pillow onto his knee and stared with glittering eyes, her face displaying indescribable joy. A tear of joy rolled down her face, a vision she could only dream of coming true. He spread his bigger forepaws and waved in aggravation. Nica shouted in jubilation before climbing up his belly and hanging onto his black nose. She grinned. He sighed and placed Nica on the tip of his bronze patch, stumbling before correcting himself. If he thought becoming a Pichu was bad, changing into a Raichu was on a whole new level. If this had happened in the past, even temporarily, it would easily be classified as his worst nightmare. Though now, with Nica at his side, it didn’t feel so bad. Nica nodded in agreement before a slight shake shook her out of her daydreaming. Raichu continued on, unaware. “We could have been seriously injured! I understand this plant’s whole thing is jokes, but I don’t find it very funny. Since when can it just change others at a whim as well? What’s wrong with this flower? Nica whimpered, snapping Raichu out of his ranting. Raichu stepped from the sofa and glanced at the floor, now feeling the vibration under his paws. The tremors didn’t last long, but shifted on and off, each coming back with renewed vigor. Somehow they grew stronger. Curious, he walked outside from the not-so-secret room while pulling his long tail behind with Nica perched on his shoulder. He leaped towards a nearby window. With the things he had seen today, he doubted anything could shock him at this point, though somehow, what he saw was the cherry on top. His throat dried instantly as his mouth hung open agape. Either his eyes were playing tricks on him, or the transparent bear-like creature they had just defeated, had come back bigger and meaner than before. The star constellations swirled around its orbit, featuring different ones than last time. This one must have been a parent, returning to exact revenge on whoever attacked its child. He gulped in fear as each tree shook, their roots barely holding on as the beast marched by. The creature looked over, and made eye contact with the Raichu, before releasing an angered bellow and charging straight towards the abandoned castle.